jf tti entirely by different men the Those In the Sunday All Saints Day there will be three celebra tions of Holy Communion art at pm the Corporate Com for Sunday school teach em with Teacher Training tea Ion following I Thursday at pm the an congregational dinner will be held in the parish hall and Wednesday afternoon from to Little Helpers meet- The Cats Miaou form a youth club ending other developments Ill let may be called depending I think the whole thing r are nothing new has been this way as as people have been living and so have other towns all the publicity Thats ably always will be School is holding a give parents an opportunity cuss their childrens progress useful to yourself and society may come next week CJRH Presents NEWMARKETS CURRENT TEENAGE SITUATION TOWN HALL TONIGHT Tuesday November 3 1005 pm Featuring Mayor Alex Belugin Reeve Jack Luck DeputyReeve Caroline Ion AND OTHERS TORONTO DIOCESE ANGLICAN CHURCH TO HAVE BISHOPS WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO TEEN DELINQUENCY time to rid yourself of 1s keep know ghastly physical condition Ci One their own clubhouse themselvi hind thum they earned themselves FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS THOMPSONS FURNITURE PRESENTS SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE OF STURDILY CONSTRUCTED SWIVEL CHAIRS IN PRICE only HIGH IN QUALITY 3995 EACH THOMPSONS FURNITURE II Ywif St S turn PA ted The club hopes hobby centre a place ember 10 the Diocese the Protestant Episcopal Anglic of Huron to the ori obtain these themselves the diocese and Casual clothes are the thing dog candy or pop at the kit- hen counter tended by a super visor Two couples employer burton Northumberland One of local the line to Algonquin Pa to Georgian Bay roughly follows Approximately cider a highly iuccessfu miles and has Diocese in North Am 1G2 guidance and help in such Bihop has of If son the Lord Bishop Teenage Delinquent service at Reformatory An authority jail hundreds of frequent Toronto Benjamin Neely heard by chapel Page 11 The Newmarket juvenile youth gather- high addresses civic gatherings well as church religu organizations Appearing with Mr will be several teenagers who participate in the service the group will be soprano Sant Martin outstanding radio solo Express Thursday Oct heard by thousands across the British Isles Holland Germany France Luxembourg and Belgium youthful spcakei The entire group will is cordially invited Names Make the News Era and Express in mean all or you H ken to mony the reception was held In he Sunday school rooms The brides mother received in an embroidered aqua with matching Jacket with pink aecei- Midland and Ohio light beige suit with green SO MUCH WARMTH SO WEIGHT LITTLE Theyre ALL WOOL Fabrics THE FRASERDALE OVERCOAT OBTAINABLE ONLY AT THE JACK STORES Choose plain VELOUR or CHECK design Theyre both luxuriously sort all wool fabrics Ontario winter weight fabrics Wear the traditional plain velour in shades of grey brown and blue or Mat checks in greys an browns Superbly tailored in slip style with slash or patch pockets THE TOPCOAT 4950 Beautiful all wool velour and a shepherd and subdued Glen checks greys blues and browns Styled with set- in sleeves and slash or patch pockets THE CROMBIE OVERCOAT CROMBIE CLOTHS LOOMED IN SCOTLAND Wear plain or CHECK design Luxurious cloths carefully tailored The hounds- tooth check overcoat is styled with comfortable sleeves collar slash pockets shade velours have setin sleeves and patch or slash pockets Several shades available THE CROMBIE TOPCOAT Specially made for the Jack Fraser Stores Set Hie velours in neat shepherd checks greys and browns Raglan sleeves B collar slash pockets 3KK 59M Cents A short labl in Sizes 34 to generally i tall models Main St Newmarket Open Friday Till pm