For four terns A A Lex Mackenzie bis nude his full lime lot after the human needs of York North at Queens Park OVHI 400 RAISED Social News AT KING TRIM TEA FOR CANCER SOCIETY Farms week the school will go to the e First King Guides and K- Ontario Woman Receives to and City and District Express Thursday May IMS Asian Nobel Prize FIRE SUZ CAUSED BY BLOCKAGE United Lily Who lied a will he I Monday null BY BLOCKAGE has received the I the I mW and I i oueIii under a liiiiincv Nobel Prize i The will ass 1 J I ft 1 home Mr Ernest Dr was the only woman Rev Martin 1 KENNETH PETTEN SAYS Re Wind to those J winter clothes Scud them to us and free mothproofing I Where builtin toughness pays off 1 and found on ihcoh An prnc theyre the loughest in the held With hern ihiininhmil hiding stealer spnns and 15000lb MERCURY w TRUCKS j MOTORS YONGE ST NORTH AURORA PHONE PA 74238