SPECIAL SALE Cold Waves KEG SIM PERMS FOR REG PERMS FOR REG PERMS FOR 2t OFF ALL OTHER STOCK BettiLee Beauty Salmi Botsford St 52032 Newmarket At fcaw October 1 CiyTfce fall show organized by the King Women institute writ be held in House or Wednes day Od it pm Modell ing the Bra modem out fits will be Mrs Beth Anderson Mrs Dorothy Townsend Mrs Doris Willoughby Mrs Joyce Armstrong Mrs Sullivan Ban Mill went Knight Mrs Velma McNeill and Mrs George Lawr- be costumes of other lands To reach a wise decision they are able to draw on the ex- moat benefit to Canadians perience and knowledge of who boy this important pro exceptionally welltrained duct They can choose at We insurance agents from policies offered by Because of this good and use- ever eighty companies in this service Canadians are country before signing on the continuing to acquire more dotted line life insurance every year THf LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Proceeds are for activities MOKE King District Guide Com mis or Guides and Brownies late this month or early in October It is expected there will be a large enrolment i rue packs this fall tain of the Guide coi Marion Mrs Joan is Brown Owl of night Brownie meetings Brown and Mrs Church Far Baas aid Cits At Stat Members of King me household It is place in City fire on Friday Sept f 10 a and Kettleby are taking registra ions for those two centres A bake sale and afternoon tea Saturday afternoon Sept Strange News home of Mrs Stan Shanks step towards knowledge reasearch by Mrs Cal endar Mrs Micks and Mrs Al- ill be Mrs S By LAUKA ROLLING the records of King has aroused greater public would be acres population of nearly 1400 by the openly expressed meeting by th Chairman Donald Ronald Bolton and John Dew in cluding King township Reeve William Hodgson DeputyReeve Wilfred Aitchison CoaawtUors Douglas and Norman Taylor and Derek Little Toronto a town planning consulting Mr said trustees expect gradually 200 Meet To Discuss Kings Future restrictive police village basis and that the incorporated ty with greater autonomy would laws of King township apply incorporated locality meets the terms laid down in the official industry and control the type and rate of subdivisions Under any kind of status development will ship If collected by the village they are gathered vices demanded the playpen and do something 1 asked why people without consulting local organizations I subject and inform tl interest dwindled a cation for incorporation municipal board of a government pai Intent of municipal meeting Only a handful of hear the subject had 1 locality Their township He thought a per- better Citing waterworks and of the hydro he said that Kmg the village to go bankrupt incorporation he said said that the provincial department of municipal i since the application board S S the chart- piled the budget Planning Consultant I incorporation based the township is but the wnship retains all grants on ing Citys population Interfering with the opening lenced by Mr who for his impatience dealt with by trustees The is concerned with rural these lands annexed INSURANCE centered there They are not councillor Norman Taylor one Mr Taylor his personal opinion felt everyone involved should have been consulted before the WEDDING On Saturday Sept at St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket Eva Whit field daughter of Mrs Norman Whitfield and the late Mr Nor man Whitfield was united in marriage to Mr Ralph son of Mr and Mrs Hugo Chicago in a ceremony performed by Dr organza The scalloped neck- board Although feelings of the people law told them He a municipality The urban po the agriculture of popu- 1000 300 Leaders spoke Mr Barker said opposition from England by a Matron of honor matching headbands They parlors the brides TO REMOVE TREES FOR SEWER EASEMENT Timothy St be removed by expense A complaint when he denied liability for I Mr property signed by by Stptanber to tew providing trees A isfinini of the Cartatfe from Hew he too late and the fair way was to have a vote letting the decide Jack Chft asked why Mr Barker wasnt invited by treatisi to a private meeting to go over the facts and figures prior to the Barker The Mr Mr and Mr If la the locality would assume waterworks debenture of 79 benture of 500 Mr Derek staled TO MEET OCTOBER King CM The fling of the Ml Home and Hon be held at October at Hood f he oat thai is the taw of bear pa are a attend the October Those attending for Ike meting two for f and three for a tear sent the flag to the room and also a record of ag for October BRING FOLLOW THE WISER PEOPLE SHOP AT THE LEADING QUALITY MEAT MARKET BRICES Meats killed Lb YOUNG Lb 59c price He SLICED MAC LOAF Ik 5Sc Lb He KM NOCKS Lb Ik Lb J MAIN ST NEWMARKET STEWART FOR THE BEST BUYS IN TELEVISION RCA VICTOR The Drycn as iHvstreted Lynton Dke 23 tubes Fmkhm Dsilcrsft Cabinet 359 to ZRflTH SFACE COMMAND 21 with remote controlled tun ing from anywhere in the room me few as 11 down tip to 24 month oh balance STEWART BEARE 1H MAIN STREET NEWMARKET PHONE TW 52393