Attention Buy your Seed at EarlySpring Price SEED CLEANED BOUGHT and SOLD R WILLIAMS BUILDING LOTS RESTRICTED 2M up Good Soil and Surface Drainage miles east of Newmarket Adjacent to Beautiful Foreit ISM ARNOLD A REMKE CEDAR VALLEY Pine Tree Fans Ltd MOUNT ALBERT PINE ORCHARD Mrs A J Cody Mrs- George Wood and Mrs Ross Am Mrs Cody Cody Mrs Roger Port Hope Miss was Colin Newmarket Ruth Lehman i making Willing Workers of Union will meet at the home of Hoy Cody on Wednesday A Prince of the House of David- period of Canadian lab totalled 1141200001 compared to symbol of protection for The to Prepaid hospital care- Tried and approved by RETIRED FOLK throughout Ontario ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION YOU are morally- responsible for safe driving You as a driver are required to know the Rules of the Road to quality for a Drivers Licence But your obligation in driving is greater than merely knowing how You must also practice safe driving whenever you are behind the wheel of a car Remember that you are morally responsible for the safety of everyone with whom you share our streets and highways ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT News Of North York QUEENSVILLE March at the home of Mrs was in charge of this meet- Mrs Arnold the secretary taken by Mrs- Whitfield and worship sendee was in let Mrs Charles Frank Johnston and Mrs A delightful surprise party was eld on the evening of March the home of Mr and Mrs David English by some them on their 40th wedding an- and the treasurer Mrs citizenship and temper- Auxiliary of United church Missionary Monthly convener Irs community friend ship secretary Mrs G secretary for temperance and Bert Dike Maude attended the pm Pastor Clifford Hall Work on Maple Hill Baptist is ncaring completion Mount Albert District arid shower for I prepared by I he most people and meeting on Thursday April 3 I the Horticultural making a splendid recovery Wednesday Apr as previous Richmond Hill wet hold a bake sale at Harold on Saturday church service is a pleased to hear that the and MP Sandra and Stephen Hale all Toronto Mrs Ted will be presented on Sun day March in United church at by the Wednesday April of Mrs Verne and family celebration father Mr for Mrs Walker Ross North Toronto visited on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Douglas and family Good Friday service for the charge will be held Womens Federation pro- was led by Mrs Mc assisted by Mrs Ramsey pertaining ti a beautiful Mace Miss Aleta Richardson and Mrs Clara Smith London spent Carr and Peggy Sandra and Donald had dinner with the Boothbys on Sunday Dennis Winch and Ivan Tom for the weekend visited Mr and ler in I Mrs Mrs Stanley Mil- Mrs Wilfrid Redditt visited ier sister Miss Sproule in Can lington on Sunday Mr and Mrs James To- Reservation for Steamship Airlines and Cruises HERBERT GOODHOOFD iUIUilL IN YORK NORTH VOTE VOTE FOR FRED PRENTICE Heres why FARM PROGRAM Guaranteed forward prices based on parity National marketing boards where requested Comprehensive crop insurance SECURITY FOR LABOUR A National Labour Code Full employment through economic planning SOCIAL SECURITY FOR ALL Comprehensive Health Services Adequate tow cost and low rent housing PUBLISHED YORK NORTH BIDING ASSOCIATION BROS MOTORS St Newmarket Ph T to serve frhtidly people like you Many tilings nuke good libit bin Whenever you require 1 friendly people like chin good Jem Mailer ii typical As stilled tele phone operator courteous and elB- Jean symbolises the thousand ofpeoplewhohelplontaletelephoning for countless help you at or night that there ia a ca ts one of the many mate your telephone