IS The Newmarket and Oct SMITHS Hardware 207 Main St Newmarket Ph where the income dollar goes -vis- yviv ng In supplying hundreds of different oil products to Canadian consumers from coast to coast Imperial last year took in a large number of dollars What happened to a typical dollar Well nearly cents went to buy raw materials notably crude for freight a big item in a big country More than cents went for operating and administrative costs including wages and salaries and for depreciation Ten cents of each dollar went to various governments in taxes this does not include the provincial gasoline tax J Half of what was left or about cents was put back into the companys operations The other half was divided among Imperials shareholders whose investment makes possible the companys existence IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Era and Express Classifieds bring results J M BARBIE PLAY DISCUSSED BY FIENDS OF LIBRARY M and his play The Volvo Pound Look was the of the October meeting of Friends of the Newmarket ihrary It was held in the lib- on Wednesday Oct Miss Diana Park presided and the members A brief review of current events all of literary nature was given by r Demurs Mrs Horace gave a biographical sketch of She told of his odd ap pearance He was only five eel tall with the features of an and piercing blue eyes Mrs said His love of jokes and his way of includ- the peculiarities of his fiends in his plays and stories were described by her This resume of the authors provided an excellent back ground for the reading of his The Twelve Pound Look The play was directed and intro duced by Mrs Grace Sinclair Participating in the reading were Mrs Kenneth Mrs Carroll Jack Struthers and George McNelly After the play reading a thought provoking discussion was led by Bill Elliott He be- by saying he felt that al though this was a wellmade play its stage directions were overelaborate and that the characters merely represented types and were not real Several members of the audience disagreed with him on this point Then Mr Elliott startled those present by stating he in tensely disliked He said Barries masterpiece Peter Pan was completely unsuitable for children It depicted incredible cruelty and its affected whimsy was revolting he added Mr Elliott illustrated his stand with direct references to situa tions in Peter Pan He conclud ed by adding that he was not against fantasy as long as it was presented as fantasy and not as realism Many members took part in the ensuing discussion It con tinued long after refreshments were served News Of North York Lake Chamber Plans Dinner Meeting Despite members being absent with the flu a suc cessful meeting of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday night in Belha ven Hall President Timmins chaired the meeting which resolved to forego the election of officers un til a later meeting possibly the annual dinner because of the ab sence of a number of members from Port Bolster Pefferlaw Mi ami Beach and other centres Another information folder on icefishing and the services avail able in the area is planned to be distributed before too long and a larger brochure is in the forma tive stages The chamber hopes to obtain the wellknown travellerlecturer John Fisher to be one of the speakers at the annual dinner planned for Thursday evening January Mr Fisher was lc have appeared before the local chamber before now but his trip into Russia from which he has just returned postponed his visit here With a committee set up nominations for the election officers it is expected that election will take place during the January meeting Pine Orchard Miss Evelyn Johnston spent the holiday weekend at her home in Port Hope Mr and Mrs Roger Kirkpat- and son Port Hope were Sunday guests of Mr Robert Cody and Mrs A J Cody Mr and Mrs Arthur Baxter and family Bobcaygeon were recent guests of Mr and Mrs George Sproxton Congratulations to Mrs Johnston on winning 12 prizes at the Markham Fair for baking and fancy work Sympathy is extended to Mr Mrs Wilbur Shropshire on death of Mrs Shropshires ather Mr Henry Mr and Mrs Allan Moss were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ross The Willing Workers will meet at the Union church on Wednes day Nov 6 at am to quilt The service for dedication of the new organ at Union church will be held on Sunday evening Nov at pm Regular worship service is at am on Sunday Nov PLEASANTVILLE The Bogarttown WI Family Night was well attended on Fri day Oct at the school The program consisted of several selections by the senior students who will also be heard on CJRH radio station on Saturday at 840 am Oct 26 Mr West and Mr Elgin Toole sang a duet and there were films of the Holy Land and European countries by Miss D Parks Newmarket Sympathy is extended to the families of the late Henry Widdi and the late Miss Eliza Sheridan LET MORRISONS Give you an Estimate on FIBERGLASSING YOUR BOAT We store repair and winterize motors MORRISONS SPORT HAVEN Lane of hospital Phone I Era and Express Classifieds Results The Falls at Niagara are feet in height At British Colum bia Daly Glacier the water has dear fall of feet Public enemy number ONE is the stopsign passer DRIVE SAFELY YOU GET so much more in a MEDALIST lor your lip Top pure by British I he Hi i by top i fit mote cut along natural fining SO MUCH MOKlOK0 MUCH MEDALIST BELHAVEN On Sunday Mr and Mrs Ross Mainprize visited Mr and Mrs Cooper Toronto who are the proud parents of a baby girl Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Irwin Davidson who are the proud parents of a baby girl Thursday visitors at the of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay were Mr and Mrs Davidson Mr and Mrs Ralph Davidson and Mr and Mrs lard Crydcrman Queensville Mr and Mrs Ramsay Weddell and visited her mother Mrs Rowe and an aunt at recently Mr and Mrs Norman King had tea Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Rose Mount Albert a Mrs Henry Kay visited her sister Mis McMulIen at the Convalescent home at Canning- ton Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Pollard family Hamilton Monday with his grandmother Mis Charles Pollard The South Chamber of Commerce met in the hall Mon day evening Miss Davidson look a special tour for teachers through Ottawa last week HOPE A Halloween tea apron and iomo baking sale will be held n the hall at Sharon under the US pices of East Group of United church on Saturday Oct from to Mrs Glen Micks and My ma Mr and Mrs Garnet Parks Ian Mount Albert the weekend with Mrs Hicks sister at Betty Morlon won second with her Jersey calf in the club at Fair Leonard Morlson has been in Chicago the past two weeks and Morlson has been away on i Junior Farmers tour Angus Lowndes son of Mr Mrs John Lowndes has PLEASANTVILLE Mr and Mrs Roy Cody arriv ed home on Friday after a weeks vacation at Gravenhurst and Copper Cliff Mr and Mrs A were Sunday night tea guests at the home of Mrs G On Saturday Oct 19 Miss I cele brated her ninth birthday Some of the guests were Mrs M Wanda and Debra Mc Miss V Wice and Mrs G Mrs Stuart Starr arrived home last week from a visit to her parents home in Iowa Mr and Mrs Douglas and Roger attended the Baptis mal service in on Sun day for John son of Mr and Mrs Donald Cameron Guests on Sunday at the Toole home from included Mr and Mrs William Hancock Sharon and Wayne also Mr and Mrs Allan Forbes and Donna A welcome is extended to everyone to attend the dedica tion service of the new organ at Pine Orchard Union church on Sunday Nov at pm Dependable Starting Power EXCHANGE Famous 113 Full factoryfresh power Written guarantees and adjustment policy ill with an ear infection Mrs Allan lias been and a patient at York County hospital The East Group of Sharon- Hope served a turkey ban quet at Hall on Saturday evening Oct for the Glenn Sibbald Bench club Mr and Mrs George Redman and Donald Fergus visited Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson and family recently Mrs Howard and Leon aid have been ill this week with the flu Caution plus plus common sons equals safety K THEY SAY HE MARRW HER FOR HER CANADA SAVINGS BONOS Toronto Metropolitan Band At Sutton HS October SANITARY CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks Pumps and Toilets Tile Line Repairs We go any place called Ph Roches Point WILLARD BATTERIES IN CANADA TO CANADIAN CONDITIONS GUARANTEED UP TO YEARS your WilorJ DmIh Mb kill your Mlry I J Mens Shop Si I AHOKS Sutton Torontos Metropol itan band pulling all the stops for concert in aid of the local Legion boy- hand Friday Oct ober in Sutton The baud has been practicing for the to line tin fine concert to music of all ages In fiddiiion concert j music they will play selections from lop as My Pair Lady Individual mem bers of the band also will play solos One of the soloist trumpeter Brain Smith who has recently re- turned from the United States where he was soloist with the Presidents Marine Rand Our- the summer he played in Jack Kanes orchestra on Summertime Now he with Howard Cables Showtime or chestra inn with Hobby group on the Juliette show When the Metropolitan agreed to put on the concert to help raise for instruments for the Sutton baud was not certain if he could play that night He has a recording coming up in New soon But this week he found he can make it and he will drive to Sutton after rehearsing with the Cable orchestra Friday afternoon The Metropolitan band is one iiwvv f Canadas top bra- bands won first prize as the best brass hand seven years in a row at the ONE competitions Advertisement J i ftfeTavlfth of Limited local Chevrolet dealer the appointment of J Mc Caffrey as Sales Mniiper lias had many years experience In the of General Motors cars and trucks and In well known to the people of Newmarket and surrounding area Advertisement HOW MUCH WILL THE REPAIR BILL BE PAYING for telephone servicing and repair is one household expense that isnt ever likely to worry you Youll appreciate our quick attention to any interruptions in your service and the ad that repairs dont alter your usual monthly bill Add to this our constant work on the entire system and you have a new and interesting picture of the value of your telephone THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA I