i J J Art MWMraCt fa leaf Accttnrt Off On November Mr and Mr Newmarket VMM WW I tt foiimlf vfvai word that their soninlaw Jack Primrose was mMiIrig In a boat accident off the coast of California Two before Mr I Primrose and two friend had de cided try mil 1 0foot boat which one of lite men had pur chased Hough weather almost post poned l hi trip but as the tea moderated decided lo let out On their way down the channel they stopped another boat to ask the beat way lo Island That the last time the men were ven alive On November Guard which had been alerted when they failed to return found boat and the shark- torn body of one man Two days later Mr and Mrs flew to California to be with their daughter and her family j but by then the Const had given up the search There was no possible chance of find- flotf the men alive they said mil asked all boat to keep watch A service was held for Christian here is alt you can Primrose on November in St require To make you happy you Pauls church Garden Grove something that wit satisfy Built to be exploded somewhere high the subArctic sates this rocket Is being examined by University of Michigan physicists Churchill Man Many rockets will be fired by ike US navy from the Churchill site to collect dale on air density pressure and wind movements which expected to result in more accural weather forecasts for the northern hemisphere The Town Pulpit Mm wrings the trip Into one touting hotels Ode etc I TOUt FLOIIM lift ii State Terete ire by bos trips Met room nights Mr Primrose was wellknown around here as a roofer before going to California where he was selling Insurance lie i survived by his wife the former Mae three sons John and James Mrs Primrose is expecting her fourth child in January His parents live in western Canada and a sister Mrs Allan Salt lives in j when they failed to return On November the Cost Milton poncdt the but as the sea and two friends had Birthday Club wishes week to extended you and is not this enough If you can pour this promise into your cup you will say with Dav id My cup runneth over I have more in my heart than I could wish for When this is fulfilled I am thy God are you not the possessor of all things Desire is as insatiable as death but He who fill all things can fill your desir es The capacity of our wishes who can measure the immeas urable wealth of Cod can more than overflow it I ask you if you arc not complete when God la yours Do you want anything else than God Is not His all suf ficiency enough to satisfy you if all else should fall But you want more than quiet satisfaction you desire rapturous delight Come room 4MB Biff HAVEL INMIMATION AT George Hotel Gall years Wayne Pollock Sutton West 9 years old on Saturday Nov Wendy Jane Noble years old on Sunday Nov Martha Isabel Wrlghlman Newmarket years old on I day Nov If Needier New market years old on Monday Nov Richard ft Sheridan Newmarket I year old on Mon day Nov Wayne Stephen Hill Pottage- vjlle years old on Wednesday Nov Garry Dion Aurora years Id on Wednesday Nov Gail Newmarket 3 years old on Thursday Nov Send in your name address age and become a member of the and IN A NAME Nova Scotia Is a name that has been on radio broadcasts day and night When King City originated it was Town Fathers a- bout years ago decreed the hamlet should not bear a similar I name to the place Nova Scot- la since Mall letter were being sent on the Maritime pro vince Therefore a new title nam ely King City was chosen All property and public municipal documents were registered und er the new name Pour years ago the local office was changed over from King to King City This step in volved considerable persuasion of the Federal government by vill age authorities and other influ ences The name King still clings to the railway slat- ion and the local telephone ex- 1 change While the rural mail routes are rightfully known as King City very few rural real dents have accepted the idea as yet It is apparently a matter of becoming accustomed to the changeover Nevertheless the sit- is understandable when the telephone is listed under King and you could not buy a railway ticket to King City PHONE you want Did you know that you could an OK loon at Citizens Finance by picking up phone Call our friendly loan Manager give- him all the Then drop In later to sign pick the Isnt It Its typical of CiMitni to a loan thats fast convenient and courteous When you want money for useful purpose coll Finance Mb ft lit km It ITIZiNS COM I NAN CI I I I A N Y I leea Mf Meln St Open Friday nil pm Saturday till 12 noon LOAN ALL Ttday and Touonow IS Note This article series contain Interesting facts about hospitals And is published as a seivke this newspaper in cooperation with the Ontario Hospital Asso ciation music fit for heaven in old Saturday Nov Not all the music drawn from sweet instru ments or blown across living strings can yield such melody as this sweet promise I will be their God Here is a deep sea of bliss a shoeless ocean of delight come bathe your spirit in It an age and you will find no shore dive through eternity and you will find no bottom I will be their God If this does not make your eyes sparkle and your heart beat high with bliss then surely your soul is not in a healthy state Everybody at one time or an other has walked across a thick heavy carpet and then touched a radiator or other metal object to feci and even see a spark of el ectricity Over the years such electricity generated by the human body usually through friction and ev en static electricity has been the cause of great peril and grave an xiety to hospital and medical per sonnel in an operating room Practical every anaesthetic used in an operation to render the patient insensible to pain explosive and inflammable Fur thermore being heavier than air these gasses white being admin istered to a patient accumulate in the lower parts of the room Hospitals have and are contin ually making improvements and innovations to eliminate the haz ard of explosion in an operating room Explosionproof electric Today because mans ingenu ity and inventive ability fires and explosions in the operating room of a hospital have become a rarity indeed BUY TB CHRISTMAS SEALS el vv It ret Visit or 1 ill lest You want more than present shi lights You crave something eon- light and replace headlamps- el imination of cauteries and the iht spallation of conductive floors are which you may exercise hope Then what more can you ask than the fulfilment of the promise will be their God This is the masterpiece of all the promises its enjoyment mak es a heaven below and will make a heaven above Get out the mar row and the fatness which this portion yields Live up to your privileges and rejoice with tin- Joy LOW PRICED ST ANDREWS TEA TOMORROW St Andrew day tomorrow November is the date of the tea and of the Wo mans association of HI Andrews Presbyter inn church Newmark et Tea will be served from to pm Once again heather and otic tartans will be used Jn the Sunday school room fancy work home bak ing arid many other items will be offered for sale at the various booths now commonplace in most hos pitals The conductive floor acts in much the same way as the small chain which hongs from an oil or gasoline truck and drags onto the highway It it made of a sub stance or material through which electricity can pass with little or resistance It purpose is to lead or conduct human or static electricity out of the operating room and to bo grounded harm lessly into the earth Now even the patient being operated upon is grounded so that the explos ive risk is lessened still more In charge of the lea table ore Mrs Alpine and Mrs Herb ert Hill Other conveners are fan cy work Mrs Herbert Walls baking Mrs Neil aprons Mrs George knitting Mr candy Mrs K touch and take Mrs it FULLY GUARANTEED of In famous AUTEX by Written guarantee and policy pro tect you anywhere in Canada and the US Other in Canada meet Canadian driving conditions are fully up to yean I Batteries arc available or charged aw S Parts Ltd Ph The raw of Jehovah Witnesses and Jean Pierre 1 and nine Canadian judicial with an tmpreicdejited of of the Quebec court of lining on the Original court was liken by Ibe father IIH Dec a Catholic achnot In In They barred from the only school In for refusing to take part In Catholic religious service and have not attended school Mr request for a court order to admit the children was turned down Oct tow Mr of superior court The Judge ruled the schvl a not a public school the school board was within Its legal rights in ousting children In the fee right FOR THE Inquire about Crow aurgicalnwdkal benefits which ore In addition to benefit HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO i Y