TVr nth -C- Your friendly Store Supplies Cosmetics I 52354 far I Mvtrad NEW i BOYD Ltd ESTATE and INSURANCE MAM ST I TWining 54517 Parts in MwUm Dial Set Accwataly Made for Una Use The Newmarket Era and Nor the edition the telephone directory now being distri buted here does not become effective until Dec 2 when new two- letter fivefigure telephone numbers will be put into use at New market and Oak On the same date dial telephone service will be Introduced In both centres Shown above the Bells Jean reminds telephone users of th date this new directory comes into effect New Directory Has 8500 Changes and New Numbers The telephone Instrument in home or office la a dramatic ex- of the telephone art person vibrations are set up in the air These vibrations are not very powerful In fact one million persons talking stea dily for an hour and a half would produce Just enough energy to warm one cup of tea But In the telephone mouth piece the tiny sound vibrations strike a thin aluminumalloy plate the diaphragm which vib rates in response to the pound wave created by the voice Each vibration moves the diaphragm millionth of an inch Behind Che diaphragm in a tiny chamber minute grains of roasted coal about specks no larger than a through which electric current flows When the grains arc push ed tighter together by the dia phragm the current becomes stronger When the pressure is released less current flows so the flow of current is varied as diaphragm vibrates The telephone transmitter acts also as an amplifier which mag nifies the energy of the voice in to electrical energy times greater Through the wires the current flows to the receiver of the dis tant telephone There it courses through a coil wound about a ma gnet The strength of the mag nets pull reflects the variations thai the voice given to the strength of the current It pulls on steelalloy diaphragm like the aluminum one In the tele phone transmitter causing it to vibrate These vibrations recre ate sound waves in the air Thus the listener hears exactly what Is being said at the other end of the line In the modern hand telephone the transmitter and receiver are housed one at each end of a ph enol plastic handle Its design Is the result of most exacting scien tific tests To determine the pro per distance between the mouth piece and the receiver of the hand telephone for example engineers took about measurements of peoples heads The subjects included both sexes and various races in proportion to their num bers In the total North American population Outside noises which might Interfere with conversation arc minimized by the specially de signed transmitter which picks up sounds in lis immediate vicin ity only The modern receiver unit wei ghs about ounces Its predecess or weighed New magnetic met al alloys enabled it to be reduced in size and weight and yet gave it greater sensitivity There are more than part in the modern combined dial set Each is carefully fashioned to function with absolute precision and accuracy and is built to last ORDER YOUR I PHONE TWisting 52411 Lanes Drug Store 191 Main St All of the twoletter fivefig ure numbers coming into effect in Newmarket and at nearby Oak Ridges on Dec are contained in the latest edition of the telephone directory the delivery of which got under way in Newmarket this week The new numbers will be put Into Use coincident with the in troduction of dial service In New market and Oak Ridges- K Hell Telephone manag er here reminded telephone us ers Because of this change in residents should disre gard the new telephone hook for all numbers in both centres until Deo The exchange resignation for Newmarket will be for Oak Ridges When the Newmarket dial ex- change is opened calls in both directions between Newmarket and Aurora will become free from long distance charges Mr Rlosdale pointed out All Aurora numbers are also Included in the new directory The Hell manager said alto gether this years directory office are particularly useful for listing the local and outoftown numbers you most frequently call Mr said The continuing expansion of this community is indicated by the fact that telephone dir ectories are being distributed in Newmarket opposed to 3000 in Apart from Hell customers In Newmarket Oak and Aur ora the new directory lists those In Markham Richmond Hill Sutton and surrounding territory Modern Telephone Descendant Of Beacon Fire Jungle Drum Newmarket inns Willi it more than new and changed listings He telephone users in Newmar ket should ensure that their Mine Hooks of Telephone Num bers or other personal lists are up to date on Dec 2 The old dir ectory should then be discarded lie ridded These blue books width are available on request at the Hell NEWMARKET COACH LINES for information about daily service between Newmarket Mount Albert Sutton Bus Service Charter Coaches out NEW 56681 Darts Drive Towns Activities Reflected in Tides Of Phone Calling In an exchange area one ran see the tide of telephone calling rise and fall with the daily life of the community In the exchange calls reach their peak in midmorning as Die business of the day gathers speed Theres a lull during the lunch hour and then the of calls rises again Inward the middle of afternoon when business picks its tasks again and the housewife remembers a dozen things to be done before sunn it time Social activities are usually ar ranged in early evenings so the runs aijain sev en mid oclock As the even ing wears on fewer and fewer calls are made and by one o clock in morning little nunc than essential services of the community are using the tele phone hi telephone traffic can Ik a used by a of reasons sales elect ion storms sfnrt event Some traffic rushes can be anticipated ami prepared for long holiday weekends such as Labour day and of course the Christmas anil New Year season ill way bring heavy local and long distance tra ffic Telephone exchanges are so de signed that heavy volume of calls during hours can handled efficiently a ort is service Toronto HI Albert Direct Toronto line assures you of fast reliable service LOADS TO AND rBOM NEWMARKET number WING 2191 No GoodByes For Hello Girls The coming of the dial will not mean goodbye for Newuiaiketj Although nil local calls will he connected intricate dial swit ching equipment after am December will Mill be operators located here W Hell Telephone Traffic Superintendent for this area said that Newmarket will be a Inn distance centre only for Newmarket also for immunities after lie changeover This will mean I hat operators will needed to handle both outgoing and Inconv long distance calls In addition operators will he available for alls In Informat ion and to those needing help In Ming the dint Behind the idea of the tele phone stretching back to the time a man tried to to his neighbour is Die story of communication It is a story mans everincreasing ability work with the forces of nature to make his life easier more plea- and more profitable The modern telephone instru ment the radio and the televis ion receiver are all direct descen dant of the beacon fire the jun gle drum the first crude draw ings of cave dwellers None of them final or perfect of modern living mark the point to which human need for expression has brought mankind the point from which advances will continue to be made the telephone itself is a vast network of wire and cab le of switchboards and machin ery at batteries and electric gen erators of people and buildings That network has been develop ed in answer to Canadas need for of expression and help her assume a leading posit ion in the business of the world Tlu nerve centre of telephone service is office There is equipment which any specific telephone may be connected with any cither tele phone desired Depending on the size of the community there may be one or many interconnected central offices that whole lo cal network is called the exch ange Under the dial system local connections Are made by ingen ious elect mechanical devices which receive the electrical im pulses Mm out intntion of the telephone dial to desired Dial central office indicates its readiness to give ser vice by giving a distinctive mil llummnim known As a dial tone It means the same thing as the human operat ors Number please Dial tone is the indication that you have a clear path to the automatic swit ches which will your duett- ion connect you with Ihe number you desire If dial lone is not heard almost immediately it means simply hut the equipment Is occupied for the moment with other calls To Avoid getting a wrong number or no number at all have only wail until that ready comes When you dial a number you will hear clicking sounds as you the dial after each digit These clicks represent the num ber of electrical impulses being sent over the line the central office switches Two impulses are created by dialing the figure three by the figure 3 and so on Working their way through a maze complicated machinery these impulses find a path from your telephone to the one you wish to call When in a very few seconds that path is complete the called telephone wilt ring or the busy signal will be heard The precision required calls for equipment that is accurate intri cate and enduring It is costly to make install and maintain in perfect order There are thous ands of different parts and every one must be precisely made and adjusted with hairbreadth exact ness to ensure proper functioning of the whole central office ma chinery Many Inventions For Long Distance Service re IppUlAllISp DIAL TW52331 FOR CLASSIFIEDS Number for Party Line Users Party line telephone will employ a different procedure for ailing their parlyline neighbors than they will for teaching other persons after the introduction of dial Miss W I Hell Tele phone Chief Operator hi re said that the procedure will differ for twoputty and parly lines A person with twoparty ser vice who wishes teach Die oth er partv on the line will dial 1 then hang up Both telephones will ting rind when ringing tdopt the caller knows the other telephone has an swered and he can pick up his re ceiver and begin the conversation The teleohones will continue ringing until answered To slop ringing calling need merely remove his receiver then replace it Persons who share a line with more than one other party will dial the number of the party they wish to reach then bans up A- gain both telephones will ring until calling answers and proredure same on twoparty lines The excellence long distance transmission today is of several major inventions and many minor improvements in the last years By the of century had been found that in order to transmit the voice in sufficient volume over many miles of wire it was necessary to use thick wire In wires as thick as a lead pencil were being used to trans mit long distance conversations miles It was an expensive awkward arrangement Then in that same year load ing coils were invented like an enlarged doughnut they made by wrapping thin wire many many times around a soft iron core or ring When these coils are connected at intervals the telephone line the elect ileal current carries farther and voice vibrations are not so weak ened Hilt it possible to talk over lines miles long with wires reduced In one eighth of their former weight leading coils themselves have further and many thousands of them me used on telephone lines today The next big step in long dist ance telephone development was introduction of the telephone repeater If you were put down the figure 1 and add zeros you would have the millions of bill ions of times your voice may have to he amplified to carry A- cross continent on a telephone line Power of this magnitude cap- not be fed into the wires all at once has to he spread line means of stations which might be likened to a hue of stronglunged men posted on hilltops The find shouts a message the next picks it up and relays it with re newed volume to the third man and so on The stronglunged man that a rejicaler station houses Is a small lube electronic vacuum lube not unlike the amplifier lube in a receiving set In the tube a tailing voice current passes the variations of the voice along to a current just the baton is passed from a runner to a fresh one in a relay race Theoretically theie no limit to the number of times a voice current may be renewed You could telephone from the earth lo the moon if a modern long dis tance line ran that far CANDIES BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED FOR CHRISTMAS AFTER DECEMBER 2ND OUR NEW NUMBER WILL BE 54091 The BEST Drug Store MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE OUR NEW NUMBER lor LUMBER BUILDERS SUPPLIES COAL TWining 52337 enter it in your Blue Book now W EVES LTD Builders Supplies and Fuel 447 Davis Dr Newmarket OUR NEW NUMBER IS TWining 54591 JOSEPH QUINN Real Estate and Insurance Timothy St Newmarket opposite bus terminal Not the biggest Just the best