AIM Director AND AMBULANCE SERVICE raONK Mil THEAKER AMBULANCE how Mount Albert wired lo all part of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY HI MCCAFFREYS Fltwtrs ron every occasion Ore ft MAIN ftTtCKT NEWMARKET FOUND LADYS watch approximately Nov Owner may have by identifying and paying for ad vertisement Phone New- market CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED I MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS tree Scotch pine or flocked and pinks blue green Place your order now Flowers Main Si or Don Mor phone SCRAP metal Pickup free of charge Prompt pickup Phono Newmarket cw48 READYMIXED CONCRETE Tor Footings Moors Patios etc CONCRETE and CINDER READY MIXKO CONCRETE CORMLEV BLOCK CO LTD Wll WELL tile and 36 Immedi ate delivery lrnc Raker con crete Products Newmarket phone NEED MORE SCHOOL GUARDS Vote GEORGE for Newmarket council Nwmarfct AnMaiitt St rvict hour It Newmarket BAPTIST CHURCH MINISTER REV MR STEPHEN CRISP ANNIVERSARY SERVICES PM REV DOUGLAS PERCY Soudan Interior SPECIAL MUSIC ALL WELCOME Trusses eurgwai Ic hosiery for then from rata Mad trouble Aran Lumbago MDnl Mr ta THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for tho relief of bronchitis light or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in tho throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink ablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmarket Attend One Of These CHURCHES SALE REGISTER SATURDAY NOV sale of house and lot also full line of household furniture in cluding antiques In the village of Albert St the property of the estate of the late Jessie Sage At the same time and place there will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid the property rooms and hath a semidetached house hydro phone good location Terms on property day of sale bal ance in days Terms on chat tels cash Sole at I pm Lloyd Turner clerk A Farmer auc tioneer NOV Auction sale of household furniture tools etc on St at properly of the estate of late J Ness Sale at pm Terms cash No reserve Ken and Prentice auc tioneers NOV the property of Laurence Tornasik at lots and ion town ship auction sale of farm slock and implements Including a full line of power machinery mostly new within last three years beef cattle of excellent qual ity Hay and grain Terms cash Sale at I pm route auctioneer TENDEHS SEALED tenders properly mark ed as to contents will be receiv ed by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon Saturday Nov to supply material and In sulate the celling in the Com munity hall at Vandorf SPECIFICATIONS may be ob tained from the undersigned or Mrs Dorothy presi dent phone PA 74484 Aurora LOWEST or any tender not accepted Margaret Secretary Whitchurch Community Centre Board PA Aurora NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN HENRY ALL persons having claims against the estate of John Henry late of the Township of East in the County of York Yeoman de ceased who died on or about the day of February arc hereby notified to send particu lars of the same to the under signed on or before December after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of November Edward Roy Stickwood Admr with will annexed of of John Henry No 2 Newmarket Ontario NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess ment Roll of the Township of Whitchurch will be held in the Council Chambers Vandorf On tario on Saturday the 1st day of December at oclock in forenoon for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll for the municipality of the Township of Whitchurch for the year ALL parties interested please lake notice and be governed ac cordingly DATED at Township of Whitchurch day of Novem ber John Crawford Clerk TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LIST voters list township of Whitchurch County of York THURSDAY NOV 29 Chattel mortgage auction sale of tattle Yorkshire hogs NOTICE is hereby given that I StNllAY NOV MEETING I I A A I J- Man Haines am- it am Moffiing worship Veine Mullen A Nearly You At These OF THE Church NOV Mount A Church p Tin- Pitt family of Pete loy and Sylvia in songs and mutual I P of Toronto Church In the evening civile Mrs Rev Earl minister a Meeting for worship MISSIONARY SUNDAY Come and worship with AH welcome fc ye in the forever for in Is strength tractor new and a full line of farm implements hay and train etc the properly of Prank Taylor south lot con Scott No reserve Terms cash Sale I pm Alvin Far mer phone If mind In who AEMY Mr SI school J ivite Make Army your church home Johnson Mr ftadalph am Church School aim Nursery and CHURCH sod Rev c a am It am sclnwIOormley noon Worship pm Evening service or lay Welcome to our FREE MEIHOHIHT Reynolds Affnhter Mrs 10 am Sunday school a in Morning worship- service Revival services with Rev All welcome TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Mr Leon Nash Choir Director It a in Morning worship THE CHURCH IS CEN TRAL am Senior School FULL church Kraut Hall Newmarket am Sunday School 1 am Morning Worship I pm- Evangelistic service welcome A Hoy Affiliated with Pentecostal Assembhea of Canada m Junior worship in at Annual Anniversary You will be welcome ji i- it VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH of Kvangellral earner Arthur and Newton Newmarket School 10 am class am Worship Service Wednesday ft pm Prayer and Bible Study A worm welcome awaits you CARDS FOR the best in Christian liter ature plaques mottoes stationery and greeting cards of all kinds eta and sec at the Book and QUI Howard William Hall authorized agent phono Newmarket IMS COURT OF REVISION that a Court of Revision will be held re special assessments as follows 1 The Council of the Cor- notation of the Town of New market has constructed the fol lowing local improvements in the Town of Newmarket a Sanitary Sewers on Forest Glen Road from to Mill- aid Avenue Millard Avenue from Avenue to the west limit of Plan Park Avenue from the west limit to Park Avenue on the north side and to Park Avenue on tho side anil on Don from Dixon Blvd to flood ford Street The cost of the work Is of which is to ho paid by the Corporation The special rate per foot frontage Is Sidewalks on Arthur Sticet south side and on Avenue Road from Avenue to the west limit of Plan The cost of the work is of which is to be paid by the Corporation The special rate per fool is on Avenue Road and on Arthur Street Watet mains on Don Mor Drive from Dixon to Sand- ford Street The cost of the work of which is to he paid by the Corporation The special rate per fool frontage is The special assessments are to be paid In annual instal ments 3 Tho I mi led lifetime of the work is 10 years 4 A Court of Revision will be held on Thursday the day of November at pm in the Room of the Town Hall 400 Street Newmarket Out for the pur pose of hearing complaints proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other complaint which persons inter ested may desire to make and which is by law by the Court Newmarket this duy of November Brooks cZw45 YOUR CHAMBER Of COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY have complied with section of The Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Ontario on the 10th day of November the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list re mains there for Inspection AND I hereby call upon all vot ers to take immediate proceed ings to have any errors or omis sions corrected according to law the lost day for appeal being 27lh day of November this 12th day of Novem ber John Crawford Clerk TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TDK NOMINATION of candi dates for the offices of Reeve DeputyReeve and three coun cillors to compose the council of the Township of Whitchurch for he year 1057 will he held in the Community Hall Vandorf on Friday Nov 23 at 7 pm The election If required will be held on Monday Dec 3 1056 Polls open from am to pm John Crawford Returning Officer THE CORPORATION OF THK VILLAGE OF SUTTON COUNTY OF YORK ONTARIO la the matter of PROTECTION ACT Chapter THE CORPORATION of tin- Village of Sutton hereby gives notice that it has under Section of the said Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works at and In the office of the District Registrar of Registry District of York North at the Town of Newmarket a description of the site and of a Water Works System Intake and Waito Line proposed to bo constructed In the bed of Lake at Jucksons Point In the Village of Sutton In front of Lot Plan AND TAKE NOTICK that after the expiration of one month from the date of the publication of ihl notice the Corporation of tho Village of Sutton will under Section of ihe said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works for approval of laid site and plans DATED this thirteenth day of November I 1036 M Clerk Thi Corporation of the Village of Sutton cow years old due The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov 1936 Page time or years full flow 3 years full flow 3 years calf by TENDERS FOR SALE THE Old at Vivian near Highway 45 will be offered for sale by tender The building the land enclosed by fence Terms cash THE highest or any tender not necessarily accepted TENDERS to close December I Tenders to be mailed to Gilchrist secretary for Board of Trustees Mount Al bert CHATTEL Auction Sale Cattle Yorkshire Hogs Ford Tractor new and full Una of Farm Implements Hay and Grain property of FRANK TAYLOR South Lot Con a Scott Township THURSDAY NOV cow fresh cow springer cow springer cow springer cow bred cow bred heifer first calf heifer first calf heifer calf Sow heavy In pig Sows bred Boar hog Shoats 160 lbs Ford tractor M360 new Ford cultivator 2furrow plough Ford Graham plow Ford buck rake Ford buzz saw Ford loader Set Ford tandem discs Ford tractor pulley binder ft INH mower ft rake ft manure spreader MIl seed drill disc Set of sleighs Cutter hay tedder Potato sprayer Rubber tired wagon Hay rack Wagon box with shelves Renfrew electric separator Surge milker Woods electric grinder Turnip scales 2000 lbs Fanning mill with motor Quantity of baled hay Quantity of loose hay Brooder stove Electric motor emery of steel barrels Steel stoneboat Turnip drill Rubber tired wheelbarrow Brooder house Range shelter Cookslove Cosy home coal stove Quantity of hardwood No reserve Everything must be soUL Terms cash Sale at 1 pm Bert bookkeeper S Farmer auctioneer Phone Gormley Auction Sale Of 21 head ol high class herd cows 2year olds year lings and calves vaccinated the properly of HARRY let con I North miles north of and miles east FRIDAY NOV This Is high grade herd of cattle bred from Toronto Breed- era Association CATTLE cow No Susan Rag Apple Posch cow 104427 Kens- dale Apple Judy cow 4 years old full flow cow a years old due December 25 cow 4 cow cow fide cow years calf by side cow 4 years orcd freshen In February Holsteln cow years field years old not bred Heifer years old not bred Heifer rising years 4 Heifers one year old Hereford catves born Sept calf months old SHEEP Breeding ewes Everything will be sold without reserve as owner is going out of milk business Sale oclock sharp Terms Cash clerk J Kavanagh auctioneer phone ctw40 BIRTHS CANNON At York County Thursday Nov to fr and Mrs Joseph Cannon a daughter CUTTING At York County hos pital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs Donald Cutting Newmarket a daughter York County hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs Joseph Cress- well a daughter CHAMBERLAIN At York County hospital Monday Nov to Mr Mrs Roger Chamberlain Bolton a son At York County hos pital Monday Nov 1050 to Mr and Mrs Murray Cupples Mount Albert a daughter CARMODY At York County hospital Wednesday Nov 21 Mr and Mrs James Newmarket a daugh ter DAMS At York County hospi tal Thursday Nov 1956 to Mr and Mrs Wolfgang Dams a son York Coun ty hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs Harry pringham 2 Gormley twins a boy and girl At York County hospital Tuesday Nov to Mr- and Mrs Fair- barn R 1 Newmarket a son FRY At York County hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs George Fry Holland Landing a son At York County Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Gordon Richmond Hill a son HAMILTON At York County hospital Tuesday Nov 1955 to Mr and Mrs Robert Hamil ton R R a son Baby died later HARD At York County hospi tal Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs Edward Hard Sut ton West a daughter Al York County hos pital Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs Bernard Newmarket a son HOGARTH At York County hospital Tuesduy Nov to Mr and Mrs James Hogarth 11 I Kcttleby a daughter York County Saturday Nov 17 1936 to Mr and Mrs Fred Mole Lake Wilcox a daughter MYERS At York County hospi tal Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Joseph Meyers It Keswick a daughter PAYNE At York County hospi tal Sunday Nov to Mr and Mrs Andrew Payne Newmarket a daughter PAUL Al York County hospi tal Sunday Nov in to Mr and Mrs Fred Paul Newmarket a daughter York County hospi tal Saturday Nov Mr and Mrs Herman IX 2 Newmarket a daughter SOMMERV1LLE At York County hospital Thursday Nov 1056 to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sommcrville Newmarket a sou SHIRK At York County Monday Nov to Mr and Mrs Elmer Shirk ville daughter SEDCREAl York County hos pital Tuesday Nov 20 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Scdore Baldwin a daughter SOOLEY At York County hospi tal Nov to Mr and Mrs Joseph Sooley Goodwood a son THOMAS- A York County lies pltal Wednesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Michael Thomas Sharon a daughter TOCH At York County hospi tal Wednesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Casper Sharon a son At York County Wednesday Nov to Mr and Mrs William Walls It It 4 a son WILLIAMS At York County hospital Wednesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Jack Hams Richmond Hill a daugh ter WILSON At York County Monday Nov to and Mrs Merrill Wilson Richmond Hill a daughter DEATHS At York County hospital Newmarket on Wed nesday Nov 14 Charles Walter father of Mrs Herman Fern of Cha- put Hughes and Joan of Newmarket brother of Miss Luella of Detroit Mrs Ernest Fade Mabel of ley Reginald of Mrs George Wesley Ann Mrs Mills Beatrice Mrs Holies Mary and Miss Greta of Newmarket Service was held on Saturday Nov Interment Aurora cemetery PATTERSON Suddenly at Western hospital Toronto on Tuesday Nov Thomas J Patterson husband of May and father of Ron ald King City Service was held on Friday Nov Interment Aurora cemetery At York County hospital Newmarket on Sun day Nov III Margaret in her year wife of the late Joseph Scanlon and sister of of Zealand la George of David of Bradford and John of Service was held on Tues day Nov 20 Interment Mount Pleasant cemetery WALKER Suddenly at the home of his nephew Hughes Bradford on Tuesday Nov Dr James El wood Walker of New market and Aurora in his 71st year husband of the late Blanche the LathangueKilkenny Funeral Anna Osborne brother of Nor man of Resting at Home Simcoo St Bradford Service on Friday at pm In terment Briar Hill Cemetery Sutton IN MEMORIAM loving mem ory of dear devoted mother Mrs John Kelllngtou who passed away one year ago Nov Nt one heard the footsteps Of the angels drawing near Who took from earth to heaven One who was loved so dear The pearly gates were opened A gentle voice snid Come And with farewells unspoken She safely entered Home Her faithful heart Is now at rest But well treasure all the years she blest Lovingly remembered by Delia and MeWiu VIOLATES PROBATION William Keswick was sent to jail for two months for a violation of probation Ho had been convicted of causing bodily harm on A Jan after the magis trate found guilty of black ening his motherinlaws eye At thai time was given one years suspended sentence and on Rat forty was brought the Newmarket magistrate when he failed to report to his proba tion officer as required Police testified that his wife vims of him In loving mem ory of my dear mother Emma Wellington who passed away Nov 23 Though her smile is gone for ever And her loving hand cannot touch Still I have so many memories Of the one loved so much Her memory is my keepsake With which well never pari has her in His keeping I have her In my heart Ever remembered by Myrtle Gordon and family SCOTT In loving memory of a dear husband and father Scott who passed away Nov We do not forget him we love him too dearly For his memory to fade from our lives like a dream Our lips need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely For grief often dwells where it seldom is Wife and family CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends relatives and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy beautiful floral offerings and especially thanking Rev John son and Rev for their consoling words during my re cent bereavement In the death of my beloved wife Alice Win ger Wm If Winger CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Fred Hoover wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the many cards flowers fruit received dur ing Mr Hoovers illness in York County hospital Special thanks is extended to Dr J Ed wards Dr Patrick Greaves and the nurses who were so kind CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our grati tude to each and everyone who has helped us through our re cent bereavement In the loss of a dear mother with acts of kind ness words of sympathy and beautiful flowers special thanks to Dr Rev Johnson and Rev and Mr Gib son Mrs Fletcher and Clifford and family ENGAGEMENTS Mrs Olson announ ces engagement of her daugh ter Dennnc to Mr Earl Andrews of Newmarket The will take place on December in St Pauls church Mr and Mrs wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara Lillian to Mr Flint Harrison son of Mr Robert Mount Al bert and the late Mrs marriage to take place in St Andrews United church Mark- ham on Saturday Dee I at pm Of all Canadians who paid In come tax in 1915 per cent had Incomes of less than In most recent year of record only per cent were In the under class MARIAN MARTIN NEW PRINTED PATTERNS Turn to our Pattern Feature Do Your ArmchairSliopping today find shopping for our printed enjoyable At your he of printed Than tend in your order Drop In your mailbox The poiV will bring your right to your door Marian Printed Pattern ore to order and easy to cut out lew and fir All are printed clearly on each porter pari Read what to do and do it the PRINTED PATTERNS Designed for Perfect The NEWMARKET ERA and EXPRESS