rs Mi IS AM MOIST AMD A TO TO MINT mm PAY A In Amy a to v yd to w CflftOdiOft Army offer and of a 3 At of to caption Me ft tender your AM Iff to w til It Sum iii a t i jft At Hi I MA is Theme M Sdioel was ho theme when the Alexander Home and School automation held its October meeting at the school Nelson Ion presided and welcomed the and cheia The meeting opened with the singing of Canada with Mrs Hubert Rose at piano Mrs Arthur Hunt led in prayer The attendance record was tak en by Mrs Harold For he second month Miss grade one and two class won the attendance shield J Why do vary in different Mrs John Macnab finances hospitals What is signify v- HIRI of the band From history and from fact it chairman reported that the ann Family Fun night will be I held after the New Year probab ly in February A collection of used hangers will be made at the school this week Mrs on the successful collection at the school thanked the and students for their work in the matrons gained renown for their Note This article series interesting facia is published a public serkc by this in ation with the Ontario Also slight modifications Others have been changed out of necessity since their original caps were either not washable or had ela borate frills that necessitated is known that the lineage of a special laundering nurses cap dates back to the The taps of some graduate days when a bridal veil signified a young womans humility and a black band others two bonds and some dietitians have custom was common to the Ho- maris and since many Roman project interest in nursing the veil be- I j I I 1 rw Chairman Gladstone of came a symbol of their service to the Citizenship committee Intro- humanity the guest speakers In Queen Victorias day all Robert King and Mr A M Hay women wore caps indoors This The contributions made too corn could account for he frilly cap and a vocal- that Florence Nightingale the school or the industrial arts pioneer of modern nursing section of a high school Mr Bid- j signed for her students in the absence of Mr Will- Some nursing schools have re- spoke on the same tained their original caps with aspects a radio station A general discussion period fol lowed the panel of speakers At the of the program re- were served by the j mothers of Mr M A students under the direction of Mrs Donald Warner and Mrs Jack Gibson Fred social chairman was general con vener obedience to her husband This three short stripes on one corn er There are some historians who maintain that the black band or bands serve as a mark of mourn ing and a tribute to the memory of Florence Nightingale Regardless of its origin the cap has become traditional in nurs ing schools throughout the wor ld It is a permanent symbol of service to humanity in the con stant struggle which hospitals wage in war against sickness pain and injury The Town Pulpit VANDORF Held From Week The anniversary of iit toy United church was well at- J lcndctl i whats or you WVii Si 05ftl ibis ar this driving problems It you let us show you the patented tread you along give you traction winter road ububanitea run quietly Service COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE WHEEL BALANCING Praise should always follow answered prayer as the mist of the earths gratitude rises when the sun of heavens love warms the ground Hath the been gracious to thee and inclined His ear to the voice of thy supplicat- ion Then praise Him as long us you live Let the ripe fruit drop upon the fertile soil from which it drew its life Deny not a song to Him who has answered your prayer and given you the desire of your heart To be silent over Cuds mercies is to incur the guilt of ingratitude it is to act as basely is the nine lepers who after they had been lured of their leprosy returned not to give thanks unto the healing To forget to Coil is to refuse to bene fit ourselves for praise like is one great means of growth of the spiritual life It helps to remove our bur dens to excite our hope to in- teas faith It is a healthful and Invigorating exercise which rjuickens the pulse of the nerves for fresh en terprises in His Masters service To bless God for re ceived also the way to benefit fellowmen the humble IkiM hear thereof and be glad Others who have been in like circumstances shall take comfort if we can say Oh magnify the with me and Jet us exalt His name together this poor cried and the heard him Weak hearts will be strengthen- ed and drooping saints will be I revived a listen to our song of deliverance Their bis and fears will he rebuked as we leach and admonish one other in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs They too shall ways of the lord they hear us magnify Ills holy nam- Praise i the heavenly of Christian The pray not but tease not the day and night and the re clothed in while with palm branches in hand we nevir weary of og Lamb Ming Worthy is the Pv- i j it -j- v i i M J vv Mi J ak j YOU WANT I known how ftrM turn ftf folnl The find of yoo IRAK MARKS IN THE HUMMUS a former pastor of this charge was the speaker at a Wesley choir and Mrs- Mc Allister guest soloist provided special music In the evening at pm Rev Harold Moddle son of the late Moddle was the speaker with special music pro vided by Victoria Square choir After the morning service a buf fet lunch was provided and serv ed by the Wesley Womens assoc iation which enabled friends from a distance to enjoy a social time together The Wesley bazaar is being held in Vandorf hall on Wednesday Nov at pm Members arc asked to bring candy before Nov It was a great thrill for the Vandorf public school children I when they entered their new school last Monday morning Congratulations to the members of the school hoard and building contractors who are responsible for such a fine school to be fin ished sooner than Congratulations to Martha Ann who won first prize on her speaking contest In own school and third prize when com peting with eight other contest ants of the Whitchurch township schools Mr and Mrs Frank Brown Princeton spent Sunday with the formers Mr Robert down and Mis Brown and family Mr and Mrs It and girls had Sunday tea with Mr and Mrs and family Ken neth and David Richardson had Sunday tea with Hilly Crawford Ted and Bill III hard- son peiit the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bob Mr and Mrs Jack Irwin and family visited on Saturday with heir uncle and aunt Mr and Mia Mr- Kathleen Islington spent Sunday with her sister Mrs Sidney Mm and Miss Hetty and Mrs Alec Andrews oil of Toronto and Miss Mary and had lea with Mr and Mrs Herbert While and family J loveless returned home In Monday after wo weeks with her daughter Mis White Mrs Skein and her Wicks visited Mrs J Mit chell Toronto on Monday Mrs Wicks remained for few days Mr ami Mis Burns children Credit and Miss Jean spent Sunday with their Mr Mrs Wilfred Mr and Mia had Sinuiay leu with Mr and Mrs Herbert ILLUSTRATED TALK FEATURES GLADS An llhulrated talk on Will be given by Leonard Bull of when Newmarket ill the Library lee- room on Wednesday Nov at pm The Is is in than of the program Mr Butt a wall- known commercial grower of will hold a general dis cussion period following his talk and of eolorod RESPONSIBILITIES OF GOOD CITIZEN THEME OF MEETING A film Community Responsi bilities from the series Whats Opinion was presented at the October meeting of the Prin ce Charles Home and School as sociation Mrs Michael Steel sided Mrs J Patterson was at the piano for the National Anthem Mrs Herbert Miller was in char ge of the program Community Responsibilities dealt with the problems of a fam ily moving to a new community Such questions were raised as How much time should a good citizen give to community affairs Con the freedom which an indi vidual in a democracy permit him to pursue his own in terests leaving community re sponsibilities to others These and related topics were discussed in buzz sessions foll owing the film The groups worn led by Mrs Patterson Mrs Allan Reid and Mr J Re ports on their finding were giv en to the general meeting For the second consecutive month the attendance banner was won by Mrs Anton kindergarten class It was announced that the November meeting will be Fathers Night when the men will be in charge of the program An electric kettle was present ed to the teachers by the Home and School association for use at the school flic association will use at its monthly meetings Mrs Steel announced that had been raised at the bake sale in October A vote of thanks was extended to the chairman Mrs Jean Jay Grade mothers and members of the executive acted as judges of the Halloween costumes at the annual school parlies Parents as sisted in the planting of spring flowering bulbs at the school The meeting closed with a soc ial halfhour were served by executive members Warden And Mrs M McMurdiy Honored At York County Banquet More than people Metropolitan Toronto Furor In Aurora Council DeputyReeve Objects To Kennedy St Repairs The question of repairs to Kennedy street west caused a flare of temper in Aurora coun cil last Monday when Victor Jones ob jected to a proposal by Council lor Alf Child that the road her resurfaced Councillor Child old council that the road was full of pot to worse He suggested re- holes and by winter was going paving Jones staled the condition of the road didnt warrant repairing it notice you have no objections to pot holes where people walk only where you drive your car he said to Councillor Child The road is smooth where you drive retorted Councillor Child If you had to drive over it six or seven times a day you Mayor Henderson interrupted wouldnt be so happy the exchange to point out that the councillors had gone to look at the road and agreed that it repairs didnt agree In anything of the kind snapped the deputy- reeve I only agreed to go and look at it He told the mayor not to try putting words in his throat and stated that the condi tion of the road didnt warrant spending to on it the annual County of York ban quet at the King hotel Toronto on Nov to honor the countys ninetysixth warden Reeve Marshall Mc- of Vaughan township and Mrs Guest speaker was Rev George Goth of London Reeve J Taylor of Rich mond Hill was chairman and in troduced the head table guests Mr Taylor paid tribute to Mr McMurchy commending him for his many contributions to his own municipality and the coun ty since entering politics years ago The toast to the warden was proposed by the county commis sioners Fred Armstrong and Revve George Sutton Both men said it had been a pleasure serving as commissioners with Mr McMur Mr Armstrong expressed re gret that Mr has in dicated he will retire from mu nicipal politics this year He suggested it might be possible for him to serve in some domin ionwide capacity Mr thanked the war den for his leadership in county council He said Mr had been impartial in all discus sions maintaining his reputation for fair play A presentation of a silver tea service an illuminated address and the wardens cane were made to Mr McMurchy Mrs received a beautiful basket of autumn flowers Mr McMurchy in responding lo the loast acknowledged the assistance he had received from his wife during his year as county warden He thanked his neighbors for their interest Mr McMurchy paid tribute to Mr Jack Smith county clerk and his staff and thanked the members of county council for their cooperation during his term of office Mr outlined the activities of the past year reminding his audience that no decision had been reach ed as yet by the Ontario Munici pal Heard on the countys appli cation for relief from undue bur den caused by he formation of He said the plans were pro gressing for the establishment of a Childrens Aid Society for York County Mr described the sale of the county park at Lake as a wise move adding that the provincial government could afford lo Im prove the park and would main tain it as a recreational area Mrs Knappett of Rich mond Hill was the guest soloist After banquet guests enjoy ed dancing in the Crystal ball room BAD COLLECTED account over of age We by you if we eolieett If there it no there it no charge Canadas Oldest Collec tion Agency KELLY AIKEN BOX 239 ORANGEVILLF Ont V SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to w a 10W EVERY SATURDAY AND INCL DEC Tickets good going and reluming same Saturday only FA IMS LINDSAY tilt SUNDERLAND LANDING Ltd US II 30 INFORMATION EI0M AGENTS I NEWMARKET Birthday Club Held From Last Week Birthday are extended this week to Ley Sutton Weal years old on Friday Nov Patricia Mount Albert It years old on Friday J Sandra Greenwood Toronto It years old on Saturday Nov Keith Edwin Baxter Newmarket years old on Sat urday Nov Horner Virginia years old on Thursday Nov Janice R New market years on Thursday Nov Margaret Louise Kvans market years Thursday Nov in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket and birthday club 0 -i-rj- tyifrr New Years Eve WIN A 3DAY TRIP TO W YORK WITH EXPENSES PAID FOR FOR DETAILS toother with information on our NO PLAN with nothing to pay till 1057 and fill a month plus bunk interest home improvement loam to equip the average home with Sentinel aluminum combination storm and ami door famous quality windows and doors are guaranteed and installed by salaried installers PHONE NEWMARKET Switchyard open till 9 pm for you J gL v- i