Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Nov 1956, p. 2

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ri Pages ram itors Notebook and With recent good weath er the end of fall been hardly noticed and with coma evening for Newmarket and for Aurora yer the Chamber of not a meeting for prospective I a The Chamber held a meeting year and we thought it was ft permitting candi date to more time clar ifying municipal problems be fore the public On the actual nomination night time limit- for We dont know why the Chamber did not sponsor a meeting this year It may have good reason for not doing so or It be that the Chamber la not too active at the mom ent Having heard little about the Chamber this fall we sus pect the latter We have heard that Mayor Is and is not planning From the Files of to again for W57 Then again we heard that he is not going to be pushed out We first heard that Councill or Hands would not be a can didate again and this week we heard information to the con trary Will Councillor Ridler be a candidate for mayor reeve or a council position It Is not like ly that Councillor Robert ch wilt run again Former membera of council Messrs Charles VanZant John Hamilton and Bert Kent were interested observers at a re cent meeting which may or may not be an indication that they are looking over the field We have heard nothing about Coun cillors and Choppin and DeputyReeve There is only one week left for speculation and the only of ficial information comes from Reeve who seeks re election and Councillor gin who will seek the mayors office Serving Newmarket ami The Era rural district of North York The Express Herald 25 and 50 Years Ago year age Nov The College Flapper feat- prominent Newmark et people was presented by the lions Club Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Tench were Mr and Mrs J M Tench Mr and Mrs Tench and daughter and Mrs Snivclly Mrs J of Mrs Harry Cable of and Miss Laura Watson of Aurora Mr J Dales of New York who had been stay ing with Dr and Mrs Dales pre vious to the fire Is visiting his cousin in Toronto coming up to Newmarket for calls Mrs of is visiting Mrs Hose Mill ard Ave Misses of spent the weekend with Mrs and Mr and Mrs William Mr and Mrs Frank Hope and Mrs Max Smith spent a few days in Toronto last week at tending the Christian Endeavor Conventions Rev J Anderson of Sutton attended the Executive meeting of the Boys work board of North York held in Newmark et last Wednesday Miss Dorothy Mulr of the Universal Producing Company of Indianapolis Indiana Is stay ing In town coaching the local fast of the College Flapper Professor W of University Montreal at tended the opening of the New Mining Building of Toronto Un iversity and paid a surprise visit on Sunday to his Mrs Meek 21 Mrs If Hooper of Is a visitor at the home of her daughter Mrs Rev An drews 25 Mr and Mrs Hunt ley and family relumed Monday isou their visit in Hell- Mr and Mrs A Berk were guests of Mr and Mrs Ken last Sunday A delightful Halloween dame was enjoyed at Pickering Coll ege last Friday evening years ago Nov Mr Thomas Stephens of Whitchurch as usual took a lar ge number of prizes at the var ious fairs in this district this fall At the North York Fair he made 84 exhibits and won first and second prizes The amount received in prizes at this fair by him was At King Township prizes the being At South Fair at Bradford he made exhibits and won first and second prizes He made 24 exhibits of potatoes at the various fairs and won firsts and seconds There are few men in this section at least who arc as successful as Mr Ste phens at winning prizes at fairs Mrs of New York spent last week with her aunt Mrs J A Miss Vewta Thompson is back from Muskoka where she has been all summer Mrs Hughes Is attend ing the Convention in London this week Mr of Toronto Junc tion was the guest of Mr John Sr over Sunday Mrs Walter Crone and dau- of Toronto are spending a couple of days with Mrs Geor ge Wood Mr Brooks of Mount Albert has moved to Newmark et and will occupy a house on Timothy St until his own new house is completed Ad- Mr I represented Newmarket at the annual meet ing of the Lords Day Alliance in Toronto last week The re- were exceedingly gratify ing and Rev T A Moore was reelected secretary The Methodist church choir Is about to lose a very valuable member Miss has accepted the position of soloist and choir directress in the church at Norwich and leaves next week to assume the duties of the ap pointment Dr Patterson of spent over Sunday with Messrs Ang us Williams and John Mrs and her niece Mrs of New York spent the weekend with Mrs Scott at Sutton COMPANY BUYS COMPUTER tint A computer that will solve in seconds calculations weeks by la being In tie Ufa office in Toronto The company take five ysin for the to pay for Itself better service to clients lower administrative and MMg actuarial problems not now attempted das to high Marty will not find machine as simple a it will require on the part every Thursday at St Newmarket by the Newmarket and Express Limited Subscription for years for one year advajaee Single are each Member of Clans A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association mad the Bureau of Circulation Authorised as Second Mall Post Office Department John E Mftnsging Editor Caroline Ion Womens Editor George Haskett Lawrence Racine Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE Sports Editor THURSDAY THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSIX A WELCOME QUEST FOR METRO GRANTS TAXPAYERS OF Newmarket will welcome efforts by the town council to obtain increased grants from Metropolitan Toronto in lieu of taxes on the Metro home for the aged it is understood that if Green Acres were a taxable property more than would help to pay the high cost of municipal services The home re quires these services which include fire and police pro tection sewerage and water much as a tax payer This newspaper expressed opposition to the first suggestion to locate the home Newmarket based on the fact that there would be no tax revenue If it were a county home there could be greater argument for its taxfree existence here but since it does not exist to give service to the town or to the county the towns request for increased grants is perfectly justified Met ros quest for grants In lieu of taxes on federal build ings in the Metropolitan area should help to clarify Newmarkets plea in the minds of Metro taxpayers External pressures have required council to do much work this year Long council debates do consti tute work No one could successfully lay a charge of irresponsibility against the council But just for a change a positive act of leadership by council would be most welcome at this time It could be committed easily by starting the ground work for a community celebra tion in STIMULUS NEEDED NEWMARKET HAS n remarkable lack of com- leadership most of the time Last year there was no Santa Glaus parade It appears that again this year parents will he taking their children to neighbor ing Holland Landing or Mount Albert where there are people who do more than what is required to merely keep their communities alive In and Albert they have summer fairs too dont say that Newmarket has no community life there are countless organizations in town cover ing all interests from dart throwing to debating But when it comes time for a communitywide event where leadership is required the town appears to be dead We have in mind the centennary next year when New market should be celebrating the anniversary of its incorporation Plans for a well organized celebration should have been under way by now Former citizens would then have the opportunity for planning to make a return visit to the home town next year In a community of there is no lack of capacity for the production of a full scale centennial show Yet there having been no adequate stimulus to date no res ponse lias been shown to bring forth so much as a plan We look to the town council for the needed stimulus all that is needed at the present time is a committee and it would not necessarily need to be composed of members of council who are already overworked If council does not take such action either there will be no celebration or there will be a poor ex cuse for one A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE WE HAVE NO objection to the establishment of a radio station in or near Newmarket In fact at his request we gave a letter for the to Mr William promoter stating that we would have no ob jection to Mr having a broadcasting license A suggestion was made at a recent meeting of town council that we withhold from publication council dis cussion about efforts being made to change a depart ment of transport decision to give a license to Richmond Hill instead of Newmarket We could not agree to this suggestion and published the discussion last week We also question the spending of taxpayers money to send a delegation of council members to Ottawa in the in terest of a private enterprise Members of council have voted to send delegates to Ottawa It was understood that Mr Willtam would pay his own expenses for the trip We would like to point out that if any council members were to have financial interests in the radio station each would be breaking his oath of office by voting for such a resolution as the one to send the delegates There also would be a moral question involved if some members of council had plans involving the radio station and were voting on a matter which would concern their future financial interests in the enterprise TELEGRAPH SERVICE JUST BEFORE press last week a woman who recently arrived from England telephoned the newspaper office upset because she could not send a telegram to New York She wanted some information about relatives who were supposed to be arriving in New York from Europe and her concern was acute be cause of the international situation We could not be of much help to her all wc could say was that we do not have full time telegraph service in Newmarket She made an appropriate comment to the effect that emer gencies do not confine themselves to daytime hours nor do they stay clear of Wednesday afternoons be lieve that Newmarket deserves at least an emergency telegraph service hours of the day OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by HARVEY TIME TO END THE ARABISRAELI WAR Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Facing Extinction was the caption on an article Slim rend out to group of stuff members at coffee break last week In years the weekly news- paper editor will be found only in country museums stuffed So predicted a speaker a therin of weekly newspaper men in Stratford recently Slim read There aint no lack he said of circulation or news in most towns and villag es It was purely a matter of personnel of people If this here forecast proves true it will be a great pity says the Financial Post The com munity paper has made its spe cial and valued contribution to local life Slim concluded read ing Sad I said Stuffed said Slim The paper sounds doomed already I said And the boss is young enough to be still alive in years Slim lit up his favorite El Ive got it he cried out suddenly Its terrific idea Lets start a fund modest though its start may be to buy a motherofpearl pedestal for the boss Cant you see him stuffed and mounted on it And placed in the Sharon temple in years I cried be coming more and more enthusi astic the more I thought about it He would have a pencil be hind his car and bronze cigar ette butts at his feet Yes he would indeed said Slim Klctchcloffsky the advertis ing man suggested that a suit ably engraved bronze plaque be fixed to the pedestal indicating that the staff members had do nated the pedestal Alice says the editor isnt so important Maggie the book keeper butted in usual Alice say that its the staff thats important in a weekly newspaper Alter nil the per sonnel problem in weeklies re fers to all workers not just the boss We would be lost without nil our helpers Alice says Says Alice said Slim What says Alice about a rnise all the workers Come the revolution and well all be capitalists said Klctchcloffsky About this pedestal t think it should be decorated with gold leaf I said And we should write immediately to the His torical Society to reserve space in the museum This sounds terribly morbid It sounds like buying a plot in the cemetery said Alice Well said Slim Cyclops our new re porter came up with another suggestion Cyclops incident ally is the new altpurpose re porter and engraver who has come on the staff after being attached to the Smithsonian In stitute for three years when ho wrote a thesis on the cultivation and care of African violets in equatorial climates He sug gested a communitywide fund raising program to immortalize the weekly editor in the form of the boss stuffed in the Sharon Temple We could get the swimming pool committee to take over Those fellows know how to raise money said Kletch That theres a worthy sug gestion the professor made said Slim The end of coffee break came and everybody went back to their jobs and promptly forgot all about the discussion There has been no mention of it since by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches When the a ell on a of the gov ernments of and Franco ore subjected to almost universal criticism it is import ant to understand both the grounds for the criticism ami the problems that prompted the actions that are being criticized The Manchester Guardian a paper that has been called the conscience of describ es the action a- gainst Egypt as an act of folly Why In the problems of to day with en attitude that might have appropriate in the days of or Ortega forecast the failure of communism and fasc ism on the ground Hint they were both anachronistic or null historical A program that is to succeed said the Spanish t not merely netfato the past it must Include and the past In the past century liberal Ism democracy and nationalism made a permanent im print on mind of society action of to day take account of in public opinion which movement wrought Modern dictators have learn ed to pose an champions of the common have learned and enlist the unreasoning passion of nation And France now contending with those pass ions not only in but all across North Africa Mr recognized the force of nation alism tame to terms with it and won the plaudits of the world by grunting independen ce to the former colon ies in Asia Mr evidently has not taken the new attitude sufficiently into account There Is today an Incipient world opinion and that opinion condemns the use of force in circumstances in which it have been approved In the past That Is why world opinion hag been so critical of Mi action That is why us ually so unitedly behind Its gov ernment in crises is now sharply divided The saddest aspect of lite its pro bable effect on the momentous struggle In the Soviet There are certainly important differences between the action of the Soviet Union In Hungary and FrancoBritish Interven tion in both in the grou- lids of action mid in the re sponse to censure Hut in tho rough and ready Judgment of world the action of all three governments will be coun ted us ho illegitimate use of fnm of Britain and Franco may confirm many mil lions of Avian and African In belief there is no great 1 1 ill Soviet difference Union and between the the To that the action of Bri tain and France was mistaken is not say that no action was needed Mr is certainly right in his contention that there is no really effective sys tem of collective security But that is not the root of the pro blem Admittedly the United Nat ions machinery is not perfect but as in the case of the League of Nation our troubles are not the fault of the machinery but of the unwillingness of the Po wers to miiko full use of that machinery Admittedly official United Nations action has often been prevented by the veto of the Soviet Union must re- however Hint the maj or of the United Nat ions is to voice the conscience of mankind An by any group of powers lo enforce A resolution favored by an over whelming majority In the Un ited Nations would ltd a totally different thing from having one or two nations lake the law in to their own hands We must remember that the occasion for French and British action was an attack on by Israel And reason that there attack on is that War is not Thru war Is essent ially an attempt by Ihe Arabs to Israel a stale creat ed by us through the UN secured a in the war but nut peace And when Nasser persisted in keeping the Sue Canal closed to Israeli shipping we did nothing beyond having him condemned by the Secur ity Council Mr Pearson struck the right note when he said that a cease- lire Is nut peace But we have as if It were That been great weakness of Western policy since the war We got a truce In Korea in Israel but in neither cose did we settle the problems that gave rise to the hostilities It is high time that we tackled those problems The parlies lo the disputes be required to settle them otherwise than by aggressive violence In the ArabIsraeli War we should insist on negotiations Continued refusal of the Arab to negotiate should be met by all the various lent measures at our disposal BritishFrench action was prompted if not justified by the mounting pressure of the problems we had not solved If their action awakens world op inion to ihe necessity for vig orous action to settle those pro blem UN may emerge from the strain a stronger bo dy and the world may move a step nearer pence Many things have been writt en by many people about the Winter Fair But there is one point on which most people will agree It is improving and it a much more efficient and well run show than lias been Gone ate the days when an evening horse show would last until the small hours of the morning because they would put a horseshoe on a five saddle horse in the middle of the evening The cattle barns are refurnished and finally the cattlemen have as good dor mitory as there is in the coun try Probably one of the most con spicuous feature of the show is that it is crowded with exhibit ors as well as visitors The barns are full and there are some box stalls two horses in stead of one There are exhib its III every nook and cranny and there are people looking at them loo This feeling of crowding is really a happy sort of feeling because exhibitor and visitor feels an urgency and a de sire lo see the many exhibits There are children by the hun dred students sketching and visitors from all over This happy crowding is real ly not so much the result of an efficient and well run fair it is measure of a larger and Mill expanding country There are more horses because more people keep more horses and because more people have the time and money have them There are bigger crowds becau se more people are interested There are no tickets lo be had for the horse show because the seating accommodation is not sufficient It would be interesting to conjecture what will happen in another 10 or years Who ever planned the present set of buildings did it with some fore sight Will our generation have the same ability to do it They are talking of a three million dollar addition to the main buildings This will undoubtedly help matters for a while But from the long range planning stand point there must be some doubt as to the wisdom of expanding in the present location The and the Winter Fair use mostly the same set of build ings Their success is depend ent on the number of visitors and spectators to be accommo dated in a relatively short few days and have them supplied with the usual necessities of a fair This involves a tremend ous traffic and parking prob lem It is not necessary to ela borate on traffic difficulties Nov will they get any better It it reasonable to build in a place where the elbow room ia so narrow and would it not be bolter to find some location where in years to come the traffic problem would be easier to manage the crowds more likely to come lo The winter fair is something very important lo a large sect ion of Ontario and the whole country It is probably unique in the whole world lake the fate of many a national institut ion it should be guarded and planned HOPE TO PERFORM AT ROSE BOWL GAME The is the servant not the master of the people the state is their against infringement on their rights their agent in inter national and national issues it is not the function of the state to assume the direction of those activities which rest on individual choice Pits This combined Iruoipct and baton corp3 the youngest In Canada has been Invited to perform at the Rose Bowl football came in California on New Years Day They want to go and Hope to go but there is a matter of raising 4000 to finance- the trip parents and the town council Colborne their heads together figuring out plans to the funds but so far they havent come up with any guarantee the youngsters will be able to go They have perfected routines that they sure would be a hit In the colorful Rose Bowl parade

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