Newmarket Era and Express, 15 Nov 1956, p. 14

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-Si- yew Is on of Goda leatf tricks of pulling rabbits out of hat fat pulls a goldfish bowl a fez On other occasion ho places a girl on the sharp points c tuts out hypnotized Individuals or puis a chickens head on a black chickens neck Ho showed hit tricks to convention of magicians In Toronto but even to ihtm a magician They cant explain how ho docs Jt Is a Sikh from Kashmir tor TIRED THE TINE Ms Mtn tutu y T t I 1 11 for Swpte is A iMtffgisi and his recently retired on month for life Ilcir of entity comfort have true to a be bug- got in he wit a Pennon Man included protection He pcjtMJ store and kith the ami the payment on hi borne only much If for reliM oteril plan It ur pine Ms Man lob hint hi dreamt wiib full or worrit ftfeiwulv fry frw at how caily jaw dfrani jOirI at lime- SHARON United church service will be held each Sunday at am with Sunday school at am AH are welcome at both services Mr and Mrs Harold Rose and sons also Mr and Mrs and Mrs Alex Hunter and Oldharn all of and Mr arid Mrs Alex Hunter and sons were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Harry Moss Mr and Mrs and Miss Audrey were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Glen Trio Sharon Womens Institute are sponsoring a progressive eu chre in Sharon Hall on Tuesday November at Good prizes will bo given and lunch will be served Cornea bring your frie nds at The regular meeting of the Sharon Home and School Associ ation will be held in Sharon Hall on Monday evening November at pm is welcome Mr William Storey Mr and Mrs Norman Storey and Cannon attended the Storey Barber wedding at Trout Creek on Mon day evening Mr ft ass Miichct spent the weekend with his sister at Mount Albert News The Christian Youth Center soon to be opened at has been the dream for many years of the citizens of this thriv ing community The Center will be a un der the direction of a Board of Directors selected from such chu rches as the United church The United Missionary church The The Salvation Army and many other churches in the community The center will be fully equip ped with the latest type of broad casting equipment to assist the Youth For Christ and other groups in religious broad casting A projection and record ing studio will be included in the facilities A modern fully eq uipped kitchen will be Included and made available to all groups using the center The seating capacity will be persons with provision for over flow crowds Outside facilities help complete for skating will be provided and a large picnic ground will be in cluded The location of the Christian Youth Center will in Park four miles west of on the Road Remembrance Day service was on Sunday held in Mount Albert United church on Sunday morning Members of Mount Albert Can Legion were In attendance as well as members of the scouts in uniform Following the service at church a service was held at the park gates where wreaths were placed in remem brance of those from the com munity who had made the su preme sacrifice After good many years work the Mount Albert Horticultural Society Is finally com pletion of the pioneer cemetery Tomb stones which were remov ed to clean and seed the grounds have been replaced hi a cement slab approximately five feet by feet The society appreciates the support not only of its members but of those nonmembers who gave so freely of their time to this undertaking Mount Albert is well repre sented in the hunting areas of Northern Ontario Well over tickets were sold on the and a great many have gone by car Vie wish all a good safe holiday Keswick News The Trail Hanger under the leadership of Mr Reg wish to thank all those who con tributed to the success of the pa per drive Six tons of paper were collected The home of Miss Lynn Mar- La at the lake has been purchased by Mr and Mrs Charles Miller Toronto who take possession November The sale of household goods was held on Saturday Rev Harry Percy Toronto who has spent years in Afri can missionary fields had charge of the Christian church service Sunday morning Two minutes silence was observed at It am Rev who has been in a hospital in Toronto for a few weeks returned home Sat urday much improved in Mrs Wilder celebrated birthday Sunday and had as guests her four daughters and families from Sutton Toronto and Also Mr and Mrs Anderson Sutton Many friends gathered at the arena last Friday evening to give a shower for Doug Peters whose I marriage to Miss Joan Summer- field took place Saturday in the Lady the church Keswick firemen have had a busy time the past week On Wednesday they were called to a fire at Eastbourne Friday a chimney fire at Walter Saturday to a cabin fire at Brighton Reach and Sun day a furnace fire at the Sutton damage was light Miss Janice spent the weekend at Mr ami Mrs Beds in Aurora The United church was filled to capacity Sunday morning when the Optimists Boy Scouts Sea Cadets Cubs and Brownies marched to the service for Re membrance day Mr Alto Davison visited Peter borough on Thursday tot Mr and Mrs Donald spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs K a Miss Van Norman was at home for the weekend Mr Alto Davidson attended the funeral of his uncle the late Mr Frank Black Bradford on Fri day a Miss Barbara spent the weekend with her cousin Carol Mrs and twin sons Don- and Ronald spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Freeman Thompson a The attended a Play Par ty in Aurora Friday night HOLT Several from the community for the North with the hun ters for deer hunting Mr and Mrs Gordon spent last Wednesday with Mr sister Mrs Bert Kay Tor onto Mr and Mis Fred and morning Mount Albert Junior choir arc planning to begin a fund to pur chase new choir gowns at the beginning of new year Mrs Bruce Rolling attended A- meeting the York County Girls committee at the home of Miss Marion In on Wednesday even ing Mrs Don Loach and Miss Diane Davis Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Ernest Davis Saturday evening guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Bong were Mr and Mrs Samuel An derson Toronto and Mrs An drew McPhce May bole Ayr shire Scotland Mrs Is a relative of Mr and Mrs whom they havent seen since they arrived in Canada from Scotland years ago Shi has been visiting her daughter in Hamilton for several months Mr Fred Franklin and Mr Roy visited I O lodge on Monday evening is Mount Albert Fire Department were called to a house fire in Brown Hill on Tuesday evening Damage was not too severe Mr and Mrs Warren Fen- sum spent a few days last week with her cousin Mrs Seymour Harper and Mr Harper Mrs Tom Mathers Kapuskas- Mr and Mrs Ross Thompson spent the weekend with her spent last Wednesday with Mr I K and Mrs Fred Smith near Sun derland Mrs Gordon Morris had the misfortune to fall and hurt her ankle and had to have it in a cast Mr and Mrs Carl Wellington Keswick were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Gord on Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Milton and Mr Seymour Hodge were visitors of Mr and Mrs J O Little New market on Sunday Mr and Mrs Beverley Beach Mr and Mrs Carl and Mr and Mrs Jordan were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs F Jordan Mr and Mrs Wes and Mr and Mrs Herbert Har mon spent several days in Ithica Miss Miriam Auckland who was invalided in an automobile accident with other members of her family on Saturday evening was taken to York County regular November meet ing of the Cheerio club will bo held on November at p at the home of Mrs Ralph All members are urg ed to be present as this is the anmiual election of officers also to bring their donations for the fish pond to the meetings Note the change of date owing to the anual bazaar on Nov 24 in the basement of the United church at 330 pm There will be aprons fancy work miscellane ous articles Mr and Mrs Kenneth Stiver Newmarket were Sunday after noon visitors at the home Mr and Mrs Byron Sliver Mr and Mrs Donald Stiver who have sold their farm will be moving soon to their new home on Victory Dr Life in Cotujott tall JOHNE Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoid Slim Toronto Out scjeiira has found a healing with lb in nhility shrink to pain l without In after white gently pain actual reduction shrink- Mont anwiloaof alimudla so thorough hat Moth like crated lo be a problem The a new tub- RioDyne of a get I Ml new in Ask for at nil iff UK 01 or tUiwU- Mrs Perry Winch has returned home after spending a month with her daughter Mrs Wood land Mr Wood Williamsburg Mrs I spent a few with their son Harold don and family at Out Mr and Mrs Perry Winch and family spent weekend with his parents and Mrs Perry Winch Dr S was the spea ker at YP meeting Sunday night a Mr and Mrs Alto Davidson visited their new grandson Ed ward Charles son of Mr and Mrs Caleb Davidson in Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs Winch and Keith have moved to their new home in Keswick Little Rickey Griffiths their grandson spent the week with them Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Donald Winch Lansing on the birth of their son The Womens Federation meet ing will be held November at days 1 pm The Optimist entertained their wives at a dinner meeting Wed nesday night Jr the Mr Mr Russell is very ill in hospital Queensville News message by Rev Gordon ling entertained their mother last Monday ZEPHYR Mrs Charles is spen ding a few days with her daught er Mrs George Parker Weston A concert under the sponsor ship of the will be held on Friday evening November with Mrs Colbys choir the jun ior farmers quartette and Art Whitneys orchestra A presentation was given Mrs William Barker at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Lockie A lov ely coffee tabic was given lo her The community wish her many years happiness living in New market OPTIMIST WEEK Reeve Roy Pollock of North township has pro claimed this week as Optimist Week for the Keswick club This will bo observed from November II by the Keswick Opti mists along with the more than other Optimist clubs in the western hemisphere About one confinement in in Canada results in the birth of with HOPE Mr William Brcnair and Miss Helen Shields were married on Saturday Nov at Sharon- Hope United church Sharon- Hope East Group of Die catered for the reception held at the municipal hall at Sharon a a Mr Sheldon Walker is show ing his Belgian horses at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto A number of citizens of the community attended the Royal Winter Fair and all report fav orably on the quality of the ev ening performance Miss Jeaninc and Mr Geo Barker Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr and Mr Doug las Pottage and Mrs Barker Masters Keith and Ronald Beach spent Saturday with their cousin John Smith The November meeting of the Hope Hobby club will bo held at the home of Mrs Carl Gordon Davis Dr Newmarket on November Program commit tee Mrs Micks and Mrs Lunch committee Mrs Ferguson Mrs Moss Mrs Vanstone and Mrs It Wright The roll call is be answered a gift to Ik donated the Visitors during the weekend at Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs William Card Karen and Bruce Mr and Mrs William Moss and Bonnie Toronto Miss Jennie formerly of Mount Albert celebrated her 94th birthday on Friday at her home in Mr and Mrs George Green visited their son David and Mrs Green at Keswick on Wednesday Were not In business dis courage people from buying houses but we do want to put In a word of caution here for the benefit of some people mostly young couples who are Inclined to overestimate how much they can afford to pay for a house 80 many people tend to think of the cost of an object from a hammock to a house only In terms of how much the down payment is see this altitude reflected In so many ads these days for various products Only down months to pay Now we have no quarter with this method of marketing goods but weve found from that some people buy houses with very low down payments without fully realizing hat there are other expenses to home owner ship besides monthly mortgage payments Later on they some times discover their house has become a burden instead of pleasure it should be Some people acknowledge these expenses right from the start but they shove them into the back of their minds figuring that once theyre in the house their budget will somehow work Itself out Often weve wanted to suggest to people that In addition to monthly payments they consider such items as taxes maintenance fire Insurance elec tricity water plus other Items that might apply in their particu lar home and circumstances You may think Its odd for us to talk this way But our business success depends not on selling Everyone the most expen sive house possible but selling them a home that will bring them happiness security and a sense of financial Independence STOUT IT Newmarket AUTO WRECKERS a moie one child York County hospital gift shop WANTED cars for wrecking HIGHEST PRICES PAID Davis Dr E Newmarket Phone I GIVE A HANDMADE GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS VUit the NEWMARKET HANDCRAFTS SALE to be held in the Assembly Room of the NEWMARKET LIBRARY FRIDAY NOV 30 St United church Toronto and the music by choir ami large both morning ami evening made the anniversary service of United church here a day to be remember ed All re Jo attend the Athletic society to be in the public school on Monday Nov at pm The financial of Day for will be viewed and will be made for the commit year Miss Barbara Toronto Western hospital jejuni a couple of days this week tier par ents home lure Til Afternoon Auxiliary of the Womens Missionary Society of tie United church will meet Ihe home of Mrs on Thursday Nov instead of Nov on account of the fowl sijpjht being held thai week Mrs will take the book mid Mrs J J Ker shaw will have the period Mrs Dike will he in chart unci her roll cull will he IVftce The ore Mrs Shipjnan and Mrs The Auxiliary Women Society will meet at the homo Mrs Hex Sin I Hi on Nov at pm The worship ser vice will be by Mrs The new bonk will Ik by Mrs Annus Smith Hosieries will be Mrs A Oliver Mrs and Mrs Fnshury 9 The Trail under the of Mr Keg Slimier wish to thiiiik all those who inn- of drive of paper were collected Canadian in Train- They put program mystery evening on a film and a fine is improving Mrs Charles Lewis Toronto has been visiting Mr and Mrs Lewis during past week tflrlil From Week The ladies of and Maple Hill Baptist churches will hold their monthly missionary meeting at the home of Mrs Fred Knights Halloween social was held on Nov at the home of Mr William Smith Mrs Caldwell SI Thomas is spending some time in the village because of the illness her mother Mrs W Mr Knighls after his Mm home ft niii hospital The first euchre party of the season sponsored by Wom ens Institute will be held in Sharon halt on evening Nov at pm prizes and lunch will he provided The committee will be Mrs Sydney Thompson Mrs Mrs Angus Smith Mrs Wit mob Mrs It and Mm Mi ami Mm Colo Aurora with Mis I visited Mrs at Home in Keswick on Sunday We our congratulations to her on her birthday Congratulation to Miss vist on her birthday week a Meet your bank manager lies easy to meet and a good nun to talk things over with Not just because he knows a lot about king hut because he can be counted on to apply that knowledge and experience to your particular need I To lain banking is more titan dollars and cents more than figures in a ledger To banking is the opportunity to work with people- through bank services to help with your problems your hopes and That is what he has been trained to do That is what he likes to do Youll find hes a good man to know CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITA

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