CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE FOUR AND FIVE b YEAR EXPRESS HERALD ST YEAR NEWMARKET NO SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Permit For 1 8 Stores I Bought For Davis Dr Development for a building permit to cover and tor an Davis Drive New- market was requested on he weekend by Samuel Tor onto It la understood thai Kurln hat plan to locate an sup ermarket on his property which it located on the south side of Drive near Street Previously KurJn had obtained a building permit for a ami four uteres On Friday he made a request at the town office for an extension covering the greater plans The value of the proposed buildings It said to thin A apcclal meeting of was called by Mayor M Glad- man on Friday night He said owners since It has boon allow ing service stations to be built left and right DeputyReeve expressed opposition to a shopping centre being developed Reeve said I am a shopping centre but ad ded that council could not refuse a building permit that Councillor Gladstone Robert said that Kurlns plan should have been put before the planning commit tee for discussion He said Kurin rushed In before the new by law was passed Councillor said It is a free country and told council that he saw the mayors view point But he said the shopping centre was against popular feel- is walking In on an expanding market What about gas stations We ve them left and right said Councillor Councillor admitted he had a certain amount of sympa thy with Mr altitude that you cant protect enterpris es He pointed out that there arc more people in town would not giving the permit The mayor said he thou ght the permit could not be referred to Main St merchants who have made heavy investments and fused and colled the meeting to worked hard on their decide the question Councillor said that he had not refused to Issue a per mit ha pointed out that he had no authority to issue one He add ed that the town has no building inspector to authorize a building permit A motion by Councillor to postpone dealing with the question until a legal opinion was obtained was passed by a vote of to three The solicitor was out of town at the time Mayor and Councillor Alex voted the motion Cava The next day the town solicit or M Stiver was contact- said that council had no legal grounds on which to refuse the request for an extended per mit During ho special meeting day night Councillor who is chairman of the planning com mittee pointed out that a bylaw governing subdivisions had been given two readings in council The third reading is due He said the uncompleted bylaw iitUght bo a reason for withhold ing the permit The mayor said he had obtain ed an opinion from another law- in the absence of the solicit- for to the effect that it would have no bearing on Kurlns Councillor said he al so obtained other legal opinion from Toronto and argued that Kurlns application could not be refused Ho suggested that the subdivision bylaw was at Kurin yHccve MacNaughlon said that must have heard about the bylaw ami rushed up to Newmarket to obtain an ex tension for his permit before the bylaw was passed plain language the new fcytaw provldea council with aver aubdlvidlnf where there hare been loopholes and m legislation aubdlvUlen where roads water and other service are required be a plan and ap proval he town council and the department of planning A plan required pefore loam can be a- MM red Most of the until members expressed opinions in various ways that council could not re strict enterprise Councillor said that council has not protecting gasoline station cs He said now someone and Main St Is crowded Supermarket Needed Councillor said he thought that a new supermark et is needed but that he didnt know whether the stores were needed or not He said it was not councils business whether or not the stores succeeded or failed Kurln did make a survey and thinks it should pay said Mr Whether wo leave it wide open or exercise some con trol he said was a matter for question The question was an swered the next day by the solic itor For 1957 Beta For Majority Edward Councillor A have announced their Inten tions to run for all tees on the town council for Councillor that he will be a candidate for mayor the reeve says he will seek reelection They are the only members of coun cil who have stated their In tentions publicly Reeve said that If reelected he would be a candidate for county commis sioner next year This year he has served as chairman of the York Manor commission on county council MOVE QUARTERS The location of the child health center for the York County Health Unit has been transferred from the basement of the town hall to the Fireball auditorium All WeltBaby clinics will be held there until further notice Natural Monument Grace St Subdivision Built On 1890 Plans Extra Permits Held Up Town council adopted Consult ant Engineer rec ommendation that no more build ing permits be issued to the builder of houses on the exten sion of Grace St former portion of Andrew Watson farm until necessary changes in road grades arc made in the new subdivision and the drainage situation is cor rected A discussion of the his tory of the subdivision followed A report of an inspection trip on November U by Mr and Reeve Edward was presented in a letter from Hie former It stated no plans were available on roads or drain age but hat a road will be built east of Ltd south from Davis Drive to connect with the extension of Grace St Which the builder has completed Certain changes will be re quired in that road grade Mr reported The natural drainage courses arc being alter ed by the development and be cause of the additional develop ment in the area storm flows will be increased and will re quire a revision of the drainage system on Grace St he ex plained as reasons for the tem porary refusal of more building permits Mr said he had been asked by several residents on Queen St to investigate the situation since water was drain ing onto their properties from hi new development He visit ed the subdivision and decided the towns consultant engineer should inspect it How can they proceed with building of streets and houses without council knowing of the existence of this subdivi sion or for that matter even the planning committee having offi cial notification of it asked Councillor Alex This Ik a bit of impertinence that the matter should be passed over so lightly Why dont we know what is going on within the limits of the town he asked Town Solicitor Kenneth Stiver explained that a plan had been placed on this area in 1890 Ac cording to the towns under standing there Is no subdivision being built there he added There was nothing to do but is sue building permits since this building was entirely on private land According to the plan put on the block of land which con tains approximately acres the owner has the right to build houses without coming to the town for further approval In there was no control of sub divisions he added There still doesnt seem to be much replied Councillor Robert Wonch Most building schemes today arc under explained Mr Stiver NHA will not approve Pago 3 Col AURORA APPOINTS 5 TO COURT OF REVISION Members of the Court of Re vision were appointed at the last meeting of the Aurora council in accordance with the Assessment Act They arc Lome Evans Ho ward Bunn George Locke Geor ge Wilkinson and Albert Morri son A salary of 15 dollars per day was set by council Hot Satisfied Murray WHI Run For Mayor Another candidate has an nounced his intentions of running for mayor in the Aurora munici pal elections James Murray owner of the Queens Hotel on Street said on Monday night he would bo a candidate Im not satisfied with things the way they are said Mr Mur ray and 1 dont think the peo ple are If Dr Henderson wants to run for a third term the peo ple should have the right to say whether they want him or not Mr Murray was a councillor for two years deputy- reeve for one year and reeve for one year In the last election he lost to Clarence Davis the present I reeve No Out In Resources Commission For Towns Over 0MB Debit Limit Commissioner Informs Delegates HUNGARIAN RELIEF CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED AT BANK Financial aid to the Hungar ians Is being channelled throu gh the Canadian Red Cross and contributions for this purpose may be left at the Newmarket branch of the TorontoDomin ion bank The contributions should be marked Hungarian Relief Fund They will be forwarded immediately to the Red Cross head says Mrs Fred president of the local branch of the Red Cross Here and There Around Town By Local Observer THE WINSTON CHURCHILL RANGE High into the sky reach the greatest peaks of Jasper National Park part of the vast range which Mines Minister George has announced will forever commemorate the name of Winston Churchill Snowcapped and cloud decked the mountains stand in rugged array in the glacier country spreading out from the gigantic Columbia Icefield- Seen in this aerial view are some of the impos ing peaks that make up the range Inset map indicates location of the range flanking the west side of the Columbia Icefield highway some miles south of Jasper Photo Municipalities hoping to the debenturelimit ruling by having the Ontario Water Re sources commission build their utilities were disappointed a recent meeting of Ontario Conservation authorities Globe and Mail reporter Lex states In an address to the Conserva tion authorities delegates Com missioner J A Vance Wood stock said the commission will not provide an avenue whereby municipalities can overpay their limit of capital spending imposed by the Ontario Municipal Board When the commission was cre ated hist summer it was specu lated that could build water and sewage disposal facilities for municipalities where the deben ture debt was at or near ceiling Mr Sell rag reports Some municipalities hoped that the commission would build the services and rent them back In that way although rentals would be added to the tax rate the let ter of the law would be observed However Mr Vance said since the taxpayers would be footing the bill in any ease the Munici pal Board would have to be con sulted His statement sounded a death knell to several plans for obtaining muchneeded plants Woodbridge for instance had I been refused approval of debenture Issues for a sewage treatment plant and sewer sys tem because its debenture debt was already too close to the per missible limit Mr Vance made it clear that the commission is giving nothing Page Col 3 Ratepayers Association Hears George Knapton Candidate For George Knapton a candidate for town council spoke to a joint meeting of the and Ratepayers Associations on November A record attendance from both associations were pre sent Mr Knapton in ottering him self as a candidate for next years council presented his ideas on the complex matters of town plann ing including the establishment of industry a reliable source of Germany water supply sewage disposal plant and the general administra tion of the towns business Mr Knapton remarks were j well received and approved by those present For one family in the district Mr and Mrs Johnston the trouble in the Suez area brings personal wor ries Their daughter Mrs Ken neth left on October 23 to join her husband who is a technical sergeant with the Am erican Air Force stationed in Turkey went to Turkey in May Mrs was a member of the first group of wives all of whom ore teachers nurses I or technicians to be sent to the Middle Eastern countries to join their husbands There were women in the group and they were to establish such ser vices as hospital and school fa- before other servicemens families joined their husbands With all this trouble in Israel and Egypt we dont know whe ther they will follow this plan Mrs Johnston told an Era and There is talk of evacuating the families of Am erican service personnel in sev eral areas Mis Johnston said they had received word from their daugh ter from the Azores Islands The last message came from no further word has been received this past week ByLaw To Expropriate Land For A Town Well Expropriation procedures were started by town council on Mon day night when a bylaw was passed authorizing the action to expropriate a portion of land in the former Lewis farm for the construction of a well The land is owned by Harold Councillor John in the absence of Water Chairman Alex Hands said the proposed location of the well is approxi mately feet cast of St He reviewed the towns search for additional water say ing that the Creek Lake Simcoe and more wells had been considered as possible sources A survey of the approximately per day Mr Chopptn said Lake was considered too big proposition for the town and so additional wells were considered the solution The first test hole drilled on the Lewis Farm site proved suc cessful The water supply was judged to equal that of the towns four existing wells and our engineer recommends that it be taken into the towns wa ter system Mr ex plained To do this it is necess ary to start proceedings to ex propriate the land necessary for the construction of a well he added Council unanimously support- creek revealed it would yield the bylaw York Municipalities Set Dates For Nominations COMING EVENTS NOV Id Canadian Legion Ladle Auxiliary tit bake sale afternoon tea and draw from 2 to pm in the t Legion Halt Newmarket NOV and draw in the Hall pm Cecil Gibsons orchestra Sponsored by the Newmarket Brigade lflAimual au tumn tea and bazaar Auxiliary of Trinity United 3530 pm Supervised nursery NOV Free for a electric at the Hod and White store g42 Eagle at at pm NOV North York Hunt at am at Hough- lands residence of Mr and Mrs Hough 2nd concession King of St at Inter- action of 2nd of Ballards On Mon day at am the residence of Mr and Mrs Ih miles west of Street end mile north WEDNESDAY NOV Catho lic Womens league regional card party at St Lukes parish hull Thornhill pm He- frcshmont Admission WEDNESDAY NOV market Veterans bingo In town hall pm Cash each game line any caul nine mini called Jackpot Admission I cards Proceeds Veterans NOV 23 Ladies to St Pauls Cub Pack sate in former Un employment Office Main St Newmarket pm SUNDAY NOV Al bert church annivers ary services at and pm Hie Pitts family of boys and sister Sylvia in songs and musical numbers P minister of Toronto Grace church in the evening service Mrs TUESDAY NOV initi rummage sale in the Newmarket Town Hull pm by the Catholic Womens League FRIDAY NOV Euchre in Vendor hall pm Natural Cas Line Started Friday To Supply Aurora And Newmarket A transmission line to curry as line The natural gas will be natural gas to Aurora and Now- coming from Texas until it is a I market started from vailable from Western Canada for heir own reading during the I The new venture at the New- market Public Library is proving successful with two Childrens Story Hours having been held by the librarian Mrs Horace The Story Hour will be a regular event each Saturday Children who havent discov ered this treat arc invited to join he group this Saturday mom my at oclock They will be introduced to some wonderful storybook characters and have the chance of borrowing books Mills slderoid TUESDAY NOV At p euchre in Sharon sion 35c Ladles provide Span- I sored by Community Centre Proceeds to defray cost by Sharon and lunch ball NOV or jumble sale St Pauls parish hall pm sponsored by A Evening branch DEC I Sharon Hope Friendship Circle are hold ing their Christmas tea bazaar and bake sale in Sharon hall from pm DEC Hot tur key dinner from to pm in St Pauls parish hall Newmar ket Adults children un der years District School Alumni dance Due to construction of the new wing accommodation Is unavailable for the annual dance at this season See you all In the spring every Saturday night to Norm Hurling and His Kings- men at Mount Albert commun ity hall If38 DANCE every night to the music of the or chestra at J Itanch House His tuurattt and Dining High way 18 miles south of Sutton from pm to am Couples only EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Teen Town dancing to Norm Burling and his Kmfismen in New market town hall pm Ad- Hill on Friday Officials of Consumers has a contract with the Consumers Gas company say TransCanada and will be an exact completion date ifs gas from the Trans-Can- difficult to predict but that natjada pipeline when it is gas will be in both towns by spring ihc route of the TransCanada The contractors Shaw pipeline is expected to follow who has laid pipe for highway to Toronto It is company previously is construct- possible that eventually a take- he transmission line from off line will crossover to high- week Richmond Hill It will be on the east side of St for two miles and will cross the highway and follow the west way to supply Newmarket and Aurora It is an interesting fact will be necessary to reduce A positive approach is being taken by many of local churches to provide leisure time activities for the towns teenag ers Several Young Peoples so cieties have been organized or are in the process of organiza tion ministers of Newmar ket are to be commended for their leadership But with all the duties of Hint it growing congregations in an ex- Nomination meeting time has arrived for municipal elections in York County The first to hold its nomination meeting is Aurora with a meeting tonight Novem ber Nominations will be re ceived from to pm Vaughan Township follows with a nomination meeting the same hours on Friday Nov ember On Saturday from to pm nominations will be re- are King Township and School Section One Whitchurch Town ship Village Stouffvil- to Township and Richmond Hill On d a November and King City will hold nomination meetings Fri day November is the final dale for nominations In York County On night meetings reived for North Gwtllimbury will be held for East Township and Monday Novemb- J bury Township Mount Albert cr is nomination meeting night Sharon Holland Landing Sutton West and In New- Township market will be held on Election Dates in Bradford Nomination meeting side will be available at Oak j sure when gas is taken off tho as well TransCanada line Up to now community it is un reasonable to expect them to provide the necessary continuing The company hopes that the company has been required j guidance such groups require line will be completed by the end to use pumps and increase press of this year but weather condit ions will be a factor The con tractor Is to work this year as long as lie can if winter condit ions prevent the completion the work will continue in the spring The companys franchise agree ment specifies that streets will be Nov to hear appeals on put back in the same condition tax roll Appeals of in Us operations in and a- Toronto COURT OF REVISION The Newmarket court of revi sion will be held on Tuesday the the The responsibility for leadership in work should be assumed by the lay members of the com munity day November with nominat ions closing at pm On the same evening nominations will be held for the police villages of Maple and Thorn- hill On Friday November 23 eight municipalities in York county hold nomination meetings They North election date is Saturday December The seven municipalities with nomination meetings on Novem ber will hold elections on Monday December The re maining towns police villages and townships have Monday December as election day Transport Is Parents Problem Board Says No School Buses better when services are Install assessment for taxes in town Traffic difficulties will be heard on Monday ami will bo given consideration Tuesday Nov anil and up- and all traffic holdups will be to permission from pol ice and firo departments William M Kelly general sup erintendent of distribution told the Era and Express Monday that notification will be given to all residents and property owner before pipes are laid properties peals on local improvements Thursday Nov GRANT on Application to tho Federal Government Is being made by the town of Newmarket for a near their grant in lieu of taxes on Its build ings within the municipality it According to present plans was announced at council this Nawmark will the and thai If you read all the news stories In this weeks Era and Express you will notice some inconsisten cies in certain arguments pre sented by members of town council In one story a councillor ex plained that it was impossible to grant building permits to an ap plicant for a shopping center be cause the town doesnt have a building inspector In another story same councillor said it was Impossible to refuse building permits to a on the east side of town because a plan had been placed on the land many years ago What about that business of not having a Inspector Newmarket Public school board of trustees went on record at its meeting on November that a portion of the capital levy charged per house in new subdivisions should be set aside for school purposes of capital ex penditure The levy is required by the town On a motion of trustee Bruce and John It is only fair when the town re house in a new subdivision that a capital levy for each some of that money be earmark ed for school purposes he said Mr y mo n questioned what he termed uncontrolled de velopment in the town saying that when the school board is not notified by town council of such residential growth it has no the recommendation was forwar way of planning the extra school ded to town council School board accommodation that will be need- unanimously approved the The schools are getting the blame for the increase in taxat ion said Mr the school costs are high er but that Is largely due to the residential growth of town Mr listed several examples where five to hous es are being built in several sep arate locations but the school board has had no official Col