lira and Thursday Nov SKOAL GARBAGE will collected at follows CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED WEST SIDE OF TOWN EAST SIDE OF TOWN NOV WED NOV 14 Chairman AtEX HANDS COME AND HELP WELCOME SUNDAY NOV AT AM ROY OF TORONTO THE NEW PASTOR VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Comer of Arthur and Newton Newmarket YOUTH FIRESIDE PRESENTS BILLY GRAHAM IN EASTWARD TO ASIA A thrilling minute documentary film covering recent Evangelistic tour of Asia SEE A HINDU TEMPLE n SNAKE CHARMER SERVICE IN SEOUL KOREA WEDNESDAY NOV PM GRACE CHURCH NEWMARKET LIVESTOCK YORKSHIRE pigs week old J Peter Keswick 21317 phone REGISTERED heifer calves of good breeding Charles Haines Newmarket phone ram lambs aged rams 1 pure hog months Will sell some ewes or let on share to suitable place John mile east of Aurora phone PA Aurora 29 SUCKLING pig weeks old Apply A Wilton 2 Newmarket REGISTERED Iambs good size and type J A Campbell R 3 Newmarket phone WOOD SALE DRV hardwood body and limb wood cut in lengths Phone Moriey 22703 Mount Albert DRY firewood alt kinds free de livery Taylors Sawmill It Aurora phone Avenue MIXED wood hard rind soft wood Phone Mount Al bert LOST POULTRY WANTED LIVE poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid S Oak Ridges or phone TUrncr ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket POULTRY FOR SALE MAY hatched to lbs per lb prime roasters milkfed in crates Phone Rod well Queens villc from to pm specially mat ed White Leghorn pullets five months old Phone Newmarket Hock pullets starting to lay Arthur Case Zephyr phone Mount Al bert PLANTS FOR SALE KITTEN on October grey part Persian with white paws and neck seven months old He- word Phone Newmarket days and 89w nights BROWN leather key ease with rabbits foot attached Phone Newmarket RUIN day between York County Hos pital and Main St Phone Newmarket NOTICE to CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE or CHARLOTTE JANE HILL DECEASED ALL persons having claims against the estate of Charlotte Jane Hill late of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York widow who died on or about the day of August 1059 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under signed on or before the day of November 1050 after which date the Estate will be distrib uted with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Newmarket this 30th day of October VIOLET ELIZABETH HILL and WAL TER RALPH HILL executors by their solicitor James Main Street Newmarket Ontario MISCELLANEOUS SALVAGE NOTICE THE Clerks notice of the first notice of the Voters List VOTERS LIST Municipality of NORTH County of York SALVAGE building material for NOTICE is hereby given that sate from Era and Express build- J have complied with Section No CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH MINISTER REV ORGANIST STEPHEN CRISP Memorial Day Church Parade OK THIS VKTCKAV8 WARS I AND If SUNDAY NOV Service am Memorial colors pm Sunday School Keening service ALL WELCOME receiving of new plants 100 per 1 1 and raspberry canes 200 Mrs Deans Ho and Landing phone New- market 930wl3 No delivery AFRICAN VIOLETS HUNDREDS of flowering violets large plants many varieties SI and 120 Double pinks soil fertilizer Open daily am to pm except Sun day Violet Centre fry Dr off Davis Dr New market AFRICAN Violets select var ieties Potting soil peat moss and vermeeulltc Davys Green houses Holland Landing phone 51 Newmarket on Main St Will be sold us wrecking proceeds Studs joists flooring and sheeting etc Apply Roadhouse and Roe Main St or phone or Newmar ket hounds mouths old Apply Sain Ryan Ravcnshoc For Footings Floors I alios etc CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD of the Voters List Act and that I have posted up at my office at on the day of Oc tober the list of nil persons entitled to vote in the said mu nicipality at the elec tion and that such list remains there for inspection and I here by call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct ed according law the last day for appeal Nov DATED this day of October 1 KRW1N WINCH Clerk 320 I Trusses surgical supports clast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket NOTICE J Tilt Clerks notice of he first notice of the Voters List VOTERS LIST MUNICIPALITY OF EAST County of York NOTICE is hereby Riven that have complied with Section KUKKONEN At York County hospital Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Waller Oak a son KELLY At A York County hos pital Thursday Nov 1959 to Mr and Mrs Frank Kelly Sha ron a daughter KERR At York County hospi tal Sunday 1056 to Mr and Mrs Hugh Kerr Richmond Hill a son At York County hos pital Sunday Nov to Mr and Mrs Earl Noble- ton a son At York County hospital Wednesday Oct 1056 to Mr and Mrs Lewis Mnrsven Sutton West a son NOR IS At York County hos pital Saturday Nov Mr and Mrs William Norm a daughter PETERS At York County hos pital Sunday Nov to Mr and Mrs William Peters Oak Ridges a daughter York County hospi tal Friday Nov to Mr and Mrs Stanley Shaw take Wilcox a son SCHUST At York County hos pital Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Garland Sharon a daughter IN In memory of George Morris who passed November One year has passed since that sad day When you were token away From suffering pain and sorrow j To a higher nobler resting place In memory you are with us No matter where we are If we only hear your voice And sec your smile and reel you at the door When steep forsakes the eyes Many a silent tear is sited While others are asleep Always remembered by mother and sister Hazel MAINPRISE In loving mem ory of a dear father Gordon Mainprise who passed away November We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind For the days we do not think of you Arc very hard to find If all this world were ours to Wed give it yes and more To see the face of our father dear Come smiling at the door Sadly missed and lovingly re membered by and George CAR OF THANKS We wish lo extend our sincere thanks for messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings re during our recent be reavement from our neighbors relatives and friends I tree and Hoy CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my many friends and neighbors for cards flow fruit candy and many acts of kindness shown to me while in the hospital Special thanks to Dr and the nursing staff of York County hospital why Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phono Mount Albert L1SCOUMB In loving memory VICTOR At York County a dear daughter Joan Lis No A fish imported stock Plants tanks and sup plies Goldfish Phone Newmarket THERE IS STILL TIME TO ATTEND THE MISSIONARY CONVENTION of the Evangelical Mission of Converted Monks and Priests DATES NOVEMBER 7 PLACE VETERANS MEMORIAL HALL Speakers TUESDAY REV FORMER PRIEST WEDNESDAY DR PAUL ROBERTS MEDICAL MISSIONARY Still Your Opportunity Thursday Nov 8 SPEAKER REV WALTER ANGST Principal of Bethel Bible- School Lennox villi Que SPECIALS IN SONG DON WILKINSON LKADHIt VAKNKV IjAiiisl Mrs Hay Cartel Slides of work In Quebec Friday Nov SPEAKER REV WALTER ANGST Bring a concluding of he work in Quebec and the of worker for that neglected mission field ALSO HEAR HARRY SPENCER and his testimony of the marvelous of God Displays Films Literature And Christian Supply Stands YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS ANY NIGHT THE COUGH For toughs colds and bronchi tis A effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular and sciatic pains Price SI Store phono Newmar ket of the Voters last Act and thai j have posted up at my office at Sharon on the day of Oc tober Itoii the list of all persons entitled to vole in the said mu nicipality at the municipal elec tion and that such list remains there for inspection and I here by call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct ed to law the last day for appeal Nov DATED 31st day of October J Clerk tile JO and ate delivery Lome Baker con crete Products Newmarket phone IM MUCOUS IN Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of lump in the throat and other disturbance the same reliable that have been for many years by adults and children SI The Drug Store phone It Newmarket These are pink tablets SALE REGISTER SATUIUMY NOV Auction ale of effects furiu- tools etc properly of Miss Vienna Mar- ill be sold on premises on the Jake at Kes wick- Tunc I pm Trims cash Murv ioonJ clerk Smith phone Newmarket THUItSDAY NOV I Auction of Shorthorn cattle meiiti hay wheat and rain the of Harold Jot I eon North These cattle are a Krade herd of Mid Mime will reg ister Your chance to secure stock Kverylliinu without as owner ui annuo Terms cash Sale I pin sharp J auctioneer phone If Auction of farm tile property of Mel lot con Pickering Twp west of Whitby on No highway of head of liifjli made milk fresh and cow all vacclniited of baled hay straw law bus of Mr tractor John model tractor a full Hue of Favourite machine Inch Note thu a good herd of cattle Plan attend Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Sale at pm sharp inner clerk Keg Johnston auctioneer TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF EAST GWILLIMBURY will be received by the undersigned up to and in cluding November 17 for the supply of a truck ami operators to plow snow on all roads east of concession to the east town line INFORMATION regarding tender may be procured fron undersigned lowest or any necessarily accepted I J Clerk of the Township NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF EAST Tuesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Victor Hill a daughter At York County hospital Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Arthur Mount Albert a daughter WOOD At York County hospi tal Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs Frank Wood Lake Wilcox a daughter York County hospital Saturday Nov to Mr and Mrs It a daugh ter At York County hospi tal Wednesday Nov to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wall Richmond Hill a daughter VANDKHUNDEU At York County hospital Thursday Nov to Mr and Mrs John Vauderlinder It It Bradford a daughter DEATHS Suddenly at hi home on Friday Nov 195U Herbert husband of Viola Toronto of Elizabeth Mrs A Smith Walter Pine Orchard and Kenneth A Ser vice was held on Tuesday Nov Interment Aurora cemetery CLARK At his home berg on Thursday Nov I Frederick Melville Clark hus band of the late Henrietta Mor ris in his year brother Lillian Mrs Pearson Service was held on Saturday Nov 3 Interment Bond Head cemetery At Sunny brook Friday November Charles Wesley MeDride hus band of late Mary Hoover father of Ella Mrs Tarrant Toronto Ethel Mrs White Maple and Harry of King City Service was held on Monday In King City cemetery who passed I dream of you dear And see your smiling face And know that you are happy la our Fathers chosen place Lovingly remembered by Mother away Nov PER BINS Flower Shop Member Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to alt of the world MAINlRIZK In loving memory of a beloved husband and father Gordon Mainprise who passed away November lie wished no one a last farewell US Main St FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY lender not TAKE NOTICE that of will sit on the 2IOi day of November at tin- hours of oclock in the afternoon and evening for Ihe Ass went Jtoll 1 Clerk of the Township the Court at Sharon in in BIRTHS NOV Auction of household furniture ft property of tin of the late W J Ness Sab- at pm Terms cash No reserve Ken and Clarke auc tioneers OF IS COMMUNITY AlTmnciK At York County Tlmihtlay Nov I In Mr and Mrs William Atlridge Aurora a sou JIAITY At York Thursday Nov I to Mr and Mrs Frederick Hatty It 4 a sun At York bos- Thursday Nov 1 to Mr and Mrs John Conrad Kes wick a daughter COME It- York County hos pital Friday Nov Mr and Mrs Cnner bill a daughter CALHOUN York hospital Friday Nov 2 1956 to Mr and Mrs William Cat- Newmarket a daughter At York Coun ty hospital Wednesday Nov Mr and Bruce Cut- Newmarket a daugh ter York hospital Newmarket on Sun day Nov 4 Nelson Ernest McCutchcon of husband of and father of Mrs Harry Johnston Jean Belle ville mid Mrs Mosaic Moorby Newmarket Service was held on Tuesday Nov Interment Barrio Union cemetery MOHHISON At his home King City on Friday Nov William Morrison husband of Annie Smith and father of Helen Page and Jim of Toronto Frank Breton in his year Ser vice was held on Monday Nov Interment King City cemetery York County hospital Newmarket on Friday Nov Jennie Lloyd of the late Thomas mother of Bertha Mrs Mor rill Keswick Walter Toronto in her 112nd year Service was held on Monday Nov Inter- Aurora his home in Bald win on Sunday Nov litis baud of Anderson father of Donald Itiddelt and brother of Mrs Tom in so it Barrio Mrs Hue Mrs A McMillan Sutton Mr It Sudbury Mrs Thompmn Hillsdale Mrs Gibson was held tin Tuesday Nov In terment Briar Hill cemetery IN loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away Novem ber We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind For days we do not think of you Are very hard find If all this world were ours lo five give it yes and more To see face of dear Come smiling through the door remembered by wife I Mary and children Boh Belly and Cathy Nor even said goodbye He had gone before we knew it And only knew why Asleep in Gods beautiful garden Away from all sorrow mid pain Some day when lifes journey is ended We shall all be together again Always by wife and family ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs James Francis McAuliffe of Lonsdale Ontario announce engagement of their daughter Frances Theresa Constable Ian Douglas Brown son of Mr and Mrs It Douglas Brown of marriage to be held in the Church of the Holy Name of Mary Ontario on Saturday Nov at am OF THANKS The family of the late Win Andrews wish to express sincere thanks to their relatives friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness messages of sympa thy and floral tributes in the loss of a dear husband and fa- j A special thanks to Or Win Arkinstall and Rev reck on market Phone 133W Newmarket Ambulance Service 24 hoar Newmarket Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET McCaffreys Flowers FOR OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed Alt Over the MAIN STREET Phone 573J Attend One Of These CHURCHES SINUAY u WNlTKh MISSIONARY SI AMIKtn CHURCH ami Newmarket Rev Minister Minister Rev It Stuart Johnston HAS am Broadcast Oshawa Telephone Organist Mr Rudolph am Church School am Nursery 3 and yrs am DAY j I Visitors cordially welcome MOWING Street am Meeting for worship Hill and family arc to lie with us Come and worship with us All welcome Saturday Nov Sired Quarterly Meeting in Toron to am Meeting Ministry and Oversight pm- Quarterly Meeting stands by those who have faith In Him and are obedi ent to Tilt Corner of Alain ami Queen Pastor R Miss June Rallies school 11 am- worship pm- Keening service You will like our services SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps Queen and airs It Craitilmk It am Holiness meeting in Sunday pm- tiosiiel service Make the Army your church home Kc am Worship am Sunday mam Worship pm Welcome our Service TIIK Mount Albert Church Sunday School pm Frank Clark pm Rev Karl ailnlster I nan Newmarket At York County hospital Oct Mr and Mrs Nelson Garrett a daugh ter Al York County bos- Welnesdiiy Oct to Mr and Mr George Holder Sutton Wot a son HAM At York County Nov to Mr and Mrs Zephyr a ion CARD OK THANKS The family ot the late Mrs wish lo thank friends and for their kindness In rill the loss of a Isdovcd mother CARD W THANKS I would to thank my friends relatives and neighbors lor the lovely cards candy and cigarettes sent to me during my accident Many thanks to the for their lovely box of fruit and a thanks to Dr W and Mr I J Harper Howard J Ash 10 am Sunday school am and pm Guest speak er Kvangelisl welcome Pastor A Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada VICTORY CHURCH of Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy am Sunday School am Pastors Bible class am Worship Service Wednesday pm Prayer and Study A warm welcome await TRINITY CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Mr lawn Nash Chair Director It am Mm nine worship Wild A Remembrance Day service Sunday am Senior School Beginners am Nursery Class am Junior pm Worship A OK WORLD WAR I wilh pictures taken by minister You will be welcome at Trinity CHURCH Rev Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Sedan- 10 am Sunday school It am Men and Missions Sun day Special speakers and singing service NOV sorviees with Rev Thurs Nov FOR ASHKS All I Mm SUNDAY SERVICES I A vyiyvj i