Ihm HOUSE FOR beautifully decorated landscaped entrance A For Information phone New market or Ken Wallace real tittle HI Toronto If you are hunting Two year old bedrooms well built brick bungalow full Ideal location stone throw from public school Owner transferred Phone market NEW brick bungalow on Grace St modern kitchen piece tile bathroom with built- in vanity Phone New market REAL 1ST ATI V J Realtor Ave Toronto REAL ESTATE FOR SAWS ROOM BOARD AVAILABLE APARTMENT FOR RENT KESWICK 4 room house convenience Full price Phone owner Point HOUSE FOR BENT ROOM house large living room picture window attached insulated antenna redecorated A Morton Kes wick phone Roches Point CHARLES E BOYD LIMITED Realtor Newmarket SI 500 DOWN and 2 large bedrooms with large clothes closets den or extra bed room all have hardwood floors piece bathroom tiled and linen closet forced air oil furnace air conditioning fully insulated heavy wired full basement A comfortable home Full price 5500 carries for less than a month DOWN MUST BE SOLD frame home central main floor has and cold water j modern kitchen sun- throughout large double gar- room and bath Upstairs ace on 350 wooded lot has largo bedrooms and niece bath full basement with oil ROOM apartment unfurnish ed 3piccc bath oil heated hot LARGE room suit or 2 and cold water separate cut- hoard optional in Office ranee Small child welcome Specialty vicinity Phone Possession Dec Apply Newmarket Newmarket phone TRAINED practical nurse with good home oil healing every convenience will board and care for convalescent or elderly lady Tin room a bedsitting room with bathroom and that on main floor Phone New- market ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE LLOYD baby carriage used only It months Also white nylon cover and pillowcase with raised floor large size like new 2Burner both oven and top element work ing Cream artificial fire- place Phone llOBr Newmar ket or apply Mrs Don Mitchell Newton Ave SERVICES AVAILABLE ROOM house hydro and wa ter in Holland Landing Imme diate possession Phone Newmarket new Suitable for store barber shop etc On main highway at Beach miles north of Toronto Immediate posses sion John Draper ft It PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY for with house deep between two streets one has frontage the other frontage on Eagle St New- Good apartment site Phone Newmarket FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WILL take small house with Urge garden under in trade on good bungalow Kes wick highway Very good deal or someone Heid full informa tion to Box 49 Era and Express Lots Sale ATTRACTIVE lot x Millard Ave southern exposure with park area at rear Phone pm Newmarket after Close to highway Full price Terms Additional land may be purchased required house glassedin sun- room 3piece bathroom oil furn ace full basement attached gar age hot and cold water large landscaped Jot in village poultry houses Full price Terms house on highway with acres modern kitchen bathroom oil furnace full base ment heavy wiring garage 3- decker chicken house Full price PROPERTIES lor all Just call ALFRED OLIVER Phone ALEX DOAK LTD Realtor SOLID brick bungalow containing bedrooms piece bath modern kitchen family- size modern cupboards tile floor dining and large living room hardwood floors oil heal ed equipped vith aluminum storms and screens Mortgage carries at month Low cash down Terms bungalow bedroom modern kitchen din ing room living room quipped with some storms awnings on all windows and Venetian blinds Good home Good buy Small cash Terms LOW cash down 2- storey home containing bedrooms 2 baths modern kitchen large living room and dining room oak and tile floors new airconditioned furnace This home is complete ly remodelled Asking Terms NEW ranchstyle bun- containing a selfcontained apartment plus three large bedrooms bath large modern kitchen tile floor modern cupboards To settle an furnace garage- Full price DOWN VALUE VALUE modern clapboard bun galow new bedroom modem bathroom and kitchen Full base ment with an oil furnace Must be sold owner is anxious to sell immediately Full price 3000 DUPLEX MODERN apartments each having modern kit chen bedrooms and its own bathroom Central New oil furnace newly decorated Buy ibis and live rent free Full price modern brick bungalow built one year extra large kit chen with extras cupboards spa cious 3 good sized bedrooms 4piece ceramic tiled bathroom with builtin vanity full basement with oil furnace and laundry tub Excellent value at Terms ONE OF THE clapboard bungalow just completed extra large with dinette builtin china cabinet ultra mod ern kitchen bedrooms bathroom full basement with oil furnace Many extras including laundry chute tubs hot- water tank etc See this one now Full price 13000 with terms BUNGALOWS ONLY two left Groom brick bungalows and lots wa ter sewers and roads paid for bedrooms ceramic tiled bathrooms ultra modern kitchens oak floors full basements with oil furnaces and laundry tubs one with attached garage interest Monthly ap proximately Pick yours now HOARDERS WANTED HOARDERS wanted 193 Newmarket WALNUT chest of drawers large other chests chrome suite chrome chairs washer childs crib utility cabinet Roll away bed Quebec healers typist desk and swivel chair filing cabinet iroiwx vacuum cleaner Ward robe trunk several mantle occasion al chairs mantle and console ra dios odd chairs rocking choirs single and double beds glass ware china etc Fred Hirst phone cKv44 UPRIGHT PIANO fumed oak in good condition Phone NURSING CONVALESCENT and patients private and 24hour nursing care reg istered nurse in charge Phone clocks desk PA Aurora Phone TWO elderly persons in quiet farm house Reasonable rates Phone Newmarket WANTED TO RENT 3PIKCE sectional chesterfield good condition Blonde corner table Reasonable Phone Newmarket rifle Phone Newmarket house or apartment in Newmarket Aurora or dis trict Reasonably close to school Phone Newmarket 3I6 ROOMS FOR RENT 4 ROOMS private entrance cen tral all conveniences month ly Phone 168m Newmarket VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made lor all styles of windows Free esti mates and installations Phone or apply Harold Craddock Ontario St Newmarket ENNIS piano just tuned in good condition Phone 1 New market BRIGHT rooms if heated private bath Phone 403 market COMFORTABLE room side hoard optional Newmarket west Phone REAL ESTATE FOR KALE SELLING YOUR HOME CONTACT KEN GROVES EVENINGS REAJrOR I Timothy Street tOppoilte the Dm Terminal GORDON LTD Ret Broker CASUAL bungalow urrounded by over an of velvet lawn tud land aping of reproduc ing thl luxurious setting would he well in excess of the del price of With terms ACRES log ilHtlrwtm bunga low nettled amtdftt acres of convenient MRJs pi cm nl owner who is lovely home has had ft change of plans and io ft to do the firiLOiiug dfttallt An excellent opportuni ty for a bargain Asking SPECIAL LOT OWNER will consider any offer on tot SO in town foundation In Down payment required is of little consequence Act now NOTE DUE to the increase hi sales in Ihe Newmarket district we found it necessary to open an to further our more adequately ft at Main just south of Or Our Mr Roland will he on hand to ftisitt you ftt any time If you would kindly consult him re- girding properties you would like to list you be insured of the same prompt efficient service that has always been the at any of the many Real offices the phone number Newmarket GORDON STOUTT Realtor NEW large stone fireplace equipped with modern oil heat laundry tub hot water tank on a lot Terms brick home 3 bedroom all spacious bath x dining and family large modem kitchen gunroom and balcony oak Hoon modem oil heat di vide basement loims and senens garage Ask ing Terms 7a0fFILL price for this five- j home in the beat of repair containing bedrooms and room for two more 3pieee bath kit chen cupboards in room and living loom Full cellar containing two room Three blocks school Terms ALEX LTD Realtor Main St Loblaws Phone Newmarket to choose from location overlooking the town solid birch bedrooms bungalows with dinette ultra modern kit chens tiled bathrooms oil furnaces and laundry tubs at tached garage We believe these home to be of value Priced from up CHARLES BOYD Limited A L T It Main SI Phoim Open till J pm el furnished 2rooni flat in quiet home Phone New market after pm housekeeping room with sink and hot and cold water couple also room Phone or apply 01 Queen St Newmarket RRKiT furnished bedroom all conveniences gentleman pre ferred close to downtown Phone Newmarket lw44 lal own en trance continuous car space Apply Crescent Newmarket room Apply Prospect St or phone New market DARK fawn mans spring and fall overcoat almost new size price Dark grey mans winter overcoat condition 40 price Phone Newmarket HAWAIIAN guitar like new with complete lesson course Cost Will consider best of fer Phone Newmarket steel bed with springs ladys station wagon coat size Two pair of hockey skates size and Also hockey pants Reasonable Phone Newmarket after pm ALL wool genuine rug Will sell reasonable Phone Newmarket furnace complete with burners and oil controls Heal bargain Phone 157 New market after pm 1 inch Newmarket Phone 2ROOM flat vith sink and cup boards central all Phone Newmarket after pm ifKATKD light rooms hydro hot ami cold wa ter Plume Newmarket after 030 pm dishwasher James portable deluxe like new rea sonable Plume Newmar ket MANS grey fall and winter overcoat size 40 in condi tion Phone 424 Newmar ket JOSKPii QUINN Realtor 7900 utile home all oil furn ace central shaded cor r lot Trims W600 buck home i mm icknt daylight In He on Main St near Ideal for maiiufact- or allow ai00 Will divide lent or a bath hardwood ha furnace large shaded lot duplex possibilities Terms stuceo home immaculate condi tion linoleum and tile Hums 3- piecf bath good furnace largo lot gar I en centra all town facilities Terms CUSTOM- clap board bungalow bedrooms birth panelled living room end dining mom with imposing cut- fireplace builtin book- clues and china cupboard 4- bath oil windows aluminum storms and Urge lot with scenic view com pletely school bus passes door taxes Mi Mir MORTGAGE MONEY WANTED I cage money of immediately ti inter- eat CHARLES Lhullrd frINDLAY Oval rook coal furnish nearly nevv and convenience one i l block from Main St Rent re Abstainers Phone ttlW vrket sories Apply Main St or plume Newmarket 3 ROOMS unfurnished heated reasonable Adults Apply Prospect Si or phone New market M SI a 1 1 convenience or Suit couple StOUtt Hales and Sr- vice St Aurora PA ACRPB broom clapboard home hard floors piece bath large I kitchen bedrooms grage barn good stream on Lake Siiuch taxes WANTED PA CM highway rms CONTACT Kvcninfts JOSEPH QUINN Realtor the bus terminal market hmi On III dhliiei I hone I WHO or write go Mulgiove Dr III lv44 liliv Apply St phone 2wt4 Kn and Classifieds bed sitting room men prefer ed Phone or apply Joseph St POR RKNT AURORA furnished apartment equipped kitchenette private bath I or business adults Phone PA Au- lorn civ it OR ROOM sep rate conveniences nicely decorated plume HI Mount Albert mi l child welcome Heavy wiring and kitchen Apply St Newmarket TWO apHitmcnts in Holland Lauding bath mini- em conveniences Phone or LUUvi SKLKCON small looms and bath cup- and sink ml Suit Apply Mam St or phone Newmaikel piece brown gabardine suit size Apply Andrew St Newmarket LADYS wine gabardine suit Navy blue coat and win ter coat sizes in good Mrs Win Armstrong phone RUMS Newmarket ROYS chinchilla outfit size ami ion wagon coat hat and ski paid to match excellent buy Ox Two girls coats stittublu for school and 3 station coat SO Ladys grey station wagon coat length size hardly wow any a coat excellent for loll weather like new size pairs size a pair pair lined longs size a pair Several dresses and skirts sizes mid prices Han be seen at Andrew St or phone Newmarket good recondi tioned pianos moderately pric ed Ken Punting trace St plume Newmarket LOMHINATION bookcase and writing desk Walnut china cab inet Mantle old time records Two chestnut doors 32 Aurora PA Classified Advertising Hates Three cents word rents for earn stiver- flMut Half Is repeated on weeks Ten discount If atlvrrtlseinent Is paid within week cost three rents a word minimum cents fur Ilia first rents for each week Card of Wedding sod Kngagciiitiit lor each 25 cent paid within week of publication In McmorlaniH siuo fur Insertion plus cents a litis for verse cents if within weak of publication may be phoned Into or left at on Charles St Newmarket phone The Misses Wood Store fit Aurora Mrs L phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements ac cepted through mail only where name and of sender Is clearly indicated Your advertisement Into over homes In North York GIRLS royal blue skating dress with hat size Phone TO cabinet Phone Newmarket SMALL electric refrigerator no objection to old model if in good working order Studio couch or rollaway bed must be in good condition reasonable Dresser chest of drawers table and pairs of curtains Phone Newmarket NURSES UNIFORM in stock 393 and up Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P Newmarket tftl KIRKS USE Fire Chief Chemical Chim ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove and pipes No muss No fuss No odor For sale at DISTRICT COOP SERVICES AVAILABLE SHIRTS LAUNDERED Free And Delivery NEWMARKET LAUNDRY Corner Dr and Charles St Phone RKL1AULK baby sitters Sandy and Phone New market CUSTOM chain Harold Parr WILL give day rale for children Phone Newmarket WINDOW denning Window Cleaning Service phone Newmarket PILING Apply P Slick- rotter St Newmarket cleaning services by the experts New market Services Co phono Newmarket OIL night Newmarket Services Co phone Newmarket If i I nurse available poperbtuiging by job hour rates phone Repairs Skilled can arranged mile not Hamiltons oilier phono doom your and to the North and it Shop res ltiOUj Newmarket upposfto New market cemetery At Insloys post office by expert weavers Burns moth- holes tears firing your troubles atao your alterations Phone Newmarket for Wo deliver Phone WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone 739 PORTABLE electric acetylene wolding government approved boiler repairs Verandah ratl ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Prop Custom madeFree Senecals Main St ket phone 117 ifi9 A SUFFERING from Rheumatic Pain Sciatica Lum bago is over if you let help you to relief Ask your Druggist CARS Minx license No serial No Will be sold for storage for the high est offer if not paid for by owner Apply Russells Garage Sharon 3w44 ROOFING CONTRACTORS RRMTT AND OBRIEN All types of Roofing Free estimates Phone Toronto St or write 301 Era and Express CHKVKOLKT coach in good I condition Phone market KM No will be sold for the highest offer to pay for storage if not paid foe by owner May bo seen at Garage Sharon Come and leave your bid HELP WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID trucks ALL models cars and I wanted for wrecking j ALSO used parti etc toe A Part- of So VOUNG man interested in steady employment not afraid to work Truck driving experience on 3rd but not essential Write and Express box GIRL wanted for hand and ma chine Bender Casket Co Davis Dr New market clw44 PARTtFmE taxi driver must be over years of age Phono TRAVEL Newmarket Iw44 GOING OVERSEAS sell on oil Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines PR etcl Our information and service la PARTTIME office girl days ft week morning Write Era and nlM Md lu proposed trip with Cheater Express box required for Newmarket office Shorthand typing general office duties Employee benefits steady em ploy Apply in writing stating experience salary ex pected and when available Write box Eva and Express Newmarket TRUCK driver needed Reliable and worker for permanent Phone MAN wanted to work at mink food processing two mites weal Aurora Plume PA 74iJfl AGENTS With and dispositions or the sale you can assure yourself an income of week and even more guaranteed products Toilet ries Medicines Tea Coffee Complete assortment of Christmas AtvantaeeOHS commission JtTO St Hubert VOUNG lady for general office Permanent position with varied and interesting duties Must be accurate with figures willing to learn bookkeeping Machine work Good telephone voice no advantage Write Era and pros box WAITRESS Apply Carlton Res taurant Newumrkei HELP WANTED FEMALE ROOK KEEPER ATTRACTIVE permanent posi tion open in local manufacturing Parly must bo of assuming responsibility and be experienced in general office work accounting procedure Would like references if possible Apply Newmarket Era and Express Ltd WAITRESS full time position experience preferred Apply in Topaz Col fro liar R I Newmarket WORK HOUSEWORK day Monday and Tuesday open front to u per day References bono young lady seeks copy typist Aurora or Newmarket vicinity Phone PA done for septic tanks and farm field draining Phono Mount Al bert FENCING FARM realilentlnt and Indust rial also concrete work tree estimates Cedar Valley Fence Company phone Mount Albert or depth up to ft Complete tank Job If desired Reasonable rates Call Murray linker New mar ket WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket chairs rebuilt recovered In any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave Newmarket Newmarket WASHING All makes by qualified trained service men STEWART Radio and Appllsnces Phone 1535 best The BEST DRUG STORE Resell Newmarket Phone If TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE TO Avro Aircraft swing shift now on nights Jim Find- lay phone Newmarket PROM Cedarvoltey arriving and Pane Ave a leaving pm or later Doug Birch R I Codu- Valley phone Mount Albert FARM FOR FALL CLEARANCE OF NEW BARGAINS MACHINES Mustang tractor with hydraulic reg 101500 Sale y500O Power mower Sale No plow leg Sale No 20 plow 24500 Sale No cultivator Sale No double disc Sale No 4 rubber wogon less leg Kale No separator Sale NEW HOLLAND MACHINES Motor drive baler new reg 172500 Sato PTO baler new Sale Power mower Sale manure spreader Sale Fertiliser spreader ft reg 23000 Sale Freeman manure loader Ford or reg Sale 27500 Dobbins ft boom sprayer leg HARRY P New Holland and New Idea Equipment Sales and Service lion Mills ltd Ph Nr iv market MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW and Surge milking machines and pumps Also used long tube units 10 to It Wooltcy Surge Sales and Service Oak Ridges or phone Turner Richmond Hill FARM ITEMS ARTS GARAGE AND RADIATOR SERVICE radiator eervtce repair body repairs gas ivwtfdi etc No Job too small Era and Express Classifies Arts for St I eeaolU- Nowmnrkct DRY ear corn delivered Phone Mel Woods TIL or AX Mills Rd at Steeles WOODS portable 4can milk cooler for sale recently over hauled New motor Harold Parr plume DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal service charge for each call Collect Newmar ket or Toronto EM 33835 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED LIVESTOCK WANTED BOB calves Mount Albert collect