Newmarket Era and Express, 1 Nov 1956, p. 7

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Is mH 11 MAIN Ill HEARING AID AND FOR AM Save at AND Main St Newmarket HOLLAND LANDING Thomas Robinson If back after her operation in a Toiontoj hospital The ladies associations held Saturday Oct was a sue- Thanks to that attended Mr William is in St Michaels hospital We hope he back again soon The Common Round By ISOBIl INCUSS COIVIUI NOVEMBER beguile well we hand The Newmarket ami Thursday Nor I ltt Prepare For Hearing On Aurora Annexation FRANCHISE OPEN know her dec to November shut her door October gold without November Can call the veil aside Keep your eyes on this column oad within And at our hopes deride for news of the Santa Clause par- hut October leaf-mo- a iced floor November feels herself outcast I Of bronze and fold and scarlet No with cats and township The anniversary services will PROFIT OPPORTUNITY FOR Aurora council is preparing A NEW BUSINESS OR for the annexation hearing be- fore the Ontario Municipal Board on November the special Program of world meeting of council last Winy offers profitable day Councillor Child sue- M Rested that a joint meeting oft the council the planning hoard Write for details of franchise ami and the solicitor be held in or- finance support program prepare the brief for the J Mr and Mrs Gordon Shields arc pictured following their wed- dine in St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket Saturday Oct The bride is the former Allen daughter of Mrs I Gilbert and the laic Mr Allan The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Shields The couple will reside in New- be held in the United church Sunday Nov at 243 pm and at pm Rev Gardiner will preach at both ser vices and the choir will provide special music The United church Sunday school will be held al on November and the thin Sound of the breeze Through half denuded trees annexed running No Christmas with the joy of mile and a quarter and west things that last Babe the Manger all the I Shut by her leaden door glorious day From all this gold she paints her wondrous star 1101011 A blue thats sharp and deep Wm AS AS and cold A thing of shreds and patches MACHINES CANADA lTI lirk Ave Montreal Jim isowt Photo by J A Hurst J prv snatches There will be a turkey supper Where shivering man and boast Then blends them In ai NORM STORK WEDDING MAINPRISE MORTON Judy Morton cousins of the if bride wearing matching green Gwendolyn Morton drcssw tor of Mr and Mrs Charles bandeaux Morton became the bride of George Kenneth Mainprise in bridesmaids- Carole And arms her winds with fingers Weather from each month she sharp that pry snatches some three mouths the an odd has been experimenting Willi a film exchange The films are obtained through the court esy of the Toronto and District veil oer all Yet of November one thing we Film Council of the National can say month ten new keeps us wondering day to film arrive at the Library These She Yet when November smiles draw a the hind misty softness every heart ceremony the Mount Albert United church Rev Curtis of- almost makes us we see the way Given in marriage by her fa- Mt about Inspecting tncrf Ihey are buy- embossed nylon and satin A matching pillbox head dress held her fingertip illusion veil and she carried red and white roses and long streamers know I fringe when some people house inf Would you believe It if we told you that weve actually seen people stop and admire a wrought Iron door knocker and then completely to notice whether the basement Is damp or whether he roof leaks should a buyer took for Outside the house you should check all walls for cracks and mortar Joints for out or other obvious of rouble Have a look too at ail woodwork that Is posed he weather to see If ft is or beginning rot Check he shingles too from the ground you often spot that are badly worn or Just plain missing took closely too at he rave roughs down pipes and other metal parts to see It are corroding he house look for mois ture and rolling In basement cracks In the wall plaster cracks are common and should not he regarded as and signs of deterioration In the floors such as tracks or If Inside paint Is new you should examine to if lias been applied proper- or Just slapped over the old paint Well describe other things to look for In future columns but meanwhile remember some of these bash check point You can always go out later and buy yourself hat fancy door knocker Ann Morton sister of the bride and Susan Morton cousin of the bride were dressed alike in pale green nylon dresses with miniature of bronze and yellow mums Charles Taylor was best man and ushers were Jack and Clarence Morton The brides mother wore a from pm to pm Stress Need To Train More Missionaries Here For Africa And Asia What our church and the SlrX I HomeSchool President dress by Mrs J Agar Nash Or fill us dismay Elected Stuart Scott day OPTIMISM ville to a joint meeting of Stuart Scut I Home and School the of on a white prayer dress with navy and white book accessories with a corsage of red Matron of honor was Mr The grooms mother wore Charles Taylor sister of the bride wearing a yellow crystal dress with matching feather headdress She carried bronze and yellow mums The brides maids were Jerry cot toons a midnight blue dress with navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses For travelling the bride wore a pale green dress with navy and white accessories and a cor sage of roses On their re turn the couple will live New market Presbyterian society and five members of the Aurora society when the annual meeting was held at the home of president Mrs Curtis Her itage Park As president of West Toronto Mrs Agar brought greetings from her which she is quite aware of what is being done by the auxiliaries Association installed its officers for the season on Oct ober More than parents and teachers attended Mrs was elected president BY KKN are Itemed to various ions at a low rental A sound pro- and screen are available The library has also arranged I to get films for groups in their I special Held For instance Music Appreciation group asked for and obtained a j minute film of Verdis music I with the New York Symphony Orchestra conducted by season such sure Hint the The Ait Club has shown Promts yourself to look and her paintings of the sunny side of everything and British Columbia forests ami In- make your Optimism come true villages i from the Optimist Creed This is November list Age Of The Reaver Are You Safe At J rushes festival Birds Of Seashore The Children cup of Fantasy Cup J TOUT Newmarket In Junt Jut or Dcsmbtr Our for lids belt f A Crusade Closes With New Musical Program The Crusade for Christ have been Komi un for almost io weeks in Hie church of the on Mam Street under the Rev Thomas Ritchie will over I Ibis weekend The vice will be held Sunday at pm at time Mr and Mrs Ritchie will present The Life of Christ in hells musical glasses and Mlovox This unusual presentation of of Christ has many people lbrouthoiit the United I States Canada and Two ihipoitant films will be shown as the comes to a close On Friday at pm the film title will la- The Man Who Forgot and on Saturday Oil pm a new and attractive film entitled Seconds Midnight running for one hour will be the special feature In this film then an official of the explosion of Ihe hydrogen bomb and formation in connection with developmenn in Atomic er- are reasons she said to give grat itude for the extent of this en- despite the existing ec onomic and social upsets in the world Ray retiring president j thanked ail the members for Optimist who their attendance enthusiasm and downstairs late some cooperation in making the hastily gulps a a success He was sealdinji coffee he expected lite Roaring coming season won- to relieve his feelings with a well People information on this Dr at Iter challenge was to bear watjtd be equally successful muscled expletive right to Christ when she outlined the fine attendance at the first I there he smashes to atoms For further the work across Canada and in this year Mr llollons 1 first promise to himself service call I the many overseas fields There said that the financial position is he still an Optimist ttw DnCKases FOOD mo many y ilifl limr In Wod Viumia III Iron in toother In this id Jr Mm hjf with 1 1 tiki in tlh OKilitfrnl your hI frwtxltw Fh mpchv ihi yon Dm CHAin NBftVB Usui a world map she pin pointed mission fields and stressed using both sides of the Presbyterian weekly envelope offering one for the Oft the local lunch the other the red of id Canada Side side she said these mediums provide outlets lor Christian work Mrs enlarged on the pur pose of the cross Canada tour by Sir a is and Lady was very good in that the 1 It may depend on what had last season ens next If for instance while with a bank balance of lite is still scowling at the coffee The following members were he burns his fingers reaching for voted to office with Mrs toaster while rising to VicePresident York- or the phone upsetting his Home and School Couniea bowl at the same time trips Mrs over the dog on his way to the and Classified president Mis and Mis vice presi dents Mr A Weaver to support Ihe budget I Mrs lie church in I Mrs J treasurer Mrs A Cameron Mis It Miller Mrs Vanant and Mrs executive members Mrs presented on behalf the association a past pin to Kay plume finds it is a wrong num ber and latum to discover by sitting in it that his cereal has leaked over into his chair the moment may propitious for a promise to give every 1 ing he meets a smile The test of the true Optimist conies after he has changed his pants and hail his coffee in peace If then and dont it until then he can see the funny side YOUR CANT THEIR WAY missionaries at Calabar Jefferson principal 1 Optimist Sir is a medical lied the teaching staff and Promise yourself to look at the doctor and head of the hospital j ranged a musical evening by si f everything and staff and Ins wife is a registered the following pupils Anne Hen optimism come true IIIiiil I III Vim ii Iii- rtlllHa j I I trained in She also spoke of Stephen halt India who is taking a course at Knox College Toronto Nigeria needs more missionaries and tea chers who will educate illiterate people Mr Lull would like to see young people brought from India to Canada to be educated who will return home to enlight en their countrymen Mrs John read l lie i anil piano Frank guitar solo iU ami accordion solos ami Joyce Hell vocal solo An interesting mi the act- of the Junior Society was given by Mrs Ken- of the societys Toronto of fice Mrs Kenny outlined the growth f the Ited Cross Society from its inception in with Yours in optimism Ken Stephens you or lure the II name of the in jor mad route or Pott Number Office town or Prhice and jour iiiine sud return In the router If Commerce A llettcr Community lOOIlii AID a a a rust I a member countries to scripture lesson and prayers were The Junior lied Cross Society Harvey Lanes Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Phone 6 ploying with tire t now thai glows- boxed rods and fcuth Badges New Recruits Mark Guiding Progress The local association of and will meet the United church on Novem ber at H when mothers aie to to plans fm the fall and winter term A bake sale he held the United lunch rooms on Saturday Nov JO to ft pm and a public invitation is ex tended to the and in this effort At an impressive ceremony on October three up to four received their liar and ten new recruits were enrolled as having passed test Mrs Alex Kiiighl Owl of the King Colleen Trull Merry and Heather Davidson Marilyn and Keudra bars presented by lawny owl Mrs Joan build ing King to Karen Mice Margaret Donna Dixon and Derrick badges were by Mis or- 2nd Kiu pack In the following Wendy thimble badge Anna tin ill badge and live badge lo Abrahams during la it years term Two receive ibilr arc lor proficiency in nnd and have d mil of Die Wings in ceremony were Donna Da vies and ilide apt an i Mis Marion was with lief warrant pin by Commissioner Mrs Cm lie Ituhmnnd urn In view of these graduation ami the incrcaintf number of new will belong to the organization Mrs J president of given Mrs Watson and Mis Mrs J Sbeplieid gave an account of the fall rally of held at church Tor onto Mae sang a was started after the First Wor ld War and since then hat been gaining strength Hie world Its aims among the chil dren are Health serving others thanksgiving hymn ami Mrs Jack understanding played violin its members are taught that by Mrs i people throughout the world are Guests from Aurora were irrespective of a charier mem- 1 or or treed l A str hip in tin support is out mother Mother oil important she of in Mis Duncan McDon ald Aurora her gliUi Mrs I awash a president of Da Mrs On Mulligan and Mrs Wilson Mrs N newly el ected president Ibanked members fur their support and promised that the would do possible the ions gaud work during the coming year STOP Dont put that Have it serviced and stored NOW Avoid the Spring Hush Free Pickup and Delivery LAWN MOWER SALES and SERVICE Street NEWMARKET PHONE tr fci TWO FULL I I LOADS OF SUITES GENUINE TOPS ON THE EXTENSION TABLES MOSTLY IN GREY COMFORTABLY PADDED CHAIRS COVERED IN DURABLE PLASTIC IN YOUR CHOICE OF BLACK GREEN BLUE RED GREY AND BLACK WHITE THESE WILL NOT LAST LONG AT THIS PRICE GET YOURS TODAY Reg 72oo value I 1 i

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