ff OH Mr Floyd entertained a people from and ttcv wan he Mm Norman Kay and Mm viii Sadie Mitchell at Point on am f A at ymirii people from Teacher Training To the weekend with Mr and Mr Jack Winch Mr and Mrs Jack Davit had dinner Sunday evening with In Toronto Mr and Mm Perry and family visited Mr and Mra Maurice Crittenden at Markham Mm Henry Kay called on her Mm at Sun on Thursday e ws Of a Mount Albert News Anyone Interested In to the Winter Fair on Nov at pm Is asked to contact Mrs Ed ith Moorhcad or Mrs James The bus will remain for the horse show in the evening Mrs Murray Phillip Kronen- community this weekend Mr Stiles fcI mill o few days recently with Mr and Mrs Kir- and Mr Harry Horner burn Toronto had out Sunday with Mr- and Mrs Cleft Miss Shirley Ann Friday evening with I Miss Donna Kay torfl congregation in Mr and Mrs Norman King and I several years packed Mount spent Sunday with her Mm Davidson United church for the and wife Mr ami relatives in the anniversary service on Oct 23 Nov Murk- ham was the guest speaker Miss Margaret Damper Aurora was soloist Rev brought a fine mess age for the evening service The junior choir sang several select ions at both services Mr and Mrs Toronto visited his mother Mrs over the weekend Mrs friends will be pleas ed to learn that she is able to be up and around again after spend ing two months in hospital 20th CENTURY FOODS Where Quality is King St Newmarket Phone STEAKS accordion solos by Jimmy Keswick a short talk from Curtis bringing greet ings from the official board a panel discussion Men with Mrs Harmon as the moderat or and Miss Flossie Brooks and Miss Campbell Mrs Kir- ton and Mrs Dike as members of the panel and a contest which won by Mrs Murray as model wife and Mr Don Thomp son as model husband The guests were welcomed by the president Mrs Jim Harrison Dont forget the annua cheer io on November There will be the ever popular baking and apron booths fancy goods parcel post miscellaneous and the snack bar and the fish pond for the children T ROUND WING SIRLOIN 69c ib Minced Beef large 35c lb CORNFLAKES Ib lots 99c 26c ion of officer at Mrs and I Bonnie visited their cousin Mrs Hoy on day evening Mrs Stewart Toronto visited her mother Mrs George for a few days week a a The many friends of Miss Cooper will be glad to know she is improving after her recent I operation and expects to be home in a few days- I Mr and Mrs Andrew Mitchell and daughter were Sunday visitors at the home of There was a good attendance Mr and Mrs Peter Mitchell evening at the Mr and Mrs Thomas and and Mrs Kerr Scar- were Sunday visited Mr- and Mrs nay Sunday Mr and Mix Murray Luna Toronto visited his mother Mrs on Sunday SHARON There will be no United church service or Sunday school next Sunday owing to an niversary services but the foil owing Sunday Nov church will be at am and Sunday school at am Donald Peel a missionary on furlough from India will speak and show films in St Jam es Anglican church on Sunday Nov at pm Everyone is wel come The Trail Hangers paper coll will be held next Satur day Nov Please have papers out before am Mr Max has been transferred to Sault Stc Marie and left last week to lake up his duties there Mr Ross Mitchell spent the weekend at Pickeral River Mr and Mrs Stewart Rogers and boys Toronto visited Mrs Austin Haines on Sunday i Mr and Mrs Frank P Roth- child Peterborough spent Sun day with Mrs Austin Haines HOPE There will be no service at SharonHope United church next Sunday nor Sunday school due to the anniversary held at at 1 am and pm Mr and Mrs Ken finder Jo anne and Keith spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Cecil and Mr and Mrs Hutchinson worth Mr and Mrs Smith and family and Mrs Mc- spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Verne Smith and fam ily- Miss Amy Gibson Newmarket spent the with Mr and Mrs Joe Gibson This Kenmarket ra and Thursday Nov ZEPHYR The WMS arc having a meet ing in Sunday school room Wednesday Nov pm A good number attended the anniversary service in the Unit ed church on Sunday to hear Rev Mr and Mrs Harold Page visit Mr and Mrs Clarke on Sunday Mrs A spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs All an a Something of a rarity four in th- town Shown an- Angus Harold Joseph and of is family the arr Mr and Mrs A Arnold j Mr and Mrs Arnold Miss Elda Hall spent the week- Sunda end with Mr and Cousins Aurora Mrs Hugh QUEENSVILLE Anyone wishing items sent in to the Newmarket Era and Kxpress kindly telephone reporter A shower was given by the 12C high school girls and their teacher of Newmarket in honor Mr Jas lof Miss Ituth King on Monday was a Wednesday visitor at the night last at Nancy Kavauaghs Bread 2 loaves for 35c with every 3 order home of Mr and Mrs Kay I Phone NIGHTLY AT SAT MAT PM FRIDAY SATURDAY matinee evening home Miss King received many lovely and useful gifts Mr and Mrs J Smith and Mrs Jacob Smith attended the wedding of Miss Phyllis Clayton in Ottawa over the weekend Six ladies members of the Womens Association of the United church attended the To ronto Centre Presbytery autumn rally in Keswick last week Mrs is spending a week visiting in Vancouver The cheerio club entertained has husbands or friends to a tur- Key dinner the basement of the United church on Saturday J M J had a plastic evening About sat down to a demonstration in her home on grand supper After supper the Mr and Mrs Clayton Scarboro were guests of Miss for the weekend Mr and Mrs Alex Graham who have returned past week from a live months stay with relatives in Ireland a few days with her par- lent Mr and Mrs Robert Other visitors at the Mr and Mrs Wilfred Mr Clements Mr Jack Mr and Mrs William Moss and and Mr William Hall all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Donald Woods and children Whitby spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs red Hall and family A number of ladies attended the anniversary of the Wo mens Auxiliary of SI Marys Anglican church Richmond Hill on Tuesday QUEENSVILLE Mrs Sydney Thompson as rep resentative of the Womens In stitute attended the meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary in New- market on October and gave a report of their activities at the meeting of the Institute held at the home of Mrs Thornton on Wednesday of last week Miss P and Mr spent Tuesday in Bradford with Mrs J Morton I Mr Jack Couch who spent the- past week at the home of his par- HOLT Several from the community attended the funeral of the late Thomas Blizzard Markham on Monday afternoon Our deepest j sympathy is extended to the fam- Mr and Mrs Carl Keswkk were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Percy Coates Mr and Mrs Maries j and baby Burlington spent the j weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs George Maries Mrs Nathaniel Hoover Is it Friends wish for her a speedy re- PHONE when you if Did on OX loon Citizens by up your Coll our loan Manager give all par ticulars Then drop in later to sign pick up the cash Easy isnt it end its typical of Citizens desire to provide a loon service thats fast convenient courteous When you wont money for any useful purpose coll finance Miss celebrated her birthday on Friday last The officers for the Unit this year are Jane Whit field vkcptes Hilda Andrews see Francis Forbes and leader Marion Eves say Your is ITIZENS guests enjoyed a very interesting program consisting of community Singing led by Mr Price assisted by Sirs Cooper a program Two for the Money Monday night last Jack Kavauaghs new garage is completion Miss Wilmot of Oshawa was home over the weekend cnts returned to his home m Chicago III Sunday Mr and Mrs Bruce and Mr and Mrs Maries spent Tuesday with relatives in Burl- ington COMPANY I I I Loan Manager CLYDE A Main St lover DaWnA Newmarket Ph 1890 Open lit Till noon LOAN IN ALL PRINCIPAL WEDDINGS ROOT CALHOUN MARTHA HYER DEAN JAGGER ALSO Bowery Boy FIGHTING TROUBLE I MONDAY TUESDAY kM town and what kind vary rA Jf J s 9 a Wl is a EH RICHARD DANA CAMERON MITCHELL WEDNESDAY THURSDAY DANOBR k 1 i GLENN FORD rflfilil mam ALSO TEENAGE CRIME WAVE married In William St Mr and Mrs it former Lindsay and the aim of Mr and Mr THURSDAY Nov 1st FIRST Customers A Pt Carton of favor ite Ice Cream Also FREE With Over lb Blue Seal Butter FRIDAY Nov 2nd FIRST SO Customers A carton of GINGER ALE Also FREE With Over 2oz Jar RED WHITE Instant COFFEE THURSDAY NOV 1 226 EAGLE ST at Cawthra ample FREE PARKING fc ir IT if Enter now Red ami White GrAittl Opening Promotion and win one of these prizes Auto Pop Up Toaster Sunbeam Drill Master Ronson Electric Shaver Enter Every Week Draw For One Of These Prizes Will Take Place At PM Sat Nov 101724 AT TIMS Free rides for the kiddies THE SUNBEAM CAROUSEL WILL BE AT THIS STORE DURING THE OPENING SATURDAY Nov 3rd FIRST 50 Customers A Package of RED WHITE Jelly Powder Also FREE With Purchase Over 16ozJar RED WHITE Peanut BUTTER 1 A f SAVE STORE HOURS am Wed 8 am to