Newmarket Era and Express, 1 Nov 1956, p. 1

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NO EDITORIAL PAGE THIS WEEK yE CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE FOUR AND FIVE ERA YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY NOVEMBER NO SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Probation Is Way To Reclaim Our Potentially Useful Citizens On he top of Main St hill Just the lire hall is small rod building that looks like an old fashioned jail for the walls arc thick the doors are of and bars grace lis windows ft ha a definite connection with jaw enforcement but the service houses is dedicated to the pro position hat the best place for law breakers is not necessarily a Jul It is the local probation of fice The probation officer and the magistrate are partners in an ef fort not only to protect society from the irresponsible but also to reclaim a potentially useful citiz en for society The Case seemed to care until ft was almost too late It was easy to drift off the track This was reported to the magi strate He suspended the lads sentence and put him on probat ion for a year Statistically the like a good bet and ho was given years probation Then the trouble started He got a job but didnt keep it He got another but threw it over al so When the probation officer tried to find out the reason he chances are eight out of that I Stew evasive and ambiguous he will make good and that this attitude changed from re to one of sullen defian ce He gradually became more uncooperative and had to be re minded constantly of lus be hi only brush with the law He is not getting off He has been given another chance an opportunity to work out his own salvation Society as well as Finally he stole again the individual must turn the check and return hate with love Isnt Easy Probation is another chance On a Friday morning not too far ions ago a young man in court alone and scared on a charge of j minor theft It was an open and shut case In the length of lime takes to drink a cup of hot cof fee he had been found guilty and convicted Was it just routine case Not quite for Kitting quietly In a corner was the probation of ficer to whom no case is ever Just routine The magistrate remanded him and asked for a presentence re port The partnership was funct ioning Mr Macdonnell began an ex tensive investigation into his background and environment He found a youth in his early twen ties with a grade school educat ion and no job whose parents were both emotionally and phys ically unstable The small bunga low or perhaps three persons held seven the youth hi parents Inlaw and children The home was in ft state of con- slant upheaval There was drinking quarrelling perpet ual noise and no privacy any where Even if he had been in clined it was hardly the place to spend 9 quiet evening so most of his evenings were spent down town Just hanging around He was emotionally immature He needed a constant prop Out of work broke with nobody who Here and There Around Town People who were out of town when the lacrosse finals were held at Newmarket had the op portunity last Wednesday of wit nessing some of the activities and excitement concerning that event TV station Appearing in person for an in terview was Matt Walsh presi dent of the Minor Lacrosse league Mr Walsh organization of the local group and listed the various groups and individuals who had helped to make the leagues activities to successful is under a curfew he must report to the probation officer he is not allowed intoxicants lie cannot enter a beverage room or pool room For his probation period lie faces a return to court and a possible jail term will hang over his head if he docs not live up to the terms of his probation The youth has gained but have we gained also taxpayer has saved over It costs to send a man to jail tor a year but about 70 to keep him on probation for the same period If he had gone to jail the chances are even greater that he would have returned to crime Sixty per cent of our pri son population are repeaters Probation is not a panacea Sometimes it fails as it did in the case of another boy Sometimes It Fails He had also been charged with theft He was IS and unlike the majority of offenders had a rea sonably education He came from a good family where good relationships prevailed His min ister thought he had a potential for good but that his value had become a little mixed up When He was interviewed by the pro bation officer he seemed genuin ely wry All in all he looked and this tune he went to jail He should have gone there in the first place the Draconian diehards mumble but they arc becoming a minority In Ontario at least judges arc guided by principles laid down by another prominent Canadian jurist who wrote this opinion New Approach The tendency in recent years has been to impose more moder ate sentences At one time it was commonly thought that the only purpose of punishment was to punish but today its function is conceived in very different terms It may be to try to reclaim the offender for society to induce and stimulate habits regularly and reliability and to com pensate partially for an education that ended prematurely and gen erally to awaken In the minds of the irresponsible and a sense of the obligations of life and citiz enship Such moderation may not be warranted in the cose of con firmed criminals but in that of the first offender an effort at reclamation is surely the part of wisdom and prudence in judicial discretion Need Officers This growing attitude in Ont ario is a bright mark in Canadas record of prisoner reformation which has been called editorially about worst in the world Canada makes less use of probat ion than either Britain or the We have about probation officers of thorn in Ontario and none in Quebec New Bruns wick Prince Edward Island On Page Column When is a subdivision not a subdivision That is a question many resi dents have been asking this week particularly those who live- on the eastern outskirts of New market They have witnessed the extension of a road St into the pastures of a section of land which belonged to Andrew Watson farm prior to the locating of Ltd at its new site They have seen the foundations dug for several new houses and work continue to the point that at least four of them arc being roofed They see evidence of further building development in the area but none of them re member reading anything about councils approval for a new sub division in that area Informants say that the selling of two lots constitutes a subdivi sion in many of the neighboring townships They ask if council has collected a 500 capital levy charge from each of these new houses They reason that it is not democratic to demand a ser ies of concessions from one sub- divider and none from another Guests at the official opening of the plant a conveyor carrying steel transfer case drawers along the paint assembly line Left to right James Law general manager of the Dixon Pencil Co J McTavish development and methods engineer at the Office County Accepts Provincial Offer To Purchase Park York County Council Tuesday I and recreational facilities which unanimously approved the offer j we cannot afford of the Ontario Government Last year York County purchac the Countys asked Metropolitan Toronto to park at Lake for The park was purchased from the family of Jacksons Point in for Since then the County has spent an ad ditional for maintenance and construction In offering to take over the park as a provincial recreational area and Forests Minister said the Govern ment was willing to pay more than the original purchase price This would cover capital expenditures at the park Warden Marshall reeve of township re minded council hat the area municipalities own an per cent interest in the park and that the present county wanted to retain the park must be pre pared to spend to them I dont think we should ask the tax payers of this county to sup port and maintain a park which used by a majority of people from the county Mr McMurchy added The province will be able to improve the park providing additional swimming contribute toward the annual op erating costs Metro officials re jected the offer and made a coun ter one to purchase the park This was refused by the county A It A UP The Newmarket Memorial Ar ena has been forced to increase the price of its adult admission tickets Stan Smith arena manag er announced this week The in crease Is 1 cents plus a ten cent heat tax Mr Smith stated that the in- was necessary to pay for the cost of installing the heating equipment and the cost of the ex tra oil Under present conditions it impossible to heat the arena and still charge the old admiss ion price Mr Smith pointed out that it takes gallons of oil to heat the arena for an evening event but now spectators will be able to watch in comfort instead of dreams for an winter However he emphasized there Is no change In the admission charge for children or students Scouts Cancel Drive As Paper Prices Drop There will be no salvage drive on Nov 3 and by the Newmar ket Boy Scouts It has been nec essary to cancel the collection planned for the town on those dates as the bottom has fallen out of the waste paper market The Scout Group Committee regress any inconvenience wo we have caused householders said Nelson Ion chairman for ho Salvage Drives the present price it would cost us more for transportation of the waste pap er than we could earn on the drive When the situation impro ves the Scouts will hold another collection he added TEA RAISES FOR HOSPITAL WA Approximately was rais ed at the afternoon tea and sale of work by the York County Hos pital Womens auxiliary in the Newmarket Fireball auditorium on Oct Iff The many guests were welcomed by Mrs J president and Miss Lill ian Thomas superintendent of nurses Mrs Fred Thompson con vened the afternoon tea Specially Jack Rye Fred who was guest speaker at the opening and Garry Thompson life long resident of the Holland Landing area Photo by Peter Croydon New Expansion At Holland Landing But OS To Hold Operations Here The official opening of the land ils uses in manufacturing i ice Specialty Mfg Co expand- Continued expansion wilt take I said to have been a factor in he wi f Holland Landing he companys proper plant at Holland Landing wc that man- suitable for the needs of onefloor held last Thursday Those attend ing the opening were taken on a tour will maintain its lead- expansion The manufacturing of in office furniture the modern onefloor steel office furniture and equip- plant and saw steel office furnit ure and equipment being made The new enlarged building was given its new name the Gordon Manning Plant No named is being carried out at taking part in the open- new plant ing ceremonies were Slem The firms payroll is slightly in in vicepresident in charge of advance of a million and a quar ter according to Mr Manning- alter the president and hundred employees are director peeled to be working at Holland A new wing has been Landing within a few weeks He- 1 Probably the largest employee on the Holland Landing plant fen to the payroll figure fulltime labor in Newmarket which was opened a few years a- Manning said It is not too long district the Office Specialty go proof of Office Specialtys ago that our sales were not much Co was responsible for a manufacturing and W A Spear secretary treasurer Mr is a grandson of the founder of the organization Sequence of operations in Office Specialtys new plant at Holland Landing are shown to Marshall left by tho president and managing director G Manning for whom the plant was named The model is in plastic and is complete to last detail by Peter Croydon progress Officials of the com pany hinted that there would be further plant expansion at Hol land Landing before too long Some of you may be concern ed about expansion taking away from the major operation at New market Mr Manning said when he addressed the guests at the opening Hut he said there was no need to worry about Office Specialty leaving Newmarket He days of keen league rivalry large part of Newmarkets pointcd out that a new substation had been acquired at Newmark et along with other develop ments including more employ- more than that Chairman of the opening cere- monies was vice- Lundy a former warden president in charge of sales county fund a former em- paid tribute to the company lea- of Office Specially said at the opening Office Specialty is doing for Holland Landing service to the company since it did for Newmarket years joined the firm as a junior He also mentioned ihe firm is represented by sal- as a ball player in those offices from coast to coast Mr Lundy pointed out that it has an office in every urban centre In provided by Mr Mann ing and traced his progress and From the draughting depart- men Manning worked his wav up to become head of the I Canada with a population of company His knowledge of steel L Switch Over To Dial Service ft dB COMING EVENTS FRIDAY NOV Home and School dance in hull pm to Gibsons orchestra Fred floor manager Ad mission the Ladies provide eZw42 SATURDAY NOV St Johns Dingo Newmarket Town Hall pm Jackpot NOV 3 Toronto and North York Hounds at Cross roads con first road north t 11 Am Wed Nov High- view Farm Mr and Mrs Jennings 2nd con King mile TUKSDAY NOV Registered FRIDAY NOV la Canadian aouth of 2 pm Nurses Assn of Ontario Chap District will hold its regular monthly meeting in din ing room Ml York County Hospi tal Newmarket at pm Annual meeting Guest speaker Miss Mary topic Industrial Health NOV in Newmarket town hall by Newmarket Veterans Time pm Cash prizes One free game I line card a number culled Jackpot Admission cards Pro- the Veterans Christmas Basket Fund NOV 7 Turkey upper In Holland Landing Unit ed church to pm Adults Children NOV Mixed eu chre and dancing in the New market Canadian Legion hull at pm All member welcome Kit IDA NOV Teen Town a v dancing To Norm Hurling and NOV fiKucbre to in Newmarket Sharon hall Proceeds Admission for Holland Landing Home and School Association NOV Newmarket Ladies Auxiliary Branch bake sale afternoon tea and draw from 230 to pm in the fxgiou Hall Newmarket NOV sale and rummage sale in the Newmarket Town Hall pm NOV dance ami draw in the Newmar ket Fire Hull at pm Cecil Gibsons orchestra Sponsored by the Newmarket Fire Brigade NOV lie Womens League regional Trouble With New Water Mains Prevented By Aurora Employee If you arc trying pinch j he said you can gel j Prompt action on the part of Joseph Aurora water works superintendent has likely saved a good deal of trouble and inconvenience for Ihe town at a later dale Mr discov ered that the plans for the new water mains called for Nelson Ion will be the the guest speaker when the of Trinity United church Newmarket meets in the church hall on Tuesday Nov at pm There will be a pro of the Christmas bazaar view eight valves Al a special meet of council Wednesday night number was raised to In the past said Mayor Hen derson we put in the pipts without enough valves which caused a lot of extra expense later Clarence Davis men tioned that when trouble occur red in the old lines It was nee- to shut off a large part of Hie town Stan Murray consulting parly at St Lukes parish leer from Proctor and pm Be- the towns engineers NOV fi County Beef Breeders annual consignment sate at arena at pm Fifty head of purebred Shorthorns and Here ford Bull premium policy of the Ontario Livestock Branch will apply to all males sold For catalogue contact Keith Mcltuer Womens Institute afternoon ten home baking while elephants at homo of Mrs Campbell J89A Main St to pm MONDAY NOV Annual meeting of Whitchurch Town ship Federation of Agriculture will be held at Vandorf hall at pm Free lunch All farmers Invited freshments Admission Fit IDA 7Hvcnin Trinity United church will hold Christmas and tea in church hall pm DANCING every Saturday night lo Norm Burling and His Kings men at Mount Albert commun ity hall DANCE Friday to the music of the or chestra at J Ranch House and Dining Boom High way miles south of Sutton from pm to am Couples only apologized for the I dont understand how the plan out of the office the way it did The chap who designed the system is one of our better engineers The only reason for the slip that I can think of is that Ik getting married in De cember But there was a mis take and we own up to It How ever it was caught before the pipo went In Mr Murray said that he and Mr McOhee had gone over the plan and they now thought they had a satisfactory system He added that the valves would cost about each pennic away with one less valve at each intersection but it is not effici ent It may require closing seven valves for one leak mid there is also the chance of ing a closed valve in the system which something that the fire underwriters dont like Victor Jones oh- to some of ihe extra valves realize that there werent enough In the old sys tem but why waste money he asked Mr Murray old council that In the new system New Centre St was considerably lower than Wellington and that purl of In dustry St was low He ex- planed that when the streets were brought up to height that pipe in a five foot livueh would end up about feet deep He suggested that the pipe he laid on the surface and covered with five feet of fill for the winter After some members of coun cil pointed out that the pipe re quired lamped earth around it to prevent buckling it was de cided that It would be laid in a two fool trench and covered with three feel of fill Council also authorized feet of extra main on Boss street valves fill and extra main would cost about more Well quipped Councillor Keilh there goes the money we saved on the pipe on womens editor of the and Express will speak on A Weekly Newspaper Mrs Gladstone will lie in charge of the bazaar display Members are requested to bring donations for the While table and fish pond as well as all finished articles for the baz aar Will Take Place December 2 CORONERS JURY ASKS FOR CHECK ON FIRE HAZARD A coroners jury Investigating October death of Sandra Hall 17 during a fire which de stroyed the shack In which she and her husband were living ailed for a thorough in vestigation of all substandard housing to remove fire hazards The girl and her 18yearold husband died in the fire The dwelling was an old chicken house The jury was told the fire ap parently broke out in a pile of debris heaped next lo the stove Fire officials said the debris smoldered for about en hour be fore bursting Into flame Dr Cameron Cowan said the girl died of carbon monoxide poisoning Coroner J P Wilson conduct ed the Inquest Dec is the day on which Newmarkets telephone system will be cut over to dial operation Hell Telephone manager here an nounced this week The change will be made short ly after am at a time when calling has reached a low ebb and will be carried out in less than two minutes causing vir tually no interruption in service The changeover will lie made according to closely LADIES VISIT YORK MANOR Members of the Newmarket Le gion Ladies auxiliary visit ed York Manor on Wednesday Oct to provide entertainment for the residents A birthday cake was cut by those celebrating birthdays this month with each of them receiving a card from the auxiliary Assisting the auxiliary were Monti Wean Charles VnnZant and Harry This trio played several musical selections on their guitar violin and piano ac cordion Josephine GUieky provi ded accordion solos and visited the hospital ward to play for these confined to bed Waltzing was enjoyed by residents Mrs Arthur Sheridan procedure which requires splitsecond timing With the changeover all New- murkel telephone numbers will be changed The new ones will each consist of the exchange name and numeral TWining and four other figures Meanwhile an intensive is carried out by the ell Telephone Company ac quaint Newmarket telephone users with dial use so they will have no difficulty making the change lo the new system when it goes into operation A special crew of Holt girls is now calling the homes and of fices of all their customers to Introduce them to the dial in strument They are explaining operation of the dial and inviting the cus tomers to place test calls to make sure that they Know how to use their new telephones Bell service codes and their use arc also explained These codes arc listed on page one of the tele phone directory Within the next few weeks other Bell employee will visit schools in the Newmarket ex change urea They will take with them a largescale model of a dial anil several dial instru ments which they will use to teach dial telephoning to stu dents All other projects connected with the are proceeding according to schedule Mr Bios dale said Installation of the dial switching equipment In trie new exchange building is near- completion and extension of the outside wires and cables general convener was assisted by adaptation for use Mrs K McDonald Mrs Jon- dial system arc progress ing satisfactorily aid Blair and Mrs Blair Sr

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