Weir Way iff I Oat time found MibflM with the legibility without to wrjfty actual took plica of allmult waft to thorough that like PiJ tewed to a If a homing tub- BioDyne Of Now you new In or ointment form wiled for at all drug or money refund Mart WEDDINGS A mart came Me us the other day and said he was anxious to his home as soon as possible he is to a new Job in another part of the country him be to the deal for him but as soon as we imported his house we had to point out hat we coutd him a lot more If he would Just take the time to do a few Utile inexpensive maintenance and repair jobs before we put the house on the market This mans case was typical of a lot we encounter People often start to let a house get run down as soon as they plan to sell all the time they should he everything can make the place more attractive You dont need in go all out for a complete job as a rule but you can interest buyers more readily If you tidy up the lawn and flower beds keep the windows walls and woodwork clean and look after any little thirds that need mend- in or replacing aurh as leaky tap washers door knobs or tracked window panes Tidy rooms furniture well arranged and personal all In place will of course five a better Impression than a dul lerlooking house Of course there are many other honest and tricks of the trade In selling a house and well be you about more of these In future column 1 HOPE CLUB The October meeting the Hope Hobby Club will be hold at the homo of Mr Crono on Tuesday Oct Program com mittee Mrs J Hall and Mrs Lunch committee Mr3 W Stevens Mrs J Murray Mrs W Graham and Mrs J Chappell Named President King George Home And School Pag The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Oct 19 Guides Scouts Ask Mothers Aid At a recent wedding In United church Barbara Ann Comer foster daughter of Mrs Edith became the bride of Harry James Wright the only son of Mr and Mrs Clarence it Wright PECKORE WOOD Ada Greenwood was a lovely bride when she ox- changed marriage vows with Gordon Arthur Peck in a cere- mon at Aurora Baptist church performed by Rev G A Hart King City The church was de corated with white chrysanthe mums and white gladioli The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Karl Greenwood and the grooms par ents are Mr and Mrs Arthur Peck King City Wedding musk- was played by Mrs J Mac- Far lane Roger King City sang Til Walk Beside You before the ceremony and Per fect Love when the register was signed The brides uncle Fuller- ton gave her in mar riage She was gowned in a floor length costume of white slipper satin with the bouffant skirt cov ered with two layers of white nylon net Over her strapless fitted bodice she wore a lace bo lero jacket featuring long sleeves and Peter Pan collar An oval headdress of tulle pleated ruf fles and pearls held her waist- length tulle veil and she carried red roses and The bridesmaids were Helen and June Peck sisters of the groom wearing light salmon em broidered taffeta Barbara Mrs Pattern local dis trict Guide Commissioner is very anxious that all mothers of Guid es and Brownies be at the Un ited church by 8 pm on Thurs day Oct to the fall term of the local Mothers Associ ation Prior to eight oclock there will be a Flying Up ceremony when Susan Davie Elaine Donna and Heather Crooks will bo graduated from Brownie Pack to Guide Troop Mrs J Davie president of the wants to plan a bake sale this fall Newcomers to the community whose daughters arc taking up Guiding work are cor dially invited to come out on Oct From the Boy Scout movement comes a call from the group com mittee for mothers of tubs and to attend an opening meet ing in King City Masonic Hall Wednesday night October at 8 pm when Mrs Gardner will speak on the work of the Scout Mothers Auxiliary to be form ally organized at King John was elected pre- sident of the King George Home and School association when the group held Its annual meeting on Tuesday Sept Mrs Holland Landing was the guest speaker Dr Robert King presided at the wellattended meeting He thanked the- parents and teach ers tor their cooperation during his year as president Mrs who is a member of the Holland Landing schools teaching staff is area vicepresi dent for Home and You cant ALLDUT Hews Uji mil deep Iras t and kr t tiring butted nitty kidney ittieo When gal el dtr ami In OS real that Ming WW Thats lh doe la tike Wi Ik lidttja vlion Than leu M deta weak at drvg it Legion Elects Officers Mill Wesley New Milton Wesley who has been one of the Branchs most active workers over the past ten years was named president of the New market Canadian Legion Branch at the annual general meet ing held last week Cliff David son was elected first vicepresi dent Ivan Ruddock second vice- president Stewart Dow and Harold Eaton was returned as treasurer Members of the executive com mittee include Mickey Smith immediate past president Matt Walsh Don Johnston Sam Bob Wilson Neil Gordon and Doug Simpson Greenwood the brides cousin who was maid of honor chose aqua taffeta The costumes were styled on Princess lines and full ballerina skirts Threeinch depth of fine pleating accented the sweetheart necklines and ex tended to small sleeve effect Feather bandeaux of deep aqua tones were their headdresses and they wore shoes matching their gowns Yellow and rust daisy mums formed their bouquets Elizabeth Walker Maple was the young flower girl wearing a short yellow nylon frock with white embroidery Iter basket of flowers matched her floral head piece John Richards was groomsman and Kric Had wen and Kenneth were ushers The reception was held in the church hall where the brides aunt Mrs Fuller ton received in a sheath gown of black with ver thread white hat black shoes and a silver handbag Her cor sage was red roses Mrs Pock wore an olive green afternoon dress with long jacket shoes and bag and a velvet hat of deep rust Yellow roses were her corsage For travelling the brMo wore an ensemble of aqua blue with matching hat and drawstring bag and beige shoes Yellow Chairman of the various com es were worn with her coat arc expected to be are living in Map pointed at an executive meeting being hold this week The Newmarket Branch of the Canadian Legion recently cele brated its tenth anniversary A banquet was held to mark the occasion with district Legion and town officials on hand There was a very large turnout of members and officials at the banquet AH the Legion visitors and of ficials spoke highly of the Le gions work in the community and every word was deserved The local branch and members of the branch have played an im portant part in every phase of town life and have assisted with every major civic project in this community The Legion has also been act ive on the sports front The Le gion team has won many championships including an On tario Legion championship The Legion has sponsored minor hockey teams and sponsored the complete minor lacrosse program Citizens Band Gives Concert At Roxy On Sunday The Newmarket Citizens Band will present a band concert Sun day night Oct at pm in the Theatree The con cert will be a variety of selec tions solos and sacred numbers which promise to be pleasing to all This an opportunity for the citizens of Newmarket and district to hear their band at its best after being proclaimed one of the best town bands in Canada at the recent band contest at the Presentation of the first prize the Waterloo Trophy will take place at this time Presentation will be made by Mayor A large audience is anticipated in appreciation of the bands ef forts School council Her topic was What Home and School Means to Teachers Mrs presided for the el ection of officers and conducted the installation ceremony Those elected were past pros Dr King Mr Chappell vice Rev and Mrs Atkinson Mrs John recording see Mrs Dan corresponding sec Mrs prin cipal Miss Eva Barnes executive committee Miss Sprague Mrs Jack Mrs Wesley and Mrs Vincent Lewis Mr Chappell spoke briefly af ter his election as officer Games for the evening were supervised by Mrs Alex Georgas Refresh ments were served by Mrs and her committee Birthday Club Birthday wishes this week to are extended Ann Lillian Marrow Newmar ket years old on Friday Oct Paul Morgan Toronto years old on Friday Oct William Thomas Morton Newmarket years old on Saturday Oct Wendy Atkinson Newmarket years old on Tuesday Oct Jean Haines It Newmarket years old on Tues day Oct Carolyn Peg Sutton West years old on Tuesday Oct 9 Marilyn Nora Wilkinson Shar on it years old on Wednesday Oct Bruce Fletcher Newmarket years old on Wednesday Oct Send in your name address age end become a member of the including the OMLA mite and Express birthday club this year JUNIOR PLANS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Plans for the annual Christmas bazaar were made when the Jun ior of Trinity United church Newmarket met at the church hall on Tuesday Oct 2 Mrs Au brey Watson presided The devotional period was con ducted by Mrs Fred Leach Plans were made for the to cater for a banquet on Tuesday Oct for the Teachers Federat ion A work period followed the business session Articles were made for the bazaar which will be held on Dec Refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs nicks Mrs Play- and Mrs Clifford r Workshop Meeting Is Held By YorkSimcoe Council Of HomeSchool Association More than executive mem bers from the various Home and School Associations in the area attended the Octob er workshop meeting held at the Charles Public School on October Workshop meetings are design ed to promote the exchange of ideas between the members on trie many activities of the Home and School Association receive guidance from the council on any problem and for associations to a lively and informative discussion on parent education h a citizenship childrens reading arts and crafts radio and and religious education took place At the close of the group dis cussions Mrs Kays president of the Home and School Council addressed the as sembly Mrs Kays expressed her pleasure at seeing so many mem bers in attendance and from the remarks to her by individuals benefit from the many specializ ed subjects presented by guest speakers The October meeting covered the following subjects which she was sure the workshop meet ing had been a success and of help to the members in planning meet ings for their Home and School Associations during the coming were ably presented and of value year to the members Presidents and vice presidents Mrs A Too- good Chairman Guest speaker was Mr Kenneth Young director of community programs of Education who gave an address on Leadership Training Treasurers Recording and Cor responding Secretaries Mr Frank Wolfe chairman who dis cussed the duties of these offic ials in Home and School Associ ations Public Relations Mrs It chairman Dis cussions In this group covered Membership Grade Mothers So cial Publicity Bulletin and His torian activities Program Un der the chairmanship of Mrs Mrs Kays explained that the council would only be as strong and effective as the associations made it She express ed the hope that each association would avail themselves of the services offered and encourage as many members as possible to at tend future workshop meetings Mrs Kays explained that with a well supported council it would be easier to develop favorable public opinion cooperation of boards of education and civic bodies and plans for the improve ment of conditions and welfare of children in the community Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting Chevrolet 2Door fjrcttK Chevrolet Twotone Hudson Signals Radio MANY OTHERS ALL PRICED TO SELL FOR THE BEST BUY MADGETT MOTORS CLEARANCE SALE AUK MOVING OUT ALL OUR CARS TO ROOM FOR THE ALL 1957 Plymouth Chrysler Chevrolet 4Door Red and white Chevrolet 2Door radio 953 Oldsmobile Automatic transmission power t Main St Newmarket I FRL SAT OCTOBER 17 18 19 and 20 at I I Ir IK i 5 I i i j is Pi -a- WMAl3hAM v a -ICT- t t l j