T EDITORIALS ON PAGE TWO THIS WEEK CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE FOUR AND FIVE ERA YEAR EXPRESS HERALD 61ST YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY OCTOBER NO SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH 665 Years At Davis Leather Company I EMPLOYMENT SERVICE MOVED TO NEW OFFItE IN FEDERAL BUILDING Tin Newmarket office of the National Employment Service of the Unemployment Insurance Commission moved on October to the Federal Public Building on Main Street Mr formerly of the Na tional Employment Service Of fice has been appointed man ager With the ever increasing pop ulation and new industries lo cating in the Newmarket area the moving of the office to lar ger and more uptodate quar ters will assist both employers and employees alike The zone Turn Pool Sod Wednesday Campaign Oct 15 16 17 Here and There Around Town A most shocking thing has hap- of the Newmarket in Newmarket something Top row left to right John John Groves James Culled Alfred Smith Squires Roy and Frank Smith Seated left to right Hoy Meads John Wright A Mitchell Thomas and James Rogers Missing from the picture arc If Gibbons and Charles Bennington who were ill that night Resisting the temptation to put aide their work in favor of an easy chair men of the Davis leather Company all eligi ble for pension were honored at a special dinner on September at the home of the general manager James If The usual gift of the company gift box bearing an inscribed silver plate but since these men have no desire to be pensioned off the presentation ceremony was held anyway On the average they have spent over per cent of their lifetimes in the service of Davis to its retiring employees Is a lea- leather They range from boys of like John Wright John Ross Squires ami Roy Meads to mature men like James who is and has worked for Davis Leather for years Tying Mr for the record is John Groves 71 who has also worked there for mere years Salvation Army Cadets Plan Spiritual Blitz Newmarket Thurs spiritual will be out by young men and wo- of the Salvation Training College in next Thursday October direction of the prin cipal Brigadier Rich and in with the local Corps officers Seeking to present the Claims Christ to Newmarket resi- the cadets will range the length and breadth of the dist rict dispersing goodwill and blotting In the homes of the peo ple Currently training in the Tor onto College for their life work will entail evangelical missionary or social welfare endeavor this group comes from such diverse points as Victoria BC and Yar mouth and from numerous intermediate points Previous occupations and ex periences are as varied as their faces They come from the coal mines of Nova Scotia from the outpost nursing stations office from school teaching telephone exchanges banks and hospital talents of these young people am many and unique The men cadets silver bund will be heard also a of women instrumentalists if speaking to adult and junior au diences a number will in various openair and indoor ser vices Hie impact of Christ upon offices the litres of the Cadets lias been a mighty factor in shaping their careers leading to a to full time service in the ranks of the Army All lead to the Newmar ket Army Citadel on October and a hearty invitation is extend ed to all Mayor plans to welcome the cadets on the town hall steps at am HEALTH UNIT OFFICES GUTTED BY FIRE EARLY SATURDAY AM Fire gutted the four rear rooms of the first floor of the York County Health Unit offices Main Street and damaged other sections of the building on Sat urday Sept Firemen an swered a call sent if by Victor at am but it was oclock before the fire was control Pun Chief John Gibson said the fire started in a garbage pail on the pack porch of the Health Unit lie estimated damages to building and contents at approxi mately No record were lost in the fire The files were kept in the at the front of the build- PLANS FOR LAKE WATER DISCUSSED BY ENGINEER Water from Lake for municipalities along the south of the lake including Newmarket and Aurora has proceeded from the just talk to a talk and plan stage On September a special meeting of the North township council was held to discuss with A consulting engineer the problems of an installation which would be sponsored by the government Council was in favor of pro ject providing the funds were available and the properly own ers were in favor of signing enough contracts to make the system a selfsupporting propo sition No promotion of project was advised until funds were available According talks with several councillors it would seem thai the project would embrace North township in the north from Roches Point down through Newmarket Aurora and on towards Metropolitan To ronto The expense of such a scheme would be borne by each municipality to the extent of onethird of what it costs to take the water through each one office has been extended which will bring employers and em ployees who previously resided on the border line into closer contact with their area office The Newmarket office now takes in the following areas townships of North East Whitchurch except the town of King township east of the Maple- King all in York County also the township of West limbury in County ex cept the village of at the northwestern corner of the township Also included are the township of in York County in Ontario County the township of Scott and that portion of township of Scott and that portion of township lying to the north of Highway and excluding the town of the southern miles of King township York Coun ty between the MapleKing highway and Street Highway II v Hunters Too Early The duck hunting season open ed in the Lake Simcoe district at noon on Saturday but hun ters were minus their guns by that hour Conservation officers said the weapons were seized Saturday morning from hunters either in of ducks or waiting in blinds with loaded guns be fore the noon opening hour This is the first year the sea son has opened at noon Form erly it started a halfhour after sunrise on the first day of the season The change was made as a conservation measure Conservation officers said hunters would have he oppor tunity to redeem their guns with in a few days that will amaze not only garden ers but also believers in the sign posts of nature In the garden of Fred Prospect St amid the frostkilled remnants of last summers flowers five Rast er lilies have burst into bloom Now as any fool plainly Raster lilies are supposed to bloom at Easter not at Thanks giving This is supposed to oc cur with the regularity of the vernal equinox When a group of lilies gets so confused as to come up in the fall rather than the spring doubt is bound to spread One is led to question he reliability of moss finding the north side of trees the ability of swallows to get Kick to Cap- and the credibility of the ground hog in foretelling the coming of spring One little error on the part of these lilies has called into ques tion an encyclopaedia of folk lore Who can tell what the final result will be The next time we see a flock of geese well bo checking them with a compass Optimists Sign Up To Help In DoorToDoor Canvassing The sod will be turned at the Lions Park for New markets outdoor swimming- pool next Wednesday October The swimming pool committee headed by Peter Gorman has planned for the sod turning cere mony at pm The following week the final push to raise twenty more thousand dollars will be made Mon day Tuesday and Wednesday Oct 17 the can What is needed now is a number of good canvassers to make the campaign a success The project received a lift Tues day night when members of the Optimist club signed up to be canvassers A meeting of all people in terested in the swimming pool will be held next Tuesday night at pm in the town hall basement Canvassers particu larly are urged to attend to hear final campaign This will he a general meeting open to public The swimming pool is in paint of our hand if only we gel enough helpers Peter Gor man said this week He said that two thirds of the people of New market have not yet been con tacted by canvassers The plan is to make the final effort ii real push with can vassers on every street and the town band heralding their ap proach Citizens Hand will be heard on street corners when the workers start down a resi dential street After the sod turned next Wednesday work will be start ed on the pool under Bete contractor Mr Bete is described as a swimming pool artist lie started seven years ago building swimming pools for communities at a rea sonable rate individually according to sev eral members of council All this is tentative on the way the plan is received primarily by the municipalities approach ed for this government sponsored project Keswick would be one of the first communities to re ceive benefit of piped water from Lac in the event that the year ahead produces more than just talk on the matter If a petite Newmarket girl is bursting the seams of her blouse this week it is understandable for she has the distinction of hav ing won a sewing contest for To ronto and district For the first time in the history of Singer Sewing contest the grand prUe has gone to a sewer from outside the city Joan Janes yearold daugh ter of Mr and Mrs William Janes won the local contest for junior teenagers to years inclusive Her dress was for warded to the regional compe tition at Toronto where it took top award The dress a master piece of fine workmanship for any age sewer will go to New York where it will be entered with other regional winners in the final competition The dresses are judged on the selec tion of style materia and Mut ability of Doth to the wearer as well as on workmanship Residents Want Guard For School Crossing A meeting of ratepayers in the and district subdivisions is to consider the problem of school crossings and ways of obtaining a school guard for the Stuart Scott public school Yesterday a concerned mother decided to take up school cross ing guard duties at the corner of Lome Ave a Avenue Road She had attended the last meet ing of council with three other mothers in hopes that a guard would be hired to take Up duties at this location She said that the suggestion has been met with opposition Over residents in the area have signed a petition for a school guard but this was not mentioned at the council meeting last week Lome Avenue is des cribed as a funnel for school children who come from various subdivisions recently developed They all crowd across the street at once With the increase in the number of school children the increase in traffic on Avenue and the increase in popu lation in the Avenue area parents are concerned about the Newmarket Womens Institute Celebrates 50th Anniversary Faulty Chimney Blamed For Botsford St Fire A faulty chimney was blamed by Fire Chief John Gibson for the fire at the home of Mr and Mrs Harris St last week The apartment of Mr and Mrs J It Ho I Ions on the second floor of the house was damaged as well Total damages were estimated close to 2000 by Mr Gibson He said the fire was reported by Mr Harris when he returned from High School where he is a member of the teaching staff- He returned to pick up some pap ers at am on Monday Mrs Harris and the baby were in the house at the time but were not endangered by the fire It took the Newmarket de partment three hours to bring the blaze under control safety of the children Another area considered to bo dangerous for children is on Prospect near the Alexander school Fishing Data On Lake Contained In Page Book Sport fishermen minnow common shiner Province To Assume Cost Of Brucellosis Vaccination COMING EVENTS Newmarket Handicraft starts lessons weaving smocking rug making and Phone Mrs Lillian Newmarket THURSDAY OCT The monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will bo held at a pm in the Agricul tural office St A full attendance of members J desired OCT Hake at the Newmarket Furniture and by the Prince Charles Homo and School commencing pm SATURDAY OCT Johns Bingo In Newmarket Town Hall OCT- cox Recreation Centre Turkey Shoot at Bakers Sand Pit north Like Wilcox at am TUESDAY OCT Bed Cross will sow and quilt from to Trinity United church work- room launch will be served Mora workers WEDNESDAY OCT cultural Society meeting in the United church Newmarket Mr array Muirhead and Mr John showing slides on Lunch served Public WEDNESDAY OCT 10 New- market Veterans Assoc Bingo town First game oclock harefile wealth Special games rat fame line anyway Card tf numbers called All cash prizes Jackpot Admission cards Proceed Veterans flasket Fond OCT OptlMrs rummage sale town base- Control Act 190 will merit Newmarket to J may be left at Main St Newmarket WEDNESDAY OCT 17 Au tumn tea and bake sale spon sored by Jit Janus Anglican A Sharon to be held in Sharon hall from to oclock Every one welcome WED Fit SAT OCT fall One- Cent Sab Drug Store phone 14 Newmarket Fit and SAT OCT and Kiwanis Trade Fair in Anna from lo pm Admission to the arena free THUHSDAY OCT Autumn lea by the Junior Ladies Aid of the Christian church Sate of fancy work aprons bak ing and candy From 1 to fi30 pm Tea OCT Salvation Army Homo league tale at Newmarket Furniture and Elec tric from to pm c4w39 DANCING every Saturday night to Norm Hurling and His Kings- men at Mount Albert commun ity hail Hon A Good fellow Min ister of Agriculture announced the of another for ward step in the fight against Brucellosis or contagious abor tion in cattle has boon causing heavy losses in the cattle population In addition the infection may cause fever in humans Mr said that the Brucellosis Act passed at the last session of the legislature would come into effect on Octo ber I Under its provisions the 24 townships in which bylaws were passed under the dcugnahd supervised areas In cluded in this number are al in the counties of Bruce Durham Grey Ha Hop Ox ford Peel Prince ami York Other townships may be add ed from lime to lime but before any township can become a su pervised area bant twothirds of the cattle owners petitions favoring the adoption of a compulsory vaccin ation program an action which been taken by the cattle owners in the townships that have been designated supervised ureas Under the plan the cost of vaccination in supervised areas will bo borne by the Province of Ontario As in the past the vac cine will be supplied by the Can ada Department of Agriculture In order to facilitate operations every practicing veterinarian will be given an opportunity of entering into an agreement with Minister If all practitioners take advantage of this offer as expected each cattle owner In a supervised area will be able to get his female calves vaccinated at no direct cost to himself by the veterinarian of his own choosing The plan will bo administered by the Stock Commissioner P Watson and his assistant Dr Harold the Provin cial Veterinarian During recent years Ontario has made significant progress in reducing the incidence of Brucel losis evidenced by the fact that calves were- vaccin ated in said Mr Good- fellow However fight must on at an increased rote not because of the econ omic loss which the disease is causing at horn but to preserve our export markets as well I age Col n Its a small world the congre gation of St Pauls Anglican church discovered when lenders were received for the decoration of the interior of the building The best offer came from a firm It is over years since the work was done before At that time the interior decorating was completed by a Mr Brown with such delicate artistry that al though the building had grown shabby there was reluctance in having it redecorated a new firm would not bo able to duplicate the workmanship of the past crafts man members of the congrega tion suggested There was a great deal of sat isfaction in awarding the con tract to the Wlllowdale firm Its owner is the son of the Mr Brown who did the work years ago The scaffolding was started on Monday It is expected thai the work will be completed in ap proximately three weeks Heckled By Ratepayers Council Will Continue On Drainage Job At Beach Humors that North township council had its decision to drain roads properties at Pirn Beach brought president of the Pine Beach As sociation to council in an enquir ing mood but was assured by council that work would be carried out Councils decision had appar ently been reversed by Council lor Frank and Mr McMulfcn wished to know what truth was in tho rumor Councillor replied A week ago Thursday vin township road superin tendent and I measured tile needed for the job also culverts and they were ordered On the Sunday following Cecil phoned me from the police sta tion and wanted to know about the work He said only two wan ted it ditched and the rest not On the strength of this Mr Wil loughby chairman of the roads committee called off plans to ditch and drain Pine Beach and he promised Mr it would not done Mr by this time was very perplexed that a tele phone call from someone not on the executive of Pine Beach As sociation could cancel work that had been promised after months of lobbying and appearing at council meetings Mr said that the meeting referred to by Mr Page I Col the Lake district will be interested in the 137page book Fishing in Lake by Dis trict Biologist It milli on Ph It contains photo- graphs tables and charts and has been issued by the Ontario De partment of Kinds and Forests It is available for one dollar from the Division of Operation and Personnel of Lands and Forests Parliament Bins Toronto A cheque or money or der should be made payable to the Provincial Treasurer of The hook result of a study bo- gun in P 19 contains a wealth of historical data on early explor ation and settlement of the Lake area and the early game and commercial fisheries as con ducted by the native Indians and the white men who followed them date back to As early as Cham plain wrote of the fishing in the Narrows at the north end of the lake Since the earliest times Lake Simcoe has been medley of com mercial fishing and game fishing which is further complicated by the unusual fishing methods em ployed in the lake a forward says The introduction of sever al species of fish in the waters of the lake is in itself of consider able interest The winter ice fishery and the open water fishery arc dealt with Fishes of Lake to each of which is devoted an enlightening chapter are the sturgeon the common freshwater herring lake trout rainbow trout Atlantic salmon White sucker carp minnows catfish northern pike trout perch yellow peich yellow pick erel and bass and There are however some fish listed in a provisional check of fish taken during the recent study and species previously re corded These include the lake sturgeon noted in early fishing records but apparently absent from the lake for many years The list includes the lamprey population if any insignificant gar white- fish brook trout creek chub trout herring sucker lake emerald shiner shiner dace longnose dace silvery minnow brown bull head yellow bullhead channel catfish banded tog per ch Iowa darter Johnny darter nick bass and brook stickleback Dr McCrimmon describes Lake as the fourth largest of ihe inland lakes of Ontario its water draining north and west through the Severn river system to Georgian Bay and the Great On- Lakes Its area is square mil es with a rather slant and gen- Page Col Newmarket Womens Institute celebrated its anniversary with a special ceremony ity United church hall on Thurs day Sept Mrs Elton Arm strung was the speaker The many visitors were wel comed by the president Mrs Frank Hodge Mrs Boy Mac Don ald read correspondence from former members who were un able to be present Musical items for the program were provided by the pupils of Mrs Cane Soloist was Clark Smith A piano trio was presented by Barry Buckle Clar ence and John Hodge Mrs Armstrong recalled the growth and accomplishments of Newmarket as she told its history Although the group started in a small t has re mained active in and peace following the motto For Home and Country in its yearly program Mrs Armstrong said Official recognition was made of charter members and prist presidents of the Newmarket I Mrs Anna Lewis who was the former Provincial director present ed each with a corsage Mrs Kwan recalled highlights of her associations with the local Mrs Hodge and Mrs were presented with corsages All these flowers had been ar ranged by Mrs Charles Willis and Mrs Hayes Among the special guests were Deputy Mrs Violet MaeNaughton who roil greetings from the mayor and council Mrs MaeNaughton commended the WI members for their contributions to the community and praised their operation of the rest room on Botsford St Congratulations were brought to the Newmarket Institute from Department the York Center District and the York North District All who had worked with the organization sent mes sages of congratulations for work well done and extended wishes that it continue for an other years or more Arena Filled Tuesday Night For The Billy OConnor Show i One of the biggest promotion schemes to be attempted in this district met with success when Brad Walker Motors Ltd pre- seated the new automobiles to a capacity crowd at the Mem orial arena on Tuesday Oct 2 More than were present It was one of the largest crowds seen at the arena Capsules of advertising were served to the audience which had come from Bradford mond Hill Mount Albert Aurora King City Heches Point and other communities in this district But before and af ter the unveiling of the cars a firstclass variety show was pre sented Billy OConnor of Canadian TV fame presented his Parade of Stars Headlining the show was Joan Fairfax a singing star with the Denny show Tap routines impersonations acrobatic dancing instrumental numbers vocal solos and duets were presented by the cast which included Jack Duffy Pat and Peggy Doyle Joey Penny and Niche Is and Billy OConnor and his quartet Four members of the Brad Walker staff footed the majority of people into believing they were singing a quartet They acted while the voices came from a recording were presented in Mrs Brad Walker by the staff The memhrs of the staff at the Bradford and Newmarket garages were introduced by Mr Walker Finally at the climax of the big night the new cars were presented As the stars of the show they royal treat ment with an imported announ cer from Hamilton listing their qualities spotlights picking up each detail of design and with beautiful models completing the picture