T Round C01VIUI VARIETY been thinking about the the years have brought and how many things which were net the wonder and within the reach of the few are now the of the majority I recall or first visit to the and our last and one eels that about the only things which are age less there are the lake and the alone lions which like their coun ter parts in ancient defy time change think one of the things which brought these changes to mind was our trip down on the second Saturday of the Fair Our first trip I forget how many years a- go hut enough was made in our secondhand Ford of which it was our first car we were inordinately fond even if on climbing hills we were with suspense when we reached the top This time at 615 am and Elgin culled for us in their Cadillac and as we went we heard the news and a delight ful program It was one of those mornings when the air has the soft dampness of rain near at hand and yet in the reluctant dawning it seemed as If the sun were fighting to clear the sky but without success for the last part of our trip was made in pouring rain had never been on the at that time in the morning and there was a strange fascination about it the half light and through the curtain of rain the landscape and the rush of traffic took on a strange sense of un reality and yet when we got to the grounds many were there before us After a tup of follow ed our usual plan of each going his own way to meet at inter vals We went at once to get our tickets for the afternoon grand land show I had never such a line and when after visit ing the horticultural building the birds fishes and reptiles also having had lunch we made our way to sec the performance the urn was pouring down and we were glad of newspapers for hats We were so glad there was no daredevil auto driving this year and we enjoyed every num ber We love to see animals act when they look as if they enjoy ed it also and these did We fairly gasped when we saw the bears for their coats were like silk vel vet one felt like touching they were so beautiful and they could act too The dogs the acrobats and the clownish monkey who climbed a rope to the top of the grandstand and who moved upward in accor dance with the applause were all really entertaining and then we had our fill of lovely horses Owjng to the muddy track Gene had to confine his riding on it did Annie Oakley to their tour along Die grandstand and the two Champions had to perform or a carpet on the stage which not to the but curtailed their performance The shooting done by Annie Oakley and precision drill the three Cana dian Armed Services were spec tacular but for the cream the show the realization of our expectation was the Hide There were many things a- it to amae and delight the beauty of the hoc the extreme youth of the rid ers and their uncanny in their difficult evolutions all lhese made up a whole which had the enchantment of a fairy spectacle On the shining hindquarter of each horn was the imprint of a Maple leaf and do not try to tell Archie and I that those were not aware of their beauty and cleverness Archie saw one Jiorse get out of step and its nei ghbor With bared teeth swum its hindquarters round ami shov ed it into line To us horses and men performed a near miracle that day when they earned that through so magnificently on that sodden slippery track and when they formed the letter CMP at the last I felt Id love to embrace them all They are unique and we feel proud that they are gaining the recognition to which they are sur ely entitled At no place more than at the are the queer quirk of humanity more exposed We did a thing this year we never did before we went to see a show on the midway It was liny mon keys driving racing cars and do ing various things The looked like little old people and in their racing cars looked al most too human to bo comfort able Hut more than about their tricks wanted to of the audience The tracks on which the cars were very close to the en closure on which we leaned and we were warned over and over to keep our hands away from the monkeys Their attendants said they are not vicious but if arc teased they will bite the bite is very painful To this he- might have added that it was dan gerous as well for no animal bile should be neglected Now most people are amiable to return and kept their hands to themselves Then we heard the attendant give a roar Keep hands away from those This we not to a child but to a middle aged man In a few minutes the warning had to be repeated and at last the attendant said Once more and Ill cither throw out or get the police We were just leaving so do not know what happened but it made wonder that anyone could be- so grossly misbehaved He was not only endangering his own health but he was rude and had he been bitten would have spell ed disaster for the show for peo ple would not have taken time to ferret out the cause but would have blamed the show people Jennie and I later had a good time looking at the marvellous quilts and rugs and all sorts of handicrafts while the men wat ched the water sports and then after an excellent dinner at the Colonial we listened to the Star concert which featured the folk songs of many lands and then home and to bed with many plea sant memories and already look ing forward to CNE of ATTEND RALLY Mrs J Rhodes and Mrs George attended a reg ional rally for leaders of Junior VA groups at St Simons Church Toronto on Friday Sept Ov er 200 were present for the sup per and meeting WEDDING ROBINSON All Saints Anglican church King City was the setting Friday evening September for a can- delight ceremony when Shirley Anne daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald A be came the bride of Wayne Ed ward Robinson son Mr and Mrs A Robinson New market Rev C Mitchell the re- ctor performed the doublering ceremony assisted by Canon Rhodes of St Pauls church Newmarket who officiat ed at the Holy Communion On the altar lighted with white candles were white gladioli and chrysanthemums in brass holders In the chancel were tall standard of ornate goldhued candelabra holding lighted tapers On the pulpit was a white floral arrange ment the gift JeanClaude of France The font held gladioli and day lilies given by Mrs A Carson Donald the brides brother the bridal music by Wagner and Mendelsohn During the signing of the regist er the brides brother Roger sang Tire Lords Pray- a ITS A Womans World By CAROLINE ION With fall officially arriving to morrow it seems safe to predict that the summer madness of acrossthelake swims is over for another season And Just in time for most people have reached the Mage where they couldnt bear to read one more waterlogged word The possibility that another Joke swim might be televised is enough to make landlubbers of us all What did it all accomplish It proved that on one day a man could swim Ontario but on another he couldnt that if the winds and cross currents were kind the swimmer stubborn and his or her trainer more stubborn about the mental and physical abuse amounting in some Instan ces to torture which the various marathon swimmers endured in those contest The swims could not be called a pastime or diver sion or the participants Never once in their attempts to swim a particular section of water did they lose sight of their goal the cosh prizes Probably the names of Ry der Marilyn Bell and Cliff are known to hundreds of Ontario youngsters who havent any idea who Leslie Frost is and arent interested in finding out The misplaced emphasis in all of was illustrated by Ryders comments on criticism directed FALL TEA PLANNED AT YORK HOSPITAL A fall tea Is being planned by the York County hospital Wo mens Auxiliary It will be held at the hospital in conjunction with the opening of the Gift Shop At the tea a draw for a doll and its wardrobe will be made The complete wardrobe for this special doll was made and don- by the Club Pro- from the draw will be used in the Hospital auxiliary work success was assured one but not against his following Marilyns TAG DAY A SUCCESS RAISES OVER Over was raised the Prosperity Loyal True Blue Lod ge on its annual tag day on Sat- Sept The members of the Lodge wish to thank the you ngsters who lagged and the gen- era public for supporting the project frizes were given to the four children who had collected the most donations They were Her bert Jimmy Sandra and Sharon Hill Eastern Star Order Holds Fall Meeting The Newmarket Chapter No Order of the Eastern Star held its first fall meeting in the Newmarket fire hall Thursday evening Sept Sister Olive Adams the Worthy Grand Mat- ron of Ontario was guest Also present were Grand Chapter of ficers Sinter Beatrice Past District Deputy Grand Matron and Brother Arnold of Sister Mabel Past Grand Matron and Brother Edward Past Grand Patron of Bay view To ronto and Sister Josephine Hornby Past Deputy Grand Matron were all with honorary membership cafes from t Newmarket I Chapter At the doe of the meeting it was announced that Sister Amy the first Worthy Matron of Newmarket Chapter had been appointed Grand Representative of the State of Montana Lunch or and the choir sang Per fect Love Before the ceremony the choir sang The Voice That Breathed Oer Eden They for med a guard of honor as the brid al couple left the church Given in marriage by her fath er the bride wore an original gown of white crystal charm made with scoop neckline and smalt sleeves The long fitted tor so was fastened at the back from neckline to torso outline with tiny matching buttons Her head dress was a closely fitted cap of crystal charm holding her elbow length tulle illusion veil She wore threequarter gloves to mat ch her costume and carried a white prayer book with white gardenias and stephanotis falling from the pages The attendants were Joan Brown Toronto maid of honor in midnight blue Mrs Charles u and Janet King City in delphinium blue as bridesmaids and the brides sister Barbara the junior bridesmaid in soft blue Their street length gowns of over match ing taffeta were of similar de sign as wore their headpieces The costumes were fashioned with picture neckline small long torso bodice full skirts accented by a soft bow at the back Their tiny hats were mat ching pel a Is outlined with silver and they wore matching crystal gloves and shoes The maid of honor carried a cascade of yel low mums and the brides maids all low daisy mums The groom was attended Ronald Toronto The ushers were the brides brother Boss and John Toronto The reception was held at Four Winds Country Club The brides mother another And finally it showed that some people will endure al most anything in the interests of a large cheque We might ask So what what difference if someone conquers Lake Ontario Will the results of this act be significant years from now or even five Whos for a go at Lake We understand it remains Possibly what it has is to underscore the materialistic viewpoint of these times Any thing that brings financial gain is applauded Particularly is this so it it can be accomplished with out the years of selfdiscipline necessary to obtain a formal ed ucation In the name of sport the or deals continued throughout the summer no doubt will be pushed upon us next year Such ordeals as the mass assault on Lake On- certainly cant be consider ed as sport Webster defines western swim In one instance he was quoted as replying to such criticisms by paying There was a great Man years ago who did good for this these actions He was nailed to a cross When a swimming trainer compares his work with that of our Lord the matter has passed the realm of the ridiculous and entered that of sacrilege It is time that we regained a proper perspective DANCING CLUB HAS REGISTRATION The Betty Gordon Dancing club will hold its registration night at the Canadian Legion Hall Newmarket on Tuesday Sept from to pm A meet ing of the mothers will be held following the registrations This year the club will hold its weekly practice session on Tuesday night There will be group teaching with Mrs Charles Gordon in charge ANSNOKVKLUT Mr and Mrs MJ and children London visited relativ es here for the weekend Mr and Mrs children visited Mr and Mrs in last Sunday Mr P Vandyken Kalamazoo Mich is visiting Mr and Mrs VanDyken for a few days Rev P Lagerwey attended a classical meeting held in Trent on on Thursday of last week Over Night Relief to be fut of brings acting lent condition at once In cums Dr Chaw a demm iyoqcinrghrcoor KIDNEYLIVER PUIS AUX PLANS PANEL DISCUSSION The fall general meeting of the York County hospital Womens Auxiliary will be held in the Ag Board Rooms St on Tuesday Oct 2 at 230 pm A panel of speakers will be heard on The Gift Shop The Auxiliary plans to open a gift shop at York County Hospit al Mrs M Hooker will speak on the art of selling The duties of the workers will be outlined by Mrs K Vandervoort Miss Grace Sutton wil speak on 1 ethics FOR A LASTING SHINE sport as that which diverts and makes mirth pastime diver sion There was nothing amusing JUNIOR HAS REGISTRATION The Junior of St Pauls church Newmarket hold its opening meeting on day Sept 21 Registration be at pm Each Friday throughout the season the group will meet un der the leadership of Mrs J Rhodes Mrs George Girls from to inclusive are eligible to join sets in the street length skirt Her smalt hat was navy Velvet and her accessories were navy Her corsage was of ros es with touches of blue petals Assisting the grooms mother chose a costume of blue grey French taffeta and malt jersey made with open neckline She wore a deep purple small feather hat grey accessories and a harm- j corsage travelling to northern On- the brides outfit was a closely tailored grey flannel suit In vivid contrast was her smalt Italian turquoise blue velvet hat with matching satin trim small front rolled bow and tiny quill earned bronze and ye- blue gloves com- her hat and she wore black patent leather shoes and purse After their honeymoon Un couple will live at their new home at Botany Hilt Road Outoftown wedding guests were from Waterloo Toronto j Islington Pickering Newmarket guests lace over with short sleeve wearing rose taffeta made and nvlon Cedar Valley Van- dor York Mills Oak- Ridges and was ship served under the ton eiT- Sisters rnont and Agnes Trie annual session of the Grand Chapter of Ontario is be- ing held in Toronto this week Several members from Newmar ket Chapter are attending A New Cold Wave 750 COME IN OK MAKE AN APPOINTMENT AT Mariea Salon Personalised Aids AURORA PHONE PARKVIEW Wonder why Dr Chases NERVE FOOD so many My When little thing you tip thats the lime in take Dr Chase Fowl Vitamin III Iron Dr Nerve at to ever had Or Nerve Food ynt have the nerve that with feel in love life merge tie ready to your family your ymir tarl lite you ma the of Mr vavM jtKi Dh CHASES edict to AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS FOR THE RURAL AND SUBURBAN HOME THE MATCHLESS RANGE for Matchless Ignition Matchless Economy Check these Matchless features minipilots light all 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