Mm And School Clubs Organize For Season Medina of Home and School will be held each of the five public in market on Tuesday Sept at pm At earn parent will have an opportunity of meeting their children the Bell aehool an organisation meeting will held to form an ozonation for the new Stuart Scott and King George will hold their el ection of officer Social evening are planned hi he Alexander and Prince Charles At the for mer the principal Mr will he the of the evening will le served CGIT NAMES HEAD MARGARET HAYES Mif Margaret Hayes was president of the Canadian Is In Training group At Trin ity United Chinch Newmarket this week Mr Atkinson conducted the election The devotional period was conducted by Miw Mo- and Joanne Fol lowing the of officers Mr Atkinson spoke briefly She told of her in work recommended activities for the coming year The met tine closed with Taps Those elected to office for include pre Miss Hay Catherine r A and press Sharon Sinclair NORTH YORK DRIVEIN THEATRE LTD 2i mile north of Newmarket on count road Sharon and Holland landing Phone Newmarket YkT All Show GUNSMOKE MURPHY SUSAN CABOT GOLDEN BLADE ROCK HUDSON LAURIE I MONDAY and TUESDAY SEPTEMBER BATTLE ZONE JOHN FORT VENGEANCE Color CRAIG RITA MORENO WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27 DISTRICT SHOWING MIGHTY JOE YOUNG REN JOHNSON TERRY MOORE ANNE OF THE INDIES Tech JEAN PETERS JORDAN The Town Pulpit they weave the spiders web Isaiah See the spider web and be hold in it a most pie- hue of the hypocrites relitfion It is meant to catch hi prey the spider fatten himself on lies and the has hi reward foolish persons are easily entrap by the loud professions of pretenders and even the more judicious cannot always escape Philip baptized Simon Magus whose guileful declaration of faith was soon exploded by the stem rebuke of Peter Custom reputation praise advancement and other flies are the small which the hypocrite take In their nets A spider web is a marvel of skill look at it and admire the cunning hunters wile Is not a deceive religion equ ally How does he make so barefaced a lie to be a truth How can he make of geld A spiders web his tinsel answer so well the pur- comes all from the creatures own bowel The bee Bathers her from flowers the spider sucks no flowers and yet she spins out her materia to any length Even so hypocrite find their trust and hope within themselves their anchor was forged on their own anvil and their cable was twist ed by their own hands They lay their own foundation hew out the pillars of their own house disdaining to he deb tors to the sovereign grate of God Rut a spiders web is frail It is curiously wrought but not manufactured It is no match for the servants broom or travellers staff The hypo crite no battery of Hbombs to blow hi hope to pieces a mere of wind will do it Hypocritical cobwebs will soon tome down when the of destruction begins its purifying work reminds us of one Continued from Pace BUILD 37 nouses subdivided must pay per lot to the town and make other provisions such as roads sewers and water mains The Subdivision which Mr Boyd calls It con sists of acre west of Park Avenue Lot frontages wilt be from to feet The houses are to be more expensive and larger than the ones in subdivi sions which have been develop eel in few years Mr Boyd said the houses would be put on the market dually and the result will be a varied subdivision He said as many trees a possible will be left in the area Im in favor of this develop but do we have a per cent industrial assessment to no with it asked Councillor Has- keif The towns development policy calls for percent indus trial development with new- sub- divisions It do The argument hinged around are of such high value thai will more than pay their way for town services Assessments wilt be percent higher than on houses in existence He also that Mr Boyd did not make the concession for Davis Drive minutes before the coun cil meeting- TOLD the Newmarket Era and Thursday Sept Id PIMPLES CLEARED IN 7 DAYS or doubt your back J I M BY BUS Less than eight percent of Can adas square miles land urea is classified as occupied agricultural land more thought that such cobwebs ore not to be endured in the Lords house He will see to that they and those who spin them shall be destroyed forever my soul be thou resting on something belter than a spiders web He the Jesus thine et ernal hiding- place Some prominent Canadian leaders In the fields of Industry labor education government the professional societies attended the National Manpower Engineering Conference held at St Andrews Sea Sept Shown here discussing the conference agenda ire left to right Dr Pierre Dean of Science Ottawa University A Parent rector Laval University Quebec City Of fSarnei Page general manager Chemical Institute of Canada Ottawa and J of the Dominion Council of Engineers The Conference discussed the critical problem facing Canada in the shortage of manpower In and engineering and related In general field of higher education have to graduate annually four timet the present number of to keep pace Aith her demands J The OPTIMISTS FRIDAY SATURDAY matinee evening THE MOST READ EPIC OF AIL TIME WONDERFULLY RECREATED ON THE SCREEN SILVANA MONDAY TUESDAY lUt All fitivc WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Two big action features Cot ok i mil in COLOR GRACE KKbbY- SWAN nit urn M it a si Sal TO THE INDIES EVEHV MONDAY JOHN PAYNE Mcham Mm Promise yourself to be so that nothing disturb your peace of mind from the Optimist Creed Welcome Since this is the first reading of this on Optimism I would say hello and to you tiie people of cum- It is only with your and that ice as can carry our Primarily as you know we are service club and a club we have to the objectives philosophies prim and of objective- ate without doubt lie finest which any ser vice organization hope to have I am many men won- Id be attracted to Optimism irjli our objectives because my mind they stand for the Inn meaning of service To i optimism as a philosophy of am convinced that this object ive pay big dividends To promote an active interest in government and civic af fairs Doesnt that strike at the hard core r what service chilis stand for think that it To inspire respect for law to promote patriotism and work for international accord and friend ship all people Where will you find better ideals as a basis for service work To aid and encourage the de velopment of youth the world We Optimists ore fol lowing this objective as the Friend of the Hoy see no reason for Mich fine ideals under a bushel basket It is hope that some smalt way through this column we who are Optimists in name can bring forth a more optimistic at titude in everyone and so make this community and this world a better place in which to live in optimism Ken Stephen WEDDINGS WEDDING At a recent wedding at Trinity United church Newmarket Mary Jane daughter of Mi and Mrs George New market was married to Hubert K of Mr Mrs K Newmarket The wedding musk was played and the was Mrs Holmes Shan- nun was the officiating minister Given in marriage by her fath er the bride wore a gown of whi te taffeta trimmed net with a pearl necklace and eat rings She carried a bouquet of red roses ami Her bridesmaids were Finn Scott and Jean They wore ballerina length dresses of gold bron ze and mint gieen and carried bouquets of brown yell ow and white moms Maid of honor was Miss wore a length dress of yellow crystal- cite Sandra was the flower girl wearing mauve Jon and while ami yell ow mums The befit mui was tendon and the ushers Caldwell Howes and Jack Shophue At the reception at Acres receiv ed in champagne as sisted the mother mi wedgewood pink silk a honeymoon trip to the east the bride won- a dress of wedgewoud blue The couple will on Don- lands flvnoc in Toronto GUtfirj Oie ft from th AiU rjion ivjoaJ of led its maters Se your for a of ROUND TRIP FARES ARE LOW NEW YORK WASHINGTON 26SO DETROIT TORONTO BUFFALO TICK IS lllS AT King George Hotel lists Mi and Mis lloiatd following in Timlly on Sept II The is In- luiiiui ln douttbtci of Mi Mis John Tlie is the of Mr and Mi- Tin couple will in by Jack Hurst The BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY of Canada REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY nil to tram telephone ope a lot lvoierntoi for or full time work For appointment phone 229 or visit the Chief Operator at 134 Main St Newmarket Ont ok 4 To PHONE FOR when want it you you could timing on OK loon by picking op your phono Coll friendly Loon him oil por- Then drop in hilar to pick up 111 it of douca to a toon thats convenient When you wool money for nay purpose coll We fc I I -i-ii- Trimly in Joint Lolls of Mr- Mm A Wits lit i Ion of Mm ly Carney IIMI Loan Clyde SUA Main Hind Newmarket Friday till pm Saturday till Officii IN TO YOU X