CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE FOUR AND FIVE HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPT 1956 NO SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH f Here and There Around Town P Children In he Edwin Lyons subdivision could almost be swallowed up in washouts like this one product of a recent storm This gully through the yard of a home appeared minutes after the rain started On Tuesday a Cousins Dairy milk truck overturned when it hit another washout en Crescent Photo by Ed Stephens Call Subdivision Drainage Meeting Owners Keep Pressure On Council The receipt of a letter from the Chamber of Commerce by coun cil on Sept brought on a viol ent reaction The letter asked three questions which the Cham ber had the right to ask The difficulties arose because tempers were lost before the an swers had been provided The discussions which degenerated into petty bickering took up the major portion of the meeting complete report on the incident appears in the news columns Once again it was 1030 before council had finished with the cor respondence and settled down to the business of he meeting The adjournment finally after midnight The same thing happened at this meeting as it has at others Councillors requested informa tion from fellow members of council They indicated their disapproval of certain proced ures But when a reply was giv en it failed to answer their Procedure sure Motion Lost In introducing that the orders given by the reeve and deputyreeve for street signs and posh shall not be implemented until council passes funds to cover the expen diture Councillors Gladstone and Alex regis tered their protests against pro cedure followed in making a expenditure Although all members of council with the exception of was called and Deputy- Reeve expressed disapproval of their methods in placing the orders without au thority from council only Coun cillor George supported Mr when the motion was put to a vote I am not against the signs but the manner in which this The parties felt that they was done explained Mr Rid- a resolution procedure and certainly should A delegation of home owners In the Lyon subdivision made another appearance before council on Monday night Cor respondence relating to the same aubdlvlsion was receive from representatives of its planners and developers The delegation repeated for mer requests that the own be gin work on roads and drainage problems in the subdivision im mediately collecting the money later from Harold Mr representative wrote reporting a meeting Which he had attended with the subdivision planners the towns consultant engineer and the reeve to discuss made by the former town engineer to correct the problems in the Lyons subdivision The planning consul tit rec ommended a meeting with coun cil at they said they were not prepared to Implement the plans unless their client Mr authorizes payment for the work Town Solicitor Kenneth Stiver advised council to meet repre sentatives of the planning con sultants firm to find out what the difficulties arc and what the firm will agree to do Council j accepted his recommendation adding that a committee meet- of council lie held following it to the situation before j it is Sired at a public meeting Mr Chapman speaking for the homeowners reminded council that ii was seven weeks ago that tint list of complaints had j been presented to them He thanked council for its interest but deplored the delays saying that the work must be started immediately before weather con ditions prevent it from being done this fall Can the town begin this work now he asked and re ceive reimbursement from what ever funds are available later It should cost only eight to ten thousand dollars and under stand the town holds a 15000 performance bond of Mr We dont know how much of an obligation Mr has replied the reeve After two years you still dont know that commented another member of the delegation The reeve explained that be fore the town can do anything it must find out to what extent Mr is obligated for work tinder the original agree ment He asked for their pa tience in matter as special meetings would be called imme diately and work started as soon as the problems can he cleared with the planners and Mr Council has spent consider able time on this added Coun cillor Gladstone The reeve as chairman of the roads and bridges committee has spent time on it beyond the call of duly Nothing more can be settled until the meetings are called Mr supported the reeve saying that the town must know where it stands from en gineering and legal standpoints before it commits itself Councillor Alex Belugin agreed with Mr a special meeting should be call ed where the business could be discussed thoroughly but he added that the planners and Mr must realize mat council expects them to com plete all the work this fall We must back our Insist- ances on what are facts and what is possible added Mr Reeve outlined the improvements the town engineer had recommended for the subdi visions roads and to correct the drainage problems in the a New Curling Clubs Proposed Concessions Discussed By Aurora The questions were repeated a hi tile the disc ions were so clouded that a simple answer would not have cleared the situ ation Confusion was complete when councillors who had approved a motion in principle voted against it because certain implications had been interjected not by the mover or seconder but by parties who should have given straight forward answers to the simple inquiries in the first place It is disappointing to sec that in the highest levels of office in the municipality representatives of the people are not big enough to admit on error Everyone makes mistakes Nobody would them unduly it they ac cepted blame calmly and correct ed the situation But when one loses his temper and vindictively charges that he will get even with a fellow councillor he has discarded the dignity of office Visitors to the council cham bers on Monday night were dis appointed in the display of bad manners and vulgarity On It is an unsound business be questioned from every cor ner The reeve and deputyreeve decide to spend money on an item which is under discussion and on which nothing had been settled That is wrong and council should turn down this procedure he added It is the duties of committees not chairmen to discuss matters in detail get all the facts and then make recommendations to council said Mr Most often the recommenda tions of committees especially the unanimous reports of com mittees arc accepted by council In this case not only was coun cil not but no mem bers of the committees were consulted he charged If this resolution is endorsed by council it amounts to one of censure replied Reeve Wright- j suppliers think man who explained that the integrity if we final figures obtained by the now of the towns cancel them Another library board com- Sick And Tired Of Criticisms Says DeputyReeve In replying to of her suiting councils opinion said deputyreeve and himself were fair prices We acted in good mented Mr faith She wouldnt waste a dollar I wouldnt and I dont be lieve anyone here would I dont know why you should put this motion he continued If you do you are doubting the decision of your reeve and deputyreeve You are doubting the integrity and word of the reeve the deputy and the mayor as well for he was along with us I resent it very much Mr said I agree it a motion of cen sure replied Mr But there is no reflection on the in tegrity of the persons involved When the purchase of signs was discussed by council the amount was questioned and these two people decide to place the order without obtaining authorization from council It is the proced ure that is wrong I believe the manner in which the signs were ordered is wrong agreed Councillor Alex I would have supported a vote of censure said Councillor Robert but am hot in favor with cancelling the or der Till motion dues not cancel the order explained Councillor George Haskell It finds fault with the method used I am a member the committee and I wasnt called to any meetings to discuss the purchases That pro cedure is wrong Ill bring one in for you next week threatened the reeve as he shook his finger at Councillor The motion was put to a vote It was lost with only Council lors Haskell and supporting it Mite Lacrosse Tourney Brings Players Here On Saturday Sent New market wilt become the lacrosse censure from i Whv dont you do something M Council Mr Im speaking re- that in the absence of either the plied call- reeve or deputy the one officer ed a special meeting of the reeve substitutes for the other Neither engineer mayor and myself to Councillor nor Councillor hurry this thing along I was told agreed with his we must have signs for mail livery We got a good price On Mr Ridler said he found them such an important matter aa amusing and perfectly the way so we could I Ions He said the reeve cant fun- have mail delivery I felt sure Jetton in such matters as the de- council approve reeve and viceversa Mr We come here and argue to 12 lhc oeS oclock and then leave with IP ftf in his absence He said the coun cil has the right to appoint a substitute for the mayor when he is not available Wipe that snicker off your face the reeve told Mr Ridler who had laughed at his explanat ions You think you are a miss ionary to Newmarket door- will admit that they didnt act according to the proper pro cedure I will withdraw the mo- lion said Mr wont backtrack replied Mr Wrightman adding several profane expressions This is J petty politics The actual ethics of the thing has been bandied about enough suggested Councillor John Chop- pin I understand those orders have been What will our occasions the reeve foul done Nothing is ever finish- J language without the chair WATER EXTENSION TO TENATRONIGS TO COST The pro vision of water to Ten Ltd will approximately it was earned at council on Monday night Council approved the ex tension of a water main to the industrys new location on Davis j Drive at an estimated cost of Water Committee chairman Alex Hands said that the exten sion was decenary because the new plant had been built in thai While Aurora council would like to have the new district cut I- link built in Aurora the con- Ridges and Richmond Hill We arc not asking for a gift we just want to be treated on a it a passing to the It will be laid along the shoulder the road the rightofway of the Toronto and York Roads Commission Sheep Heifer Killed By Dogs On Eaton Farm Eaton Hall farm tost fen sheep worried by dogs early one morning week Three were killed outright and seven is that there is little that j fair basis The other question is the driver of the the council can do in tax the mutter of water How would and none in the back with ions although some concessions we be treated he asked the five prisoners they started could be made in the matter of Well what can la- ask- J lock and succeed water and sewage led Mayor Henderson Are there A Colliers president of the going to be any new curling club headed a Isnt the matter of taxes gallon the council to explain lafed by statute asked j the position of the club lor Bill Bailey Do we haveany We are in a position to go a- 1 power over them at all Town clerk George Wilkinson said that they did not When a town is on the manual as Aur ora is taxes are regulated by statute but he explained that the club being a private one might be freed of the business tax which would represent a considerable saving notice of a course in Whal other concessions can administration was read we make asked Reeve Clarence I lown J Davis Its the old matter of M h town against town he went ft ft Where they locate will be llftt on what we do compared with what Newmarket doer Two young men who appeared in Newmarket court recently be fore they began an 18month stay in reformatory challenged the accuracy of some evidence being given by a local police officer The pair had escaped custody while being taken from Newmar ket to Don Jail in Toronto The officer had told the court that the wagon was locked He knew it was as he had locked it himself he said One of the accused questioned nothing been done about it It that statement saying that it had come over the radio that the door was open The magistrate im mediately asked for clarification of the matter thinking that the young men were saying that the door of the wagon had been left open and they had walked out when the wagon had stopped at a traffic light He asked one of the accused men to take the stand The young fellow explained that shortly after the wagon left Newmarket there was only the one officer the I am tired of this procedure Mis MacNaughton added And we worked for days and weeks to gel air conditioning in this building The government agreed to give us a substantial monthly payment for it But noth ing has been decided about it J All we do is talk talk talk and get nowhere she said A way was found to save St- on the air conditioning job replied Councillor It was held over for Mrs consideration as she was on holidays at the time certainly not any fault of the members of council Mrs said she placed the order for street signs Offers Challenge To Top Three To Run For Mayor Over At Fair Attendance at the Newmarket trade fair held last week was i M2 not counting children The figure was obtained from totals I on tickets turned in for cash door prizes The attendance was said to be slightly lower than last year Winners who have collected door prizes are as follows David for Reeve Wrightman told Richardson Newmarket head Mr Cat hers fold the coun cil but we have two problems locution and cost in that locut ion He explained thai the club hud an offer of a free lot from Robert Case but that the parties were concerned with the matter of as segment The club was follow- the pattern of and the which would have area hut that it would lake care j sheets would cost around of additional growth He explain- We have to gel under way in that water mam will weeks he said be laid from price how the club would be treated in the matter of taxation We dont want It felt that we are asking for charity he plained Its a private mem- will ami about a year but on the other hand I we feel that a recreation centre be treated in the same manner as a commercial venture or a factory In Bradford he act ed in breaking An officer in a passing cruiser noticed the rear door of the wa gon ajar and sent a message to the driver over the police radio When the local officer got out to THURSDAY check the door the pair had held it shut from the inside the ac cused testified Later with the officer safely seated behind the wheel they bad taken the first opportunity to flee council that he had ordered posts on which to place the signs The posts will cost These parlies have no right to decide this matter without con- Coming Events WEDNESDAY SEPT market Veterans Association ASKS bingo in town hall rt pm Share- INSPECTOR Special games All An inquiry by Councillor cash prizes each Jackpot Alex Hands remained Admission cards veered at council meeting on Proceeds Veterans Benevolent Monday night Mr Hands had what action had been New- a irceufietd Newmarket and A Milton Newmar ket Ticket numbers for uncollected door prizes are as follows No Wednesday evening No Friday afternoon No Saturday afternoon and No Thursday evening SEPT market Cancer Society first work meeting Agricultural Roomy St to p More workers needed I FAIR Plan visit Trade Pair been taken in area Sept SSL tor I dont want to chase any one Mr Hands added But I understand Prod has in herited the job which he doesnt wont and doesnt feel qualified to handle What action has DeputyReeve Victor Jon es I dont know what we could do in the matter of taxes but we could ma concessions on water maybe free water It has been done before he added Members of the council consid ered that the town might give the club a grant to offset taxes I dont like the way theyre It course was educational Why dont you all lake it re- commended a voice from the dieuce A delegation of over residents of the Edwin Lyon sub division was present Police Shoot Cow Hit By Car On CFRB Road everything you need for your home and free prizes THURSDAY SEPT Pinal registration for Newmarket Figure Skating club to pm at arena Pees due now FRIDAY MPT 211 From to pm rummage sale will be held in the basement of St An drews Presbyterian church Newmarket the town gave them the pulling one town against the land and the question of taxes stated Councillor William has not come Davidson dont like it at all Mr Gathers suggested that the I dont think theyre pitting had to bo destroyed because they club would be good advertising one town against the other said were so badly mutilated Three others were saved by Jack Webster veterinar ian who sewed up fears on their bodies and gave special treat ment The animals were some dist ance from the barn when it hap Less than two weeks ago five of the flock destroyed by dogs Katon Halt arm lost a heifer which had lo be destroy ed after being worried by car driven by Gerald Jennings for the town and attract a lot of Councillor Keith Its not IB of district business a question of financing last Sunday We have had an offer from Newmarket much the as this and there hasnt been a quest ion of assessment he revealed think should point out that at the first meeting there were only four of the present from Aurora the rest came from New market and district but we fee that Aurora is the most central and will attract people from Oak SUNDAY Anyone interested In going to Graven- hurst kindly phone Mrs Double Vindorf were I Newmarket by Dr Carl King City vet TUESDAY OCT York to shoot an Injured mil- Hospital Womens Auxiliary eh cow after It was struck by a general meeting 230 pm to go ahead and theyre looking for the best of Id like to see the club tome here As a matter of fact he ad- tied Td like Join it AH members of council agreed that they would like to see the club In Aurora hut felt that they were not in a position to do any thing about taxes but could offer concessions in other ways night The cow loomed tip from the darkness on the road without any warning Gerald swerved his car towards the ditch but could not miss the moving animal Dam age to the car was The cow worth belonged to Emerson second concession of King It escaped from the pasture field after dark riculturat Hall St Newmarket Panel on Gift Shop THURSDAY OCT 26 Autumn tea by the Junior Ladies Aid of the Christian church Sale of fancy work aprons bak ing and candy From 3 to pm Tea FRIDAY NOV Evangeline Auxiliary bazaar in Trinity United church Newmarket advertise for a man recommended Councillor Robert Any more inquiries asked the mayor Officer Keith Wal ton son of Mr and Mrs Earl Walton R I Newmarket re ceived his wings at a ceremony this summer With municipal elections over two months away one hat has been thrown into the ring Councillor Alex is sued a challenge to the mayor reeve and deputyreeve to run against him tor the mayoralty in December The challenge was given fol lowing an expression of disap proval regarding the procedure followed by the deputyreeve and reeve in making an expen diture of without appro val by council or members of their committees having been consulted They had reported that they had met with the mayor and former engineer to decide on the purchases of street signs and posts am sick of this procedure of the mayor reeve and deputy- reeve taking over the duties the council charged Mr 1 gin Mr Haskell and I are members of the police commit tee I dont remember us be ing called to a committee meet- j by Mrs MacNaughton to discuss this The council will not be operated in this manner j if am mayor he promised schedule starts at am the arena and after a full day of act ivity finals come off at pm Schedule of games and teams en tered appears below Newmarket Legion sponsors of our local minor lacrosse pro gram are looking after the noon lunch for some players man- after OLA OMUA- officials and The Auxiliary as their contribution are catering for the supper All food and milk is be ing donated through the effort the Lesion members and gen erosity of a number town Those who have promise are to leave at the Union Hall morning or phone SIM A parade of players and town officials is planned for approximately I pm It will pro- from the teuion Hall to the arena The official opening monies will he held at pm and are expected to he town OIA and Anyway you spell it out it adds up to a full day of lacrosse I activity Dont fail to attend Tournament Schedule Newmarket will have two teams in Saturdays mile lacrosse conducted by The following sched ule games has been released Pans arc asked to clip it out to keep of proceedings A am Long Branch vs AC MS am A v Brampton 1030am Hasting- Aid- dei wood 1115 am vs St Catharines Port vs Newmarket A 1 Newmarket J Winner A Winner pm Winner Winner n K Winner J pm Winner vs Winner 730 in I vs Winner J finals vs vs To Build 37 Homes In Lewis Bush Area Development of a new subdi vision in what is known as the Lewis Hush by Charles Boyd was approved at a meeting of council Monday evening Mr plans call for houses to be built over a threeyear period and the value of the houses are to tie from to and The terms councils appro val were that houses be built in in and in Mr Boyd is to play a part in the establishment of an square foot commercial BACK IN BUSINESS Stewart is back in busi ness at the old stand 118 Main St Newmarket Recent plans made by Mr for the sale of his business could not be com pleted and last week he took over the operation of his radio televi sion and appliance business Another business note is the building for Gorman Ltd and another factory by make a total of square feet of new commercial or in dustrial accommodation He also is to reserve land on Davis Drive for industrial pur poses for three years at a price of pec foot frontage The land is known as the Stanley Janes property on the south side of Davis Drive Wet It is re ported that negotiation are for in lie srvwd factory appro dor to locate The council val was by and chairman of the planning com mittee said that in earlier nego tiations between Mr Boyd and his committee square feet of factory space had been pro posed to help balance new resi dential assessment in Newmar ket He said in agreement We werent quite But he said the fact that Hurry is back at new proposal is worthwhile his Mam St store on a part lime Mr pointed out that the basis Mi sutfered i heart attack this summer a Page Col w