tit Thursday W A Tense Ladies 10 Game In Barrie League Ended Down the Centre by Hulse Annies Lunch Defeats Maple Leafs By A Unit dramatic biting final scries game at the fair grounds last Thursday in which flyers edged New market wound up proceed ings in flic Barrio and district ladies league The win enabled to cap ture the league crown and take home the Memorial Trophy The local VanZanlWatt nine given the fans many great ball games this season but this one In terms of excitement sur passed all the rest The teams were after nine full Innings as the pride of the staff Sarah and flyer Dorothy Miller traded pit ches In a terrific mound duel A frown from Lady Luck bend ed the locals toward the exit in the tenth With one out Bar Eva lifted up a dinky Infield popper Sarah Udell went after he ball but slip ped In the process and lost it had a feeling that was going to be the ball game reported VanZant was as Helen and Dorian Parker in turn alnglcd to plat the games only run Neither team was getting many fill It seven for si for the local contingent The VanZantWntt got their initial hit in the Barbara and Jeanne Win- iter hit successive sixth frame but were left on base Preston singled to start the eighth and Newmarket left the Winter Barbara Watt and Barbara in turn beat out infield hoppers Helen foster claimed three hits and Dorothy Miller got two in support of her first class pitching to pace the winners attack Square Up Set But Lose Series Opener Behind Cec McNeills near per fect six Inning pitching stint and Bob Marriotts superb relief chore Newmarket Legion edged at last Thursday to stay alive in the intermediate ploy- downs In the best of three stories op ener Newmarket Legion looked at some razorsharp hurling as provided by visitors Joe as they absorbed a setback tamed Fred Le gionnaires on five hits and won Ms own game with a bases popu lated home run in the second inn ing bagged eight hits off Bob Marriott Marriott could nt be taken to task too roughly for the defeat as his mates made several glaring bobbles that made life miserable Newmarket scored a run in the first inning on Bruce hit and an error and Mickey Smith doubled home who had walked in the sixth to make up the locals run count Degenerative diseases are the largest single cause of death bases loaded the ninth as Jean- in Canada Second is cancer WELCOME to North Yorks newest sports organization the CRANK HOLLOW SFOKT The club composed of such fine outdoors enthusiasts as Bill Charlie Watson Horry Hodge Howard Morton and Art among others have pur chased acres on the fifth con cession of Whitchurch on Lot 2 and will conduct trap shooting small bore range heavy bore ran pistol shooting bird dog han dling genera gun handling to start with and probably akcet shooting flycasting and other sportsmans interests within a year or two Incorporated the club is funct ioning with one trap at present they have already started the torch for conservation and are building a big pond with tenders called A suitable clubhouse will be available The new group most of whom have been associ ated with the Whitchurch Gun and Conservation club will con tinue to have the friendliest re lationship with and the blessings of that group It Is planned to hold several big shoots at Crane Hollow next year There are at present members with the list still open for those interested DIVOT DIGS A big hand for year old COLIN boss- man at Aurora Highlands who playing in the senior golfers championship at fired a for holes to finish just out of the money realize that Pop plays with an artific ial limb his performance puts to shame the efforts of many young er Congratulations to MARION Boats Newmarket SAVE YOU Boat and Motor Clearance Sal up to 25 savings NEW and USED Evinrude Motors and Boats many to choose from OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL PM Keswick Showroom and AUDREY IRVING for winning the open and handi cap events at the Highlands Mar ion wins the Mary Moly- trophy in her first year as a member defeating Audrey in the finals while in the handicap the former Newmarket girl re versed the tables on Marion VIC pro will be in action in the tourna ment at Uplands on Friday and we hope Saturday The event is for free and should attract a big gallery with the best Ontario pros in action Last week BILLY BELL won second low gross at the big crboro tournament and ADAM fur rier who also plays out of High lands took the second low net prize Next Saturday is mens field day at Aurora and on the the ladies will hold forth STRIKE UP THE BAND PRO FESSOR and play Hail the Con quering Heroes for Ted RED SOX who scored their third straight pennant parade in the LEAGUE the fifth triumph since The Sox managed by Cadicux and coached by BOB the Pittsburg puck- chaser after dropping their first semifinal game to came back to take the highly touted northerners two straight to win a berth in the finals Against the league leading Sunderland club they took innings to win the first in Sund erland On Labor Day with rook ie Hal Hodgson getting four hits they won at in and on Thursday night in a game called in the inning they sewed up j the round in a brilliant win It was simply a club that would- be denied taking the sure of George John anil all the rest With five players still of junior age Stouff- vtlle threatens to be a for the Immediate future Here are Don llaynes pitchers Lome and Chuck Parsons lb Ken Rob Bud Lehman Shortstop Clarke outfielders Ted Harold Hodgson Graham Hal Gibson and Cliff Morris Lehman Hodgson Mor ris and give the teenage accent The club plays in a park that would do credit to S small pro centres certainly good as any in amateur and they cleared the season in blue ink We have to hand it to the folks lowdown on this one and as per usual Mr is doing a four star Job on the baseball front won their intermediate A round in three with North York winning and behind Billy and losing out behind On Satur day they lost to Canadian Store Fixtures from the Bell- woods loop The Toronto boys feature a colored hurler Chalky Wright as well as several other dark clouds and such well known performers as Joe Spring Jr The Hitlers are probably sidelined by now Well not invade the NEW MARKET LEGION or PINE OR CHARD or SCHOMBERG story provincial were sure theyre covered in other col- of this issue The Township playoffs will likely be under way at the end of the week They threaten to be he same as other years on all fronts TOO LONG and TOO LATE A successful season of baseball was brought to a close Saturday when Annies Lunch Virginians defeated Bros Maple Leafs to cop the town league champion ship The league sponsored by the Newmarket Recreation Commission was under the sup- participated in the program over the season Eight nuts on two hits and five errors in the first inning gave the a lead which was never threatened Allen St John a seven year old rising star a star for the winners with his two sensational catches and fine pitching performance of director Francis Hoi- Bob More than boys Davidson and Robert Morel also hit well for the winners Maple Leaf Doug Keats Lee Gould and Ken Needier all had trouble finding the plate and that was their downfall Km Aurora Tigers Blanked Now Champs Theres a new championship team in the North York midget baseball league Its Harold Hod gsons Stouffvlllc The pasted Aurora Tigers at Aurora Sept In the third Needier Lee Gould and Gary were the losers best hitters Crests will be presented teams and a supper will be held at Annies Lunch officially and deciding game of their close the season series Members of the championship Aurora Finale Prolonged By Kettleby facing elimination from the AuroraNorth York soft- ball league finals prolonged the series with an impressive 168 win over Bob Aurora Joyce Motors at the Aurora town park last Thursday Aurora holds a 21 lead in games in the best of five set used seven Aurora er rors and hits by Keith and Hugh to score It first inning rims and hoist the game out of the doubtful column Hart victimized by Aur oras below par fielding was sad dled with the setback Tom given ample support afield and timely hil backing by Gear and in particularly Two factors contributed to the Aurora fall from grace First the Tigers were far below par in the field and secondly Harry Barb er checked them with a splendid threehit pitching job put the game in the bug with a five run second inn ing Lynn Taylor Bob Stov er hit well for the winners Keith Stephnny Paul and Joe divided the Aurora hit take Losing pit Glen Dennett team were Hob Page Jim David son Keith Burling Ken Kan St- John Allen St- John More Jerry Noble Bill club was composed of Ken Needier Gary Mundy Doug Keats Gary Lee Gould Jerry Mays Kent Doner i Steve Hml Wander why Dr NERVE FOOD helps ad many ay ft lirrvmij tiling JOii lhaii time to Or Food It Wont JIuiMin Iran in Food to help you relaxed at able to forget you ever ttoublr Dr yon have the go good love Ufa confident energetic to enjoy jour family your your The alart ill tooixrr may the tin Iff arte save Dm CKASKt in Catcher gasped liie inching points the Catcher Grease Monkeys Lose 1st PlayOff salmmcd home runs as tried rally after a start Even Up Their Set With Blues Goulds Grease Monkeys picked the wrong time to lose their second name of the season The Grease Monkeys were beaten by Town Grass Hoppers at the fair grounds Thursday It the first game in their best of three town league first- round It was a night for the home run bashers to wheel out their artillery They pounded out no less than five base Jack Hurst Jack and Don don all lagged first frame hom ers as the Grass Hoppers hopped away to a handsome start Six of the Grease Monkeys jittery j eight runs came down the home j ruti drain pipe as Chuck Cow- I an Aurora import hit a grand- slammer in the second and Low- ell Waller homered with a mate aboard in the Jack Hurst toned down the Grease Monkeys hit stars five with With a battery ecu- ton park plugs Mount Albert shad Zephyr to square their first round best of five series at two games each over at StoufCville they -invar- Horner started for the know how to make both Motilities Smack off the starting nil Go ends meet The is not enter- piteh the chubby re- in the but would like to meet the South Sinicoe winn ers and feelers are now out midguts the North York I winners dropped a close win Newcastle but tied the round Monday and await word Incidentally WAR- j the midget shows real promise for the future conquer- Port Hope have apparent ly found themselves a berth to XSiii the IS finals in this a- waiting the winner from Western this point on the teams Ontario presumably A I men settled behind a pitchers unless battle between Hon K ester and miracle happened after we wrote Craig Case The were the column should he meeting the short end until the last in the after of the sixth when two Zephyr win Milton kicked the gate ajar for Haskell will have the complete Mount Albert to score three gamewinning runs on Brian fc Stokes wrongfield Krrol Gould Ivan Gibson with three Joe Burke Cliff Gunn ami Don with two hits each were Chuck Gould and Lowell it a managed the Grease ace was in deep trouble Be- hit fore Craig Case could get on the job to douse the Zephyr fire Har ry Claikson Arnold Alan i Hon Bud Bill and Lin nor had lashed out hits and Zeph yr nursed a four run lead The nut razed by this show of run scoring power hit back behind hits by Brian Stokes Craig Case Horner Rut- ledge George Green and Joe Case to score three runs Era and Express Classifieds Bring Best Results Young Man 1 with a Plan One of these days Freds to over die farm Meanwhile hes planning Studying and hard learning right im the job Already hes learned a lot about modern farm management and how a chartered bank can play its part in making farm living more comfortable more profitable lie has found for example how useful the bank can be as a place to build up i livings to obtain credit to seek arid market information He knows that hank managers door is open to everyone When you sec a wellrun farm chances are the farmer uses the lie chartered banks have up for Canadians It was six hits apiece for both titles with Ron sulTering join fieldiiifc support Horner tripled in the winning cause while Kester and Arnold lashed out for extra drives in the cause THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Bell Men Advance To Eliminate Queens The Queens cheering section started out with the holler Done Belt Hells all none to However the Hell boys proved im mediately they hadnt by scoring first liming runs With this uproarious start Stan had little trouble subduing Queens The win put the Hell in line a tackle the winners of the Hopper In town league semis llifore Hod Stevens and his Queens could put out the Hell first frame fire had to Hie plate and runs had scored on hits Iwo walks and errors Outside the first inning the teams dish ed up good jjame of hull was the dominant figure Ho Was working on a two hitter lead until the Queens found the rouge for six runs In Hit final with Stan on the diamond whs Queens shortstopper Low Hew itt who pulled off two sensation catcher left the went 17 for the winners seven for Queens Every Stevens for with Harold heading the list with three while in the two- hit fold were Murray Sinn Kvans Hob Corner and Karl who played a sharp came first dumped out two hits Jack Bob Early lxu Hewitt Hod Stevens and Hunter had one each in the losing cause AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS FOR THE RURAL AND SUBURBAN HOME THE SP MATCHLESS RANGE for Matchless Ignition Matchless Economy Check these Matchless features Si rf It- minipilots 111 all lop oven in a split second NO Centre Simmer lop Rive exact heat control two Riant two standard Made in Canada Introductory Offer Special Price until Sept 19800 Minute Minder hour up to jicoinmoilales larxcst roastltifr pan dm instnllAtimi HAS Regular value Down Payment w easy terms over two years W1UTK Heavy keeps heat in the oven ami out of the kitchen Oven window 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