Newmarket Era and Express, 13 Sep 1956, p. 5

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A mhM Cm its CLASSIFIEDS ITEM Woods portable milk Apply Wright Sharon or phone ELECTRIC brooder Viking elec tric separator nearly new posts and in- topi approx bales mixed hoy bale mixed stove WOO See Jack A King Ft if Mount Albert after pm AVAILABLE good board for one or two horses Dun ham phone Newmarket double unit stain- less steel milkers compressor motor and fittings Woods cooler with can lifter used years electric jeparalor Above in Al shape Cash or cattle Phone 21415 Mount Albert or apply Joe Sil v Or Zw35 and manure Phone PA Aurora MORE CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE fob SAVE money by using rough lumber All standard size Taylors Sawmill R Au rora phone Avenue FUNIS AFRICAN select var ieties Potting peat moss and Davys Green houses Holland Landing Newmarket tf25 AFRICAN VIOLETS HUNDREDS of flowering violets large plants many varieties SI and Double pinks 175 Potting soil fertilizer Open daily except Sunday Clarkes Violet Centre Belfry Dr off Davis Dr Newmarket FARM PRODUCE FRESH dressed beef by the quarter delivered Phone Mount Albert Lome LIVESTOCK WANTED SEED FOR SALE SEED wheat Genesee and Daw varieties No grade cleaned and treated Leek Bros phone Mount Albert BOB calves Phone Mount Albert collect 5w34 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FRESH and springing cow and heifers vaccinated J A RR or phone Mount Albert WEANED pigs 12 Yorkshire of fcgistcred stock Wear phone WEANED pigs ace and Yorkshire Hybrids Wear Phone 10 heifers vaccinal- due in Sept and October Lloyd Keswick phone r2w35 j LOOK AHEAD WITH The growing hog Purebred and Land- race Yorkshire Hybrids available Farm RR Newmarket phone REGISTER ED Genesee seed wheat and commercial No seed wheat Chapman phone PETS COLLIE Phone WELL tile and ate delivery Lome Baker con crete Products Newmarket phone MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years adult and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmarket 3 PERSIAN kittens want a good home Phone Newmarket BOXER pup months old crop ped beautiful fawn Phone Newmarket raesif and springer vaccinated grades and purebreds Jos Cochrane and Sons phone Stroud 8w30 POULTRY WANTED poultry Any quantity ring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid Oak Ridges or phone Turner 4243 tf4 ALL kind of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket TROPICAL fish imported stock Plants tanks and sup plies Goldfish Phone t285w Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION MOTHERS WITH GROWING CHILDREN ANYONE Interested in the sale or purchase of good used child rens all and winter clothing please phone or Newmarket SOMEONE to take a dog up to Marie Will pay Anytime suitable Phone 166r Roches Point POULTRY SAW ABOUT hens ready to lay Will soil any amount Phone Mount Albert CARS and trucks wanted for wrecking Phone Dyers Auto Wrecking Keswick Point Also 24hour towing service c4w33 READYMIXED CONCRETE for footings floors etc READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD it WOOD FOR SALE DRY firewood all kinds free do- Taylors Sawmill It Aurora phone Avenue MIXED wood hard and soft wood Phone Mount surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee Arch supports Lumbago belts Beat Drug Store phone Newmarket p- THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis- A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Newmarket Store AltHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket AURORA and DISTRICT for CHRIST TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT Except Sturdy Rev FORD Evangelist BASS BAKITONK SOLOIST ADAMS Director Jade WARD Florid Inter Denominational Choir IMPORTANT Auction Sale of Farm Stock Implements Dairy Cattle Tractor Combine Hay Grain Furniture etc on Lot on tine Twp mile south of No Midway on Don Mills properly of CLARENCE SCOTT on SATURDAY SEPT 22 Red cow freshened May Red cow freshened Aug Zi cow freshened June I cow freshened Sept cow fresh calf foot Black cow fresh calf at foot cow due time of sale cow supposed to calf Oct heifer old not bred Black and white heifer not bred heifer old not bred heifer old Veal calves IMPLEMENTS Pacemaker tractor late model on rubber in good con dition Clipper combine complete with motor scour clean etc good condition binder ft cut Case bale and rain elevator with 28 extension electric motor cycle mower ft cut stifftooth cultivator 11 tooth tractor hitch tandem disc harrow Cockshtt 3furrowed tractor plow narrow bottom 3Drum steel land roller Mil drill Walking plow Wagon box Set drag harrows dump rake manure spreader Some other implements MISCKLLANEOUS ARTICLES Set scales lb capacity Ft extension ladder Hod roll farm fence Pile scrap iron Forks shovels hoes and a lot of other articles not mentioned HAY AND GRAIN Dales good timothy hay 390 Hales good wheat straw A few tons mixed grain Possibly of baled 2nd cut alfalfa and clover hay Quantity of planks new Quantity planks used Quantify of inch lumber new Quantity of inch lumber used Iron beds wilh springs Dresser Sideboard rug If rug rug Extension table with leaves Several small tables Pantry cupboard Thomas organ and stool oval with warming closet arid water res ervoir and pipes real good Quebec heater with pipes electric range Flour bin Number of sealers A of other articles loo numerous to mention Sate at 1 pm sharp Terms No reserve Farm sold James Smith clerk Ken and Clark Prentice Auctioneers Out Phone On Phone Ax minster SALE of Furniture sit property of MRS MATILDA TANSLEY m Project St Newmarket WEDNESDAY SEPT Bench Bookcase and writing Linoleum coverings Large Quebec heater Red complete with and mattresses Hooked rugs picture dishes cooking and other ar ticles too numerous to men tion No reserve as property sold Term Cash Sale pm Smith Auctioneer phone Newmarket SALE REGISTER SATURDAY SEPT Auction sale of household furniture etc the property of Matt Duncan St Newmarket Sale Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket SATURDAY SEPT Extens ive auction sale of fully accredit ed and listed herd regis tered Cattle com bine hay baler farm stock im plements furniture etc on lot Concession Vatiehatt town ship Property of Albert Sale starts at am sharp Cottle sate pm Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneers TUESDAY SEPT of sale by virtue of an execution issued out of the Fourth Division in the County of York against the goods and chattels of Milt at the suit of Eves Ltd and Hilltop Lunch GaragcOnc- ton Dodge truck with license No Public auc tion at Harold Gordons Garage Davis Dr at pm Smith auctioneer WEDNESDAY SEPT sale of head of Purebred and Grade cattle 38 milk cows springer heifers and a number of fresh cows and yearling heifers horses large quantity of grain standard tractor years old Forage harvester with corn pickup Forage wagons Forage blower nearly new Case powermower ft Geo White threshing machine No 24 with straw shredder tractor spreader on rubber nearly new Woods oat roller A full line of farm machinery the property of Mrs Gordon McKay Sons lot con Brock mite north of Farm is No reserve Terms cash Sale NOTE This is a good sale Plan to attend Keg Johnson auctioneer Geo Edwards and Karl clerks SEPT 20 Import ant auction sale of 25 head dairy cattle new combine New Idea baler pony farm stock implements grain furni ture Oliver tractor etc on lot Concession township Village at station Proper ty of Henry Sale at 12 noon Terms cash No reserve farm sold Ken and Clarke Pren tice auctioneers SATURDAY SEPT Auction sale of dairy cattle combine tractor farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc on lot Concession town ship on highway property of Clarence Scott Sale I pm Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers c5w33 SATURDAY SEPT 22 Auction sale of registered and grade cows and heifers machin ery hay grain and furniture etc the properly of Charles Williams lot con King miles west of Aurora and mile south Time p Terms cash Everything sold without reserve as form sold Smith auctioneer Ed clerk WEDNESDAY SEPT 26 Com plete dispersal of 2tf head of Ayr- shires registered accredited vaccinated records dat ing back to Included in this offering i the highest Sen year old in the Toronto Dis trict in 1955 The properly of lot 3 con 2 King Township Terms cash No reserve as owner is going out of dairy business Sale at pm Catalogues on request A Farmer auctioneer Morley Cook clerk Win Ness on peril grces SATURDAY SEPT 20Auction sale of farm stock implements and some household effects etc the property of John Gould lot II eon King Sale I p Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmar ket OK COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Auction Sate of Cattle Hogs Machinery Hay drain and Furniture etc the property of CHARLES WILLIAMS Lot Con King miles west of Aurora and mile south SATURDAY SEPT REGISTERED CATTLE Donna Tex born Aug bred Feb W5 vaccinated May Countess Royal horn July 2ti full flow vaccinated May Countess Supreme born Nov 1 milking vac cinated Miss Lily bom July of May Countess Su premo bred July she Roe- land Rag Apple Marksman GRADE CATTLE year bred July cow years bred June cow 7 years bred Juno 28 cow a yean bred Feb cow years bred July 17 cow years bred June cow bred April cow years bred July years brad July July caw years bred June 26 heifer bred August heifer born Jan heifer born April Guernsey heifer born April 12 heifer Registered Hereford bull Elm- tea Ellis Domino born April sire Sir Crusty steer Shorthorn steers Roan Steers Hereford cross steers 2 Block Heifers HOGS Sow second litter with pigs Sow second litter bred middls of June 26 Chunks Sow third litter bred end of June MACHINERY No 33 tractor used year Ford tractor plow and cul tivator Clipper combine motor- driven used seasons both hay and corn attachments Case forage blower ratchet un load Farm and bate new Forage box size Forage box size x AS It powcr- years old side rake 4 old Fertilizer drill good tractor spreader years old oneway good sptingtooth cultivator plow 12inch bottom good 6Section drag harrows 3ScctSon springtooth harrows Land roller Grain auger Ft endless bell Set of platform scales lbs Hog weight Circular saw frame and saw Electric fencer new Anvil Blacksmith vice and steel bench 16 ft- wire gate Universal milking machine out let cows Woods oat roller new roller electric separator Woods dropin milk cool er new motor dropin cooler Si motor i HP motor motor Two motors HAY AND GRAIN ETC ion ladder row clippers Quantity of mixed wood oats bated straw and hay fork hoes and many other articles FURNITURE Chest 2 Dressers Chest of Drawers steel bed Hall rack Bookcase Extension tables Hotplate Kitchen chairs couch Jars linoleums dishes etc Quebec heater Renfrew cookstove Perfection coal oil stove Sale pm Terms Cash No reserve as farm is sold Farmer Auctioneer Phone Quantity of baled hay Quantity of baled straw- Quantity of mixed grain Rows of silo corn if not before sale FURNITURE sold Library table chesterfield suite and odd chairs Bedsteads Dresser Cupboards 2 Many other articles Chevrolet truck with high rack 1948 Chevrolet car good order Sale at pm Terms cash Everything sold without reserve as form sold Smith auctioneer Ed clerk AUCTION SALE Head of Cattle including fresh cows and spring ers Ferguson No tractor used months and tractor equipment Waterloo threshing machine clover at tachment and full line of farm equipment hogs hay and grain also household furniture the property of REG Lot Con East miles north of THURSDAY SEPT 20 CATTLE Rag Apple Ideal born Sept calf registered born July flow Vicky Ideal born May 1055 Anne Ideal Twin Vatley horn May 23 Nancy Sovereign born Dec 1052 years full flow years full flow years bred July years bred May years duo Oct years due Sept 15 Roan years bred July years bred July Roan years bred April Ayrshire years full flow years full flow Red and white ycurs full flow years full flow heifer bred June lit months heifers year old SOWS Sow bred before sale Sow bred before sale Sow due Aug POULTRY MACHINERY Threshing machine Waterloo clover combine mill Tractor Ferguson new used months Tractor plow powermower ft nearly new side delivery rake on rubber good manure loader and snow shovel for Ferguson tractor cultivator nearly now McCormlck ft binder hay loader Manure spreader on rubber Seed drill disc Drag harrows Scales 2000 lbs mill Rubber tire wagon and rack Renfrew cream separator electric Pulley for Ford tractor Sprayer wheelbarrow SOLD IMPORTANT Auction Sale ot head of grade dairy cattle Ferguson and Oliver trac tors truck new MH combine New Idea baler farm stock im plements grain furniture etc property of HENRY on lot concession entrance to farm at Markham Village station on THURSDAY SEPT 20 GRADE DAIRY Black and white cow calf at foot Black and white cow calf ax foot Black and white cow calf at foot Black and white cow calf at foot Black and white cow calf at foot cow full flow cow full flow cow full flow and white springer Black and white springer Black and white springer Black and white springer Black and white springer cow due lime of sale cow due time of salt cow due time of sale cow due time of sale cow duo time of sale cow duo Oct cow due October Hereford and heifer Guernsey heifer heifer steer bull DAIRY BARN EQUIPMENT etc Surge electric milking machine complete with I units piping fittings etc good a GO cycle electric motor for milker electric powered cream sep arator Gem electric milk cooler can capacity Sets electric livestock clippers or more milk cans Milk carts Steel water troughs Stable electric radio Steel litter carrier pole Litter carrier bucket and car No of cow tieup chains Several barrels and other stable supplies Pony and equipment Thoroughbred running mare years Chestnut pony yrs old quiet Toy terrier dog Single set pony harness 3 Wool horse blankets Buffalo robe Pony blankets halters bridles saddles and other odd pony or light horse supplies FARM MACHINERY IMPLE MENTS AND TRUCK Oliver tractor complete on rbber starter pulley etc late model near new and good Ferguson TEA20 tractor good No selfpropelled com bine ft cut complete with re cleaning cylinder very Might I used near new Chevrolet I ton truck with stake body and stock racks condition New Idea automatic pickup baler Pro nearly new Oliver ft cut mower good all steel rubber tired wagons nearly new 2 Wagon flat racks Ferguson pickup side de livery new style near new International plow on rubber with ace bottom near how Ferguson furrow plow good Ferguson springtooth cultivator good ft chisel plough tooth nearly new tractor cultivator spring- tooth on rubber in side wheels good Kelly and Ryan tractor spread er near new Sections dray and owners Steel stone boat All steel road drag Mil tractor grain grinder new style Dor ace bottom shears new Ft endless drive belt Ft endless drive bell 30 Ft endless drive belt Electric motor and emery 30 Ft extension ladder Set boh sleds Large toboggan Childs sleds COM special geared bicycle big carrier Several traps Toot bench and tackle of logging chains house Pile of stove wood cut Set double harness Cutters Set single harness Jackall jack seeders Steel pig self feeder new Gas tanks with hose No of gal gas cans No of water pipes Iron kettles No of steel gates No of steel posts No of cedar posts rolls snow fence No of fence rails Steel post driver 20 Electric fence steel posts Several rolls barbed wire Roll chicken wire Pile of scrap iron No of jute bags and sacks Maple planks Shovels forks doubletrees and numerous other articles GRAIN AND MANURE Large quantity of oats consist ing of 30 Ions Pile of cow manure HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Etc Vent aluminum porch awning 10 Dining room suite table buffet and six chairs Living room suite chesterfield and chairs Stove white annex and pipes Wooden bed 48 spring and spring mattress Dresser to match above Steel bed spring and mat tress Spindle bed spring and mattress Odd dresser chest drawers Square table Extension oval table and boards Couch and mattress No of chairs Hinge table Antique arm chair 2 Wash stands Baby carriage Baby walker Baby gocart Childs largo bath lub 3 Feather ticks Wash lub Wash tub bench 2 linoleum rugs 12 No of gilt antique picture frames No of pictures and frames No of light fixtures No of sugar bogs No of sealers bottles etc Screened cupboard Drapes curtain bedding etc No of books fiction No of dishes and pans Boiler with lid Several storm doors Screen doors 2 Wilton rugs blue hotplate Sale at 12 noon sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice Auctioneers Out Phone Plume James Smith Clerk Bed couch double Buffet Bed springs and mats End tables Vacuum cleaner Kitchen clock Dresser stand Kitchen cabinet Cupboard Electric irons Radio chairs cage Bread box gallon crock Canister set crock Silverware Tea kettle Screens Floor lamp Paper rack Toaster Card table sealers dishes pots and pans Time of sole pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer Phone Newmarket Newmarket Ambulance Service hour Phone It Newmarket Roadhouse Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STtlEET NEWMARKET T i i i Strasler Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND SERVICE PHONE Auction Sale of household furniture etc the property of MATT DUNCAN I St Newmarket SATURDAY SEPT 15 Heavy duty electric stove Mirror Kitchen table and four chairs Quebec heater Kern stand and plants White enamel icebox Single couch Hall rack THAKER DREWERY and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone Mount Albert Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone PERMITS Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY 118 Main St Phone Attend One These CHURCHES SUNDAY SEPT Ri 195ft FULL TABERNACLE Halt Newmarket FRIENDS MEETING am Sunday School j 1 am Morning Worship l pm Evangelistic service Everyone Welcome Pastor A Leroy Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Reynolds Minister Mrs Scdore Organist am Sunday school am Divine worship pm Evangelistic service Toes pm Prayer pm Class meeting ALL WELCOME am Meeting for worship Come and meet with us All welcome Thursday Sept Monthly meeting ti pm Saturday Sept Street terry meeting here 330 pm Ministry and Over sight pm He who seeks God is never dis appointed ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Minister Rev Johnston IL Telephone lost Organist Mr Rudolph am Church School It am Nursery and am Guest speaker Dr Hill finpt of mis sions for Manitoba pm Preparatory service pm Social hour CHURCH OF THE Mount Albert Gospel pm Sunday school Frank Clark Superintendent pm The Clark Family rendering special music and surging Rev Karl Minister VICTORY CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Tutor J Hill 950 School It am Worship Service Wednesday pm Prayer and Bible Study Meeting warm welcome awaits you CHRISTIAN BAPTIST Main St Newmarket Minister Fred Musical Director Mr Stephen Crisp am Morning worship pm Sunday school pm Gospel service AH welcome ST PAULS ANGLICAN CHURCH Rector Rev Canon J Rhodes am Holy Communion It am Morning prayer and sermon pm Evening prayer and sermon All departments of Ihe Sunday school will r next Sunday Sept am Senior department Juniors kindergarten UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Bunking Minister am Broadcast Kc 10 am Worship It am Sunday schoolGormley noon Worship pm Evening service Welcome to our Services CHURCH OF Corner of Main and queen Sis Faster Organist Miss June Haines am Bible school am Morning worship pm Evening service You will like our service S3 Lewis SUNDAY SERVICES WWAVtlGOW THE SALVATION ARM Newmarket Corp Queen St and Mrs am Holiness meeting pm Sunday school Salvation meeting Make the Army your church home TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev M J Alkers Minister It am Morning LETS GO TO CHURCH THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 045 am Senior school am Beginners and primary am Junior congregation am Nursery class Rally Day Sun Sept Let us all work and worship

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