ft T TtwitsMp Had township Beach Association A were unprepared the enquired Why are we register- large number of ratepayers who led as rural consumers in the turned out to attend the only township hydro Complaints of council meeting held this sum costs of and dollars in the lor the express purpose of receiving delegations of summer and to deal with their particular problems Before the opening time of oclock on Saturday afternoon Aug IB the township council at were too crowded to everyone A of the situation re sulted in the nextdoor township hall being opened Plenty of chairs being available the meet ing convened on time Main topics of the session drainage problems most ly arising from the work done on the Metropolitan Road the Dog Control Bylaw end the high paid for hydro used by the in the builtup areas of the township Seven separate ratepayers ap proached council asking for re lief from water draining onto their properties Six of these were from the FranklinDel Franklin and Willow Beaches To them it appeared that the in crease of some inches in the level of the Metro Road aggra vated the already plentiful flood ing of the lands north of the rightofway Adequate have been placed undor the new roadbed but after the water crosses from south to north through the cul verts there I not sufficient pro vision mute to carry it away through ditches or other chan nels A suggestion that the water be drained into the creek at La Salle Camp was put forth by Ernest a summer resident claimed that a teninch cul vert was carried away by the force of the flooding waters Hoy Pollock promised that ask something be done about the diversion of both ditch es on either side of Metro to the creek On behalf of Franklin Dei summer months and a ser- Mr said he was given to understand that complaints re garding services and charges should go through council Pow er cutoffs and failures were so numerous it was said that they were not satisfied with the hydro service at their cottages- Mur murs of agreement went through the hali when this beef was put forth and a rate more comp arable to builtup area rales was asked through the petition of council The reeve said he did not see why summer cottages should be assessed as rural I am not sure of the procedure or if it can be done he said Mrs Link said she had already talked to the Hydro and that they had told her to go back to council This was over a rage MAYOR AT CONFERENCE Continued from Page mean that municipal Issue would go begging he added Mayor suggested a federal provincial municipal bond marketing board to help municipalities market their de bentures On the of Federal grants in lieu of property tax on Crown buildings Mayor summer momns arm a Person of Portage vice charge during the remain- said communities with of the year were made federally owned buildings arc being discriminated against The government now make grants where the assessment of Crown properties exceeds two per cent of all taxable property in a municipality Mayor Henderson said with less than two per cent could help pay the grants to those where a concentration of Crown properties pushes the assessment over the minimum needed to qualify for federal payments All federal properly should be placed on the same basil he said ITS II Womans World By CAROLINE ION Cue to the severe shortage of Hundreds of thousands of visitors been removed by order of the Department of Highways and a limit was recommended 3wrw siS of it was that the council should petition York County Council and it in turn the Hydro requesting that the ratepayers in the heavilypopu lated areas be assessed as sub urban instead of rural Mrs Link claimed ft is up to this council to go to county council flic Hydro cant in unless Ibis council permits it I hope make a move for it she said Speeding on the Metropolitan Road particularly on the unfin ished portion where signs have been removed by the depart ment was of grave concern to Jack Spear speaking as presi dent of the Willow Beach Park Association What if anything are you going to do about the lack of signs and control of speed of car travelling the Metropolitan Road he asked DeputyReeve Clark Martin re plied that the mph signs had THANK YOU wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their wonderful acta of kindness during my recent nagg I hope to seeing you all attain in the very near Mure m m MR HARRY Pollock claimed if Jives are en dangered we will have lo con trol speed The idea was to move the speeding traffic from the con gested Road back to the Metropolitan as soon as the Metro was paved However well have to do something he said Mr Spear wanted assurance that something would be done about the speeding Am I at liberty to go back to my people and tell them you arc going to do something about it he asked council Council agreed that something should be done but promised nothing as it is a mat ter to be taken up with the De partment of Highways of Ontario This they agreed to do Dust resulting from the work on the Metropolitan Road was a source of annoyance to other ratepayer This council hoped would end soon with the comple tion of paving steel the Womens Division will not have a new building for 58 when the Canadian National Ex hibition opens tomorrow How ever the site for the building has been chosen and the architects plans are underway so that we are assured of a new building to house all womens activities for writes Jenkins manag er of Womens Activities There will be a wide variety of new features in this years CNE to interest women Many interest ing and educational features hava been planned New classes have been added to the handicrafts and those which appeared to have lost their appeal have been dropped Last year more money was spent on the display of handicraft and homecraft work resulting in a more pleasing and attractive dis play There was so much interest in last years display of Eskimo handicrafts that a much larger one has been arranged for this exhibition Annually the school entries in creased in numbers and quality Last year every province in Can ada submitted art work and mur als The calibre of the school en tries for this year has been ex tremely high and the eminent ar tists who judge this work have drawn attention to this point Particular praise should go lo the hundreds of teachers across Canada who keep interest in the school work alive Miss Jenkins said that she was sorry that more of the work submitted cannot he placed on display a problem which will be partly overcome with the new womens building GIFT SHOP STAFF ORDERS SMOCKS Jn preparation for the opening of the Shop by the York at the CNE view the school work and through this display arc to see something of the creative talent which is present in the young people of Canada today As well as the handicrafts and childrens work there will be many colorful features designed for our women visitors this year Fashion shows will take place daily in both the west an nex of the Coliseum and in the Building Cooking dem onstrations floral arranging ta ble sotting and other educational and entertaining features will take place in the Kitchen Thea tre Coliseum will feature a group of rooms all furnished in the newest furnishings and appli ances There will be a beautiful Give- A way located on the grounds which some lucky per son will win on closing night of the Exhibition Besides these special attract ions for the women there will be the thousands of displays in the other buildings If this years is as interesting as post ones visitors will return foot- weary but satisfied Objection To Costs For Air Conditioning In Newmarket Town Hall A conditioning unit for the town hall requested by the magistrates court is he sub ject of differing opinions among members of town council A by law to provide finances for the unit has been drawn up but it was held over at a recent meet ing of town council SOCIAL NEWS Margaret Marrow Thornton is holidaying with her cousin Anne Marrow Davis Dr Mrs James has re turned from Lake Joseph after visiting and Mrs A Greenwood Mr and Mrs Lawrence and daughter visited Mrs Hearings parents Mr and Mrs Earl last week Mr and Mrs Draper Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Gibbons last Friday Sixteen Year Bride To Appear On Perjury Charge Mrs a bride of a month will appear in Newmarket court Aug on a charge of perjury laid by her mother Mrs Mu Her of King Town ship The charge was laid by Mrs alleging that her daugh ter lied in filling out an applica tion for a marriage license claming she was while only 16 Lili married Karel Vlach on July in a ceremony at St Pauls Anglican church Councillor Robert pointed out that there is no guarantee in the bylaw that the court or any other organization is to pay for the equipment There is nothing said about money he said Councillor also said that the window box type of units would be just as good as the expensive type of equipment They could be taken out during the winter months and would be less costly he said Councillor Being in said that if income from rent were to pay for the unit in six years a year rent would be required Apparently the court is not pre pared to pay that much he stat ed court rent will pay for it in years which he added is not a good business deal Councillor said a few days later that he had another plan to propose to council Since meetings have not been on weekly basis recently the sub ject has not been presented again to council County Hospital Womens isry at the hospital Knocks five days being ordered for the volunteer workers assisting in the shop will a rosecolored smock The orders for these auxiliary uniforms which will serve to id entify the workers as active mem bers of the Hospital Womens auxiliary must be placed before the end of the month Those planning to work at the gift shop are requested to place their or ders for a smock before August 27 with Mrs J C Edwards Newmarket further partic ulars regarding size and price are obtainable from Mrs Edwards municipal office Mr and Mrs who came to Canada from Czechoslovakia in operate a poultry farm near Aurora Mr was employed by them on their farm Mrs threatened to have the marriage annulled when she heard of it She laid the charge against her daughter who was arrested in Toronto on WOMEN LIBERALS TO HEAR TALK BY UN DELEGATE The North York Womens Lib eral association will hold a dinner at Ridge Inn Oak on Wednesday September 19 at pm Mrs J Houck Brampton will be the guest speaker Plans for the dinner were made when the representatives met at the home of Mrs A Kirk- wood Aurora Present were Mrs Downey Miss Cleland Miss Starr and Mrs Bruce Hunter all of Newmarket and Miss Brown Mrs Claren ce Davis and Mrs Charles Web ster all of Aurora Mrs Houck past president of the Ontario Womens Liberal As sociation was appointed by the Department of External Affairs as one of Canadas five official dele gates to the General Assembly of the United Nations She will speak on her work with UN Women Liberals from all sect ions of the riding are invited to and brought to attend this dinner Tickets are ket She was released later on obtainable from executive mem- bail WEDDINGS A i fa J I J XS J At St Pauls Anglican church Saturday Aug Nora Doris daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert River Drive Park became the bride of Donald son of Mr and Mrs Bertram A Budd Newmarket Photo by At a recent ceremony at the Christian Baptist church Joyce Van niece of Mr and Mrs Douglas became the bride of Donald Cameron son of Mrs Cameron and ll late Mr Cameron fi CARS A ft SELECTION BARGAIN PRICES 1 EVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK MUST GO SALE vWVw 1955 FORD CUSTOM CHEV DELUXE DODGE 1954 CHEVROLET MONARCH 1953 0LDSM0BILE i SPECIAL 1695 SPECIAL 1745 ALSO 600 SPECIAL 1100 SPECIAL 795 SPECIAL 1 300 fe i APPLIANCES QUALITY PRODUCTS AT TORONTO PRICES hi REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS DRYERS FOOD FREEZERS I jr OUR CARS ARE THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED A GOOD USED CAR AT LOW LOW PRICES SEE OUR SELECTION TODAY ASK FOR Ernie McCaffrey Ray Daniels or Dan EASY Washing Machines from 99 up USED APPLIANCES You have them we Others need them at a price PHILIPS Television i SETS from 19950 up LTD BOTSFORD ST TOWN HALL PHONE ja Dan McTavish Prop I i