ntRBDCBnOB ft ft Am inoperative Holiday Services with The Chrilin BepiUt in Trinity United Morning worship in nature alone do men find God service only during the holiday season Come and Worship victory baptist sad St A CONTINUED GOOD home offered to collie type puppy Phone New market MIKIUANKHJS am School Worship Service Wednesday and Bible Study Meeting A wa welcome a wails you i ST ANDUWS Be M fc Chun It worship eoiill rt MELTING Street pi am Meeting for worship Come and meet with us the primary purposes hat we PAULS ANGLICAN CHURCH Street Bettor Rev J Rhodes am Holy Communion am Senior Sunday School am Junior and Kinder garten Schools am Morning prayer and sermon pm Holy baptism 7 pm Evening prayer and instruction CANARIES Singers baby budgies cages Supplies African violets colors and double pink flame violets Mrs Agar phone TROPICAL fish while worms MUCOUS THROAT Pink for the nose and threat for the dropping Of mucous discharge of the lump in the throat and other disturbance The art the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good Price 150 The Beat Drug Store phone Newmarket NOTICE I Lowell of Benson Avenue Oak Ridges will not be responsible for any debts incur- red in my name after July without my written auth ority Bradford a daughter The Newmarket Era and Thursday July At York County IN THE ESTATE OF FRED A SMITH LATE OP THE VILLAGE Newmarket TROPICAL fish Imported Plants tanks and sup- Newmarket LOST hour for Christ where- whenever we can main KJL THE NAZAHKNK June Maine Bible school Worship service 9 Met Sunday School Worship service A Canada CHURCH OP THK Albert Gospel Chare school Prank Clark Superintendent Rev Earl Mtebttf METHODIST CHURCH Rev Minister Mm Gerald JO Sunday school J am Divine worship pm- Evangelistic service pm Player service pm Class meeting Attend Church today UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Minister Pikes Peak Tent Meeting July Week night service at Sundays at 2 pm and pm am Broadcast Welcome to our MISSING from coiner of Queen and led wheel aide- walk Finder please re turn or phone MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE for footing patios etc CONCRETE LTD Conuley M0 1 CEMENT blocks Plain and rock faced tanks Well and tile Concrete Products Phone Tirjl BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi Us A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or cough and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket tile delivery Lome Baker con I Products phone WEE METHODIST CHURCH V HOLT- Sunday school Morning worship pm Sunday school at service 8 prayer service AllHerbal rheumatic tablets or muscular arthritic and pains Prfco Beat Store Newmar ket Trusses supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch Lumbago baits Best Dm Store phone Newmarket OF IN THE COUNTY OF YORK RETIRED FARMER DECEASED Creditors of the abovenamed deceased who died at the village of in Ihe County of York on or about the 26th day of February are hereby not ified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the 3rd day of August after which date the assets of the Es tate will be distributed having re gard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice Stiver Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Verne Smith and Lome Smith Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY SMITH LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAST IN THE COUN TY OF YORK WIDOW DE CEASED Creditors of the abovenamed deceased who died at the Town- ship of Whitchurch in the County of York on or about the Second day of April 1950 arc hereby notified pursuant to the Trustee Act In send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the Third day of August after which date the assets of the estate wilt be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this Fifth day of July AD Stiver Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Verne Smith and Smith Executors TENDERS for Pine Orchard School No Whitchurch for putting on new roof and painting interior of 2- room school LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted TENDERS will be accepted un til noon on July 28 FOR particulars apply to Mrs RR Newmarket BIRTH Bradford ilj are pleased to announce the Appointment of Harry as manager of their newly formed and Implement Division wild at Newmarket will fe a Division of will be by Mr w Mr iias roiiie to us direct from ford snd Safes Co of lid whom he has been for the pail number of yuan as Service Representative His service with company and ford Company of Canada over past years qualified in all phsses of farm Machinery and would Appreciate any Service problem your equipment may require Ho will ho than pleased to discuss those problems you and r Uo to you or Demonstrate our full line of ford Tractors and Major actors Any inlormalion required on equipment such as Balers Combines Delivery Rotary Cutlers Mowers Plows Discs Diggers loaders and fork lids file will supplied promptly ruest We are opening hit Division to be of service to the and Industrial Uteri in our operating so please feel free to seek Mr tors Advice at any time Also please drop in and make yourself acquainted i Our Paris and Service now and capable of handling your S- Bradford rtnd farmers may fAt Harold who will pleased to assist in your problems who will be with Mr In lbs of this new Division of our j YOUR DEALER SUGGESTS YOU BRING YOUR TRACTOR HOME FOR SERVICE At York County hos pital Friday July to Mr Mrs Charles Pefferlaw a son BALES At York County hospi tal Friday July 1956 to Mr and Mrs William Bales I Sharon a son At York County hospital Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs William ton a daugh ter At York County hospital Friday July to Mr and Mrs Ernest Cross- land Newmarket a daughter York County hospi tal Saturday July to Mr and Mrs Clifford Cole Kes wick a son CASK At York County hospital Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Douglas Case Aurora a daughter At York County Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Bernard Mills a daughter DOUGLAS At York County hospital Saturday July to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Doug las a daughter At York County hospital Thursday July 12 to Mr and Mrs John hospital Monday July to Mr and Mrs Clarence a GOODWIN At York County hospital Friday July 13 to Mr and Mrs Harold Goodwin a son GOULD At York County hos pital Monday July to Mr and Mrs John Gould 3 King a daughter JONES At York County hospi tal Sunday July to Mr and Mrs John City a daughter PASHKA At York County hos pital Thursday July to Mr and Mrs- Peter New market a son At York County hospi tal Saturday July 1956 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Aur ora a daughter RING At York County hospital Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Michael Ring I Shar on a son SMART At York County hospL fat Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Murray Smart a son SMITH At York County hospi tal Monday July 16 1956 to Mr and Mrs Eric Smith Aur ora a son THOMSON At York County hospital Saturday July 14 to Mr and Mrs dan Bole of Smiths Keith of and Miss Eva of Brantford Funeral service was held on Monday In terment Aurora cemetery VERNON At his residence lot concession Whitchurch township on Sunday July 1956 Arthur Douglas Vernon son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Vernon and brother of William son Oak Ridges son and I Ronald Funeral service daughter held on Wednesday TAMMAl York County cemetery Sunday July 1955 to Mr and Mrs Martin Roche Point a son At York County hospital Saturday July If to Mr and Mrs Murray Zephyr a son WATERS At York County hos pital Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Mack Waters 1 a son At York County hospital Thursday July to Mr and Mrs Frank Von Richmond Hill a son DEATHS At Newmarket on Friday July Muriel SMITH At vri daughter of County lhe late Mr Mrs Robert tal Sunday July to of and sis- Mr and Mrs Donald Smith Kcs- of Mrs Green wiek a daughter Mr9 J ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mis Leslie Wright Newmarket wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter anirtey jtr son Mr ann Mrs Stewart the io place at Andrew ixewmanccT ring at pm Mr and Mrs Howard Sharon wish to announce engagement of their youngest daughter Beatrice to Mr Raymond Lloyd Carter Holt sort of Mr Mrs William Carter Holt The wedding will take place in the Free Methodist church Newmarket Saturday Aug at 3 pm PRINTING PROMPT SERVICE NOW CONTINUED at the Newmarket Era Exp TEMPORARY OFFICE BOTSFORD ST 5 r J w UN jOv She y w a dazzling butlwouMn I 1v t j Si WW l t f p A JI- Pv tf ti rt1S 1 i ift S i f IN LINK of trim low fa with a beauty Alimitlaliiig grace linitliittnti with comfort and a vclve rule Here are nod thai make more than Jim irlly Kueriow nd mlor of interlora will want Ilia It for truly of for action See your Dealer unit j r whom ee your muck nearer ilfc right to heart of matter titan to a thrill a Hoick a yen for Hwrr n 56 hike for it 95 Newmarket 740 or JLit i j- r3TJ At v