T fif If teV that or other who through this year about him will ijcprie very well indeed A ago a very few ft ago we had been greatly about the apparent of hay ami pasture thai the hay growing very fast and It became heavy reasonably hay have am did iwh trtdrtyn ao vftu better than out A a than la a weather foil is a hi 1 til day of Mine Of cut the hay it a empty ham that in e Once the haying on the way it a of il furnaces Powered by the famous oil burner the beat for converting your present furnace too Consult the Yellow Pages of your phone directory for your nearest Esso Furnace Dealer Oil ton COMMIT HEATING SATISFACTION lurk weather and help like lo Unit feet fox luiN and clover In- Ml ll standard equip- to ho owned on the farm With only limited available moat farms latter leer of equipment do a wood as any possible that mat ter what happens and what a farmer ha by way of equip moot their wilt he very little hay year weather semehnw the balance the clovers and Orchard grass which on our farm was ipiile severely all of a mi Men out and went to while the clovers arc much flower growth I who had m to rut hay during hot spell two weeks ago hit life right hut since then there seems to be too much Long stringy stuff and not too much clover As a matter of fact we have been noticing for a few years now that the best cut of hay comes from the first year of a seeding after which the fields seem to sol longer and courses and not nearly a full of the stuff that makes milk There is a possibility then on a dairy farm that the usefulness of a hay field is much shorter than we have been hoping that it would be Of course we dont really know what a cow is looking for in hay We have seen and un doubtedly alt dairy farmers have noticed that hay that looks good enough to cat is some times not enjoyed by cows and that hay which looks coarse and rouph is eaten in preference It is possible that since bal ing became the only possible method of handling hay we have about the old art of curing hay It is also pos sible that hayshould be left out in the field in bales for a much longer time than that previously suggested Some of the best hay we had last winter stood in the field for weeks It seemed to have acquired that good hay smelt that quickly hauled hay does not have There is also a good possibil ity that the well cured hay is the only one which has suffici ent vitamin and which adds that special flavor that milk should have It would be inter esting to see what answer re search could come up with when relating the length of cur ing to milk flavor and mow cur ed hay compared with baled hay Haying the weather and the quality of pastures of course are close to being an obsession with dairy farmers this time of the year and there is a chance that it always will be A smart gov ernment would call elections just about now After all who cares about the pipeline when there is hay to be me etc the builtin feature you get when you buy SHURGAIN We make daily at our mill and at a FRESH At mailer of fact feeds you purchase from often been made the tame day you buy them Meet people dont like state food The tame applies to livestock and poultry and because they dont like stale unpalatable feed they dont grow and produce the way they should Tests on chicks at the SHURGAIN Demonstration Farm PROVED that feed out- performed stale feed be most effective wellbalanced rations mutt be fresh The time you require feed call us and be assured of fresh feed v V S li 4Ai THOSE EIGHT MILLION COMMUNIST VOTESI Phone Newmarket In tlie rceent local elections In Italy the communists and their allies received vote or of the total In spite of the manifest Improve ment in economic conditions the extreme Left received al most as many votes as it did in the last general election If a communist vote had the same as it has in the Eng lishspeaking world the figures would be disturbing Fortunately for democracy Italians vote communist for a variety of reasons that have ttc to do with communist the ories We must remember that for years the Fascist Party was the only party that could legally exist in Italy During that peri od the communists were the only party to maintain an exist- ence underground During the war they formed the partisan resistance and when fascism was discredited the communists appeared as a patriotic Italian party not as a mere Italian branch office of the Kremlin If you look at the political map of Italy one thing that strikes the eye is that the com munist strength does not He in the South the poorer part of Italy but in the relatively pros perous North and Center Going further into local dif ferences we find a rather sur prising factor at work in- Cen tral Italy including Rome This Mount -r- the area that was formerly the Papal State the of the Church The popes look the position that the Church to fulfil its mission adequately had be independent of tem poral sovereigns and therefore had to have a state of its own When the Italian nationalists and Garibal di were carrying on their cam paign for the f c a i o Italy they found the Papal State an obstacle in their path They might have taken the area by force of arms had not Na poleon III guaranteed the posi tion of the and left French garrison in Home to back up the guarantee In when Napoleon found himself at war with Prussia and in need of all the troops he could muster he recalled the French garrison from Rome and then the Italian army adequate to overcome the popes Swiss guards occupied the Papal State That was the Twentieth of September a day recalled by street names in many Italian not because it was a glo rious military victory but he- cause it marked the achieve ment of a united Italy Now that conflict left a heri tage of illwill between the ad herents of the Pope and the Italian nationalists The Left Wing vote in Central Italy is therefore more of an anticleri cal than a Volt In Tuscany much of the is owned by wealthy and operated by A usual in trie the rents high of ten equalling the The tenant In creasing recently Mil the by promising to abol ish rent to win large the vtxl for In the industrial cities like Milan he vole came from the the class from which com- is to derive its suppoit but here too it did not indicate despair with pre sent condition and prospects but rather reflected the fact that communist local adminis trations could expected to be more helpful to the workers in their daytoday struggles higher wages and better condi tions not a revolutionary but a reformist program Finally we must remember that these were local elections And local administration in Italy have strictly limited pow er They can not carry out any liquidation of the capitalists a long as a gov ernment holds office in Italy as a whole They therefore tend to ton down their election any other party thai win elections they do proclaim policies that would ttlltriate too many voters one leader about opponent think he would siring up in Dm nearvt if but woujd lhi have in irtv The Newmarket and July iMt it I Ai r KM o rf- i it i for ttfCtffif- weJi for v a tetaB tft If he forces and if the A an h prospects sessm in vV t -it- jiin wy hV if j inirriofi yf ai icfWNfi4CCHPviTi 1 I v v r fc orous new v 1 USA- r WVtT tX j Ifc v f fai K s flA si A CIV flt ill J and on i t r s T S If youVe been waiting for the right time to buy that right is hero Plymouth setting nil kinds of records in sales and youve the choice ever on the freshest new car on the Vv fc automatic Mechanically freo Only you reach it freflheat car on road ami in Youllctuoy sparkle of Plymouths new styling Youll dashing takeoff and go Youll marvel at the gives you Drivo the car that has established the styling trend for the future Remember theres so much summer ahead and be money ahead if you deal right now rr M i Vi roiHl Miirailh mil mm bum no or W f fi You Mot your A littliw hold lire J J Ss 5aS u III I t 5 ZK l it