Newmarket Era and Express, 13 Jul 1956, p. 4

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HP j jQK jvtIj fe few fln r3 ct -3- i I y NVj I T-i- in i ft ftlMdbfd pl modern kit- plenty of cupboard ilUh4 oil fcttittfj Lot 0xU0 for payment Prime l W duplex with porch rent mite from Lake beach district on Anal box MHUMNO Mil OARAGE approximately in food condition almost new lumber J roe Mullen River Park near Holland ROOMS FOR RENT BEDROOM on Timothy St phone Newmarket ROOMS and kitchenette fur nished or unfurnished central Phone Newmarket MONTHLY Modern four with near Ms ROOM ranch bungalow phone Newmarket miles north of Apply Newmarket just Holland Landing Wrk MAL ESTATE FOR SELLING YOUR HOME Timothy West OppoHe he Rue Terminal FURNISHED room for rent hot water heated Suit or persons Phone Newmarket or Queen St newly decorated bedroom in comfortable home central abstainer Gentleman preferred Phone Newmar ket 2W24 FOR SALE heater oil burner in- tailed in KXid condition included Phone New market SERVICES ARTS GARAGE AND RADIATOR SERVICE radiator service repair body etc No Job too for service Cedar St phone Newm ROOFING CONTRACTORS BRETT AND OBRIEN All types of Roof Siding Free estimates Phone Toronto St or write Box Era and Express HaP WANTED WOMAN for waiting on table in modern restaurant married or single Must be dependable Ap ply Carlton New market ItVISTOCK FOR TOR SINGLE man for beef farm Farm completely mechanized Highest waxes for capable man Phono Kin your share Soil wide range of household necessities in your surroundings Wherever you may write in for details Station Montreal WEANLING sows Land race York hybrid Leaner faster growing meat type hogs Pure bred Landrace weanlings also available Farm Newmarket phone GOOD work horses Rye Keswick phone Roches Point laoril At INVISIBLE MINDING Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers Bunu moth- tears Bring your trouble your alterations Prion MO Newmarket CUSTOM made drapery bed spreads and slipcovers by the Silk and Linen phone fftt ROD Rolls of one yard cents each New market Phone l2rM Bradford TO KM oil tank Phone Newmarket or apply eos Andrew St apartment or flat in with for children Apply Rra and ban i junior iw con dition Phone Newmarket AS new single divan bed Double spring 6 Phone Newmarket tile inch Bruce Lock- Keswick phone WELDING STREET Phone NEWMARKET YOUNG MAN for ACCOUNTING MUST KXPBRIENCK This a good opportunity for a young man to establish himself in a permanent position with good security Blue Cross group insurance vacation plan in I in line with ex perience statu Apply to MR CUT AURORA BLACK Shetland stallion Apply Milton Ritchie Bradford phone Bradford heifers one middle aged cow due to freshen this month Also purebred Yorkshire pigs from advanced registered stock Apply Lowndes phone MACHINERY FOR SALE PORTABLE electric acetylene government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Prop PULLETS months Phone 12 Newmarket WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD tor sale Phone Mount Albert PLANTS FOR SALE HUNDREDS of flowering larg plants varieties and Double pinks Potting fertilizer Clarke Violet Centre Belfry Dr off Davis Dr Newmarket AFRICAN Violets select var ieties Potting soil peat moss and Davys Green houses Holland Landing phone Newmarket If AFRICAN VIOLETS SEE the large assortment flowering violets Including rare varieties Clarkes African violet Centre Belfry Dr off Davis Dr phone Newmarket Open Monday to Thursday for position in Newmarket Ap ply Era and Express box I Newmarket PLOWING and discing Phone Newmarket SEND your broken furniture and articles to the North End Furni ture and Fix It Shop phone res IfiBflJ Newmarket opposite New market cemetery A required for part time position in Newmarket Ap ply Era and Express box New market elw27 COOK for small rest home or young woman willing to learn Live in or out Phone PA Aurora PETS BOXER puppies nicely finished registered stock Apply Mrs Ruth Leach Prospect St or phone Newmarket SPACE FOR CONVERTIRLE stroller light blue with mattress chrome alum inum- as new Apply Corham Hi Newmarket phone WORK WANTED LADY desires housework by the day Phone Newmarket RAHY crib and large size honey color Phone Id7tw Newmarket rp will decorate to it tenant Phone MODERN daylight offices In new dlding on Main HI located near la Meal for light vahowroofrifl A square feet Will rent Phone heating system complete with oil burner Heat seven room P phone VENETIAN BLINDS ROOM BOARD ALUMINUM or steel Made for all stylet of windows Free mates and installations Phone or apply Harold Ontario St Newmarket UK and board for 9 or Newmarket LA HUE bright room good meals board suit two Phone and board Apply North or phone lift Newmarket Oarages citable for small cam apac for building at rear of St Apply Timothy I phone MNT READY made draperies or long pair You may buy many pairs as Many different materials to choose from Main Newmarket MM MACHINE SALE TRADEIN CLEARANCE Demonstrator Clearance Portable and Console Models Priced a low as AH carry Singer guars SINGER CENTRE Main Street Newmarket Phone CUSTOM trenching depth up to ft Complete septic tank Job If desired Reasonable rates Call Murray Raker flB New market tfl4 FENCING FARM residential Indust rial also concrete work Free estimates Cedar Valley Fence Company phone Mount Albert or MM PAINTING and decorating Newmarket Services Co phone WANT your radio repaired In a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket WINDOW cleaning Service Co Contracts In vited Storm window service Phone Newmarket HELP WANTED FEMALE UNIFORMS SUPPLIED Day Week Blue Cross Insurance Paul StaUitory Holidays APPLY IN CHOICE CUTUP CHICKEN Limited SCOTCH collie male jssie type months old Phone i AURORA ONT USED CARS NEW MACHINERY NO tractor spreader ft Kinjc Wipe bale fora 4U 9 Sa pipe will trade USED NO Oliver tractor stamiurd power takeoff years front end loader hydraulic double action fits row crop and standard snow blade NO Oliver P Takeoff real good years NO Oliver power mower ft years NO Oliver tractor standard good rubber NO Oliver tractor standard good rubber ft combine driven grain tank This machine ipMid condition forage harvester buy and corn attachments Continental engine blower with unload ing attachment Set of distributor pipes manure spreader Garden tractor on crawler tracks Snow plough cultivator plough and harrows all in shape MAPLE PHONE PFI THE MATTER of Sections and of The Ontario Munici pal Board Act Chapter and IN THE MATTER of an applies of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket for a authority to dispense with a vote of the ratepayers with re spect to a proponed capital expenditure of Tor installation of an air condition ing unit and plant in the town hall approval of said under taking and capital expenditure APPOINTMENT FOR THE ONTARIO Municipal Hoard hereby Friday the of July at the hour of half past oclock in the afternoon time at council in Town of Newmarket for the hearing of all parties interested in support of or opposing this application DATED at Toronto this 3rd of ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Frederick King City announce the engage ment their laughter Freda Wendy to Clmlcs Mansion ton of Mr and Mrs Robert Mars- Ion of Aurora The wedding will take place on Saturday August at in AH Saints Church Kins City Mr and Mrs Newmarket wish to announce engagement of their elder daugh ter Joy to Mr Harold Richard Harper son of Mr and Mrs Samuel Harper Mount A1- her The marriage wilt take place on July In at oclock the home Mr and Mrs Cordon Stiles pleased to an- the engagement her daughuf irbara ElizabeUi to Mr John Kirk n of Mr and Mr John Everett Newmarket mar- to lakv in K I lay of luy on wn to announce engage i NOTICE men Dor ten of cage their youngest daughter Beatrice to m Lloyd Carter of of Dr J A barter Ho weddmg will 111 Main St heffnarwt be in dosed from July to Juy Newmarket SPECIAL NOTICE TO Dr and Mr William announce TROPICAL fish Imported stock Plants tanks and sup plies Goldfish Phone Newmarket tf4 LOST MLSSINC from corner of and red wheel side walk bicycle Tinder please re turn phone Wet the very honest person wfco- returned my lost wallet intact of their daughter extend my thanks I would like Mr Stuart of Mrs Stuar and the Idle Mr Ieo- say thanks to you Harold Wilkinson NOTICE Lawn Howling is annual Era and Ex press bowling tournament on Sat urday July II Came time pm Send all entries to The in on Saturdays July It at 2M1 WILL the trucker who picked up a tire and wheel jut outh of about pm Saturday June call Mr and Mrs William Link wish to of ilwir man I Kvelyn to Mr Chirk John phono the to market NEW powerwashing PLYMOUTH sedan in good cream separator lb capacity condition fully equipped backup light signal indicators Newmarket DSED HIM CMC half ton truck com plete with signal lights and stock rack In excellent condition Price Terms can he arranged Apply Percy Will- Cole WELL DRILLING CO AND INDUSTRIAL L Pump and Cement Mixer rentals TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE TO M niton steady days Jim Find- phone washes itself in 3 minutes all stainless steel parts used only months reason for selling no fur ther use are shipping milk Apply Mrs Lorie Weddel Sharon Phone r floor or Immediate lion on Sharon high Way forth of Service on virion Ap- fly ILK I v APARTMENT FOR RENT duty bath and en Newmarket 2w27 heated private bath 02r fet completely ground floor Wljfe in Z- iKdwariU phone furnace Con di lion complete with hot and cold air pipe Apply Ave or phone imen pony double rein bridle I pr red maple couch anil chair red maple WUh dinner Duncan drop table walnut din ette fi S piece 1 piece kit chen aulte natural Oak china cabinet vacuum cleaner pair electric milk Steel utility cabinet Radio record player Clock radio to Several mandrills with chuck I phase motor fifio near new li Hoover motor new double pair fhlua gluts brass numerous artks A ARTICUS suites atonal rebuilt recovtrsd In any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave MAfJIIINR All makes by qualified factory trained man RADIO AND Phono 35ft HftP WANTED mink man Phone LKAVINO Newmarket for Front St Toronto return pin dally phone GOING OVERSEAS sell on nil Trans- Atlantic Boat I Our Information and la reliable Crime In and talk over your proposed trip with Chester The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket ALLIS Chalmers tractor LPTO Pulley hydraulic lift Harvester like new bottom tractor plow manure spreader Lion thresher like new New Idea bar like new I LHC 7 ft binder oil bath 1 II C ft mower oil bath drop in milk cooler Ken Newmarket ami while Hereford steer yearling lost in vicinity of Valiey Johi phono Mount MISCELLANEOUS for fo4tines floors patios etc LTD 1 CEMENT blocks Plain and rock faced Septic tanks Well and culvert tile Concrete Products Phone 204w y f J or hoy to thin turnips hourly it phone as loop- era menders and wind ers essential desirable but not necessary Textiles Ltd PA Aurora FARM A ROUT acres of staudiut hay phone STANDI NO hay for sale Apply Mrs None Vone LIVESTOCK FOR SALE i -j- I with mm mm Mitt lop commode or table complete- or incomplete oldfash ioned china Write Bra and box cut iili July tested Ross Pine Orchard JOHN White with shied- dec and blower special self- feed mi rublxr hay rub- her each Summit Farms mile north of Rich mond Hill No highway and Surge nrilkini and pumps Also used long tube units at to fid Surge Sales and Service Oak Ridges or Turner Richmond Hill POULTRY poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid Apple ton Oak Ridges or phono Turner tf4 ALL kinds of live poultry Any amount Wo will pay you Toronto prices rlftht at your Phono lflfiO Newmarket with bath r73 I- j- rtaiA i fin tv Main St 1 1 F rtHrtwrt a Ml We deliver IB- NATIONALLY are well known and sell We now have an op for man woman In New market jiacesa No us we you If you can fur good In In Mr SI SI reel you income spare hours arti worm simm you an ante win to work and is a saifia is m Apply n writ rear Rales T to MM If tots coats litre eeU fer flr4 week eente feck i I MUM Ml mUnm to at- fc s Tire BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi- lis A prompt and effective rem edy ftir the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Store Newmarket WELL tile am late delivery Lome Baker con crete Products Newmarket phone tfI4 AlLHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Beet Drug Store phone 14 Newmar ket Trusses surgical supports hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Boat Drug Store phone Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmarket IN TUB OK A SMITH V1LLAOK OK IN COUNTY OK YORK of the abovenamed who died at the village of in the County of York on or about the day of February are Hereby not- purMiunt to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned of their claim on or before the am day of August Infill which date the of the will iw distributed having re gard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice Stiver Newmarket Ontario Sotieltors for Verne Smith and Smith Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THK OK MARY SMITH LATK OK THE TOWNSHIP OK EAST IN COUN TY OK YORK WIDOW of the abovenamed deceased who died at the Town ship of Whitchurch la the County of York on or about Second day of April are hereby notified pursuant to the Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the Third day of August after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this Fifth day of July Stiver Yale IVppialt St Erring Ion Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for Verne Smith and Lotite Smith Executors take place on Saturday July at oclock in Keswick United church The engagement is announced Dorothy Mas to William Clare and Mrs Stanley the wvildiur take place on Saturday July William St Raptifc chunk I fanV say at oclock Mr and Mrs A Toronto wish to announce the of his diunrhtos to Mr Jack son Mr- and Mrs Roy ton formerly of the marriage lake on July i BIRTH York County on June a daught Deborah Ann CARD OF THANKS Mr James ami family Kiiitf City wish to express thank and to relatives And On A Rev and Rev Davis for the many acts of kind lies and lymputhy to them the and in the loss of a T wife and fut appreciation fur the many beautiful floral tributes The is announced of daugh ter of the late Mrs Helen WabL ruff Newmarket to sou of Mr and Mrs Oliver The wedding performed by Rev M J Aiken on Saturday June WATSON In f dear and dad Watson who passed away July IftH at SuiinybiNk hospital onto His memory wo At the down of the sun And in Hie morning We will Sadly miasiil by Ms family CARD OF THANKS wish to extend our heart -j- felt thanks and appreciation for the acts nf kindness of sympathy and offerinKrt relative many I thanks to doctors and at also to for hi soliiiK words and help in our sad bereavement of a lovihR and father and family CARD OF THANKS wish to thank our neighbors friends ami for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended to us during the ami death of our dear mother The Park Family Ross and Row UK THANKS Mr and Mrs John KoMer ex tend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation I belt many reL and for the and sympathy shown in the lusa of their beloved son and brother toss Foster They wish to thank Rev Mr Johnston and Rev Mr Me for their words the men fiom Holland for their assistance and the Lnthiinguu Funeral Home for their kind and of the service also the Ontario Provincial Police AURORA MIDGETS WIN OVER HILL Bennetts iitcIUui a four- fourth and Paul extra hitting feature Jack Robinsons Aurora Tigers defeated Richmond Hill last week in North York midget baseball leojsue Rome Keith a onehit tor ami struck out a Auwnt blanked in North York baseball fie me week y- Wayne three kite Keith Scotts two and Browning triple AncoeaV loots PAIR It was a Week on Feed lvih The locals and te the La tie with a WHvoImsvfTil runs the on hits by ftri and Don battel A Gee and two his tiasssf- Bob J We three twi

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