fa EAR EXPRESS HERALD CIST YEAR i ji 1 Editorial Assuming that we have the privilege of tog the last editorial we find it difficult to Without being able to call a spade a as we always have done there would be tip editorial As readers will know the staff made an attempt to buy this newspaper but success It was a disappointment to our wives and to the members of the staff We have feelings against the new owner Mr A i fathers who has stated that his offer of purchase to keep the paper in local hands We know pit Mr Gathers is a man of integrity But from- a staff point of view hopes and seemed to have been thwarted from Mm day the plant and offices burned We had loped that the previous owners would carry on was high in the early days following the and there was a strong spirit to keep the allow going The old spirit of the Era and was dampened when it was learned that owners Wail decided to sell Then a strong was made by the staff to purchase the news- independently the staff made an effort raise funds and two separate offers of were submitted one for the name and and another to cover all assets including salvaged machinery When hopes were highest We informed us that he had been told by the owners lawyer that his offer had been accepted Monday morning At noon Monday a to us from the was to the effect that bo decision had been made but the next event was the signing of purchase papers shortly after pm Monday We entertain no ill towards Mr as we have said jWa have written many thousands of lines the Era and Express These will not be our fcesti tot the first time in our career as editor are at a loss for adequate words The Era and is not the editor it is not the produc- foreman it is not the whole staff combiner that the paper has a personality a soul born and it developed through the of one of its editors Jackson served the newspaper and community for approximately a half century The newspaper belong to the owners it belongs partly I fc staff but mostly to the community We the feeling that the Era and Express has Sr j been a leader of the community so much as PR aCTrvv NEWMARKET ONTARIO FRIDAY JULY NO m vr A Ranger tank commanded by New market demonstrates gap drill A blind gap or defile containing enemy has been smoked off and the tank boils across at full speed with lis gun pointed towards the danger zone Crew members are Troopers Brown A and Aurora padre Cant Victor Woods doubles in brass tank Signalling tanks is as operator In the apt Mac Allan former com mander of squadron Its been a hard day Troop- Thorpe of the Queens York relaxes beside his tank Queens York Rangers Finish Summer Training Say Help Needed From The Province To Pay For Education At a meeting held last week in the Richmond Hill District High School board rep resentatives of four municipal councils within the district de clared that the provincial gov ernment must provide higher grants for high school The province is not being very fair about this Robert vicechairman of the board told delegates from and Vaughan townships and Richmond Hill It specifies that physical train ing be included in the curricu lum but provides no grants for gymnasiums It gives no grants for shop or h m economics rooms There are so many re quests for these we must pro- vide them Higher grants must paid to relieve taxpayers at the munici- pal level he said Mr Tamblyn said a new school at cost 1050000 Provincial grants totalled 540000 arc overloaded already with debenture debts said Councillor Bayard Bryant of calling the educa tion burden Ontario Municipal Board was shortsighted in turning down sewage system DeputyReeve Kenneth of Richmond Hill argued in sup port of Mr Bryants complaints Without it cant ex pand and without that expansion there is no additional revenue at the municipal level to carry the increased education load Until we get leadership from the senior levels there will be no relief from this situation said Reeve of Mark- ham Township ERA AND EXPRESS SOLD MONDAY TO C A CATHERS Charlotte Morton Newmarket daughter of Mr and Mrs Ken neth Morton received honors in xa animation or piano She is a pupil of Mao Patterson AT CM Newmarket It with regret that we leave 1S We are sure that other staff have ii we acime An indication of the staff the members preference for the other hires not more than miles away were proud of the Era and its reputation Ji have said enough We can only add and thank you readers Jack rge Snyder Heads Association ofe Mount president of the Can- Concert of recent general inf Other of the ore Mrs t ftrst president J iccond vice Juan Jay third vfjw Mr Brown nee- M1pi A treasurer Directors are to be at a later meeting in her report Secretary Mrs Brown said thai the 1 season had been suc cessful in every way were throe concerts held of which on Dec Hartley basso and John were the performing Page tf Col Last week members of the Queens York Bangers from New market Aurora and the surroun ding district went to heir annual summer camp at This camp was slightly different Instead of tents the troopers slept in barracks shared the training areas with the artillery and engineers but the rest of the week was familiar tanks grease sand and smoke The presence of the other units combined exercises pos sible The engineers cooperated in a tank ferrying project white the artillery wont down to an defeat in attack on the lines An to Squadron this year was the padre He v Vic tor Woods who rode about the area with a first aid case on his shoulder and a jar of sunburn ointment in his hand The padre did more than administer to the physical and spiritual comfort the troopers he turned out to be a fine tank driver after two days in tho tank of Nobby Oak Newmarket a man of the cloth he was at a slight disadvant age in the cranky old training ve hicles A sharp turn followed by a hill caught him in the wrontf gear His engines stalled and the tank slid back while lie wrestled manfully with a stubborn Ktar shift That observed a crew J member Is the most profane si I have ever hoard it GIRLS AT CAMP York Girl Guide Division has its own camp this year at began simply with County Park The camp training then went on to troop and ended in a flight bivouac and a squadron exercise On Thursday night the tanks t into a defensive laager and while the troopers waited for an expected night at tack the sweltering day tempera ture dropped sharply until crew members were sleeping on the engine covers and beside trans missions to soak up the heat re maining from operation The attack was finally made not by disgruntled artillery as everyone expected but by of ficers of the regiment who sup plied plenty of noise with Very pistols and jerry cans At the Friday dinner the Han gers presented the artillery with a mounted series of photos show ing the attack on the guns The gunners tried to retreat into si lence but one of their officers re marked We have to talk to them fellows after all NATO troops started on June and will end on July with more than in camp Camp Commandant was Mrs Ball of Thornhilh Mrs of was Divi sion Camp Advisor and Miss El len Jackson Newmarket Guide Captain has been swimming in structor STEALS CRUISER HEARS DETAILS OVER POLICE RADIO No car thief had it so good While messages aimed at inter cepting a stolen Town ship police cruiser flashed over a dozen police car radios the thief was listening in The cruiser was taken early one morning while Chief John Miller was in a restaurant at having lunch It was recovered four hours later park- ICO feet from the restaurant but not before police from Sut ton Newmarket North and East and detach ments at Bradford and had called in on search Constable William Harris of Sutton chased the stolen cruiser along No highway at speeds exceeding but lost it when it shot up a concession road near Hill One month to the day after Its plant and offices burned the New market and Express was sold on Monday A Gathers It was reported that price was 2rt000 for purchase of the newspaper business including machinery which was salvaged from tho fire The Kra and staff had submitted two types of offers on the weekend Stuff members had earned through on advertise ment two weeks ago yesterday in a Toronto newspaper that the was for sale The editor of the paper was in formed Monday morning by A that the staff offer hud not been accepted ami that he had been informed by the legal representative of the previous owner that his offer was being ac cepted The purchase papers were signed after pm on Mon day The sale of the paper which is in its year was made by Tom who held most of the shares in the Newmarket and Express Limited Mr Mulock had inherited the shares from his father the late P Mil lock a former postmaster gen eral and Liberal representative for the riding of York North late Col- had acquir ed the controlling interest in the paper in The ami Express was the of an amalgamation in of two newspapers in New market the Express Herald which had been owned by Col Mu and the older of the two The founded in which was owned by Andrew in the year of amalgamation The Mulock interest in the press Herald started in the late thirties J became ger in October 1062 succeeding John A Meyer In The lino of editors the present editor seventh in tho tOi year history Tho paper has been enjoying ft steady growth in circulation ad vertising and coverage the district This year the of the paper had grown to such extent that and page issues were being published before the fire Paid circulation is Mr has intercuts la two other papers in the district the Aurora ami the ton Reporter it was incorrect ly reported yesterday in a to newspaper that he holds in terest in the Bradford Witness Mr also is Progressive Conservative candidate for York North He ran a close second to J Smith in the last fed election He and bis repWe on a farm on the second concession of township tVo mites out of Newmarket He has offered members of and staff the oppor tunity of haying shares in the business He addressed a meeting of staff on Monday afternoon and that he wanted all mem bers to stay at the Much local interest has been shown in developments since tho fire on June Especially sine the paper was Advertised for sale there has been widespread specula tion on its future Mr offer was in comp etition with the staff offer but he stated that his offer was not for that purpose but to the paper in local hands It was reported that there were two other offers Three Groups Interested Radio Station m Town council went on record that he has held a station license W P FISH TAKES SUMMER COURSE A teacher Willarii Fish of Newmarket District School wju one of Industrial arts teachers selected to attend special course on electric motors and control in Toronto July Sponsored by the Farm cat ion Bureau of the Canadian Manufacturers Asso ciation the annual two day event is considered to be one of the foremost courses of its kind in structors and lecturers includes the top electric motor and motor control specialists in Canada Third Reading For Additional Library Funds Is Turned Down Third of the by- law to complete the of the new public library was defeat on Monday when it fail ed to receive by three- quarters of council- refuse to lie washed com mented Councillor Alex who curlier in the meeting had to library the tail that was the dog vote against Councillor Alex Hands support- id Mr Deputy Reeve Violet was absent and with the mayor abstaining from voting the bylaw was proved by the five members an insufficient to pats it As a businessman I the way his expenditure was enter ed into said Councillor Idler Hut as a citizen I congratulate the library on the excellent job it lias done He said he felt library much better than the board bus been given credit for and ap proved the more expensive shelv ing selected by the board for the building considering the original suggestion of metal shelving us offense against good taste First and second reading of the bylaw hud been given on June It it been forwarded to the Ontario Municipal board for approval That was given on Monday night with Ontario Municipal Hoard saying that no public hearing was But with the failure of the third reading to the sury majority the library board cannot bo the additional it hits requested front coun cil to complete the financing of the building and equipping of the towns public library Monday night as favoring the es tablishment of a radio station in Newmarket after three applica tions had been received El wood of Toronto William and Max Bong both of Newmar ket indicated that each was in terested in the project It necessary for council to choose which group will have the station said Mr All that is required is for council to indicate it considers a radio sta tion desirable for the community The Board of Governors makes the selection Mr said that a radio sta tion in Newmarket would this community and the surroun ding district with local news as well a as national coverage He suggested Newmarket as the gical position for a new station since it is approximately half way between and Toronto Mr proposed a watt station which would give primary coverage in a radius of miles of the town It would be operat ed during daylight hours but the frequency would permit a direc tional beam after dark he said Mr said that local person nel would staff the station with exception of a trained engin eer and himself both men mov ing to Newmarket If their station were approved Similar were outlined to council by Mr and Mr Mr explained In wcf annual concerts and and Dick Main program called Korakers year old gave two selections and Jack were enter Janet Thompson and Hetty flocompdnUt Bill led a Richard Hbttfrrn Audrey Nielion Point as fhoto COMING EVENTS Kintf City Lions CItJb will bold a tuoiiater burn dance In new barn on Puccini farm half mile north of orchestra of to held ruin or shine gents Indies door prices Hay afternoon and evening than ever now AUGUST and Sutton Agricultural Fair and Horse Show Floor space available for Agriculture show Phone Sutton or OCTOBER tea and by Junior Ladle Aid of Christian Church New market- The Keswick branch of the Canadian Legion held Its ceremony of the presentation of the Legion Charter on Juno It was held at the new headquarters at the Jersey Lett to right are Pat membership chairman John MeLements welfare service officer first vice president Milton Cohen president Jim Robinson second vice president Rev Fred on padre and Sam Smart secretory Photo by in the experimental field for years and that he had first inquiries about establishing a radio station in in March Mr agreed Willi Mr that it wasnt for to select the developer of the local station He said such a re commendation would hinder the applicants chances before the CHC board of Governors Mr disagreed on this point requesting council to name the desirable group to establish a radio station He said that plans were under way for a sta tion at Richmond and that if three applications went to the front Newmarket till would be deferred to many times that the other community would have the station and no one would be m approved for Newmarket Mr told council he bad had three and a half years experience in the as wire less mechanic and that one of the four local men associated in his group has bad years experi ence in radio He said that on option had been taker on h site in Whitchurch township for the erection of the transform er tower and that studio space would arranged in town Mr said that his re search into the project had pern on for omo months was surprised hear that others wore in radio in Newmarket but felt certain that his had beet first application to the Hoard of Governors We should have councils approval of one applicant he Council unanimously supported the idea of a radio station being established Newmarket It left the selection the developer to the Hoard of Governors DEFEAT ELMVALE Barbara Watt Barbara Hams and Colleen Cain all hom ered Newmarket defeated Klmvale at the fair grounds Thursday in a and district league win ran locals victory skein to five gaitics It was a free hitting night for i the local ladies as they totaHed off Winning pitcher Sarah served a ninehitter v After the first two innings Sarah didnt allow run and in support of her rfteh r-vv-