Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Jun 1956, p. 1

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W v V x ru iw NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE -v- AVKfe t ZZry 1 m k A m J i i jT r J ft 1 J J 1 L f 1 rVrfi fa m M 1 1 PI HI vA if tC 1 I EDITORIAL fcsLSvi Interim Issue had been announced last hat because of our recent plant and office fire there would I no of the ija and published on June and June With today we are contradicting ourselves mi unusual things happen after a fire We can call this yht no than interim supplement so that people Will know that the Newmarket Era and Express ha not to exist At the same time we are keeping our reader informed on some of the town and district news first issue after the fire was published on June meantime most of our start members have been given a much needed vacation for two weeks The re- of the staff is preparing for the i printing plant To put out four pages probably have interrupted all the schedules of Mirror Offset Company Limited and associates we appreciate the radon of Mr Herb Miller of Newmarket in printing by the offset prcxess with his associates Ronalds lithographers and Printers It also has meant another night and day session for two of us We are becoming accustomed to walking into strange offices and plants and making at home At this point we can only say that we hope to he re- shortly with another printing plant one which we really can call home and we urge our readers to be patient and stay with oh until we are producing a bigger and better Era and Express To End The Newmarket town councils policy on municipal purchases or rather be of a clearcut policy continues to cause misunderstanding produce an atmosphere of suspicion Items were questioned at a council meeting Monday night when the town accounts were passed A pump for a fire truck had been purchased without Ming given to the councils chairman of the fire com- Wiltee Another item repairs to a tractor was no competitive prices were first obtained -v- because the work was done by a firm located outside the town limits While It may argued that municipal employees 5 should know where the work can he obtained and the j J pieces of equipment should obtained we hold to the opinion that there should be a clear policy that requires before sieable purchases are made And of course there should be competitive prices for all municipal In the past has been a conspicuous lack of com cm project- To remove any form of JspkJon and criticism we would think that members of and officials on the town payroll would welcome a competitive prke policy Such a would be sound defense against political Optimistic Report On Water Testing An an water km by Chairman at Monday nights Mr told council that two have on town w is at 130 gallons ixr Mr About from It another hole was look got If fit hold ami can count on gum from that will in an addjlloria HO gallon Into the They an the best we has in a five to mile area he Mashe haje that grourul rivet which some of us had to muM lie a figment some geologists imagination Mayor Its not a million gallons only replied Mr Hands Iint give It away before we gel it lie suggested 1957 Assessment Roll A complete of the town of Newmarket by a firm of appraisers was by the town council Monday night The firm is and Associates The same firm has been conducting a merit in East One criticism of the choice of the fiirn was made by Councillor idler He pointed out that the firm already hail been employed by a large industry Its Newmarket to do an for assessment pur poses Councillor Midler said he was igno rant of offers had been received from other firms to do the work for purposes He asked what covered and why the firm was chosen This is a pertinent question since and Associates reassessed County Considers New Administration Building Plan For Better Coordination York County council considering the provision of a larger council chambers and more office space for county officials A factfinding commit tee will be named by Warden Marshall to determine the county r entitlements In a report in council at the Property Chairman William Sellers of Sutton the need for additional space as urgent He said that his committee retommended that a new county ad ministration building be constructed which would include a council and asked council to set up a fact finding committee II would not be right to enlarge the present council chambers Mr Sellers said This building Is probably better suited for the Childrens Aid and may used for a receiving home The county would lie entitled to charge rent for building which be subsidized by the be explained Mr Sellers told council that three acres present site could be pun based from Miss Oasis but that some of the committee members tee that that would nut a good loca tion Whats wrong with Aurora asked George of Sutton Thank sou replied Reeve Clar ence Oasis bowing In Mr Warden explained that he pxrsent council ate in ornate and that more spate will be as the county grows He listed responsibilities for the provision of space by the as chain- fieri and treasurer anil staff true counts assessor and staff office juvenile and Family court and staff office office Court office Toronto and commission and staff office court ajid The tirtevsaiy was intro duced by Deputy Reese Albert ford of Vaughan township and Sir Sellers It provided for the naming a factfinding committee and author ized committee to expend an amount mi to exceed SIWO for the determination of requirements of the county St Pauls Closes For Season the closing nulling of the season was held Pauls at the lectors with Mis J as I Mr I as A social was en joyed by meniluiv Mis licit ted in the opening prayer Mrs Thomas Gillespie wilt In charge of the -program- The was in refrrsh- incuts by Mis Held and Mis Gordon one of the large industries In town and were being paid to do so by that firm It may be difficult them to be completely unbiased in their he laid Mayor said that a council should obtain bids for a re assessment by November If It pirns a reassessment He said two firms re the Job because ihey had too many commitments The firms offer Was comprehensive he said and added that it set what is was Wiling do speaking on Inhalf of the finance committee the mayor said We did not tail to consider the disadvantage or them having assessed one of trie large industries but since their offer was the most comprehensive were left with the decision to accept them or forget about the for this He said that previously he was not in favor of the wotk being done this sear A few weeks ago a proposal had been made to have an outside firm re assess Industries and local assessor reassess the remainder of the town It was suggested as a way to save money The was not approved Councillor said that the re- would put the firm in a difficult position He said it would be morally obligated not to show favor to the town or the industry to which reference was made Councillor said he would paying more to have another firm if one had been available But he said the firm is a firm and cannot afford exercise any biased judgment White I dont like the deal feel con fident we wilt no trouble and Associates he said Town Solicitor M Stiver said that the town would lie protected by the right to appeal the reassessment Councillor Alex Hands said he did not think a was needed this year He said he did not know wheie the money was coming from to pas for it since there had been no provision made the budget for a re- assessment Councillor Hands voted against it The mayor said lie had been against spending money this year Hut he out that there was reason to believe that the province would soon be requiting all municipalities to base assessments on 100 per cent of values for grant Now Is the best time for the reassessment he said Charles Rutherford Keswick will the reunion of Victoria Cross winners in He won his VC in fust war also the Mihtaiv Cross ami the Military Mesial Photo Mike Keswick Man Attends Reunion Of V Winners report on he coordination of the form York Count to more but economical presented to council All at woe session by the committee were by count I reporter that with ft of and King all rooms is on thr radio He width are by the Ontario their own forte the prevent setup Mr explained thr- were njf a criminal in event or is for thr Co Irate cruisers In this and W These two blank limit the operation of the police within county radio could be the entire Mr A was night nun all calls from a mural thus eliminating a ftiffSit in each muuitijialit talks still on with lie police chiefs of the esplalueij that the Ml TeletJeuHM- Co does not assume for forwarding A is tJeing I Say Should Give to the police with sent alive of the Hell to the situation The Police committee purchase of of leaf gas equipment the cost for and spray would be Mr estimated He esiiUiurd thai muticipal could not to purchase such which might use outs In a but that if could purchased the Stored in a and in each it would provide better police service for community he said Council passed a resolution another suggestion from Oh committer that the count pay all prisoners meals The accounts for the prisoners wilt paid by the county with the refund rotning from Attorney George of Suttoi asked bis miitiiclpallfy bad for prisoners meals siiiitlt that although thr molly paid accounts bylaw or resolctlioo could found authorired the action said that if was decided that could lie clone alvmt the accounts the county fhry were sent to rati but with the new the county will for meats in future lite department I lie prisoners Outing the of and August WW Lines will have no on Wednesdays from I to I pm Ihe last If us will be at with the exception of night when he hist bus will run at oclock Council approved the action at its Monday meeting were presented which showed dial for a operation cents had ami the revenue interval timed was for stVdnrsduv afternoon ami evening hours Former Police Officer Charged With Theft of former constable with the limbui force was ariestrd in on June on a charge of the chaige was laid by Ids former superior officii thief Joseph Mr- Clonic h left the In Stay Mr appeared in Magis trate court Newmarket on Friday June arid was remanded for two His ball was set at cash Jr Ladies Aid Has June Meeting Junioi Ladies aid of the Newmarket mil at home of Mis on Tuesday June this was the last meeting the season Williams of the Chinch of the was guest She a on of the A social lime was spent at the conclusion of the session were served by Mrs Mrs J Taylor Mis and Sirs jack Farewell Party For Mrs A was held at the home of Mrs honor of Mrs Charles Jamieson on June Mote than a her wis to say gMKthe as Mr and Mis Jamieson and family ace moving Kitchener where Mi has joined the teaching staff A presentation was made In After a social re- were by the and Mrs Captain Chaths the inly living man in Canada who holds the Victoria Cross the Military Cross and the Military Medal hit with bis wife Airport lot the British Isles last Wednesday The who in Keswick will attend the Sictoria London England This week leen one of many for the V C winners and their immediate kin The military medal is an aw aid for bravely and only ollicers may win it Captain Military Cross was won during taking of Fiance on August 1918 Seventeen later on August l HUH he won County Says Childrens Aid Must Cut Administrative Costs the Victocta Cross lor call of dulv at capture i to seeing many of his old V C in London In when the then id SSales now thr Duke of entertained the V winners was pi even I He seised in the Canadian Mem led Rifles during War I While on the other side the Atlantic Captain and Mts will suit fiictids and in Scotland and will also lake a trip to Fiance Miv Hugh rant of is a of Captain and Mis Here and Around Town Dome another heat wave there will be at least one coot spot In town Council approved the installation an air conditioning system for town hall where the Magistrates court meets five day each week But when local that it will cost to provide this all conditioning they wilt so hot beneath the collar that they still need of the It promises Thr air will in elude municipal office and those used li court anil Violet chairman thai Magistrate had the service for hi court cieased rental will he received if air system is installed she plained The tender of Newmarket Motor for was accepted Councillors Alex Hands and Haskell writ the owl memlHis of council who move For not mme than two or second at couiitil meeting on Monday the two men who have been living to get inwii wafer for Clarence Allans in Last thought that at last they sue Their victory was Approval Was not granted by Lor many week Ale Hand pleading the case for Mr Allan but without success Major adman for a on June it vlood four in favor tbiee imposed Glad- stone from voting The motion it rallied ruleil the is Councillor Ales An alistaitiittg vote Is the sjntr as a tote ami that makes a vote It Is lent Town solicitor Kenneth Sliver Mr arguments saving A councillor ha no right to abstain noting and retain hi seat If a member wants to he must lease his seal II he abstains Chat is the same as a negative sole Major declined to said that In contioversial matters he prefers to have a clear majority from the lloor He his ami the motion lost On Uimmtssioii Mr Donald Warner was apoinled die Newmarket slon council its meeting on Mon day Mr Warner is the Public Heboid board on the commission replacing Mr Jack Spit for the balance of year a Censer a five premier of on the frost To more iUrwe to ami lownslijp and of Ifr Henry the of lock County and on the Jf Inspection tour of Vivian of was Clark Martin of North fable men councillors the project begun Mr Mrfty Ma- A A Judge sir homed by Warden is living pan Of York Counts He of the and the pros- audience thai of first Toronto of County council went on it its June session of wanting new Aid society organized mi a basis comparable with other counties of similar sie Reese Alt of Maikham township one of the countys on the York Counts Childteus Aid the council on this mallet He warned that the new which will It in operation by tur7 and which will have lion with in the of the esUling count could be a duplication the present societys It has drawn criticism county council lots for its high cusU and high ptomrdou of social worker and other staff to children through the society What do yon want asked Mi Is it still county council desire for Its ei up a new society on an economical with those operated by want 1c to continue under the same Mr told council that when he had raised this at a meeting of the Childrens Aid society he had been told that York County had always had the largest and aid hi province He said a slaff of 16 had been mentioned for the new County aid and time the counts A covering pel ending Mas J was at oroved for the Hits I by town council mi June IS fear for ame was Wlh County Taken Over Steele Avenue York County council Cook it In the re of Ave of to Hon Milt ltd and on the same at a county road at its on Tuesday June A was Introduced which the warden commissioner fire Toronto and Road com- mission to an agreement whit the Interested on a per rent foe the of this section of road This agree muse tie reached before the can Steele Ave a pari of road Solicitor Douglas Lucas Mr told council Steele ffiJA Sffi5lWIWsilie It was a sTU fefey3i J r -ft- mm School nwHtl e hour tomorrow nigral Main as mailer ot cere SI Left right arc Audiev Nielsen ftuth arcompanled by Ml Angus photo by Mike Lilian iWviASiM- said that that was thtee iiuhiIht by some other counties The Children Aid is a set up under tin- Com panies Act Marshall It has considerable authority its own Hut it Chat counts the which votes the money and it is willing In comply with the desires of council he suggest Mr McMuiehy council thai a factfinding committee of iviemheis of Aid board York County has Mi is chairman of this committer which will investigate the needs the counts and repott to the present Aid The committee feels that the top for Aid should be comparable Welti the top salaries for York is not a lop replied Mr Mine and again we celticism of Children Afd unlets council has complained present with its high administra tive costs and huge stall Does council want us to maintain that standard support Mi Ie MasutieiS argil- answered Reese li mom of Sutton Miss datum the executive said she would or more operate an aid for the county I feel we should suit fresh with new l base been one of the people who has spoken against Chil dren Aid high overhead said I Clack of town ship I we keep from the old personnel who ate ac customed to the luxury we cant alfoid We should set up nor Childielt Aid in keeping wlih other counties not according to standards It cost the county as lis share In operating the ptesent aid this pail jear said William sun of King township We will tucks It we can operate our own for that amount but at least we will lie in closer touch the Childteus Alt I a em ornate company and only control County council has over it through Us giant- in of monies I feel wc should lie able to cut the stall considerably am set Ik- able operate In interests of the It has been mentioned that the counts lias t permanent waul that com last year were pit I y Reeve Alma Walker lor that money we could to keep them at the York Hotel Mr said coveted many more children imii the permanent wards He agreed with the other speakers thai he new Chil drens Aid should tie set up in a practical way hut he re minded them that social workrts are hi short of the wotkeis it was fintl ihrrn where Ihcy are Couldnt we advertise the tious asked SViighl- man of Newmarket SVe many new Golden Wedding Marked By Couple Mi Mis I sons thtii weddini on June A puis held at on June to the Mi and steer in coming to scats aio- Im mans Veals Mi Iauiis ran a Jiseis and was i man area have a cat lie operated a butt tut store no Imtpccl St for sd their ami Is pitstnt the buffet in They pifsvntid a able and set house was dec mated with enly The cent- vied with lilts and mums flanked sellow special auiiiviiaiy cake hi shape the Mr Arthur a New sva council tor hi interest lit municipal affairs Mr appeared before council on Monday to report ot the Valley Camsetva- lion Auihoiitss competition few school children Mi Evans thanked council and the for their kindnesses in hem duiiiig three iltuess He had foci id to reviti from oilier of knew Ml deserve a vole thanks hi continued in public in spite hi Mi He done an Job for the town He could Ik from work his past hut he continue do his as is Council Sit New for Planning assistant town was apHHiiled sects tars of the council planning on dav He Entries In Contest For Conservation Books Willi i Mi thai since many In the Aid the lust Couservailcnt Ik stionsctiett by the Ipnet Holland Valley drew than Calibie was so high judges had selecting the pilre lining Mi Ailtiiii a reeve who is a told council on Monday night the at the meeting On Friday thr pi ires the winning student In glade sis seven and of the within Holland Valk the the local exhibited at the Library context wax planned to the and gills iu onset explained Mr Wesley the who with Harold of acted as with a alive of and mrnt Hut he we such a that the youngsteis would do so in pie- paling tMHk Iliry woik of ait Mr Ilinok added Ihe title of each hook was an original design the theme of lite of poetry and clrallug with con servation were included Most of wete quotations hut mans of the students work The onsets material on suits tuples as wood- lot check dams ponds soil erosioiii blow sand pasture and It pre sented with original Illustration black and wtdte and in color with picture bulletins and and with clip- pi lies wildlife and were covered in other section of the scrap- with the one dealing with problem he Holland of and practices and spot were included In some instances the were of one child In others weie efforts of two three who will in the pi lie A special was made to a pupil at the Newmarket school for Retarded Mr told council thai the although not a clave a The judge decided that award would nude at thai school weir when we visited them present the winner with a Ml fcsaiw said were In two sections grades hve and six and seven and eight Winner in hut section were fust pilre School of Whitchurch second Peterson of three 10 third pities Baity llocl Wane Mo Chmottc and Charles School Cased and Joan lrCiievley Alexander School and Werner of River Hem School W fourth prhes Barry Emmons Millet of Aurora Susan Susan Cuhiemcestrr of Alexander mIiooI Susan Carole ami Corilou of Prince Charte and School of Whit church winners iu the second section were fust Vicky id Whitchurch second ptire Downey and Carol of Whitchuich three third prices Rose Ann West and Jane or St Johns school Natalie and Carol of Prince Charles school and Ronald Dunham Leonard and of Stuart Scent school five fourth prim Stone and Jane Harris Irene Foster and Marie Smith all of Aurora Sandy Constable and Prince Charles Rose Anne of White school Whitchurch and JJeuJur Pal and Pauline of St school j

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