V -v-v- J Mr and Mrs Wilmot Harry Cooper were married at Mount United Missionary church on May The bride Is Irene daughter of Mr and Mr Herbert Cole The groom Is the son of Mrs John Cooper and the late Mr Cooper- Photo by Studios Anglican church the letting for the wedding on Set June a of Joyce Irene daughter of Mr and Mr Harry and Charlet Albert son of Mr end Mrs Flower Winnipeg Man Rev J Rhodes offici ated at the ceremony Mrs Little was the organist and Mrs George Hoaro was soloist The bride given in marriage by her father was gowned in white corded taffeta and wore a fingertip veil She carried white gardenias and rosea on a white prayer book was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Marilyn Wrightman and Mar garet Simpson They were dressed alike in blue rose and blue taffeta and carried nose gays Marcia was flower girl and wore pink nylon and carried a nosegay Raymond Leadbetter was beat man- The ushers were Dean and Ross Wilson The was held at the home of the bride where the brides mother received in dusty rose and wore a pink rose cor sage For travelling the bride chose grey with white accessories Following the Mr and Mrs Flower will reside in Portage La Prairie Man Miss Norine Heads B and P Womens Club Miss was elected president of the Business and Professional Womens club New market when the annual meet ing was held at the King George hotel on Monday May Mrs Elton Armstrong conducted the election Miss Madeline of Co- secretary of the Ontario B and P clubs and vicepresi dentelect of District installed the new officers The retiring president Mrs Homer Blair was presented with an emblem pin and gavel Miss Grace Sutton made the presentation on behalf of the club Ttfose elected to office are past Mrs Homer Blair Miss first vlcepres Miss Margaret Morn ing second Miss Grace Sutton recording Bee Miss Audrey corres sec Miss Bertha bulletin sec Miss Clara Stark treaty Mrs Donald Committee chairmen publici ty Mrs Berg membership Mrs Basil program Miss Smyth hospital library Mrs Russet historian Mrs Kudelka overseas Mrs Seneca Cook social Mrs Alex Georgas United Nations Miss and ways and means Mrs EL Gee Alexander and The Alexander Homo and School association reported an active year for Its first one One year ago the association was organized with charter mem bers There are now mem bers During the year seven general meetings were held on such themes as citizenship health radio nnd visual aids music childrens rending and civil de fense a getacquainted social evening opened the sens on The were presented in a variety of forms Panel dis cussions guest speakers and joint presentations with the other Homo and School groups of the town were used Entertainment was provided at the meetings by students of the school An attendance plaque designed made and contributed by Mr Noble Sproule was awarded monthly to the class with the best representation at the general meetings Money raising projects held during the year included a bas ket collection skate exchange bake sale and family fun fair the latter being the major pro ject of the year Funds raised were used to provide draperies for the teachers room and to slip cover the furniture there and to buy sports equipment and film strips for the school Two Bonnie Lassies who tapdanced in the stage show in the evening show at the Abort Sports Day on Saturday are Glenna Gould left and Phyllis Wedlock both Photo by Mike WEDDING l Spring flowers and ferns were the setting for the marriage of Linda Elizabeth Shier to Wil liam Harry Silver son of Mr and Mrs- Silver In the Free Methodist church on Saturday June Rev Babcock of Cole Lake officiated The bride given in marriage by her brother Carman Shier wore a floor length gown of White net over satin with a tiered skirt Her finger tip veil was held by a beaded headdress carried yellow roses and baby Verna Shier was maid of hon or for her sister and Bailie of Toronto was brides maid Both wore floor length gowns of white figured nylon over shrimp satin and carried nosegays of yellow mums and yellow Talisman Walter Silver of Kingston was best man for his brother and ushers were Barton and Douglas Voteary of Kingston played the wedding music and accompanied the North Chili NX when singing The Lords Prayer and Oh Perfect Mrs- Grant Sedore received the brides guests attired in navy crepe dress with a corsage of red roses while Miss Muriel Darling of Perth Road aunt of the groom assisted wearing a pink figured taffeta dress with pink rote following the reception the happy couple left for New City the bride travelling In a J pale green dress with White accessories a corsage of yellow roses- They will reside in Kingston MV A HELPINGHAND A HelpingHand tea will be held under auspices of the Womans association of Trinity United church on Wednesday June Mrs M president has opened her home on Davis Drive West for the oc casion Tea will be served from to pah A cordial Invitation is ex tended to ail women of the com munity to attend Working in cooperation with the makers of the famous RESTONIC products we agreed to fc buy their entire stock of sample chesterfield suites davenport suites divans halfsofas sectionals occasional chairs and of course RESTONITER bed chesterfield the only bed chesterfield with the famous RESTONIC spring filled mattress MONTHS OF PLANNING WENT INTO PREPARATION OF THIS SALE