I CIRCULATION For three December Newmarket 200 Aurora Others TOTAL PAID Rural Districts of North York EXPRESS HERALD 6 1ST YEAR NO 23 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE SINGLE COPIES CENTS ffi i Sa -atsr- Final flW-4- J T J J if J Town Growth By Planning Board An optimistic picture of New markets industrial growth painted by Planning Chairman Gladstone at the May 2ft meeting of town council He outlined anticipated industrial development for both the east and sections of Davis Dr Mr said that dye manufacturer was interested In Cam FAUf On New Plant I Not Yet Given By Developer Forfeits Car Med Will of Pall considered Ltd the British cigarette The Canadian plant will be factoring firm bring its known as of Pall Mall plant lo Newmarket Canada Ltd with the managing I iiTOtfibUeto Invited to the formal opening of the Newmarket Public Library on Saturday after- The Hon J minister of education tor Ontario will cut the ribbon to the new building which Is located on Park Avenue behind the Newmarket post office will be served after the opening ceremonies Above is the childrens room in the front section the building A view of the reception desk shown below between the two main rooms and a the adult section can be aeen at the left Photos by Stefaniuk locating In one of the towns occupied factories He mention ed the Pall Mall cigarette plant and for Davis Dr East and the possible develop ment of other land east of those plants for new industries Mr Charles Boyd has purch ased land on Davis Drive West which he is prepared to offer Industry as an inducement to locate here Mr told council The property Is the former Janes farm- Mr Boyd realises that he must bring in dustries to town if he Is to have his residential development ap proved he added Mr said that the Eagle Building and Development Co was prepared to cede its land on Eagle St to the town for Indus trial development and that a block manufacturing company Frederick Sonler 31 of Tor onto was sent to jail for 25 days and fined 35 or an additional days when convicted of four of fenses in Newmarket court on Tuesday June Ho was prohi- from driving anywhere in Canada for two years and for feited his car to the Queen Sonier pleaded guilty to all the charges Police testified that they followed his car on No 11 highway as it from one side to the other on Tuesday wis convicted of drunk driving driving while his motor vehicle permit was under sus pension driving while his opera- was interested in acres of tors license was under north of Newmarket which ion and having liquor in an Hie- town owns gal place Ridler Denies Implications Of Kurin Report To Council is the question which has been asked every week by the Era and Express and so far no definite answer has been received An option has been taken on acres of land on Davis Drive East Mr Harold realtor said today The plans for the plant are in the hands of the architects and Mr said he has arranged for in Canadian capital Newmarket council has been requested for a guaranteed de livery of hydro water and sew ers by the proposed completion date on Nov Everything is awaiting councils decision on the provision of services Mr hardt explained Mayor said a special meeting of council will be held tonight when the request will be director being Mr Allan Pollock Mr Pollock came to Canada from South Africa where he establish a similar plant for the British firm Seven factories have been opened in various parts of the world since the end of World War Mr said He added that the firm plans to construct a building of approx imately square feet It would have a width of and a depth of feet The eventual plans call for five of these buildings Mr said The firm wants to begin construction immediately Mr said that the town has been asked for assur ances that it will have water sowers and hydro for the factory by Nov At present there are no sowers past Prospect St on Davis Drive- East No Change In Aurora ByLaw Subdivided Request Turned Down Planning Chairman Gladstone challenged Samuel Kur- report of their conversations when Mr Kurin appeared before council last week to request ap proval of his shopping center The proposed location was on Davis Drive West Mr Kurin said it was more than three months since he had spoken to Mr about has shopping center Mr said Mr compared the New market Plaza with the Lawrence At a special meeting last night Aurora council decided to make no changes in the bylaw which requires a to provide an industrial and commercial in i i j assessment equal to the assess- Plaza and said there would be a rt ment on his houses Lome an I be granted some consldera- He said that houses on foot lots the area was zoned as commercial assessment for the that it was the best lo- town without dont think we are being too hard Town Clerk George Wilkinson pointed out that the department of municipal affairs and bond houses handling municipal happier when the assessment was call ed for regardless of whether or or not the houses should be able to pay for themselves The motion was passed by council to leave the present by law as it is Here and There Around Town Town engineer Denne Bos- worth announced that the days were numbered for the old building at the corner of and Eagle Streets He said the building had to he removed Mr explained that the most recent fire at the old house or eyesore as it has been termed most frequently by council had caused the building to become a hazard to life and limb An order of condemna tion has been issued A time limit of seven days from the receipt of the notice exists whereby the owner is re quired by law to have the build ing destroyed Mr ox- plained at the May 28 meeting that the town had been unsuc cessful in tracing the owner but would continue the search The house has been the cause of much discussion council The Chamber of Commerce in several communications re quested its from the entrance to town considering it a poor advertisement for the community The latest information receiv ed by council from the owner was that he planned to renovate tin building for immediate oc cupancy Shortly after that a realtor placet an open for in spection notice on the building The last fire seems to have settled the issue At least once the notice of condemnation can be delivered to the owner it will have Of Town Library Goes Back Wo The Days Of Mechanics Institute by Margaret Case The people of Newmarket will welcoming a now and very attractive public building when Newmarket Public Library officially opened on June til years of living in rented and unsuitable quarters the Li brary will have a home of its It exactly a century ago the Public Librarys the Mechanic Institute librarians diploma from a sum- j course at the Library School I in j Mr Jones was a wellknown j be closed Friday June ft and he site Saturday morning June while LIBRARY HOURS Newmarket Public Library photographer owned the of the present Post Office where Mrs Jones later built a store and two buildings west of that on Park Ave Mrs Jones ran the library from tier store on the corner of Main and Park for a Mrs Willis recalls that the was organized Its aim was to I library was at one time above the it is being prepared for the Of ficial Opening June at pm provide a centre for recreational cultural pursuits Mr who is work- Era and Express building Other people remember it op crating from the present location on a fthorflytobepublished of the offices of the law firm of of Newmarket has us with the following from her history lor a number of years the Mechanics composed the centre of and cultural life of the village It was the fore runner of the later public library as change the village it become in difficult to hold pub- Ik Intern director and those tilted had worked hard In an to crowd out evil from the world at the same time to Ailment mind with good than which they considered there wore mo better meant than good litera ture ft that provided by the In the Library tit over Atkinsons Store now the Wool Shop and open every day in the week Sunday from to to were to open the Heading over Griffiths Shoe Store the library would alio be moved to that place In the the name had become a thing f the and all were by Jaw to change the Mm to Public Library to remove any auggottion of which appeared to about name An act to purpose and made by the Act it the transfer of the Public library to control of a board Library hag had varioua in town Kllvina in town Mr Willi who acted for many The librarian her and by a tee Ham SIM held for har in a month aod far Her ttMMto Batala tor aha had a Stiver Vale and This building was evi dently the Griffiths Shoe Store mentioned above Later it moved lo the Roche place at the corner of Main and Water Street it was housed In the Wesley Building above what is now and Newmarket De partmental Stores This made necessary by what was con sidered an undue in rent for the Roche place Look ing over records we find that at the Feb meeting Mr Roche applied to have the rent increased from 15 to a month but the meeting passed a motion that the rent be not at the present time increased Ap- Mr had to accept the decision of the Hoard but on Jan he informed the Board that the rent would be a month However when on Dec 1021 he raised the rental to a month the Board noti fied Mr that the room would no longer be required as a library After the removal the Library was threatened with a lawsuit Page Col cation for shopping center Mr Kurin told council Because of this the land on Davis Drive West had been purchased for the development he added Mr reviewed the back ground of his application say ing that ho had attended a plan ning committee meeting where he had presented his proposition I checked with Mr on May and was told that shop ping centers would be discussed that evening at council Mr said lie told me to check with him the next day I did and he told mo another shop ping center had been considered and that there had been no dis cussion on ours He said that the other center was being re ferred to a special meeting that night when it would be finaliz ed That only gave us a limited time to present our affairs which we did at the spe cial meeting continued Mr Kurin Mr Kurin reminded council that the Developers had suggested Eagle St as the loca tion of their shopping center on Monday night and St on Tuesday Ho sold his plan had remained constant except that the original idea had been en larged and that when the project was completed it would ho fiO stores Originally Mr Kurin request ed of a resi dential subdivision when the town had sufficient water to warrant such approval Before the end of the discussion he withdrew this requirement Mr objected to the change saying that Mr had no right to make second and third offers Mr KurinV shop ping center was referred to mo tions but a similar application was approved for a shopping center for the Eagle Building and Development company I would yield the same in taxes as 16 cheaper houses on foot lots and on a basis of two child ren per house would cost the town less in services Referring to the Case subdivi sion for comparison he pointed out that while both were build ing the same number of houses his industrial and com mercial assessment would be about 25000 more Mr Cousins asked that the assessed values of the houses above the amount re quired to carry them be applied to his industrial assessment Cousins wants it coming and Mr said as chairman of m w7iu- the planning committee he had Librarian Reports On Recent Progress Once upon a time a library was considered a storehouse for books where went to bor row a book or two to take home to read Over the year public opinion ha changed and bo have libraries When we think about community recognition we realize that the public library ha become important not a polite as it was year ago Today the library Is an agency indUpensable in the community supplementing the work of the school for children and young people and providing the resource for adult to continue the learning process Libraries provide the material and tha place to think they offer the opportunity for young people of today to meet the distinguished men and wo men of the In September your pres ent librarian appointed At that time there were boy end and as member of the New market Public Library The it and girl and WJ adult making a total of in due to lb with Newmarket rowing in population ami many of bean to good library service in other communities and are happy to our facilities Today marks the consecutive week we have written a Library Column for this paper We all know the power and the influence of the pres We have many club and organization in the town- However we feel that the contributing factor to the public acceptance of our li brary service wo the work dona with the public Clausen As an experiment in 1B5S Grade to from Alexan der school attended the in groups of to with their teacher during school hours When they arrived wo had an chat about book and magazine available to them and rules of the li brary how book are made how we care for them and how to the reference books With the junior wo told them a from one of book which they later were al lowed to borrow girls and boys opportunity to browse around and then become member of the library If they so and take book with them Many of did that Later in tha year the principal and mad a In aan lor room of the The results were follows in the grade seven and eight class students used the library be fore going with their class at time of the were regular borrower In the dis cussion of these volunteered the information that lnce read ing more good book they were reading comic book In the six and seven class five formerly were regular readers after their trip with the teacher in the grade class four for merly were Using the library and after class Attended in a group were using It Thl experiment discon tinued before the other schools had the seme opportunity be cause the of interest de pleted our book to the point where we did not have material to supply the demand from other classes later when we had further new books we did the experi ment with grades four and five from King George and again had to discontinue the program because of lack of book interest and membership ha increased so have cir culation figure For the month of October IBM tha circulation childrens book and adult making a total of Page Col I received Mr Kurin and his as sociates and had given them a full hearing Ho denied having told Mr Kurin that Davis Drive West was the best location for shopping center or that the land would be kept for commercial development I told him there was no zon ing bylaw in this town said Mr but In my opinion that land was desirable for com mercial and Industrial develop ment I told him I was only one voice and could not commit council on the matter I did say that In my opinion Davis Drive West was a good location for a shopping center but I did not say would favor that location or that St was an undesirable location I resent the Implications that I misled Mr Kurin and his asso ciates They had an equal and fair hearing before the commit tee Mr charged I agree with Mr said Councillor Alex that Mr Kurin and associates had a fair hearing before the commit tee but that is as fur the fair ness went At that time It was the unanimous recommendation of the committee that Mr Kur- proposal was second best Eagle Developers were favored first It recommended that the chairman bring report to council on all the applications That was not done and that was where fairness ended and un fairness begun he Mr Belugln is right In his criticism replied Mr But I resent Mr Kurlna Impli cation Mr Michel one of Mr Kur business associates request ed permission to speak to coun cil In support of partners statements He told council ho had been present at two meet ings with Mr Hiat land Is commercial def initely commercial It is the only one left suitable for com mercial development Mr Ml- quoted Mr as hav ing said Mr Jumped to hi feet interrupting Mr MlehalL I stand upon my honor said Mr made no such state ment How I have said such a thing when I knew about other for shopping Davidson He wants high prices and low assessments I think we should stick with the Request For Water Postponed By Council Another request for water for an East Gwillimbury property was tabled to the next meeting of council by its proposers Reeve Edward and Councillor Alex Hands Tho re quest hud been refused by coun cil when presented several weeks ago Water is wanted for properly owned by Clarence Allan on the north side of Davis Drive West The motion was tabled so that the town solicitor could be con sulted to see whether the town would be obligated to provide For the sixth consecutive year Mrs Bruce Rolling of Mount Al bert will take her CGIT ttirls to Buffalo for a bus trip trip this year is planned for Satur day Of course for many of the girls this will be their first visit lo that city But each year Mrs Rolling hopefully awaits the de cision of the CGIT group think ing that at Inst there will be change They will go to an other city If this practice continues Mrs Rolling will begin to think that Shuffle Off to Buffalo is her theme song On Sunday June TV view ers had the opportunity of visit- water for the subdivision lug Pickering College for the What about depreciation asked Councillor Keith In year time those wont be worth as much Deputyreeve Victor Jones felt that some consideration should be given to the request It pro vides encouragement for extra- good houses he said Some consideration should be given to the who builds houses that will assess at or more Caution was advocated by Mayor Henderson I think we should go slowly until we sec how some of these fellows pro duce and we can sec what has happened Towns which have had some experience in this matter are demanding equalized assess- ments said Councillor We may be a little early but I in East if it gives annua Quaker Relays Movies j were taken of the sports events held there last month and were included in Sundays presenta tion of the family type program from CULT Junior Magazine water to the Allan property Mr Alton cant rent his apartment in his building on Davis Drive West until ho has town water explained Mr Hands The York County Health Unit has forbidden it Mr Hands said water was or iginally provided on that proper ty from well but that it could no longer be used Mr Allen Is a taxpayer in Newmarket added Mr Wright- man He provides employment for 14 men all of whom are lo cal taxpayers I cant see where gallons per day will cause any trouble Ifs the principle replied Councillor If we give the water to Allen we must give it to This is one time that a man hates himself for saying what he must cay added Councillor Page 10 Col Coming Events J THURSDAY JUNK In Legion halt numbers called Jackpot FRIDAY JUNE ItHome bak ing sale in Newmarket Furniture and Store sored by Retarded Children FRIDAY JUNE Recital of vocal and piano of Mrs Eugene Cone Also talented hoy Violinist In St Andrews Presbyterian Church SATURDAY JUNE SI Johns season New- Town Hull pan Jack pot Must go- SUNDAY JUNE Celebration of one hundred thirteenth anniversary ot Bapt ist church Kettlcby Services held at eleven oclock seventhirty Rev Medley of Aldenvood Special music provided at both WEDNESDAY JUNE and demonstration Flower by Mrs Aurora Newmarket meeting church hall oclock Public welcome WEDNESDAY JUNE the home of Mrs M Davis Drive to oclock Silver collection THURSDAY JUNE 21 New market afternoon tea display of handcrafts to Crafts Cross- In Farm St FRIDAY JUNE Annual Field Lake Marie In King Memorial Park Rail same bingo Lloyds or chestra Other attractions Ad mission including dance Children free SATURDAY JUNK this dale for Zephyr Sports Day tournament program dance etc THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JUNE 28 AND Keswick Koraleers Concert Sutton Pub lic school auditorium at pm Variety Acts Admission FRIDAY JUNE 20 Advance Notice King City Firemens As sociation ham dance Farms SATURDAY AUG Queens- vllle Sports Day Watch for fur ther particular FRIDAY night at Cedar Cliff Mow two east of Ft round an auara feature The performances of young men from the Newmarket high school hove won praise for them each time they havo ap peared as guest or lists While enjoying their hobby of they provided pleasure for their audiences The double quartette was or ganized and trained by Mr George Kelly physical educa tion teacher In preparation for the minstrel show the school this spring Since then they have sung at the schools iprlng prom the Betty Gordon Dance recital and dinner meeting of the Lions club Mr Kelly directs and accomp anies the eight youths They are Verne Hutchinson Jim Tom Kurtz Dave Dave Don Jackson Paul and Stove New- rotlu Newmarket fire department answered Its third false alarm at yesterday The false alarms have been caused by accidental Interference with circuits by construction worker Mr And Mrs JL Winter 55th Mr and John Winter Newmarket celebrated their wedding anniversary on Tuesday June A family din ner pnrty was held on Sunday the home of their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Ernest Winter Mrs Winter is the former Sarah Glover of Mr Winter farmed In the Raven- shoe area and worked In the lumber business In northern On tario before coming to Newmar ket He has been employed at Office Specialty Company for over years A presentation was made to Mr and Mrs Winter by their family The bride of wore a of and carnations and Mteted by bar