Newmarket Era and Express, 31 May 1956, p. 2

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Reviews Recent Events Many people taking a Interest municipal at tain this Mtt than they had before For ttme they are reading all the fa the Ira tad the council meet some of them complain that they dont know too much of what la happen They fail to realise that the background on the matter under to back many month In fact refer at far back two and a half when seeking evidence to port their One to the problem would be for those new fol lower of council to read through the back of the paper But tinea la not too practical a sugges tion it appears that in the same spot as the movie goer who after arriving In the middle of the film discovers that there is only the one that nighU On the other hand some good may come of their predicament Because their curiosity been aroused in matters of local government they may take an interest in future develop ments This interest could mean not that they would read everything they can about the council meetings but that they will attend them in person support their candidates for of fice at the polls on election day and offer themselves candi dates What Happened Another criticism received by the newspaper came from of the people in attend ance at the special meeting of council on May They said that they left the meeting un certain to whether the cig arette factory was coming to town and waited for that weeks Era and Express to help clarify the situation for them But when it arrived they said the question remained unan swered The fact is that the question was not settled at council nor can it bo settled by council It is the factory that must make the decision the parent company in Great Britain indicated that it was considering Newmarket as the location for Its Canadian plant It requested a number of concession on behalf of Harold the real lor who first interested them in Newmarket What council did at that special meeting and at the one on Monday night was to agree to those requirements the sidelines it look like a gigantic checker game First the factory makes a move then the town But In this case the play is complicat ed by the third party the pro moter who first interests the firm in a proposed location by assuring them of necessary capital from reliable financier and then the town in obtaining that industry to the point that It is willing to make certain concessions to obtain It The council has completed its moves It has promised to meet the factorys demands is now the cigarette companys move Council did not decide that the industry would come to Newmarket If it were just a case of having a new Industry come to town minus any strings council no doubt would have welcomed it with open arms months ago But that is not the case Many communities are com peting for this new factory as they are for all new ones Each Is beckoning to it eagerly and offering new inducements to sway the developers in its fa vor Everywhere and particu larly in many sections of York county the residential growth has outpaced the industrial and commercial Shopping centres and industries are on every communitys preferred list This unbalanced development has thrown a disportionate burden on the home owner Each year he is faced with higher taxes with no greater services being provided Newmarket is no exception That is why council could not decide if the town is to have a cigarette manufacturing plant Perhaps just as the scales arc being dipped in fa vor of our town another wilt have added one more conces sion and so will outweigh New markets offer From the Files of and 50 Years A ft MAY Air and Mrs Miner of Buffalo NX motored here Monday and called on Mrs West her sister and her brother and his family Rev Father A J Kelly and Father J J Barry are spending the week at the home of Father Wedlock while conducting mis- and at Bradford During the talent sale and tea in Trinity United church last Fri day Mm Jean Hunter Mrs Andrew Mrs White and Miss furnished delightful Rev Father Dr A and it rarr and Father Murray dined with WMMock Wed noon Mr and Miss Edith have returned from Day- ton Beach Florida where they pent the winter Mr and Mrs Harvey have taken a house hi to they expect to move hi August It J Manna of Toronto came to Newmarket last day mi route to his In Falls to which he with Mr in his a Martin Rose who spent winter in town with Mrs Ben Phillips and Miss Morton re turned to her home in Queens- MAY The Band Concert The encore Band Concert held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of last week was a good success The hand acquitted themselves credit ably under the leadership of Mr James Napier showing that they are in a position to supply this community with a large variety of firstclass music Mrs- J Robertson and Miss Bray have returned from Win nipeg Miss Ethel Terry of Toronto visited over Sunday with Miss Nettie A IS A has received a call to the church at On arid a reception will be held there this evening Mr MeTaggart was brought up at attended Newmarket High school was a philosophy student at Toronto University and a graduate of Knox College He was ordained In Toronto on day evening Miss Media Spring came from Toronto on Saturday for Victoria holidays Mr Irvine Ross his mother and sister a couple of days at Orchard Beach last week Mr and Mrs Llewellyn Robertson of Toronto spent the weekend with his brother Mr J Robertson CiSS LIKES PONIES TOO Queen of pets the polo pony ridden by the Duke of Edinburgh Tittle Princess Anne appears for her chance They hid Just come from watching the Duke in a polo match it Windsor England By Ginger Aurora and rural of North York NovMiiarhof bo bofoit every at MS Si by ko Krm sod Expren Limited SobseripUon for two jmb W5 for one to dvaee copies ore lie of Clan A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers and of Aatkorbed M Seeond Class Mail Fort Of flee Depaftaeat Ottawa CAtOilNI ION tfftor THE AL PAGE THURSDAY THE THIRTYFIRST DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSIX WHAT WILL THE INDUSTRY COST ON THE SURFACE it would appear that the town council lias done till it has been asked to do to ensure the location of a new cigarette factory in Newmarket But there has been no clarification on the subject of services at the meetings of council To date there been no definite statement by the developers concerned with the location of a plant that Newmarket has been chosen although negotiations here indicate that plans are close to completion The proposed site for the factory on the Watson farm south side of Davis Drive East at the town limits The nearest point for connection th the sewerage system is at the corner of Davis Drive and Prospect Street There has been no request for the town to pro vide a trunk sewer to the factory site nor has there been a statement that the cigarette firm will pay for services Eighteen inch sewer pipe costs per foot and a rough guess at the total cost of services to the factory includ ing water mains might be from to If the town were to assume the cost of the services a decade or more might pass before the taxes on the in dustrial property could pay off the costs Since a large part of the residential area east of Davis Drive docs not have sewers it is possible that part of the costs would be shared by homeowners However there may not be too much enthusiasm for this on the part of the home owners who already have invested considerable money lo install satisfactory septic tanks It is considered that the industrial developers likely will ask for the town to provide the sewers The new factory may cause an extra increase on next years Newmarket tax rate NEW FUTURE OPENING THE CHAIRMAN of the industrial and planning committee of town council takes an optimistic view of Newmarkets future This week he stated that since the recent council approval to open the way for the location of a large cigarette factory in Newmarket he has had a number of interesting enquiries from other industrial concerns about possible plant sites in and near the town Yesterday he said he had received two calls concerning large propositions which might in clude several farms adjacent to the town Most of the property surrounding Newmarket has been optioned or purchased by investors or investment syndicates who have been waiting for expansion oppor tunities- All development is considered to depend on services from the town of Newmarket The new pro vincial water resources commission is prepared to dis cuss the situation regard lo water and sewage disposal with town officials There are indications that commission like the hydro commission in Ontario is anxious to take over responsibilities for municipal services on reasonable terms From this the indus trial and planning chairman concludes There are no real sewage disposal and water problems All that is necessary is that the right people get together and talk this over With no limitations in the matter of essentia ser vices the long range outlook presents a picture of expansion But what follows initial consideration of this possibility is a recognition of the needs of planning for the overall area previously urged by this news paper and by provincial planning officials to the town council of 1955 Being the centre of services for new residential commercial and industrial expansion in logical proportions Newmarket should be permitted to annex the new areas of development Zoning would be included in the planning for a well integrated commun ity of the future ON A MOTION OF CENSURE EVERY MEMBER of the Newmarket Public Library board is guilty of not notifying the town council immediately of financial difficulties concerning the new library buildings recently completed But council is wrong in assuming that all members knew from the time the building was started that the project would cost more than the amount council authorized to be spent In fact complete information on all matters of cost were not before the board until about two months ago That this information was not presented at a meeting of council is the fault of each member each member shares in the responsibilities of the whole board A carryover from recent times when lite board had few duties and responsibility for a small oneroom library meetings were on the informal side and some times it took a long time for the clarification of facts But the fact that some members did not acquaint them selves with all the facts is no excuse for them With available information some members concluded that financial assistance was forthcoming in addition to municipal funds this additional financial assistance did not come and there seems to be considerable misunder standing about the whole matter The town council passed a harsh motion of censure on the library board Monday night Some of the motivations behind the resolution were of a personal nature concerning two members of the board but all members were included in the council motion The new library did cost more than was expected presenting a situation similar to many others in con nection with building projects The library situation prompts one to compare it with other municipal projects For example the arena commission has been going over its budget for many years now and we have heard little accounting for it at council meetings Council has singled out the library board in a vengeful way If council is bent on staying in this mood we can suggest a number of other avenues leading to more justifiable motions of censure Since our Corners cor- respondent Slim hap- pens to a good Tory we that and our Informed on Uncle walked up to this locked at him through hi bifocals understand Pro- In Bast township hired a resident he Aint heard about that What would they want with a resident all Provin cial you are for the arid federally you aint It of that Im not near I love I love Im Only worse than that laid Wrii that aint half as an the AH th ovr up Owners way no only speak Ask the aM they right avi Howe the mar who torn of ajjed in Cararia wandered in from the and interjected will save us from selling the Hover hrniy of our parl iamentary system and he pointed his forefinger just a clergyman from the plains of Saskatchewan from whence he came Except for the in parlia ment you would have had per fect in that sen tence- But you should save your efforts for writing adver tising copy I said The word you should have used is alliteration not lllitcra- said Kletchcloffsky And youre supposed to bo a writer Since it concerned you I thought itineration was more appropriate I said Aw shut up Kletch retort- by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches i You people in the editor lal department make me sick with smart cracks I was hack In We dont have such kinds of people out there Overhearing this conversa tion the printer scur ried out to the composing room to make the following an nouncement This afternoon we have a pool on the out come of the pipeline issue and the proceeds will be to buy a railway ticket for Kletchetoff- sky to go hack to wan Thats a oneway ticket Cheers On that not of optimism left for his morning cup of coffee at the drug store Thre he would find solace in with Mary Jane and Peggy getting hack to the pipe- tin Slirn claims that if we dont have an elec tion were heading for dictator ship On the other hand Uncle says that we need the and that the Liberals are trying to set up a dic tatorship but are merely trying to avoid Progressive Conserva tive chaos Liberals is just like trained seai3 said Slim As group thats all them back are I read an article somewhere which said that they werent trained seals but rather russes said the lino- typist And fierce too said Chazz Theyre us out American interests said Slim What would we do without American interests cried a voice from the composing be happy in our cried another After that there was a heated dispute but the boss came in and raised the roof about arguing politics on company time and so a good thing came to an end The boss says he hasnt work ed out a policy on the pipeline vet OUR SIDE OF THE STORY BETWEEN ANARCHY AND TYRANNY Modern democracy has been the outcome of a protest against governments that were at tempting lo control both economic and the political life Suspicion of government is abundantly justified Recent experience in numerous coun tries shows that the danger of tyranny is still with us The wellestablished democ racies have solved basic problem of government They have brought the military un der civilian control they have combined liberty with order- but the distrust of strong gov ernment remains Unfortun ately the fear of tyranny is carried over into democracies and becomes a fear of government of any kind- III I nils distrust is seen at Its worst in France where govern ments are not allowed enough power to govern- trouble there is much situation In Italy before Mussolini and In Germany before Hitler- In both cases democracy had practice ly ceased to function In Germany the government was ruling by decree In Italy it was not ruling at ell Both countries wore drifting towards chaos- Just now wo are In a period of reaction against fascism end therefore pay little head to fas cist criticism of democracy a criticism which wo cannot ford to Ignore Fascists have tired of saying that govern ments lack the strength and courage to tackle the really pressing problems of the mod ern age There was validity in that criticism in Italy and Germany In France today where gov ernments ore merely postpon ing problems seems to be preparing to play the role of Hitler or Mussolini Now strange as it may seem many French democrats do not see the danger in situation or If they do are doing no thing to remedy It Indeed there are democrats all over world who by failing to see wherein the danger are actually helping prepare way for dictatorship How does happen Democrats have learned some elementary truths about government Eternal vigil ance is of liberty and so on They therefore speak out against every govern ment step which tcnd3 to re strict liberty or to enlarge of This Is as it should bo If not carried too far Since a despotism may be defined as in which executive Is also the legislature and Judiciary It Is logical to hold that every power that Is taken from the legislature or and given to the executive la a step towards dictatorship Our ancestry had to fight to bring executive under con trol Are we going to sit back and let the executive take back those powers without a struggle Opposition parties that resist the growth of the cabinet power ore performing a valu able service Their service however does not consist so much in getting some limita tion of the powers of the cab inet The real service render ed by critics of the govern ment Is in reminding public of the value of liberty and of the dangers of dictatorship reason democratic gov ernment is difficult is that It re quires nice balance between willingness to obey the law and readiness to rebel against a government that disregards tho law People that will not re sist usurping ruler will find themselves enslaved by first man who gets Into But If people resist law they do not like the are doing In Franco society will degenerate Into anarchy And anarchy Is regularly pre cursor of dictatorship When governments meet demand for action In many fields there aro not enough hours In tho year to have attended to by par liament Much of govern ment business therefore to be dono by OrdcrlnCouncll When are threats of riot or rebellion powers must bo given to tho government by Harvey Since we must steer a middle course between dlctorship and anarchy we must always ask ourselves From which side we threatened In our fear of dictatorship we must not forget the danger of an archy And to meet the dan ger of anarchy we must strengthen the executive A step towards strong gov ernment may be stop towards dictatorship but it is also a step away from anarchy And It seems plain that democracy to day Is in far greater danger from anarchy than from dicta torship Wo paid our last respects to a friend the other day a man whom we respected and whom we have known for many year It was a church funeral attend ed by many friends and ac quaintances who brought their sympathy and what comfort they could to the widow and three children who now have to face a future without the help of the man whom they loved and relied on At the house after the ser vice we found more than floral tributes delivered in the past two days and some of us who were concerned with the future of the children came to the conclusion that there had been something like spent on flowers Our friend died of a heart condition having previously gone through one of those ses sions that are now so well known and described since tho chief executive of our neighbor in the south has gone through it What the papers failed to describe was that unless one is the president of the United States such a session Is liable to cause a considerable drop in earning power run up soma ex penses and its worrying effect on the patient who has a fam ily to bring up hinder recov ery Now the many friends who attended the funeral were thoughtful and good people and there were none who in their grief for having lost a friend didnt have the feeling what will become of the fam ily Oh they werent desti tute or anything but neither did they own a hundred acres on the corner of King and and was doubt in Progress Threatens many minds if there enough left to put some of the children through university Looking at the mounds of beautiful and fragrant flowers that day and thinking about them since one cannot help feeling that 2000 for the child rens education have taken just as much from the widows sorrow as the sym pathy expressed by the gor geous display of bouquets And if she can recall the difference between the baskets wreaths and sprays or connect it with the cards she now has to acknowledge she was too busy to remember that they were sent to her husbands fu neral There is always the possi bility that in some cases it is not necessary or advisable to translate that feeling of sym pathy into direct gifts to the family Weil there is always the Ontario Heart Foundation the Ontario Cancer Founda tion the societies concerned with polio multiple sclerosis or other organizations where ones gift would put another brick into a building that can bring not only comfort but a permanent memorial and even tually permanent help Please do not misunderstand us We love lowers we think that there should be lowers But too many are meaningless and while they add to comfort they do not express same feeling of sympathy standing by with help that other steps that would help would help those whoso com mon bond Is common sorrow and those who are stated for the same end Settlement Now the first duty of a gov ernment Is to govern to main tain order If a country seems to bo drifting Into anarchy as France seems to bo today the people may their faith in democracy Tho demagogue- dictator then gets his chance Much of fear of dictator ship is rooted In a failure to understand that liberty can not bo preserved by limiting or di viding functions of govern ment The only safe guard is determination to bo free If the people really value freedom will main tain their liberties as they do In Britain even though they their government power It is In genuine love of lib erty and tolerance in mor ality of democracy that the defense of democracy reside state is the servant not the master of the people the etate ia their against infringement on their rights their agent in international and national issues it is not the function of Hie state to assume the tie of these rest on individual choice Progress In the form of a lowcost housing development threatens to destroy one of the few remaining links with Canada oncer past It Is a settlement of log buildings including two barns and a cow shed In North York north built by Pennsylvania Dutch settlers years ago lira above Is one of the nearby residents who settlement has fallen into rack and I traction weather and vandals Many of the found In the built shipped to museums

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