i In atf Jtsprm Thar May r ft At g- KING Social Newt Mr and Mr Howard will hold open house for friends and neighbors at their home third lino of King on the occa sion of their wedding an niversary Saturday June 9 from 3 to and to pm Mra Geo Wilson third of King held a meeting of the ex ecutive of First King Scout Mo- Auxiliary this week to plan for a general meeting of the organization early in June Mrs Wilson is president The father and son banquet of the scouting organization will be held at Ridge Inn June Fathers or sponsors of the boys are urged to attend when a speaker and en tertainment will be provided W I Holds Annual Meeting Hitch your wagon to a star lures Ontario delegates Hit M a family to for you afford But a used to a ha it Wow ryepcpcnou evening with my another of fa art try to you Spa water F Drumhead Parade Tho Canadian Legion zone rally under the King branch will hold a drum head parade at All Saints Ang lican church King City on Sun- day Juno 3 at 2 pm Fallin will be at at Memorial park Prayer will be by Michell padre of lo cal Legion branch and scripture by Col J- A CD The address will be given by Rev Leonard Geary After the service the march past be on St followed by a buf fet lunch at the branchs club house on Dew St Cheryl Lynn Funeral service for Cheryl Lynn monthold daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Ross of third of King was held on Monday at the Thomp son funeral home Aurora con ducted by Rev Mr assisted by Rev J Shep herd of King City The baby died in the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto on Friday night May 25 from bronchial pneumonia She was buried in Aurora cemetery Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Arthur Guide Church Parade On Sunday afternoon May the King Girl Guide company and First King Brownies and leaders participated in their an nual parade and religious ser vice at St Andrews Presby terian church Strange The dedication of Union Jack and the Guide flag was made by Rev J Shepherd Tile color party was Nancy and Sandra Cane Their escort were Mae Shepherd and Barbara District guide commissioner read Psalm up on which the minister based his sermon A duet was sung by Mr How ard Baker and Rev Shepherd accompanied by Mrs Baker on her accordion Nova Scotia largely from mines on Cape Breton produce about onethird of Canadas coal output but choose your star was the theme of the presidential ad dress by Mrs Ed to branches of Centre York District Womens Institute at the seventh meeting at United church May Nearly 150 attended representing a membership of Mrs Red- dick had inadvertently summar ized her ambition which her threeyear term so Retiring to the office of past president she challenged branches toward realizing that working together is effort but keeping together is success Are we she asked letting our selves be sidetracked by other stars casting about in all direc tions and dissipating our powers Four guides in finding the WI star are found in the objectives outlined in the hand book she said The keynote of Centre York branches is friendliness and I am proud I am an Institute member she declared She was presented with a set of costume jewellery from the district by Mrs Albert president of the branch Her successor is Mrs George Vicepresi dents are Mrs Newmarket R Mrs King 2 Mrs Kay Jennings Mrs Powell Gormley continues as secretary treasurer Honorary presidents are Mrs J Charles and Mrs Corner Aurora- Mrs Albert remains Fed eration representative her al ternate being Mrs Awarded One of the highlights of a dis trict annual faceting is the award of prizes to individuals or branches for handicraft work Mrs A Jarvis was awarded first place in the Tea con test for her oil painting of an old house Mrs A Peter plac ed second for winter landscape scene Both belong to King I Others were shown by Mrs Carol Proctor Kettleby and Mrs Clarence Mr Rowland Moddle Au rora was the judge The hope chest competition placed Pine Orchard first and Temper second Noble- ton received honorable mention- Mrs Clarence Graham and Mr Gordon Baldwin judged pieces entered by seven branch es Mrs Graham said workman ship was of a high order Mrs It Neil Irs- for the Valley Conservation Authority who judged Tweedsrnuir histories gave first place and Aurora second prize King Ridge she said did creditable work for a young branch Asks For Increase In Pension The district received two reso lutions both from the King branch which were sustained One requested the federal gov ernment to increase the old aye security pension from to It was based on the action by the municipality of New Toron to in forwarding this resolution to municipalities across Can ada and the stand taken by King township council favoring the resolution The second resolu tion was that the Gray Coach Transportation Co be asked to place name plates of the bus destination on the door side of the vehicle Report Of Membership Mrs It department representative reported senior Institutes and junior branches totalling a membership of Ontario branches have given toward tho the ACCW triennial confer ence in December this year The required leaves delegates faced with meeting some of their own costs A national fund for establish headquarters in Can ada has received Near ly is required to establish and maintain a building The Ontario Dept of Agriculture will assume the cost of producing and distributing the Home and Country publication this year at no cost to the branches The area convention this fall will not be supplied with mimeographed reports by area conveners of standing committees I life membership has been raised from 5 to to those with 15 years In the WI Mrs county home economist reported that Margaret member of Girls Home- making club has won the York Anna P Lewis WI scholarship 85 and will attend Teacher College this fall By then she will have completed units Five of the nine Girls clubs in the county are from Centre York district The tenth club in York county will be es tablished next year making a membership of 100 girls Mar garet Cairns of the club gave a demonstration to Centre York annual The display was project work on the club girls bedroom Childrens Aid Mrs Bernard Kays York WI representative on the board of York County Childrens Aid Society gave a comprehen sive outline on the objectives and accomplishments of the or ganization in caring for neglect ed children Since the formation of Metro York County will look after its own children with of fices in Newmarket to be opened in Jan she said The so ciety aims to have the general public endowed with an intelli gent grasp of what the CAS Is attempting to do Since the society with a staff of has looked after neglected children Six percent of children belong to unmarried parents Mrs Kays was reap pointed by Centre York to the board of the Mrs and Mrs Albert Ridley played a duct at the morning session Miss Leila Reynolds Mrs D Gilrack and Mrs T played a piano trio in the afternoon At the end of her first year as secretarytreasurer Mrs H Powell reported on the active and successful year of the dis trict Four hundred and forty- seven members engaged in regular meetings and others Twelve have his tories several have friendship links one with Malaya six have junior clubs and seven had extension services Reports on branch work by the district conveners showed a great variety of interests and achievements Mrs Elton Armstrong Armi tage was nominated chairman the Central WI area and Mrs was nominated as area convener of historical research Mrs Hendry received a nomin ation as provincial president The district annual of Centre York will be at Vandorf Planning Board Sets Zone Limits For King Area Dividers Must Allow For Industry In All Plans How to describe the zoning area to identify the boundaries by the map produced from an aerial photograph of the King City area was one of the subjects discussed on the zoning bylaw by King township planning board The board met last Thursday with township solicitor J Lucas the township council representatives of the present ami former trustee village trus tee board of King City planning consultant Gordon and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and King City Lions Bruce Davis planning board chairman presided The final form of the bylaw said Davis w a taken up with the department of planning and development by Mr Lucas At that meeting were Reeve Hodgson clerk Hose Mr Davis Mr Lucas and Smith There are some changes he said but actually only one ma jor change recommended by the department which is to restrict the industrial zone exclusively to industry must ask you about otherwise the bylaw is car ried out to your intention he fluid purpose in going to the de partment was to see what criti cism would be offered rather than have the criticism raised by trie Municipal Board said Mr Lucas Map Made By Air Photo The aerial photograph reduced by scale gives an accurately charted map Mr said It is an exact tracing of the pho tograph and is accurate within five feel Mr Lucas said he has described Ihe zoned areas by meets and bounds They can be described in this way by half or quarter lots but follow existing boundaries of streets railway lines and fractions of township lots said We can then say said Mr Lucas the area is of various lots i are set by or measuring and that the outline is contained in an at tached schedule map Wher ever possible dimensions would be put in otherwise he said it would be necessary to run a boundary service which would be costly The meeting agreed to leave the zoning descriptions in the hands of Mr Davis and Mr Lu cas Zoning On Industry Will the police village of City become incorporated if the light industry zone is restricted to industrial laud use This Was the subject of a discussion ted by Bruce Davis chairman of King township planning board The department of planning and development objects to the zoning we have drawn light industry Do you want to change your bylaw to restrictive zoning as by the department Mr Davis asked He posed the question to find out the intention of the village in order to make a recommendation of some kind or another to township council The zoning bylaw as it exists gives residential development privileges in with industrial de velopment In effect said you are asking the date of in corporation To zone to exclus ive type he said would affect the whole pattern of zoning from the beginning It would mean a new program of zoning was his opinion Wants Restrictions R Smith chairman of the village board held out for res trictive zoning on light industry on the farm land along the rail way track if we let residential in it means we get no Industry All wo get are houses True he said we need development but wo need industry to support it Developers he said would get by the department of plan ning and development and get what they want They would go to the municipal board The only reason City rep resentatives recommended the area being marked light industry according to Mr was the idea of it becoming part of the village It is in line with in corporation and planning ahead The only safe way bought the planning consultant Is for the municipality to buy the land The village has no money to buy land answered Mr Smith The township could not buy land at King City unless the same were done at and stated Reeve Hodgson The matter was finally clinch ed when the said council could say to the subdivides if you want to develop in this zone you must bring in a percentage of industry otherwise your plan is not accepted Said Mr Davis at the conclu sion of the meeting which lasted until nearly midnight I say leave the bylaw as it is will recommend to council that any subdivider coming in must deal with King City for water supply and must provide industry in the area zoned industrial Planning board was assured by It Smith village chairman that engineers say there is an un limited water supply at King He also stated there is a water supply problem right now and that an increase in the supply is looking forward to more develop ment to support it Mr Smith also told the meet ing King City is the logical loca tion for industry in the township There is the railway highway and Street Because it is outside Metro planning land is not too high priced and the preference should be here rather than Richmond Hill and Thorn- hill He did refuse to say when King City would become an in corporated village He did not know the answer he stud FREE TO THE LADIES MONDAY and THURSDAY BEAUTIFUL GLASSWARE STYLED BY MONDAY NIGHTLY AT pm SATURDAY AT MATINEE SAT AT 130 pm TUESDAY Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Telephone FA For Friendly Personal Service AURORA alio ELEANOR MATINEE SATURDAY Hoosfer Hot Shots ii J F WILLIS Druggist Yon St Aurora The Drug Store News Agent Tobacconist ate Business Founded Telephone PA J PLAYING AT ROYAL AURORA Kit Sat Hock around the Clock hies Serenade Mario Lanza Wed The Man Who Never Was Clifton WeW T vV I X THURSDAY t