V Down the Centre by Hulse While Aurora may not be represented in Township league vral Aurora boys will he per forming in circuit southpaw of the after working out with UullonvJIle has decided to cast for Ms Jot with Horry Redmonds club and Billy bo on lap with will not lack for mound brotherinlaw who until finger Injury hit him lost year was one the upandcoming catcher district will accompany Nor- to and Don re imports his finger as ready to go versatile fielder who has led the Aurora liters or the past few years and mighty fleet afoot will also play with the Millers and has no floodlight It ay well he Hint well see them action in the Aurora park come the playoffs Among listed on the roster are Rose one of the best hitters In the circuit Tommy Hug ho Ernie Hughes veteran and iyist Jimmy Red an brothers Hirst Bob lack and others Overtures are made to Steve Roman the Vorslty athlete who competes for Hill and several of fie Union He players are like- to turn out soon Watson who had club in Newmarket in Tuesday will open at llle tonight under arcs gainst Watson sign ed up Owen Truck and of the defunct ille club for duly and made no The club resents quite a picture of radle as catcher Bert Baker Watson Chick Stark Hon Bell all or have performed with villi Clippers brothers George nd Jack are of course buddies other years to the above Quintet while pitcher Jackie is former Markham junior and Clare played with Markham Mil Wagg of is ted to join club and Newmarket footballer will to climb aboard the victory bandwagon here Saturday when they clash with in their second home appearance in the and district soccer league The game will be d on Pickering Colleges north field and kickoff time pm- A change has been made In the Saturday June the game that will feature New market and Aurora first be played here It scheduled for the Au- town park but because of the Aurora Show the teams have agreed to switch the to Newmarket The locals despite a Joss to in their first game Saturday won a lot of friends by their determined effort to overhaul a advantage picked by Markham in first half It was an exciting game and all the farts who took in the game Will be back for tho contest Cook Frank who hurled lost year for In league has been added to the pitchers They will bo natural favorites for the pennant Aces will bo as strong as over featuring Peggy on the mound and for Newmarket fans who have prob ably not seen this little fellow go they are in for a real treat who is about five foot five weighs around HO pounds but is a terrific competitor and has a fast ball control and change of pace Bob and Moe Fetch two of the power hitters of the circuit Nick the brothers and Young will all bo with the Aces Cliff Cox of UnionvlHc who has joined the Town ship police force might be able to find time to hurl a few on occasions Jimmy Greenslade who handled the Aurora catching last year and can also play cither the outfield or infield Is residing in Rich Hill now and he has just announced that he will join his former Aurora team in the to former Monarch of the league who were led into the Beaches senior cir cuit by manager Lou Ross have dropped their first two starts but they are far from downhearted having won junior honors Is hard at inter mediate Softball and goalie Jack Owens centre Elmo Gibson are featuring along with ono or two Harvey Is coaching the Oak Ridges ladies club this year and ha a man ager the energetic Charlie Swan They hope to do much belter than last year township circuit will soon need a new name This year they have dipped into King township and secured an entry from which will play games at and into township where Vic toria Square has returned to boys softball Vel- Hope and Downs view com plete he league Brougham with a population of only will officially open a floodlight ball park on Juno Hockey- Johnny and Jim Fatten of the Aurora Eclairs arc with King City of the YorkPeel loop Once again the veteran don will head the King mound staff with Johnny Rich ards and Bob Arbucklu ready to step in whenever needed nington and who hava baseball clubs in the Victoria county league will play Sunday baseball this year both club having the necessary municipal backing Dave former Aurora athlete who resides at Willow- dale la coaching WiUowdale Hornets a junior baseball club of real ability Last year they won the North York league and lost out In the second round Dressed in nifty green and white uniforms with fine finan cial support from and WiUowdale realtor Fer guson seeks exhibition games and would especially like to tangle with Newmarket and Gerry former Au rora pitcher is back with this season and again one of best in Toronto Red hope to lure Karl turn io the baseball wars this year With Stan Miller an other expro and Dave up from jun ior ranks to back up first stringer Porky Schell the Sox have a potent pitching trio and Cook would give them the type of relief hurling that is needed to win a championship Jt Dapper Don of Miller Gladys Lane Lynda fame and Square Mary Miller May to report on time for their games Game scheduled during the month of June are a follows Juno Pinups vs Bobby Sox vs Cutups June 11 Bobby Sox Pinups Cutups June Cutup Bobby Sox Pinups June 25 vs Bobby Sox Pinups A couple of coaches are re quired for the teams also um pires so if you can help contact Francis Players on the teams are as follows Pinups Gail Wilson Doro thy Kmct Elaine Lepurd Pat Holmes Donna VVvV VVAg Dancers will be at a big jam boree sponsored by the York County Police on Friday night at the Newmarket arena It look like one of the musts for tho season with local competition as well and some topflight floor show talent for those who just watch and listen junior Kris League Formed h Plans for a four team junior ladies town softball league were finalized last week Teams in the league are Pinups Bobby Sox CutUp and A league doubleheader will be played every Monday at the fair grounds First game is- at J p and the second at pm King Newton Hughes Charlotte Gloria Needier Bobby Sox Carol Graham Judy Stickwood Carol Pollock Pat Wilson Carole Gray West Barb McNeil Bonnie Saunders Freda Towns- ley Susan Haines Peggy Nancy Judy Stevens Gail Beth Christie Maureen Sandra Jill Gould Eleanor Mary West Elizabeth El liott Heather Christie Elliott Catherine Gibson Pat McNeil Gail Cooke Josephine Ruth Atkin son Diane McEnchern Ann Winnie Jill Vale Lynn Lois Heather Mary Noble Doxee Nancy Glenn Jeanne Sharon Hill Lynda Sue League organizer Francis requests all players McNeil Simcoe League Review With the time place and de tails all ironed out the Lake league will spring its season opener on June Matched in tho opening tidbit when Doolittie sing out play ball will be Keswick at Queens- ville Other first week games are listed as follows June Wil low Beach at Zephyr June Mount Albert at Keswick Le gion Zephyr at Pine Orchard at June Keswick Legion Mount Al bert at Vandorf June Pine Orchard at Keswick at Willow Beach Its customary with the im pending openers just around corner to dash off a quick re view of the teams There are nine clubs in the Stan Cook tro phy hunt They are Pine Orch ard Vandorf Mount Albert Zephyr Keswick Keswick Legion and Willow Beach First a quick look Queens ville Rockets the defending cup- holders who arc reported to be having player trouble and may have difficulty fielding a team comparable to the post two Cases rookie year behind him the Mountics should shoot into a strong contending position Hor ner will be around for relief work The have lost their star receiver Bob Badger so their hopes in the catching department will ride with rising star John Also likely to grace Mountie suit are George Green Dave Couch Stoker Stokes Elmer Paisley and Kelly Case Joe Case and Horner will probably handle tho coaching duties will probably have a pitching problem as their ace of Murray Thompson has moved on However with Bern ard Kay and Duff on the roster the could have a surprise package The will also have the Davidson brothers George and Irwin as well as Winch and veteran per former Judd Rutlcdge in the lineup Fine Orchard Rated by many the leagues hardest hitting ag gregation Ab tribe could go all the way They won the league pennant last season and with Josh Preston and Mor- Cook for pitching available championship clubs Veterans for the onetwo punch it could Cliff Ward Doug Eves and Don Glover are reported to have re tired However Messrs Willard manager and Har oldAndrews coach will have a contender if batterymates Haley and Bill ink contract Comets are rated by many Including Art King Tom Hare and Ken as the team to beat Comets will have both Harold Smith and Claude Pollock for firing duty and can count on tho leagues home run king Ed Chadwick Also ready to resume diamond caper are Hob Cook Bun Cook and Jerry Pollock former big leaguer te re- 1 Albert With Craig be the Orchards year For plate power Pine Orchard can count on Nobby Ash Howie Ash Bill Dike Doug Card and Williams Willow Beach as in the past wont be overstocked with play ers but with Bill Ego and Don ready to assist Cecil Mc Neill the Readier should be in the thick of tho pennant scrap Benchers can also count on sev eral promising recruits in Shorty Roberts Bill and Ron Griffin as well as veterans Dick Sinclair and AH Lister Ken wick Legion the leagues newest entry ore an unknown quantity In the ease of the Le gion nine will have to adopt wait and see attitude but with Legion members to draw from they could upset a few apple carts this season Zephyr Blues with Cec Harri son and Che Lunney in the con trol sent appear set for another strong bid for the cup Theyll have sidewheeler Bon Kesler us the mainstay of their mound staff and can count on Arnold Ken Pickering Alan Bill Horry and Bill as well as sev eral promising rookies to supply the sock in their batting punch Vandorf As last year will be going with one of youngest crews in the league With a years experience under their bells the Vandorf young sters under the able direction of Harry Lavender should make it hot for all opposition Heading their mound staff will bo Bill Richardson and In Jack have a slugging outfielder rated with the beat hi the circuit Or the mil linn hooks bor rowed torn Canada public In Juvenile books lend In circulation with a total of borrowings St mm mm to m4 n mn il ft i At rut nut vl W x l I- I rl III I iSBHP W Hill -v- ti VJ V w I l fl 1 I 1 I- fir I r a lv II 1 i II I B I k V If- I m l I fl if Tir CAR DRAW 1 I v at j 1 Is