For three months December IMS 4 J Newmarket Trading Aurora Others TOTAL PAID i SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH 500000 I Centre Is Given Newmarket High school athletes are winners of the for North York secondary schools track and field The edition duplicated a feat accomplished 20 yearn ago Back left to right arc Jefferson Paul Wlddifield Wayne Paul Blair Larry Don Harmon Brian Macnab Hutchinson Watson Dave George Robertson Don Karl Henry Middle row left to right are Paul Hopper Bob Kef for Francis Lew J Don Lewis Mr Don Carroll Mr George Kelly Trophy Mr J Lockhart Miss Linda Muriel Thompson Dorothy May Joan Lane Dana Clark Dave Front row left to right are Karen Margaret Rose Vivian Betty Mary Blizzard Linda Purcell Donna Scott Ruth Martin Audrey Betty Martin Carole Sedore Donna McKnight Colleen Cain Helen White Frances Hope Front row seated left to right Pat Cock Nancy Marlene Evans Edna Markham Sharon Grieve Photo by and There Around Town The strain of expansion was evident in an incident which oc curred this week The demand tot services at the local level was mo great that the Bell Telephone had to advise its subscribers to their calls for a brief Interval Frequently a longdistance call must be delayed because the circuits are busy as far as could be determined this was the first time that on pri vate or business lines had postpone their local telephoning because the equipment could not handle more calls Progress is probably not a popular word at present with lb hardworking at the Bell Only time can correct the fourth consecutive year there will be an outdoor Church service held in Newmar ket each Sunday evening during the month of July Permission was granted Grace Church by on May to use the Market Square parking lot for summers services They held there last year Prior io that the outdoor church bad been at Lions park Relieve Tenatronics Of Promise To Employ By Jan 1 Newmarket council altered its agreement with Ltd at this weeks meeting The change relieves the firm of a promise to employ CO people on or before January 1 The provision was in a threeparty agreement on development in cluding the town Tenatronics and Harold Lenhardt realtor The request for the altera tion was contained in a letter from solicitor Mr James The town solici tor explained that with the pres ent steel shortage it may not be possible for the factory to be established by the date in the proposed agreement and that was the reason for the request Chairman of the plan ning committee said that Ltd had indicated it hoped to employ more than persons when in full operation and that it would be an imprac tical move on its part to build a larger factory than it could use The town is giving too much water to Mr for the subdivision was Councillor reason for voting against the motion Councillor Hands said I am voting against it because as chairman of the water commit tee I am supposed to look after the town first With no definite increase in water I cant approve giving it to a subdivision outside the town Tenatronics knew about the steel situation He was aware of that when he made the promise he added The town is giving water for houses in the subdivision replied Mr because Mr is deeding the land to Ltd Thats the deal The clause to employ per sons on or before Jan 195J was deleted No minimum num ber of employees is now con tained in the towns agreement with Tenatronics Ltd Purchase Of Mechanical 61 sewei this devel his possibility that Street Cleaner Considered By Council may have a mechanical street sweeper was discussed at council this week No decision was reached A demonstration of the secondhand machine by the Nordic Equipment company is to be held Reeve and Coun cillor George introduced the motion which requested per mission to buy the used machine for 1800 Mr said that many complaints were be ing received about the towns dusty streets Can we have a demonstration of this machine asked Coun cillor Or is this like one of Mr Lenhardts proposals that must be decided tonight The motion changed to a notice of motion that will be in troduced following the demon stration was given by New- council on May for a shopping centre to be St by the Eagle and Developing posing the project were Wrightman and Alex and nds Mayor from voting which was Gladstone d Robert and by the remainder of proved the foot frontage of arm to a depth of hopping centre sub- following conditions developer shall pay e cost of the trunk the Lewis Farm fair share engineer of installing all to and for such are to be at ex- developer Lenhardt andor companies shall expense of Avenue street in rdancc with the the town en- conditions shall guaranteed by a permit centre will con- largest chain ig its stores jich is financing invite some will be given will be possible ill be used being made Council Censures The Library Board Close to members of the general public attended the meeting of council on Monday The majority of them remained until the shopping Centre question finalized and a few until pm When the meeting ended more than an hour and a half later all who remained were the councillors the town officials toe In fact one rep- from ft Toronto daily newspaper left at midnight members of the fourth estate whose duty it to attend and report council business and who remained until the hitler end frequently the ending Is bitter repeat their suggestion for a weekly meeting with a sensible curfew CD j i In an attempt to shorten the wordy discussions at each ell session Mayor re ferred to parliamentary proced ure He announced that no longer would a member of coun cil be permitted to speak four or five times on a motion as he has In the The mayor an nounced that a councillor could speak twice only in answer to a request for additional informa tion to clarify a point raised by a following speaker Who decides If a councillor Is answering an inquiry or speak ing further to the motion ask ed Councillor Alex The mayor replied that he would be the Judge of the situa tion Mr Belugin nodded his agreement and commented My name Is not Fleming CLUB SPONSORS BAZAAR Newmarket ha announced that it will if the Community year the club accept the sponsorship of the pro Ject for the first time and other details re- this years bazaar will announced Inter Organize in participating requested to contact Mrs Town council voted at its Mon day night meeting to censure the Public Library hoard for exceed ing the expenditure authorized for construction of a new library building and for failing to bring the situation to the attention of council before the money been spent What are we council or mice asked Councillor Alex after three communica tions on the subject had been read on May Despite fact that council approved for the new building Dr Vandervoort and Mr merrily vent ahead and spent an additional Nov they have the nerve to come to us and ask for more he sold The board was authorized or iginally to spend but when lenders were called it discovered that the amount would have to be raised to Council authorized that expenditure In a report presented by Chair man Michael McMorrow on May it was learned by council for first time that the board had over and above con tributions from service clubs and other groups The of three communications received by council in which the boards explanations ore made appear on page In a motion that was later amended to censure the board Mr called for the im mediate resignation of Mr Morrow and board member Dr Vandervoort last years choir- man He termed their report to council impertinent misrepre sentations of facts circumstances and situations First Mr McMorrow and Dr Vandervoort refuse our request for them to appear with com plete reports before council he charged Second they have tried to justify the expenditures by the lawfulness of the ex penses No implied in any way that the monies were mis spent Council in Its wisdom decid ed that library was good enough for Newmarket added Mr as he review ed the matter It approved that amount After much wrangling on part of men council broke down and raised amount to Dr Vander voort at the embryo stage said councils business or disapprove of amount to he spent on the building but it is none of its business what goes into the building said Mr If council had been con sulted it might have chosen a different course added Mr He asked the town so licitor to clarify the statement in the letters which involved him in the situation saying I resent the implication that both the engineer and solicitor were in cahoots with the library hoard I was consulted after the de ficiency became known ex plained Mr My advice to the board vas for them to go to council immediately Councillor Gladstone termed the boards conduct in not first consulting council on the additional expenditure as inexcusable The communications take some things for granted that are not correct he said I agree with Mr resentment but the fact remains that there is nothing to do but pay the bills As the solicitor said at last meeting the library board is a creature of council and we are responsible for its debts We can censure the board he added We cannot approve this confidence expressed by the board in its chairman There was some excuse for but not for the additional The library is good and a value to the town We have no alter native but to pay the bills Reeve Edward ex pressed his resentment at the tone of Dr letter saying I dont like his attitude I dont like his reference to the mayor and the implication that the mayor as a member of the board should have kept council informed That was Dr Vander- voorfs responsibility as chair man Anyone spending the towns money said Mr after he had Introduced original motion requesting the resigna tion of the past and present chairmen should have enough respect for council tell how they spend it Those two members of the board should be censured and their resignations demanded added Councillor Alex Hands They knew about this a long time ago but didnt come and tell us It appears that didnt hap pen until they were advised by the solicitor to do so con- Page Col resolution spec ginee Alfl be surety shall tain The the Loca priori local for the town needed the extra shopping facilities such a centre would provide He said that the need was particularly acute in the grocery field and that ap proximately 20 to percent of Newmarket people were now shopping elsewhere for their gro ceries While away they buy other things he said Mr Ridler said that a similar number from other communities would shop in Newmarket if a shopping centre were located here Of the four proposed shopping centres considered by the plan ning committee the one of Charles Boyd was much smaller said Mr Ridler and there were other concessions requested Harold had the earli est application having requested permission for one two and a half years ago Mr Boyd and Mr Samuel Kurin came next and the Eagle Developers were the last he told council The Developers have purchased the land which Mr hud earmarked earlier for his own shopping centre It will have entrances from both St and St as well as two other arteries from town Mr said Mr said that the local group of developers was favored by all members of the planning committee and that the consider ation a shopping centre on Mr Lenhardls Lewis farm was one of the conditions demanded by the cigarette factory if it were to come to Newmarket- Councillor called atten tion to alteration in the lo cation of this shopping centre from that suggested at the May meeting This is entirely on the Lewis Farm property and leaves the Yonge St frontage which Mr Lenhardt had been required to develop for Industry for that same purpose fa Councillor repeated Newmarkets need for increasing its industrial and commercial as sessment He referred to the Era and Express comment on dangling clause in the motion passed regarding the establish ment of the cigarette plant in town In that resolution no limit was placed on the size of Mr Lenhardts residential subdi vision on Ihe Lewis farm or on the number of houses he could construct there Mr said that by specifying the size of the shopping centre it left a parcel of land on which a maximum of houses could be constructed by Mr That represented an addition of four times as much industrial and commercial assessment residential assessment Mr explained that although there was no mention of the industry in the motion at Monday nights meeting it was essentially one and the same resolution When a proposition gives you four to one as a ratio continued Mr Ridler it was going a long way to better the assessment situa tion and relieve taxpayers of an annually increasing mill rate Mr Lenhardt has an agree ment of sate with the Eagle I An autograph party will be Mr said The held at 230 Saturday afternoon transfer will take place as is Anthony a teacher at Pickering College Newmarket the editor of First Flowering anthology of prose and poetry by secondary school students across Canada It will be in book stores tomorrow throughout central Ontario and June throughout the- rest of Ontario and Quebec Selections from this district i eluded in the anthology are by a Markham high school student a Pickering College student and a St Andrews College student Anthology Of Student Writing To Be In Book Stores Tomorrow Included are stories by Fran- Griffiths a Mark Student Coming Events THURSDAY MAY Bingo in I Kale In Newmarket Furniture Aurora Legion hall and Store pm numbers called Jackpot FRIDAY JUNK Home baking sale St Newmar ket 230 under the auspices of the SATURDAY JUNK St Johns bingo In Town hull pm Jackpot 225 num bers called Free dhmcrware MONDAY JUNK Canadian Concert association Is holding Its annual mooting at in the Agricultural Hall St Newmarket All members are asked to bo present JUNK Registered Nurses Assn of Ontario chapter district will hold its annual at Legion hall Now market Mr Ernest Taylor flor ist of Keswick will bo guest speaker pm WEDNESDAY JUNK County hospital Women aux iliary luncheon meeting am Briars club Jacksons Point Tuck shops topic of by Mrs J Cross of Toronto Draws on quilt and bond Tickets For transportation call Mr P FRIDAY JUNE Home Oak land The Eagle Development company will de velop it If we dont approve a shop ping centre within Newmarket there will be one in the neigh boring townships he added We know of one application in King township and two in East Gwillimbury so Newmarket should go ahead and bring the assessment to the town 1 have every reason to believe the cigarette factory will come to Newmarket I have every rea son to suspect that cold water will be thrown on it if this shop ping centre is not approved Except for the groceteria said Councillor I do not really favor shopping centre Rut if one is going to come to this area Newmarket should have the commercial assessment it will provide The mayor explained that he hadnt voted for the shopping centre at the last meeting of council because he was not cor tain that the time was ripe for such development In the town He said that the proposal should be strongly supported from the floor and shouldnt require the mayors vote to decide the issue It was a tie vote on pro posal on May At the May meeting the shopping centre won aprovol with a vote of five to three of Canada The editor Anthony of Pickering College and one of Ihe contributors Frances Griffiths a student of high school will be present Last year Mr invited contributions from high schools across Canada including the Yu kon and over 3000 were received Of the total received over were published contribu tion was received from Newmar ket high school year Mr said that there contributions sent in from pupils In Ontario The purpose of his project was to encourage young people to r t writing has had some of his own writing published in Canada Before entering the teaching field he worked with newspapers and with the Canadian press Sf Andrews Church To Hold Canvass On Sunday Afternoon An Amendment For Plan Lost sored by the Retarded Childrens WEDNESDAY JUNK Talk and demonstration Flower Ar rangements by Mrs Caul field Aurora Newmarket Horticul tural society meeting Trinity church hall oclock Refresh ments Public welcome THURSDAY JUNE 21 New market Handcrafts afternoon tea and display of handcrafts to m Crafts Centre Cross- land Farm Yongo St SATURDAY JUNE this for Zephyr Sports Day Softball tournament evening program dance midway etc THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JUNE AND Keswick Koraleers Concert at Sutton Pub lic school auditorium pm Variety Acts Admission SATURDAY AUQ Queens- vlllo Sports Day Watch for further particulars EVERY FRIDAY night at Cedar Cliff Monor two miles east of Jacksons Pt round and square dancing featuring Top Hats An amendment to tho mo tion which called for approval of the Eagle Building and Develop ment companys shopping centre was introduced by Councillors Alex and Alex Hands at town council meeting on Mon day night It was lost Called an amendment the mo tion suggested that the original motion be returned to plun- committee for further con sideration in view of fact that another application for a shopping centre had been pre sented but had not been consid ered by council Samuel Kurin presented his application for a shopping centre to town council on Monday night It was referred to mo tions but favoring Eagle Developers was car ried none was introduced for his Mr objected to tho reference to Mr In Mr motion saying Why does he have to bo in every con sideration Ho termed tho clause a Joker Edward Wrightman said that further consideration should be given to the question as he know the financial back- ground of any of the developers named He suggested that it would bo better If the entire Lewis farm were developed as a residential area with the shop ping centre being located else where If tobacco plant comes here Mr said 1 go on record favoring a shopping centre on land and then approving 1ewis farm for residential lots for Mr hardt So many proposals and so many deals have been cooked up said Mr Hands that I hardly know what the original was It would bo bettor to have a shopping centre on either Davis Drive or Eagle St than on There would be less of a traffic problem and It would bring people closer to the town They wouldnt just slide into the shopping centre and then con tinue down Yonge he said Mr Hands said that static water pressure out in that area was somewhat less than pounds amendment was lost as only Councillors and Hands and Reeve supported it canvass for St Andrews Presbyterian church is to be held on Sunday afternoon Increasing demands upon the church in the expand ing community led officials to conduct the canvass so that con crete plans can be mode for the future Friends and former members of St Andrews church who have moved away from town are in vited to contribute to the cam paign if they so wish Contribu tions may be sent to St An drews in care of the minister Rev Stuart Johnston Newmar ket The church building was erect ed 82 years ago and present rooms and facilities will not be adequate to meet the growth Newmarket Results of the can vass when members will be asked to pledge for a period of time will determine plans for the future FACES Gordon Wirth 24 of Ranee Ave North Toronto will appear in court here on June to face a charge of criminal negligence was arrested by East police following a threemile chose through Sharon speeds of over on Saturday May He was re leased on ball PRESS BREAKDOWN Because of a press break down the Km and Express was published late Thursday Some subscribers will copies considerably later this week RECITAL JUNE The public Is invited to attend the recital of vocal and piano pupils of Mrs Eugene Cane on Friday evening June in St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket A program of fine music will be presented consisting of piano and vocal solos excerpts from operas duets double and triple trios A boy violinist will contribute selections Minister Of Education To Open New Library On Saturday June 9 The Hon W J minis ter of education of Ontario will open the new public library on Park Avenue Newmarket Sat urday afternoon July It will be a public opening and all citi zens are invited to attend at pm Also present lor the opening will be Angus supervisor of libraries for the province Town and library board officials will bo present and Mayor will be one of the speakers After the official opening and when the public has had the op portunity to Inspect the new building refreshments will be served HOME BAKING SALE The Newmarket plans to hold a home baking sale the afternoon of June It v is to bo held at St which is a few doors west of Main St CONTEST WINNERS Kevin and Jus tin were among the win ners of the Easter coloring con test sponsored by the Toronto Star In a previous contest the same four children of Mr and Mrs J were also winners at the same time