Newmarket Era and Express, 24 May 1956, p. 11

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9 li received letter tail from Brigadier national campaign director for w Salvation Army lied Shield fefc campaign Ho passed on the that Newmarket etmpaign Ho stoles the second year Newmarket fertile first town In the Northern Ontario Division to reach its Indeed it the third In the of Canada This bring glow of pride fe and satisfaction to all who par- In the appeal r Sergeant Harrison of the Vandorf detachment of the On- Provincial Police us following report oh April The first figure quoted in each of the is for Ontario sec- Mm tor District No including York County Total number of 1519 fatal acci dents people killed I Injured Vehicle Checked warn ings Issued 31720 laid home Previously ho lived In cities and he believe Hint resi dential arena should be protect ed by zoning The home owner who Iifll fixed Income due hot want higher and opposes ex pansion when it required more schools and higher municipal costs We have talked to merchants who secretly wish for any iy of expansion tin long an there arc more houses more turn therefore more Other merchants have feared that larger population moans shopping centre and more competition There arc a number of grottos with various kinds of In terests In municipal policy We find It difficult to how members of council know that they are working ht the best Interests of the people without a ratepayers associa tion or ratepayers associations Serving Auror Hi district YorfcV V Era Thursday at Main Si Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription lot two years for one yean in advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Department Ottawa JOHN Managing Sports Job Printing and Production THE EDITOR I At PAG Town councillors make state- about representing the people and guarding the tax payers interests During the rcent discussions on town ex- members whose view points were in conflict both in- that they were work- for what the people wanted It occurs to us that it would be Impossible to determine the people want We talked recently with a new homeowner in town who does not mind paying high taxes but is concerned about his area being cluttered up with commercial development a factory locating near his from the Files of Business changes arc taking place in Newmarket these days Mr Arthur Evans well known citizen hits sold his fuel busi ness He is taking a holiday but has no definite plans for the future although he indicated that ho would to staying in Newmarket A service station operator Mr Cecil Taylor has turned over his business to Mr Bob at the corner of Main St and Davis Drive Mr Taylor has been in the service business for years the past at the north end lo cation- For seven years he was with in Aurora and for two years he was with on Eagle St Before that he was in Toronto He is well known to many motorists in the district and 50 Years Ago May Hospital Day Mare than two ihundred and fifty people most ly women came to their appreciation and Interest In York County Hospital Tuesday afternoon Many were from out of townAurora Womens arrived In a body and brought with thorn their days speaker Nina Moore flehomberg sent at least thirty and all the surrounding coun- wan well represented Mrs Hall and Miss Bertha of Toronto apent Mothers Day with Mrs It at Maple ton Mr Garnet Armstrong of New Toronto motored his wife and her sister Mrs Lamb to Newmarket on Sunday after- noon so that the ladles could express their affection for their mother Mrs John Jackson and presented her a magnificent bouquet of flowers Miss Ellen a from Toronto is spend tog a few days In Newmarket and surrounding country Rev Major of St Andrews near one of the oldest churches In to and VA If- of were visitors at the Manse Monday J A Maitland attended the American Womens Club at the Royal York Hotel Monday Mr and Mrs Norman Good- win end Master Donald also Mr and Mrs Gerald Allen all af Toronto visited on Sunday the formers parents Mrs J of Toronto la vleltfnf her mother Ml tm a wettCe vacation enter- a number of Mend evening In honor of Ford of Jersey May Corning to Newmarket There is hope that the efforts of local gentlemen interested In the removal of Pickering Col lege to Newmarket will be real ized If the purchase last week of a large and desirable piece of property being laid out into building lots from Mr Williams by members of the Trustee Hoard is any criterion It now remains for us to bring the subscription list to the figure of and then secure the sanction of the Friends Yearly Meeting to be held In this Town next month Mr and family leave today for their summer home Jack sons Point Four More Houses Work has commenced on three more new houses at the North on the farm of Mr Chas He has laid out a new street north of Huron St with an running north and facing Mr Canes house Messrs George Evans and Percy Watson have bought good tots and Mr Is also putting up a house on another onefour new houses going up within a stones throw Messrs and Lash Davey of Bradford were visiting their brother Mr J on Sunday Mrs Wright Fogg of Queen- viiie Is a few weeks with her daughter Mrs- Millard Ave Mrs who form erly resided Cere was the guest of Jus a day or two this week Mr J and Mr Hurst of sailed from Montreal on Thursday of last week on the Virginian for WverpooJ on a pleasure trip through England ONTARIO I a sppssls I blood i4 of will this Lake her last kJ swimmtaa Mile forced to a shoreline- She mm coach jjert THURSDAY THE T DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND REASSESSMENT NEEDED MANOEUVRES tho Newmarket town council sessions lust week produced odd results Anyone who knew of details of the debate which took plnvt Tuesday night would think it strange to turn down a tor ti new investment worth a milium ami A shopping centre develop ment would require no residential subdivision and hence no extra school accommodation Taxes levied on the property would give considerable relief to Newmarket with its present high school and municipal costs On the other hand council did approve a deal which would bring a new factory for the manufacture of cigarettes In doing so council gave a number of con cessions including an additional subdivision development of an undetermined number of houses and further pro vision of water for a proposed subdivision north of Davis Drive in East Gwillimbury township Strange it should seem that the latter was approved and the commercial development was turned down But in a proposed reso lution to approve the shopping centre application there was a clause called a joker by Councillor A N gin The clause stipulated that a bridge or culvert be completed on Millard Avenue to provide access to the Edwin Lyon subdivision in Newmarkets west end by the shopping centre developers and Mr IT Councillor Belugin baulked at this clause implying that there was something sinister in its significance Wo doubt that there was It is understood that tho shop ping centre proposal will be presented again at the next meeting and that it is likely that application will be given approval There have been hours of discussion at council meetings concerning the two proposals Since the great debate of Tuesday night citizens have talked about new cigarette factory which is to locate the south side of Davis Drive East Will this be good for Newmar- ket That is the question being asked It has been said that the factory may employ up to people in a few years women and men The source of this information is not known but wo doubt that in this age of automation that a factory of this type would employ that many people The fact is that no one knows whether or not the factory will be an asset to the com munity There are three empty plants in Newmarket now and the owners of one large one are finding it dif ficult to rent or sell to a manufacturing concern Fol lowing the war the then new a a a Hoffman Machinery plant was considered a great asset for Now- market but it is now closet The cigarette plants value to Newmarket depends on the companys future which will be determined by management and the market So no one can conclude that it will be a good thing or a bad thing for Newmarket The controversy over industrial promotion last week brought forth a great amount of confusing in formation and with it political arguments it was dif ficult to distinguish facts from the oratory It is the opinion of this newspaper that the shortest route now to the solution of Newmarkets problems of high taxes would be by a reassessment of the town We have heard several property owners declare that their own holdings have low assessments A reassessment by experts who are qualified for such specialized work would bring revenue from present low assessment and at the same time introduce a fair deal for all property owners in Newmarket Some of the time council spends on the complicated problems of expansion and on oratory should be spared to introduce a reassessment program at once EMPIRE DAY On Friday school children In Newmarket celebrated Empire Day- Alt schools in Ontario marked the occasion according to a program sot out by the depart ment of education We are inclined to agree with the following editorial which appeared in the Toronto Daily Star recently Why an Empiiv Day Canada is no part of the Empire and has not been since Canada is a member of the Commonwealth and glories in it Why not a Commonwealth Day The Commonwealth is one of the most powerful political institutions this world has known It is a free association of eight liberty- loving and autonomous nations soon to be joined by several more Within this Commonwealth all nations arc equal of race or religion Within it are no great powers or little powers Working harmoniously together are whites and Negroes Indians and Chinese Some Commonwealth nations almost while four others reject whole con- Buddhist dr pagan The peaceable evolution of an Empire of such diverse subject states into a Common wealth of equal nations is one of the miracles of history In the ministers foreword is a flat distortion of factthat Canadians are members of the British Com monwealth and Empire We are not There is no such thing as Commonwealth and Empire They are two completely separate and distinct systems the Empire being A dwindling collection of colonies still subject to Britain and to Britain alone Tho program notes would have children behove Empire Day is celebrated in nil parts of the Empire It Is in fact celebrated halfheartedly in only four nations at most while four others reject the whole con ception of Empire It is not even celebrated officially in a majority of Canadian provinces OUR SIDE OF THE STORY WHY NOT THE TRANSFERABLE VOTE Before World War I the air was lull of proposals for re- form of the machinery of demo cratic government In that era it widely believed that way to remedy the Ills of demo cracy was to make government more democratic The United States with politi cal machinery then Is much that wo can learn from their experience MMMMMM At one period many states revised their constitutions to provide for popular election of judges end a number of administrative officers all the way down from district attor neys to dog catchers The ballot papers came to be almost as as a sheet of newspaper The results of this experi ment were disappointing The voters could not know the qualifications of many office seekers The outcome was the growth of the party machine with Its powerful party system of primary elections or official tlons of party candidate was Introduced us a means of curb ing power of the parly machines Finding that governments wore still Imperfect ultra- next attempted to havo the voters do law making themselves Olreet legislation became popular slogan were Amended require vote on any body could think tip provided A HMYDllf of the voters to sign petition requesting the vote Again the results were jointing Direct legislation lid not make for better legislation effect was to produce poorer legislatures Proportional Hep by favoring the multiplication of parlies In sortie to the par alysis of parliaments ally there emerged of the basic truths of politics that no constitutional device no politi cal machinery is a substitute for alert and Interested we have not heating much lately about schemes for political reforms Even the appeal to the Senate which used to he good for burst of In any public meeting a generation ago now excites no Inter Wo have found that when the really want something whether it bo iiruhlhlllon or the repeal of prohibition an Income tax or a baby bonus the political unable them to get what they want All of this Is a very healthy development and a sign of oof- malm It It thai public opinion and Urn of opinion ore now deal ing with real and forms Hut we must not that forms are unimportant first drought to the brink of Is no doubt that I ho Is partly rimpouslldo for lit Utterly which Americans enjoy Our political machinery working quite well Hut many keen students our political scene feel that some of our governments have majorities that are too comfortable that wo could benefit from Huskies there seems to tie something wrong with a system of vol lug which a parly can win an election with a landslide majority whim Its candidates did not have the support of half voters In the recent elect Ion In Ontario I lie government candidates re ceived sumo IB percent of the voles hut won percent of the seats In last federal elec tion tbo government with loss than half the popular veto won of seats Our system of voting could produce results thai would lead to Suppose some ex- treiuiNi party went to enter the fluid a party which Liber al and were nil opposed It would possible with our present system of vot ing for such a parly to win a of the sua is In the of with nun seventh of the popular vote Anything more than of the vuto In anything over one half if results could he prevent- hv adoption Hi Traits which has In In rural In oh a Alberta for many to popular Mm Trausfcrnhlo VoUt by Harvey simple the voter the only change is that instead of the familiar X he writes the num bers etc opposite the names of the candidates in the order of his preferences any candidate gets more than half the choice votes he ts of course elected If not the can didates are eliminated in the following manner man who got fewest choices is counted out hut his ballots arc looked over again and counted for the candidate whom the voter hatl indicated as his second choice The result is the same as if a series of elections took place with the low man being dropped from tho ballot after each voting This system would put an end to trick of nominating a candidate merely for the pur pose of splitting vote of an opponent Tho Transferable Vote would not always or necessarily oper ate in reduce the governments majority It would always work against a party of extre mists- a parly which all the other parties opposed In the recent election In Alberta for example government got almost same jKrceutage of firstchoice votes did the Pros I Government In Ontario hut Mr Mannings majority In the legislature was not half as big as Mr Frosts in short Transferable Vote should provide us with wore powerful oppositions and would prevent the capture of government of extremists- on a minority vote state i servant not mutter of the guarantee infrinyamint on their their in and national it not function of the to the Hon of which an imtivMuul Mr and Mrs Francis Newmarket announce the en- gaerncnt of their youngest daughter Margaret Ann to Mr Donald Waiter Graham Sharon son of Mr and Mrs Walter Graham Sharon the marriage to take place In Sharon United church on Saturday June fit pm Mr and Mrs wish to announce the engage ment of their Ruth Marie to Mr William Alfred son of Mrs Ccar Brae and the late Mr George Gould the to take place June 10 at afternoon at the Christian Church Keswick Mr and Mrs Albert Newmarket announce en- gagement of their Elsie Laura to Mr son of Mr and Mix Frank of The wlln will Trinity United oclock on i Mr Mrs a a wyjx rrs of fefer iiv-T- Ms Wtirfadrn and Mr A Sssai a a hvrNVnvvrcvi by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches day i chtqu age charts this about for It is rting Azd 3rd brings First of all it maters really what housing cost under cir cumstances Alter all one could almost keep these cows the spare bedroom at the rent they are paying Within na tural limitations and with the numbers involved this is really a one man herd and these ani mals deserve the maximum care and housing they can be given Nor is there much doubt that at the rate of going and this is a homebred herd it is a producer not only of milk but also of breeding stock that can be sold After all this amount and roughly we suggest that it is somewhere around pounds per year per cow is more than twice the amount that the DHIA figures show for all the herds thus tested Secondly it brings up a ther interesting point concern ing the milk production busi ness as a whole In order that a producer should be able to get this income to do it with one man and do it with the least amount of work many suggestions have been put for ward Some refer to housing some refer to handling of roughage pipeline milking or milking parlors and loose hous ing No matter which way the man intends to go it wilt coal him money Pole barns will cost anywhere from cents to per square foot Milking parlors are somewhere around two to four thousand dollars Equipment to handle hay cut or silage also a considerable Investment Abo the increas ed number of cattle necessary to bring the same income from a smaller production per unit costs money and tho risk and breeding coats are larger The thought occurred to that maybe the solution is not year in yar cut if they give them the hey they will hive fee to all the probiena of dairying It also appears that under todays cattle prices may the cheapest solution Instead acquiring assess that will de preciate they should acquire cows that will breed and re produce and which at the end of or 25 years will have given income from production and reproduction and finally would have built an estate probably large enough to retire a man There is basically nothing wrong with the dairy business that the dumb animal an hon est cow cannot solve Nor is there any danger involved in overproduction Alter all at todays cost of labor and equip ment there is a natural to expansion Efficiency for long a bad word sug gesting more production and thus lower prices really not consist of milking more cows with less labor but fewer cows for the same in come or in other words more production per unit Are these cows available and to be had at a reasonable price We do not know But we would be willing to wager that any cattle dealer worth his salt fill an order for head of cattle the number needed roughly to milk IS the year around with the to potential The trick is to get it This is where the rub is and this is why ly the problem one of cow- management and hard work And to us every calf club boy or girl and every calf club calf Is the step in the right direction Of MIGHTS NOW PILOT Mrs Dorothy of heights but doesnt stop her from being beatknown pilots She entered the Womens Air from to hop over mountains her son Barry right shamed her Into tight ago Canada mum

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