Fourteen new teachers will have to scrape the bottom of hired for the Newmarket public barrel he stated the schools reported Supervising Principal If A Jackson this week Seven will be hired to place teachers who are leaving this year and seven to bring into the new rooms at the J It Bell school This will bring the number of teachers in the public schools to 38 We are some difficulty in getting fully personnel said Principal Jackson Its not a matter of since wage standards are as high as teachers Could expect elsewhere but a shortage of trained teachers Principal Jackson explained that while some schools were using partly trained teachers with letters of was hiring only fully trained personnel We will use teachers with a letter of permission only if we PIANO RECITAL The public is invited to at tend a piano recital by pupils of Mae Patterson to be held in the Newmarket High school audi torium on Tuesday evening May at pm GOING to the OLD BY SHIP OK AIRPLANE Bookings and reservation for steamship and airline tours and travel in Europe Ask for free information HERBERT GOOD HO TRAVEL BUREAU Mats Si Newmarket lit The rapid expansion of the town is giving the schools some cause for concern When the J Bell school was planned it was thought that accommodation would be adequate for the next five years but the school will be full at the end of the year This is not due to any lack of foresight on the part of the board said Principal Jackson The school plan was worked out with the help of the department of and prospects at that time warranted this type of Shortage of space has necessitated the use of stag gered timetables in other school system but that is not be ing contemplated in Newmarket I hope we never come to it Principal Jackson said Its a beastly thing to operate Three teachers will leave the Stuart Scott school They are Mrs Mary who has taught grade one since 1955 Miss Miller who came to the schoolgirl and at present teaches grade four and Miss Heather Johnston who began in and teaches grade two The King George school will lose two teachers Mrs Pope teaching grade three and Miss Audrey Miller who teaches grade two Both have been teaching here since 1952 One teacher is leaving the Al exander school Miss Helen Richardson Miss Richardson has taught several different grades since 1947 and now teaches grades four and five Miss Ellen Jackson is leaving the Prince Charles school where she has taught grade one since 1955 Ml for their league opener against here May Newmarket County will practice at the fair grounds at pm Tuesday Coach would like alt players interested in playing in termediate baseball to be on hand Square Dancers WiH Compete At The Fair Richmond Hill May 21 DosiDo and Swing your Partner will be he order of the day when the competitors in the square dance competition start their paces at 2 pm at the Rich mond Hill fair on May 21 This is a recent addition to the events at the fair but has proven popular as young and old alike tap their feet to the tune of the and staff fiddle It is expected that there will be a large number of en tries for the event this year There is a 40 first prize along with other prizes and trophies for the best couple on the floor In recent years there has been added interest in the Canadian folk dances which formed a vital part of the social life of Cana dian pioneers In its recent re turn to popularity square danc ing has become not only a pleas ant social meeting place but has also provided healthy exercise and recreation Couples or sets wishing to en ter the competition for the annual fair at Richmond Hill may contact Mrs Margaret Bur ton at TV For the motorminded there will be the tractor rodeo both for experienced drivers and for jun iors There will be both morn ing and afternoon tests The contestants will be required to draw a wagon behind a tractor around an obstacle course Another event will be horse shoe pitching and the main event will be for the Agricul tural Society trophy LMHUIIKIII Better Year employment picture for Newmarket looks considerably better now than for the same period last year reports Gordon Downward head of the Newmar ket Unemployment Insurance Commission Exact figures for comparison are not available since the New market returns are incorporated with those of Barrio and the west shore of Lake but persons arc registered for employment and the demand for workers is heavier and will pro bably increase during the summer Persons over 25 constitute half of the unemployed and per cent are youths under The majority of unemployed persons arc unskilled workers with only a grade school education Mr Downward said that the increase in the number of build ing projects and the number of projects carried on dining the winter months has resulted in a big demand for skilled construc tion workers and construction laborers There is a demand for female employees in almost all categor ies and although the Commission I has women registered for em- I they are with few exceptions married women and harder to place v The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Page Name MarfdwmVaughan School After Dr Native Of Queensville The newest school in School Area No has been named in honor of its treasurer Dr A Doan formerly of the Newmarket dis trict The sixroom school known as the Ross school will be erected at a cost of on a six acre site on Mill Road Dr was born and spent his early life on a farm near His father A Doan was assessor of East township for 30 years He attended public school in and high school in Newmarket He grad uated with his BA from Queens University and received s MA from the University of Toronto Dr began his teaching career in at S East Gwillimbury He was a teacher until and a principal for years after that Until his re tirement in he was an in the Toronto schools- When the school area was formed in Dr Doan was TOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Mr and Mrs Jack are shown cutting their wedding cake after their wedding in St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket on Saturday May The bride is the former Isobel Rose daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Rose Prospect St The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs William Glencaim Ave Toronto Photo by Jack Hurst HOLLAND LANDING The services in the United church will be held at am for the summer months starting Sunday May and the Sun day school will be held at 1115 am Several ladies from the United church attended the Sim Presbytery held at Midland on May Now popularity is soaring to even greater heights in Seem like popularity knows no bounds And it just shows that when the public offered a line car at really down- toearth prices loaded with literally every thing a line oar should have the results can he Nowhere eke will you find combination of features at such low prices for offers long lean lovely models in series all with a choice in colore and interiors to com- that styling to perfection But where this sleek beauty shows it mettle is in its performance witk thirteen power teams and to streaking horsepower Let a Demonstra tion Drive convince you that is right at the top of the heap in every- thing except price See your Pontiac dealer today ANYTHING US Four More Ounces Milk Per Person Would Clear Surplus Farmers Say If every person in Canada were to drink just four more ounces of milk a day there would be no surplus of milk or milk products young and old would be better nourished farmers would be more prosperous and business would profit This is the view of Dairy Far mers of Canada the national producers organization in bringing to the attention of the nation that June is dairy month During that month approximate ly three and a half million cows will be coining into full milk production Utilization of dairy products in Canada is not fully under stood by consumers it is pointed out by the producer organiza tion When the cow population is out on fresh June grass milk production soars far beyond the ability of the public to drink milk Actually on a yearly basis about percent of the milk in found its way into the fol lowing channels creamery but ter percent cheese per cent concentrated milk and ice cream percent dairy butter percent used on farms per cent Wedding CLARKE I The Salvation Citadel in was beautifully decor ated with baskets of spring flowers on Saturday April 21 for the marriage of Anne Eliza both Betty daughter of Mr and Mrs George Clarke to Francis William son of Mr and Mrs Harvey of Mount Albert The ceremony was performed by Captain Walker of Mrs Muriel Alburn played the wedding music Lieutenant Brown sang Oh Perfect Love before the ceremony and De- cause during the signing of the register The bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of white lace over taffeta and her fingertip veil fell from a crown of tulle illusion and sequins She carried a bouquet of red roses and white sweet peas Her sister Marie as maid of honor was gowned in blue lace over taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink carnations with white sweet peas Mr Arthur Gibney was his brothers groomsman The ush er were Mr Robert Merry cousin of the bride and Mr El gin Cole brotherinlaw of the groom A reception was held at the Baltimore hotel- where the brides mother received the guests in a Romance blue lace over taffeta with pink access ories and she wore a corsage of pink carnations with Maiden hair fern She was assisted by the grooms mother in a Ha waiian rose lace over taffeta with many accessories Her cor sage was of vnrigutcii car nations with fern For a wedding trip to Florida the bride wore a beige wool dress beige fitted coat with black hut shoes gloves and purse Her corsage was red roses- Guests were present from Newmarket Bradford Toronto Mount Al bert Ottawa Kingston and Drake Saskatche wan Needs Get your entry blank at Dyers Win worth of Americas blue chip stocks Stocks issued by the nations backbone industries with a constant record of profit and growth Choose your own portfolio or let an experienced investment counsellor you or Of HER GRAND PRIZES ALLEXPENSE MILLIONAIRES DREAM VACATIONS FOR TWO IN JAMAICA Via AIR LINES lucky couples will like millionaires for a in Jamaica enchanted land of Calypso songs exotic drinks fabulous sights Stay at the exclusive We Hotel the ultimata in luxurious living AND AWaSy WILL BE GIVEN AWAY TO ONE WINNER IN THIS STORE 5000 away throughout Canada AIL YOU DO TO Com In today for your official ante blank l Writ you think bMt fiU of good but fcw ffiefwl iMPORTANI YOU WIN v -v- A i- tv d MSTMIPIDK M WW WM cotditucnoN NIB dlKAUY mm no ixcawvi maw com auto iS fx- ml I SSEiSa 2 i V 1250 i fcU -i- j