Serving Aurora and the Rural Districts of North York 5 BAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO 20 NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 1956 SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH I ROSES EVERGREENS EXT TO KING GEORGE HOTEL NEWMARKET Corner and Davis Dr OPEN DAILY 7ajNto10pjL SMdaysll am to hi in for free lubrication with itrehase of gallons of gas or with an oil change Frank Fazio Manager Weekend Shakedown Exercises Honor A H Bert Atkins Prep Ranger Squadron For Camp Retirement From Bell owser s grocery meat s Swimmers who plan to try the Straits of Juan Fuca this year were making trials in the degree water of Lake on the weekend Above are Fearnley who swam with in three miles of the finish line in the crossLake Ontario swim last year Coach Steve and Ted Simmons Photo by Mike Gillan Swimmers Warm Up At Simcoe For Attempt At Juan De Fuca Five swimmers spent consid erable time in the cold waters of Lake Simcoe during Saturday and Sunday of last weekend a 59 year old Malton plant guard and Ted Simmons swam five miles in a tuneup for their June attempt at the Straits of Juan Fuca Also swimming in the degree water were Ann 20 and Bill Thomson 22 They are both planning an attempt on the Straits this sum mer Ann will be a contestant in the one mile swim at the Canadian National Exhibition and Bill Thomson will attempt to swim across Lake Ontario Mr swam for hours in Lake Ontario last Aug ust and was within three miles of completing a crossing when he was taken from the water Pacing Mr Wheatcroft over the weekend was Roland Schnei der District Scouts Take Part In First Training Weekend Shortcut Standing Rib Roast per lb DELIVERY TWICE A DAY A Scout training weekend the first of its kind to be tried in this district was held at the Aurora Scout camp last week end Scouts from Aurora New market Sutton and North camped without direct supervision from the Scoutmasters who just checked the camps after they had been set up The events of the exercise were on a contest basis won by the First North troop with out of possible points The Beaver patrol of the First Newmarket troop was sec ond with The boys were judged on organization spirit appearance packing of equip ment and quality of cooking The knot tying was won by the Eagle of the First Newmarket troop Seven boys had to tie six knots and the average time was one minute and five seconds For the fire lighting contest which was won by the Eagle patrol Second Newmarket troop with a time of seven min utes the scouts were given two matches and had to collect wood and build a fire which would burn through a string inches above the ground In another event the troops had to make a slew in one hour and which they all managed to do The scouts were not daunted by rain on Saturday and even managed to keep their camp fire going We all had a good time said Kirk Everett Scoutmaster of the First New market troop The boys were very happy about the whole thing On Sunday we started to hold a service only to find that no one had ever conducted a scout service Mr Everett but we made out all right A guest of the camp was Mr Charles Fillings from Scout Headquarters- We surprised him said Mr Everett He thought it was very good A local scouting enthusiast Mr Robert Martin visited the camp on Sunday and took movies Supervisory personnel at the camp were Hon and Earl Stewart of the Aurora troops Alex Fox of Uxbridge Dick Stewart Clif ford Garrison and Jack Milter from North and Gould and Kirk Everett of Newmarket The leaders were left to the tender ministrations of Duncan Stephens and Albert who were the camp cooks Seoul leaders moved a vote of thanks to Mr Tom Slater on whose property the camp Is lo cated for his help to scouting If you go out of your way to place yourself in the clutches of your former victims you might as well bo philosophical about it thinks Lieutenant Nobby a Newmarket officer in the Queens York Rangers After exercising his tank crew for most of the day at Black- down Park in Camp Borden he took the controls himself The intercom rattled as Troopers Smith and Saunders plot ted their revenge Hes done us alt day now well do him Driver advance driver right driver halt driver you drive like a farmer What do you mean I cant tell him that Hes not in charge of this tank He put me in the turret Im in charge of this tank Driv er advance driver wake up and watch where youre going The recent weekend exercise of the Aurora Squadron at Camp Borden was designed as a shake down before the unit goes to summer camp at in July Fifteen men from Newmarket Aurora and district left the Arm ories at pm on Saturday and spent the weekend on field ex ercises The purpose of some of the drills became slightly confused at times On one driving exer cise Sproule spotted a large jack rabbit Tally ho he shout ed and the driver Tpr A Smith of Newmarket took out after the jack but the rabbit proved superior to a Sherman tank at evasive manoeuvres Part of the scheme was living out under field conditions the crews slept under tarpaulins and ate in a Service Corps field kit chen After Sproule took the cooks for a ride in the lank there was always pie for dessert Some exercises contained an element of surprise Lt Jim Stocks of Aurora took his Sher man across an 18 inch ford that proved to be four feet deep Un til the water drained out the tank was half a ton heavier Speed Trap Nabs In North Over Last 3 Weekends The electrically operated speed trap with which the North township police are now equipped has clocked close to vehicles exceeding the mph speed limit along the main arteries in the township This number has been clocked during the last three weekends The first weekend in May there were ticketed and last weekend there were approxi mately The clocking is done for the most part at the lower end of the township in or der to slow traffic as it reaches the densely populated beaches area AT DEANERY SERVICE Twentyfour members of Georgina parish St James Ang lican Sutton and St Georges at Sibbalds Point attended the North York Deanery Festival service held last Sunday evening in the Cathedral of St James Toronto They included some of the choir members of Suttons St James who took part in the mass choir singing by the choirs of the in this deanery The Rev John Speers rector of Georgina parish preached to the congregation An enjoyable dinner and dance was held in Newmarket Cana dian Legion hall recently when about fellow employees pi oneers and friends gathered to honor A Atkins upon his re tirement from the Bell Tele phone Co C E Nugent of Toronto pre sented the presidents wallet while H Martin also of To ronto presented the Life mem bers certificate Gilbert Eachren of the Newmarket plant department presented a gift from his coworkers and friends Mrs Atkins was presented with a bouquet of roses by Miss Wini fred Carsley Greetings were extended the guest honor from various members of the company includ ing L Campbell Toronto Stevens Toronto Mr of Hamilton and Mr Kilpatrick of Toronto After dinner dancing was enjoyed music being sup plied by orchestra Bert Atkins as he is known to local residents has completed almost years service with the Bell Telephone Co Prior to this he worked with the Schomberg Telephone Co one of his duties being the installation of the switchboard which was later re moved by the Bell in 1951 Starting as a lineman on June 12 1912 Bert also became an in staller and did many other jobs until being appointed an inspec tor Up to this time his head quarters had been Newmarket His headquarters were changed to Toronto where he was made section foreman then gang fore man division tine foreman and division supervising foreman continuing as such until He then was transferred to be local foreman and facilities man re maining as such until his re tirement He was also in of part of the building of the first Trans- Canada toll line from Toronto to Sudbury in He also supervised the rebuilding of all rural lines in Brampton Milton Agincourt and many other centres In addition the Telephone Pi oneers Organization has held a great interest in him as he held office for many years He was chairman of Council for three years and representa tive for Region for years YOUR CHAMBER OF COM MERCE IS BUILDING YOU A BETTER COMMUNITY ATTENTION FARMERS Pickle Manufacturer will purchase a minimum quantity of bushels Chicago Cucumbers For contract please write AVENUE TORONTO New Secies Model 13M New ton Forward Model New Iron truck Model New pawl Model 1435 NEW LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPS New Series nick pictured with New body platform body Strict school bus New 1300 Series rock n Vh m m I NEW CHAMPS I FILM AT GRACE CHURCH The latest scientific film from the Moody Institute of Science will be at Grace church May 17 at pm In this amazing picture you will see Dr Moon discharge one million volts of electricity from his body break a goblet with high frequency sound fry an egg on a plate made of wood many other startling dem onstrations Every high school student should see this picture New Seriet truck with TripleTorque tandem NEW New ad New jg Low forward with concrete mixer unit Series model with Ntw and Now a automatic for every series I The range of HydraMatte mooch has been expanded and Chevrolet proudly introduce front axle rated lbs new rear axles rated an exclusive new automatic at 18000 lbs And a trucking revolutionary with the Hydraulic saves TripleTorque tandems with more advanced also a complete Hue of than any other tandem on the market Synchronic transmissions for every Greet new in power plants Carrying capacities boosted A modern shortstroke V8 for every model and four famous cylinder engines higher horse powers than ever Seven brilliant engines In ail New