Newmarket Era and Express, 26 Apr 1956, p. 6

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Hon I A major responsibility for Canada remaining Christian rests with the United Church Canada the largest Protestant denomination Gordon chairman of Stewardship for Canada and statistical secretary of Toronto Centre Presbytery told the Presbytery Mens Coun cil at a dinner meeting at the King City United church The danger to Canada in the Chris tian field is not that of being at tacked from without The only threat said Mr is corruption within The speaker addressed lay men and clergy on stewardship which are being systematic sacrificial and 1 Rev M welcom ed the gathering to the church Mr Ikjc council president was chairman W Jennings of appointed Zone chairman Others on the com mittee representing various dis tricts are Fred Hare the church Alex Knight King City Ross congregation Ray Mar shall Kettleby and ft I Womans World By Caroline Ion wise thing order supply NOW Keep farm on the go vsv ta VI Express irv- Bring Beauty Expert Reveals Why Wo men Younger Nancy Ann Yesterday at the television studios I witnessed a miracle Before my astonished eyes saw a 45yearold woman look ten years In just minutes I saw Pirn West more one of Holly woo els most celebrated makeup artists select a middleaged housewife from his studio audience Then as Mr West more watched she applied a new beauty formula to her face arid neck Instantly I saw dark circles under the eyes and agelines disappear I saw blemishes and birth marks vanish I saw tired oldlooking skin turn satinysmooth and young again Next with a few strokes she reshaped her changed her eyebrows touched up Iter hair With each stroke I heard the audience gsp in awe and wonder at the miraculous trans formation that was taking place Her face now glowed with the vitality of youthful freshness and beauty Flashing devilmaycare eyes danced with fire Tempting lips sparkled with enticing en chantment Her skin was now so soft and ivorysmooth you wanted to reach out and touch it And most mazing of all what Weal more did for this wom an you can do for yourself in your own home in just minutes and do It WITHOUT RISKING A PENNY A COSMETIC BEAUTY DISCOVERY It is no secret that the most im portant step to beauty Is the of makeup you use For years science has known that powdered makeup clogs your skin enlarges your pores That pow dered makeup prevents the na tural skin oils from functioning properly Finally after thousands of tests science found a LIN LIQUID MARKUP that does not require the use of harmful poreclogging powder That floes not become flaky oaky or blot chy It does not harden your skin dry out your skin And was just the beginning THIS SECOND AND GREATEST DISCOVERY OF ALL But science vas not satisfied with a makeup that just covered tip blemishes They wanted to OLE MI SI IKS I After of additional teats came the greatest achievement of all They found by blending a new wonder discovery called Sorbitol into this Super lanolin Liquid Makeup they combined a WITH A MIRACULOUS SKIN You can feel this new Liquid Makeup penetrating into your skin Feel the way it your skin makes your skin feel young and alive Ima gine Just apply a few drops to your face and neck Instantly you coverup shadows dark cir cles blemishes crows feet reck It birthmark AND EVERY OTHER TYPE OF FLAW I Your complexion takes en that youthful radiant took It gives you natural akin texture with flattering warm tone Youre fliAN YOUVE EVER LOOKED BEFORE And remember revolutionary new makeup on o to na turally you need no powder Dean of Hollywood Makeup Artists TELLS TRUTH ABOUT MOVIE STARS Often people ask me how is it so many act resses who are older can still play glamour- girl parts Its simple Its not how old you arc bat how old you look These actresses just dont happen to stay younglooking theyve got certain secrets HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY KIT FREE AH wo ask you to do is THY not buy but TRY Charles great new makeup at out- risk For your trouble we will Newmarket suffered some poor publicity last week all of it undeserved In the past the town has had its share of pub licity both good and had as the result of the actions of its resi dents Usually when the news stories have brought discredit on the community thinking people while regretting the bad name such accounts have given New market have realized that newspapers have done nothing more than report on a wrong which had been committed The bad name was given the town by the transgressors mid not by the newspapers But such was not cose in this instance Newmarket in general and one group of local residents in particular the mem bers of the Newmarket Minis terial association have been mis represented by last weeks news stories No one from the town either by his expression of op inion or his action provoked the furor The thoughtless phrasing of a comment by a municipal official of another community caused the trouble Newmarket resi dents and other readers of the Toronto dailies first learned ol the difficulty from such head lines as Reeve Curtis raps clergy of Newmarket or Re fusal to meet needs of aged said Disgraceful What actually happened was that the Ministerial association was approached by the officials from the Metro Home for the Aged to provide volunteer pastoral services for the residents of the home The association considered the It decided to recommend that a chaplain be engaged for either on full or parttime basis and promised their complete cooperation The association explained that the specialized services requir ed by homo where the ma joiiiy of old people invalids could be provided best by a chaplain for the home The Pro testant ministers of Newmarket through the association said that in view of their heavy duties in this growing community they couldnt give the time necessary to do the work properly They repealed their assurances of their wholehearted support Instead of an unemotional in terpretation of the associations announcement being made at last weeks meeting of the Metro Housing and Welfare committee Reeve Marie Curtis of Long Branch said that the Ministerial association had refused to donate their services to the spiritual needs of the residents of Green- acres She said that the Protest ant ministers of Newmarket should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves When they are running around having a cup of tea they could easily go in and give a little inspiration to the old lacted following the appearance In the Toronto papers of Mrs Curtis remarks at Thursdays meeting the statement that we refused to give ministerial ser vices at the Motro Home for the Aged is incorrect In point fact for the past six weeks we have been conducting such ser vices each Sunday The sched ule is prepared for the next few weeks Mr Johnston is president of the Newmarket Ministerial as sociation He explained that the association has been providing free services for since patients arrived there The superintendent of the home has had assurances right Mrs Frank was president of the Newmarket branch when the annual meeting was held tit the Agricultural Board rooms on Thursday April Mrs A Sedorc of District WI president conduct ed the elections The installation ceremony was conducted by Mr of district secretarytreasurer Current events were presented by Miss Sadie Watson lit her usual humorous manner Art Miss Watson Is to To ronto in May the member pro rented her with a WI member ship pin and a years subscrip tion to the Era and Express so that she can keep in touch with her Newmarket friends Mrs Norman Rogers of St was presented with life membership pin The award made in recognition of the HTHKKr NUMHKHINU hi Hut tin ftmnurd minili Thin work delivery i to oft Support RED SHIELD in recognition im along of our fullest support and I contributions to WI work Johnston our made in good cooperation Mr added They sought mice and advice and our recommendation faith With only eight or active ministers in a growing commun ity each must carry a heavy program Mr Johnston said In the past year members have joined St Andrews church and each congregation in town has had corresponding in creases All members of the Ministerial association cooper ate in various ways in the com munity and we couldnt accept the additional duties at the Home for the Aged and do jus tice to our own churches or the residents of Greenacres The people of Newmarket do not need to be told of the doz ens of ways in which the local clergy support community pro jects As speakers at public meetings for community and ser vice organizations the ministers make frequent appearances throughout the season They give instruction in religious edu cation in the elementary schools They participate in special ser vices at the high school They sponsor Holy Week services and in many more ways make their positive contributions to com munity life beyond the regular duties of their own congrega tions by Mrs Rogers Those elected to office for the ensuing year are honorary Mrs Elton Armstrong and Mrs Campbell past pros Mrs I R McDonald Mrs Hodge first Mrs Charles Near second vicepres Mrs Fred Proctor Mrs McDonald Mrs Willis pianist Mrs John Everett pianist Mrs Allan Mills publicity Mrs Wil lis district director Mrs Camp bell directors Mrs Dave Evans Mrs George and Mrs Near The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday May j MAPLE COMMUNITY CENTRE mi J a 3i NUMBERS toiler Special Games work t- MOUNT PLEASANT The Womens Guild held at the home of Mrs Jack on Tuesday was well attended with quite a number of the Sutton ladies present Mr and Mrs Bernard spent Thursday in Weston at the home of Mr Lloyd Stiles Mr Martin and Mason Stiles Toronto Mrs M Walters Mrs G Haines and llaysville Mrs A Stiles and Mrs of called on Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson on Sunday afternoon Newmarket Social News I be only too happy to send you ABSOLUTELY FREE a complete Its a disgrace Hollywood Kit worth and containing Hollywood Eyebrow outlines Hollywood Lip outlines Mouths size of Antells Pink Blush Liquid Silk Tone Lip Liner Pencil I Fine Point Eye brow Pencil Charles lipstick in the beautifully styled dust case the Hollywood Clamour Graph a completely illustrated beauty course that- shows at a glance how to style your hair and apply makeup plus other beau ty tricks If after lining Charles Antells new Super Lanolin Makeup you cant look into your minor and honestly say that you look ten years younger if even a single line murk or blemish still visible if your friends and loved ones dont shower you with compliments galore on your new youthful appearance simply return the makeup for your full money back It has coat you ab solutely nothing Hut keep the J tolly wood Beauty Kit as a FREE For Free Gift you Must Act Nov Charles new Su per Lanolin Makeup is priced to sell tit for a full months supply Your Hollywood Kit also a value- But you act now on this introductory offer you get the Hollywood Beauty Kit ABSOLUTELY But this offer will no bo repeated The sooner you order the sooner you will possess a new flattering youthful appearance So please send your FREE GIFT coupon NOW in the first place said Rev Stuart Johnston of St Andrews Presbyterian church when con- JR LADIES AID PLANS SPRING TEA Hie annual Blossom tea of the Junior Ladles aid ol the Christ ian Baptist vill be held hi the Sunday school room on Thursday May Mrs Smart Is the general convener Tea will be solved from to pm In charge of the home baking will he Mrs William Kpworth Mrs William Robin- son will the work and aprons Mrs Coombs will supervise the sale of home made candy and the touch and take table will be under the direction of Mrs J Shipley Items for the Social and Per sonal column must reach the Era and Express office not later than pm each Tuesday Send them by mail or telephone or Red Cross sewers and met at the Cross work rooms in Trinity United church hall on Tuesday Mrs Atkinson a past president of the Newmarket Home and School association conducted the installation of of ficers at Home and School on Thursday night Guests from Mount Albert Aurora Sharon and Bradford attended the annual Trend tea at the home of Mrs Beer on April Mr and Mrs Frank Hall of Mrs George Smith of Long Branch and Mr and Mrs Chris and two sons of Port Credit were guests last Sunday of Mr and Mrs George Smith Misses Marilyn Marshall and Mary Fair of were weekend guests of Miss Helen White Mr and Mrs and children Don and Rickey of St Catharines were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs T P Mr ami Mrs Stanley Robin son Port Credit spent Sunday with Mr Robinsons parents Mr and P Robinson Mrs Genie Perry England arrived on the Empress of France last weekend for a few months visit with her sister Mrs Robert Hull Miss Sadie Watson is mov ing to Ten onto In May She will make her home there Dr ami Mrs Lowell Dales returned last week from Miami Florida where they hud spent the winter They will remain in town for a few months Mr and Mrs Howard Fry and family of Sharon were Sun day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Proctor Mrs William Blizzard has been a patient at St Michaels hospital Toronto for the past three weeks She underwent two major operations and is pro gressing satisfactorily Mr and Mrs Clinton Down ward and baby Janet of Downs view spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Gor don Downward Misses and Bobbie Rose Id of Toron to visited Miss par ent over the weekend Mr and Mrs Bert Tail of were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Norman Hopper Mr and Mrs Don McCarn of Wiltowdale spent Sunday with their parents Mr and Mrs Bert Mrs McLennan and daughter Miss Nan McLennan and Miss Wallace of Toronto spent the weekend t Mrs A Millard Ave Mrs Lyman Rue and daugh ter Carol Ann Woodstock spent the weekend with Mrs Raos par ents Mr and Mrs Root Edwin and Marian Hunt and Ricky visited friends In How manville on Sunday Misses Leila and Eva and Mr and Mrs Weston all of Weston visited friends in town on Sunday and toured the new wing of the hospital Miss Leila on the staff of York County hospital prior to leaving Newmarket Mr and Mrs A Mitchell spent the weekend in Mid land the guests of Mr and Mrs Frank What world of difference kitchen or Although it costs so little it wears and you would expect from Cold Seal Sec and all other beautiful patterns including the luxurylooking Sequin and at your floor covering dealers The Cold Seal on all is your guarantee of satisfaction See your floor covering dealer mob Congowall the wall covering that we Anil like Easy to handle you can install it INTRODUCTORY OFFER EXPIRES MONDAY NIGHT APRIL OK AND MAIL V APRIL CANADA LTD like to try your newlydiscovered Super Lanolin and receive FREE your Hollywood Beauty Beauty Kit and months supply of makeup I pay Postman- plus charges find that If your makeup doesnt do all you ft my return it for my full money back -BlJIWfiE- is mine to keep a KIT to Motch Votir Complexion Olive or Tan Medium MADE Highest of workman- This offer Is good at all on from a yard or more Minimum inches finished lined or llrjed ANfKKII Girls From County To Join In Spring v rf A J Please print J A a- SfeW y jm -a-Jfr- Three hundred COI Kills are to York County Girls in big spring at Willbwdale United church on April the leader Mrs Campbell There were present at Inst years rally and many new groups been or ganized since then till added Ilio rally will with am under the direction the i A W Jones of will welcome visitors and the president of the York Leaders council Mrs Hailing of Mount At- will act as chairman The program includes sing ft folk ihiucing under leadership of Mona Arm of Mount Albert two skils by and a handcrafts display by all groups a worship service djreelcii by and A talk on camp Mrs I of Richmond A of h Victoria i J attended camp will be given There will le a speaker pres ent from the Ontario GUIs Work board Discussion will teenage problems dur ing the afternoon session BANCK A dance will be held in the Newmarket town hall on Friday May 18 pm under the auspices of the Stuart Scott Home and School association Tickets are available from mem bers of the group will bo provided by Charles and his orch estra A director square dancing Mrs Margaret Davis of will bo pres ent to assist with program Era and Express classifieds bring results

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