Newmarket Era and Express, 26 Apr 1956, p. 1

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i V CIRCULATION three months ending December Newmarket Aurora TOTAL PAID Trading Others Aurora and the Rural Districts of North York st NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 26 1955 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Refused For Land 58 In Taxes Si fti with id assessment roll above shows that a West Is assessed for Below an offer fWeki as for 10000 Other lands on merits have brought high offers recently or xd MM fall a of miie0TeAtj the The adoption- of the budget for the town of Newmarket this week featuring an eight mill increase means high taxes for many property owners Following the adoption at a meeting of council Monday came a notice of motion for a reassessment of the town an indication that council knows that assess ments are not equalized An excellent example Is found in one area of town Davis Drive West where high offers have been refused for several properties Increasing land values may produce a new source of revenue to fi nance the high cost ex pansion of services plan ned for the town An offer of 10000 was made for a five acre par cel of land recently on Davis Drive The assess ment on the land is would have brought in 5850 for the town when the last taxes were collected The offer was refused by the own er Another parcel assessed for with for the buildings on it brought an offer of The parcel is five and threequarters acres In the same area an other five acres parcel is assessed for plus for buildings Still another five acre parcel is assessed for with 1570 for build ings Use Of Arena franted To local Lacrosse Teams The Newmarket arena com mission has granted the minor lacrosse teams the use of the arena two nights weekly and on Saturday mornings That is the advice received by Matt Walsh this week Lacrosse practices will get underway as soon as the ice is out of the arena The ice is expected to be cleared out in about a week or ten days time Mr Walsh district OMLA convener has contacted both Dr at and Mr at and both are definitely interested in the for mation of a North York minor lacrosse league It is hoped to include both and Alliston in a league with Bradford Hol land Landing Aurora Oak Ridges and Newmarket A meet ing to organize the North York circuit is planned for next week Several boys of midget and juvenile age have asked about lacrosse for them reports Matt Walsh be happy to in clude a midget or juvenile team in our plans if enough players turn out to practice A goodly number of boys seem to be holding back from trying out for lacrosse because they have no stick Please urge them to come out to the first practice and worry about the stick after We want as many out as pos sible advises Mr Walsh Should anyone wish to attend a referees school arrangements will be made for them to attend at Long Branch Saturday May at 1 pm Contact Matt Walsh if you are interested r m m Taxes Increase For Newma Mills Mill Rate Last Year 78 The Newmarket mill rate for has been set at mills It is made up as follows General rates Public and separate schools High school County rate Debenture debt exclusive of schools Relief costs Library 70 174 In presenting the budget for half million dollar value and r APRIL Coun ty will sponsor a Aunt Cindy Cleans Up iat Mount Albert hall at presented by Vellore Junior Adults cents child- 23 cents FRIDAY APRIL and Jihowcr in hall in hon our of Leslie Sodor and Eliza McGruthont pm FRIDAY APRIL 27 Registra tion for Newmarket Figure club at Memorial Arena 2 to FRIDAY APRIL Attention all members Regular monthly social Newmarket Leg- Ion hall SATURDAY APRIL St Johns In Newmarket town hall Jackpot 150 At pm Free SUNDAY APRIL At Friends Meeting House New- pm Nellie Home to speak on Missions in South America Collection for them A Welcome to all MONDAY APRIL Or- chard sponsoring Sharon Junior Fanners Minstrel Show in Vandorf hall pm Adults Mo children TUESDAY MAY At pm Registered Nurses chapter 2 will hold Its regular monthly meeting in St Johns Separate School Guest glpcakcr Dr Hutchison sub- met Folio MAY Euchre gin the Memorial Hall Keswick g oclock Sponsored by the list north Cub and t Ladles Auxiliary Prizes refreshments Admission THURSDAY MAY At Hi Sharon Junior Farmers are the Minstrel Show Town hall This Is the fifth presentation Advance isle of at Morrisons and Bests Store Adults children cents c2w7 AY MAY Annual tea and sale of aprons work and baking of the Ladies Aid at the Baptist church 3 to FRIDAY MA Open house KitiRMemortaJ Libra Spring- 3 to and to pm Guest speaker Angus Mowat Director of Ont ario Library Services at pm TUESDAY MAY 8 A play Aunt Cindy Cleans Up to be presented by Vellore Junior Farmers In the United church hall under the auspic es of the Admission Children 25c SAT MAY 10 AND WED MAY The sixth annual recital of the Hetty Gordon Dancing class at the Newmarket Town Hall pm FRIDAY MAY Old dance Newmarket Town hall pm to am Charlie Van ami his orchestra featuring Mrs Hough director of square dancing Admission cents Sponsored by Stuart Scott Home and School Assn c2wl7 TUESDAY MAY Piano re- dial by the pupils of Mae Pat terson in Newmarket High School auditorium at pm MONDAY MAY Advanced grade piano recital by Charlotte Morton Burrows Kerry Peters Marvin Clark pupils of Mae Patterson In Newmarket I School auditorium at FRIDAY JUNE Vocal and piano recital by pupils of Mrs Eugene Cane Particulars later FOR SWIM The swimming pool campaign received a big boost this week with a contribution from the Board of Saint Faiths Lodge the board which operates at Newmarket A month or so ago the board decided to hold a rummage sale In Toronto and contribute the proceeds to the Newmarket Swimming Pool Fund where the total was raised Canvass captains have been named for the public canvass to complete the campaign May and but there la an insufficient number of volunteer canvassers Forty are needed Volunteers are urged to phone the Era and Express or Peter Gorman list Salaries After Raises Granted With the increases in salaries granted to members of the New market Police force by council on Monday night the 1956 rates of pay are as follows Chief Constable Byron 4- Chief James Leeder Patrol Sergeant William Hill Constable Arnold Leeder 3800 Constable Robert Constable Geo 3100 and Constable Michael Thomas 3100 In addition the officers receive one weeks overtime pay pay for nine statutory holidays merit badges and clothing allowance These are included in the budget overtime pay 570 sta tutory holiday pay cloth ing 000 merit badges 150 and mileage In the brief presented to coun cil on Nov 24 the police re quested the following salary schedule for chief 5000 deputy 4700 sergeant first class constable 4000 sec ond class constable 3700 third class constable and pro bation officer for first six months They requested a fiveday week provision each year of one pair of gloves and one pair of boots for each man on the force other items of the uniform are provided and additional equipment including shot guns and tear gas The fiveday week was refused but the other re quests were granted Four Miles Hew Roads New Sidewalks Chipping Attention was called to the Roads and Bridges budget at council meeting by Reeve Ed ward this week He said that it had remained much the same as last years despite the fact that the town had four and a half miles of new roads to maintain Included in the budget was money for the repairing of side walks Mr Wrightman said He told council that there had been extensive chipping of the side walks around the town and that cement experts and consultant engineers had been unable to ac count for this shaling of the top surface The texture complies with regulations A chemical re action is suspected as the cause of the trouble he added Repair work is to be done 86 mills School rates account for a mill increase over last year but by cutting the general rates by two mills the overall increase was held at eight mills General rates this year equal mills and school rates are 358 mills Last year the ratio was 523 to mills Boothbay Residents Hear Subdivide Reply About Drainage A letter to council on Monday night from Mr Harold Lenhardt contained assurances that the surface water drainage problem leads to Mayor Herbert Gladman chairman of the finance commit tee said that many of the ex penditures were beyond the control of council Debentprc debt charges on new schools the equipping and staffing of the ex tra classrooms increases in teachers salaries in all the towns schools were listed as ex amples These expenditures together with debenture debt charges exclusive of schools ac count for of this years budget increase of Criticisms were levelled at the budget by councillors Alex and Gladstone Mr criticized the conditions which made the presentation of such a budget necessary Some say that when the town grows the new people pay for thd increased costs said Mr In the towns assessment was This year it is 5349119 a 25 per cent increase But in spite of this increase which will give an additional 78000 at last years mill rate it was necessary to add eight mills this year We dont live any better here than did four years ago We dont have better facilities police protec tion or schools The increased population has caused the in creased expenses Progress is a fine thing as long as it is controlled Mr BYLAW A routine bylaw was given three readings at council meet ing on Monday night setting the mill rate for at mills It authorized the formation of a scale of discounts for early pay ment of taxes and penalties for overdue tax payments at the Edwin Lyons subdivision would be attended to as soon as possible A delegation had ap peared before council earlier his month to complain about the situation The home owners said that a natural watercourse had been altered The water had been re routed across the rear of proper ties on Crescent they said Mr Lenhardt repeated the of his Toronto lawyer that the problem was not his legal responsibility but that of the builders but he guaranteed immediate action to correct the bankruptcy it is no good With the sewage disposal plant and other necessary improvements being planned we will have to add or 17 mills next year Lets be careful of these subdi visions he warned Mr Ridler warned against in creasing the permanent load of expenses He said that the budget was generous in many respects and referred to salar increases for all the town em ployees Mr said that in the past the town had been lax in con trolling its development so that the burden of the increased situation He explained that the school costs on delay had been caused because of uncertainty regarding the grade level for the Yonge St property The home owners said that the situation had been awaiting attention for the past months File the letter for months said one councillor No re plied another File it and keep an eye on him DANCE RECITAL The annual recital of the Betty Gordon Dancing club will be held in the Newmarket town hall for four nights this year The recital will be presented on May and the home owner He listed vari ous residential subdivisions which have been opened within the town and said that they rep resented a onehalf million dol lar development If sufficient thought had been given in past years to this de velopment we would have an ad ditional in taxes from industries he said referring the present regulation which re quires that percent of the to tal development be industrial Mr said that the town was losing a revenue of at 86 mills if the Metro Home were assessed on a normal basis He said that it was a two and suggested that Metropolitan To ronto should contribute a grant to the town in lieu of taxes It is reasonable to suggest that Metro is dodging this ex pense he said If it had been built within Metropolitan terri tory Metro would have had to forgo taxes on the land sec no reason why Newmarket should maintain roads for thous ands of visitors to hire police to direct the traffic and supply all the services with out receiving any revenue The home is a factory in one respect three or four truck- loads of laundry from other Metro homes are coming into the home to be washed with Newmarket water With the ex ception of one small contribu tion for the trunk sewer they have got off scot free he added Mr criticized the pur chasing policy of the town and said that without tenders and controls greater expenses would be incurred He predicted that purchases in the would cost the town too much be cause of the Next Mr criticized the purchase of a bulldozer last fall saying that it had not been used for six months and that the depreciation on such equipment represented a loss of to the town I couldnt differ more with your views answered the mayor The bulldozer was pur chased for the sanitary land fill policy which will be started this year It was bought be fore an increase in price went into effect That 39000 in taxes from the Metro Home is a purely im aginative item he added In bringing the home to Newmar ket we brought a valuable building that is bringing into the town a payroll of more than onehalf million dollars Em ployment for people is be ing provided there and most of them are local residents the mayor explained I dont feel you are foolish enough to suggest that you could collect 39000 in taxes on a two and onehalf million dollar building he told Mr The taxes are only a few thousand a year on a similar building assessed as a factory At the same time you are will ing to risk the town for two or three thousand to keep a small factory here That is not con sistent thinking Mr charged I invited criticism of the bud get continued the mayor hop ing to hear some constructive There isnt one chance in of having Metro pay anything in lieu of taxes I considered my criticism Town Spending Up 104387 Town council brought in Ihe 1956 budget this week for an increase of over last year and set the mill rate at mills It was in Although the assessment had increased almost onehalf mil lion dollars making the total as sessed value of rateable proper ty this year the mill rate had to bo raised eight mills so that sufficient money could be provided for the anticipated expenses for the town Educational costs and deben ture debt charges account for of the increase in this years budget There an in crease in every department over last years expenses New items on the budget Include for street numbering and for civil defense Here and There m Around Town By Local Observer Although the present weather is not conducive to thoughts of gardening and spring cleaning the time for such actions is now- The towns spring cleanup which includes the collection of garden- refuse and other articles not normally picked up by the garbage van is scheduled for next week Residents even if they have to don ear muffs scarves mittens for the task must at tempt the spring cleaning of this weekend if they are to avail themselves of the towns collection service On the side of town the pickup will made on Tuesday May On J Thursday May 3 there will be a collection for residents on the east side of town Additional Pay Increases Given j To Police Officers Monday Night Raises of 200 for all members of the Newmarket Police force with the exception of Constables George and Michael Thomas who will receive each were granted by council on April 23 The raises arc retroactive to January 1 In presenting the recommend ation Deputyreeve Violet chairman of the police committee said that the commit tee had mot with police repre sentatives to discuss the brief which had been presented last RECITAL AT COLLEGE November Under the Police The public is invited to attend net a request for wage increases HEATING UNIT Third and final reading was given a bylaw to authorize the Installation of a heating plant In the Memorial arena The cost of the project is estimated at five Neither the additional polled to give the police this banks nor the finance companies would have come here without the increase in population he added There was some unpleasant bickering with the police last year about increases in pay I say the police should receive these raises as long as they show more efficient service If we give them these raises they should for once stop asking for a recital at Pickering College assembly hall Sunday at by James baritone who won the top award this spring on Singing Stars of Tomorrow let were given safe driving award at special dinner The award winner are above Left to Smith Bert Atkins McEachcrn and Stan Evans Pete Bekiw lift are Post Davie vV f or other benefits must be made that time Mrs MacNaughton said that the police had requested a five- day week Additional equip ment including shot guns and tear gas had been recommended in the brief which stated that with five banks and a couple of finance companies on Main St the police department was not equipped to deal with an emerg ency Approval was given for the purchase of the equipment An Hem for appears In the police budget to cover this addi tional equipment The fiveday week was refus ed Mrs explain ed because the committee felt that it would require the em ploying of two more constables The police officers decided that they would prefer to work fllx days and receive this small in pay Councillor Alex who seconded Mrs resolution said we bring residential subdivisions to the town without balancing them with industrial assessment we tart on the road of Four year more money and they should manner forced into it raise He said If the police make their request and present it in a brief by a certain time council is obliged to Include the raises in the budget or expect the police to take the request to the arbitration board Its like a club held over our heads he added Since the police assure us that their claim will be drop ped and there will be no arbi tration this year we are in a The final concert of the season for the Concert association wilt be presented in the high school auditorium tonight April 2G when BettyJean will be the guest artist Tickets are at the door Miss Ha gen is the first Cana dian violinist to win both the award in New York and the prize in Paris She has been soloist with leading orchestras in Toronto Vancouver Calgary and constructive replied Mr ton- gin The has in creased onehalf million dollars over last year That will bring in an additional in taxes But that was not enough when the exaggerated school budgets came in we had to find an ad ditional half million to cover increases expenses The increas ed school costs are due to the increased population The in creased taxation is due to the fact that we keep building resi dences without Industries buckle down and give us better service Mr gave an example of what he termed inadequate handling of the traffic situation In town He said that the con gestion on Main St particularly on Friday afternoon and even ing could be eliminated If the police were on duty where need ed You must remember that we are short one police officer re plied Mrs MacNaughton No one has been hired to replace Constable Saunders The police can only do so much We are planning on preparing a salary schedule to eliminate future squabbling about money she said We must bewnro of these in creases said Councillor Glad stone referring to the budget which showed increases of in the engineering de partment and for admin istration Salary increases for the roads and bridges and pro perty employees amount to Mr said that he had voted for those Increases because of the large raises the police had received on the arbitration boards recommendation last fall This could go round and round he add Mayo Hacfcvrt com- The police should be well paid commented Mr There is a certain risk involved in their duties that is not found in other jobs I am not satisfied with the service we are getting but if we receive better service I feel that the money is not ill spent You cant buy efficiency and high morale That dependent on organization replied Mr I cant see where lost years big raises brought any great improvement There is no evidence that they helped solve the double parking situation on Main St They didnt lead to the control of the illegal parking at the post office What undertak ing is the chief prepared to give to justify these Increases Mrs MacNaughton said that there was little that could be clone to relieve the congestion on Main St People will not shop here it they cant park near the stores and with Main St being so narrow that leads to double parking A little con gestion wont hurt anyone Mrs MacNaughton sold We are all in too much of a hurry It would be better is we all slowed down Councillors John and voted against the police raises The remainder of coun cil supported the recommenda tion Pays Loses license For Impaired Driving Frank Bowser of Newmarket was convicted of impaired driv ing when he appeared before Magistrate here yesterday Mr Bowser was fined 100 costs and prohibited from driv ing anywhere in Canada for two years This was his second con viction for impaired driving the earlier one having been made in October Mr Bowser pleaded guilty to the charge It was laid by New market Constables Robert Bur and George on Sat urday April when he was taken into custody He was re leased on bail and appeared In magistrates court on April Objective For Red SMeld CsmpeJgn Last year she conducted a two- month tour of Europe playing four and five concerts a week Miss will play a concerto with the New York Philharmonic this fall Optimists of Newmarket and the members of the local police force are to be commended for the safety bike check they con ducted in tow n on Saturday Free strips of reflector tape were distributed to bicyclists and the youngsters were given on oral on nitre of the road For both groups this interest in the youth of the community is not new The Optimist club has sponsored an extensive sports program and hobby classes for boys The police carry on a con tinuous safety campaign among the school children If youngsters are seen playing marbles on the street the officer takes the time to stop and explain the dangers of their ac tion to them Their names are taken and referred to their school teacher so that their classroom suffers by having its safety pen- removed for a short time Other infraction of the law by the young of the town serious or minor receive simitar attention from the police Long before they are old enough to drive a- car these boys and girls of today will have a complete understand- of the responsibilities which rest with the man behind the wheel More than 17 tons of waste paper were collected by the New market scouts in their spring sal vage collection Another is plan ned in June west side of town on June and east side on June 0 Home makers are asked to save their newspapers and magazines No- Preparations are being made for the Salvation Army bliU campaign for funds on Thursday May according to Captain B in charge of local Sal vation Army work Chairman of the appeal will be Mayor and he I for this drive will be assisted by a special com mittee The objective of the appeal A man on St plant- his WfeUble

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