YEAR EXPRESS HERALD 18T YEAR QNTARIP THURSDAY APRIL SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH LESION LADIES YORK MANOR The Newmarket Legion auxiliary Is holding a birthday party of York On each the residents who have celebrated birthdays during that month are the guests of honor They receive birthday cards from the auxiliary The join In blowing out the candles on the appropriately decorated cake On March the birthday for that month was held Following a song in which the residents joined a short program was presented by the Visitors Mrs REGISTRATION APRIL Registration for the Newmar ket Figure Skating club will take place at the Memorial arena from to Q pm on Friday April GUIDESBROWNIES Guides and brownies of New market arc asked to meet at the scout at 9 am on Saturday April to collect their cookies for delivery Leaders will be present to distribute the orders gave a reading Soloist was Mrs McDonald and Miss Wanda Brookes Hill was the accompanist In charge of the party was Mrs Arthur Sheridan was assisted by Mrs Kenneth Pont- and her mother Mrs Nichols of Ottawa and Mrs William IS YOUR INSURANCE AGENT chained to one company or can he offer you insurance in any number of the finest fire and casualty companies in Canada hi ft THESE LOCAL AGENTS CAN All are members of the York County and District Insurance Agents Association JWft Win HILL J R 41551 Kane Savage Insurance Services 1 Ernie Brock ft Son Ring 11 KINO A Hall ft Ring Marvin Hunter Ring A Bennett PA Alex D MacLeod Agency Ring Harvey Kin IE Stanley McNeill Limited Ring ORD Fred Cook Ring 139w Aubrey Stewart Ring Nell McDonald Sinclair- 18180 Lou Associ ates A Susan Keswick daughter of Mr and Mrs K J Greenham placed first in the finals of a public speaking con test for girls in North Gwillim- schools on Friday WOMEN TEACHERS MEET The spring meeting of the Federation of Women Teachers of York 1 was held in the Prince Charles school Newmarket on the evening of April The president Mrs Hope Thompson of Sutton West presided Entertainment was provided by boys and girls of Newmar ket Dance numbers including a toe ballet by Janet and Simmons were pre sented by pupils of Mrs Gor don dancing class A vocal by Earl Graves and piano solos by Ann Lynn and Ruth Atkinson were enjoyed A short business meeting fol lowed Professional matters in cluding In Service Training were discussed Mrs Louise RED CROSS SEWERS CONTINUE PROGRAM On Tuesday April Red Cross sewers and will meet as usual in the Red Cross workroom in Trinity United churchy hall from 130 to pm More workers are invited to at tend More knitters arc needed for Red Cross work The knitting is done home with the materials being supplied by the local branch Wool Is obtainable from Miss Richardson telephone 203 Stiles and Mrs J Hamilton were chosen as delegates to the Re Assembly to be held in Etobicoke in May Refresh ments were served by teachers of the Newmarket staff Carolynn daughter of Mr Serrick Keswick was second in the public speaking contest sponsored by Keswick Opti- Her sister Nancy right above was a semifinalist in the re cently conducted Telegram Spelling bee in Toronto Photos by Mike Gillan Marilyn Fairbarn daughter of Mr and Mrs P Bel- haven was third in the North speaking contest GROUPS HEAR ILLUSTRATED TALK ON WORK IN INDIA Members of the Afternoon branch of St Pauls Ang lican church Newmarket and the Sharon were guests of St Pauls Evening branch on Monday April The guest speaker was Dr Vivian Abbott of Schomberg Mrs A presided and welcomed the visitors She in troduced Dr Abbott who told of the work she and her husband had done at a health unit op erated under the Friends Over seas service in a village in j India The Abbott were there for three years and will return to India this year Dr Abbott was assisted by Mrs Francis Starr who also served with a Friends unit in In dia Mrs Starr presented the slides which illustrated Dr Ab botts talk The collection for the evening was donated to the Friends Overseas service There was a display of household utensils and woven materials used in the Indian villages Mrs Gordon Commission moved the vote of thanks to Dr Abbott and Mrs Starr Rev J Rhodes led in the closing prayer After a brief business session a social time was spent Re freshments- were served by members of the Evening in Us field 173Hp to V8 The Ford has worlds exciting engine if the largestselling of all now in a wider- range of horsepower ruling to 225IIp And Ford also offers the famous Six with the lively performance of deepblock design available in all Mainline arid models and in a popular range of station wagons or SIX u Ford with famous drive offers you the finest most responsive power the smoothest easiest driving Public Speaking Contest Sponsored By Keswkk OpHMrs Club Friday The Keswick spon sored a public speaking contest Friday which allowed any girl public school pupil in North township to enter Four schools entered the con test and three pupils from each reached the finals which held in Keswick United church hall on Friday evening April 13 Placing first second and third respectively in the final event were Susan daugh ter of Mr and Mrs K J of Keswick rick daughter of Mr Ser of Keswick and Marilyn daughter of Mr and Perry of Bel- haven Susan and Carolynn at- tend Keswick public school and Marilyn is a pupil at Willow Beach Judges of the contest were all Sutton women Mrs Robert Wal ker Mrs Orval Ewart and Mrs Clifford Thompson Music dur ing the evening was supplied at intervals by Mrs Angus fifth from the last girl to go down to defeat For this she will receive a clock and pen desk set Nancys teacher was the school principal Lome Brady but due to his illness and absence from school during the time of the contest she was coached by a spare teacher Mrs Russell Pol lock lo whom a great deal of the credit goes according to Mr FREE OFFER WITH PURCHASE hie Imported Flaming Russian Maple Bush SPECIALS THEY LAST SHADE TREES ft up per up FLOWERING SHRUBS In large variety bundle of five EVERGREENS ROSES FRUIT TREES ROCK PLANTS AND PERENNIALS PRICE LIST ON REQUEST i ALPINE NURSERIES Maple St mile north of Elgin Mills by you look at It you am the of the long low Jilho the look of tomorrow Ami For feature trims and upholsteries for smartness and eyeappeal practical and hardwearing as they arc glamorous e family car thats inside and fordo with all safety Dilfi Ford gives you and your family the extra that goes with builtin safety with safely steering wheel and door latches phis many other builtin safety features And you can have at moderate extra cost Fords safety seat bells and plastic padding for instrument panel and sun visors You have all the newest power assists too power steering and power brakes power window lifts and 4way power seal KESWICK GIRL SEMIRNALIST IN SPELLING BEE Nancy Serrick daughter of Keswick a pupil in grade seven at Keswick public school was a semifinalist in the recently conducted Tetegram spelling bee Winner of the York One In spectorate which included pub lic school pupils from Aurora Newmarket East West and North as well as Sutton Nancy was entitled to be a contestant in the semifinals Twentythree girls and boys took part in the Toronto area semifinal match and Nancy was The Newmarket Public Library This is Hook Week in Canada We have one of the official pos ters in the Newmarket Library This year the wording is In Eng lish French Italian German Dutch Hebrew Greek Polish Ukrainian and Chinese Today we attended the Smiths Literary luncheon Royal York hotel Toronto at which the guest speaker was J Priest ly With his characteristic type humor Mr Priestly was pleading the cause of good liter He said he was against week and thought that I every week should be book week We enjoyed the chairmans re marks when he said that the public had been trained to it with flowers and say it with candy and now he thought that they should be trained to say it with books He went on to tell us many people are doing just that the Toronto Public Libraries Many volumes there have a book plate giving the name or names of the In whose memory they have been donated This typo of mem orial Is perpetual It was thrill to learn that the woman beside us at the lunch eon was Mrs A editor of Canadian Nature mag azine She Is intensely interest ed In conservation nature activities and had attended the recent hike sponsored by the Audubon Society held at Picker ing College We did not attend the hike because wo moved into the now library that Saturday Canadian Nature is the refer ence material most often by our public school students Why not celebrate book week by visiting a book store and if possible buy a honk and by vis your Public Library pone has said It seems like are 21c CELLO TOMATOES RADISHES GREEK ONIONS 2 Ige bunches CELERY SPINACH 2 18 BANANAS 10c lb Centre Cut PORK CHOPS Loin TENDERLOIN END PORK SHOULDER PORK BUTTS 31c 37c 127 Main St FREE DELIVERY Phone 1028 i to to i S5frv w v AS f Ss What should I do about AN NHA LOAN the most important aspect of building a new home is financing it Under the regulations of the National Housing Act we are permitted to make loans for the purpose of ghu a house If youre intending to y if you can afford it it over with the TorontoDominion Bank Hell fr the regulations and explain thu to you No matter which of the Dominion branches you go to you can be sure theyll be pleased to give you all the information and help possible DOMINION BANK a A MACKAY Manager St Branch IN a SNYDER Manager Bran