1 a By Caroline Ion Home And School Events In a if I Opposite Police Station lb SPECIAL -y- STORESLICED v ft HOMEMADE 39c lb J TENDERLOIN END I Ik small clean room in the basement of the Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry in Mon treal lives a colony of doom ed mice These little white mice look like any other white mid They are healthy and lively They enjoy their food and arc full of pep The females raise young and nurse them But when they reach the age of six months one by one they begin to show signs of health They become listless and thin Their coats are scruffy their eyes watery Their breathing becomes labored and within a few weeks they are dead Some the hardier ones survive to be months of age but live to the mouse life of approximately twenty months These mice die of leukemia the most baffling of all the types of cancer They are called mice and they have been inbred for generation alter generation so that now without exception they all get leukemia And they get it without it being induced or caused by anyone No known chemical or drug can save them Dr Bernard Grad working with a grant provided by the Canadian Cancer society has I SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No Weston Ontario RELIABLE GRADING DIRECT SETTLEMENT Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Peter Stevenson or by writing to CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED Bay St Toronto Canada IS ill fell I i3 -i- fer i i t rfia b Silver Star is a fust quality tufted coil made of grade spring wire ore held in perfect position in Features that you normally expect only in higher priced prebuilt to eliminate tidesagging special Imported Belgium damask ticking to prevent permanent flat wire frame been studying these mice for a number of years to find out why they get leukemia and die But he still doesnt know Whatever it is that causes leukemia explains Dr Grad is in their little bodies from birth But what is it How does it act If we can find that out maybe we can do to prevent it Dr is concerned about this problem because his inves tigation into leukemia statistics shows that we are losing the battle against this form of can cer He points out that during the past years and especial ly in the past two decades the death rate from leukemia has been rising in most countries In Canada over a 10year per iod from to the death rate per 100000 has increased from to a jump of per cent By the rate had in creased further to per of population Oddly enough the death fig ures seem to indicate that the better the standard of living the higher the incidence of leuk emia Professional people and executives are more to get the disease than are factory workers Also body weight has something to do with it The dis ease most frequently occurs in heavyset children Dr be- Some of the work already ac complished by Dr Grad seem3 to bear this out For instance in experiments to discover the ef fect of stimulating the thyroid on leukemia he discovered that thyroid activity affected leuk emia only as it affected the body weight of the mouse If the thy roid treatment caused over weight it increased the inci dence of leukemia If it caused loss of body weight it the incidence of leukemia Dr is trying another series of experiments to discover what changes occur in the tis sues of the mice before any symptoms appear other words what happens during those first five months When does it happen and where The type of leukemia that these mice get is called lym phatic leukemia because the lymphatic organs are most af fected The lymph modes grow to the size of kidneys and thymus gland enlarges until it almost fills the chest cavity So the first investigation will be with those tissues Lymphatic tissue of the mice is taken when the mice are two three four and five months old It is carefully examined under a microscope to detect any physical changes in the cells Then it is ground up and in jected into mice which are a cross between AKR and ordin ary mice This is a long painstaking ex pensive process For every mouse injected there must be a twin mouse called a control who is allowed to develop with out interference Only in this way can any deviations from the normal be considered- signifi cant Without the control there is no vay of telling whether or not the changes were purely ac cidental reds project is one of the fundamental research projects which are supported by the Canadian Cancer society It was selected for support after the best available authorities in this field had studied its possi bilities Its continuation and that of many other cancer pro jects depends upon public sup port of the Canadian Cancer so cietys campaign for funds dur ing April A concert by students of Alex ander school will be pre sented at the Home and School meeting at the school on Monday April 23 at pm Attention is called to the change of date The meeting has been moved ahead to Monday so that parents and teachers of Alexander Home and School will be free to attend the illustrated lecture on Civil De fense at the town hall on the regular meeting night Tuesday April 24 The childrens program will in clude folk dancing readings choral readings and and hope that as many by them on the subject of Civil Defense A talk by a senior Ci vil Defense official of the Ontario Provincial Police will highlight the evening Because members of the Busi ness and Professional Womens Club who had previously heard a talk on this subject were great ly impressed with the need for more information on Civil De fense to be made available to the public this meeting has been ar ranged Stuart Scott Home and School Association welcomes the oppor tunity of supporting this meet- selections Refreshments will be served The meeting is open to the public Civil Defense Talk The general meeting of the Stuart Scott Home and School Association will be held at New market Twn Hall on April at pm Through the courtesy of the Business and Professional Wom ens Club all members have been invited to the meeting arranged VISIT YORK MANOR TO TEACH CRAFTS Several members of the New market branch of the Canadian Red Cross visited York Manor on Monday April They as sisted the senior citizens resi dents of the home with occupa tional therapy Instruction in felt work and other crafts is being provided by the Red Cross workers Both the men and the women at York Manor are availing themselves of this service as possible can be present Miss Susan spent the Eastern vacation with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Johnstone Toronto The student teachers at the school this week are Misses Thaler and Mr Preston who was visiting with his aunt Mrs Janet Nigh for the Easter vaca tion has returned to his home fully recovered after his ton- silectomy Mr and Mrs Porter spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thornton Bales Sutton Mrs Bea Hendricks spent weekend in London the guest of Mr and Mrs Wilson Mr and Mrs J Gwilliams and MOUNT PLEASANT Mr and Mrs Bernard David- son spent last Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs Don Morton Good to see Mrs Percy Brown after her illness Mr Verne York has sold his farm and will be moving to shortly Miss Stiles who has been ill is improving Mr and Mrs Robert Davidson Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson and George had supper on Tues day with Mr and Mrs and Earl of ville The Lutheran meeting of the Womens Guild is being held at the home of Mrs Jess on Tuesday April at p The ladies of St Andrews church Sutton West will be guests In the number of families in Canada increased by while the number of new homes built in the year totalled Newmarket Social News Mr and Mrs Jack Manor yesterday They hold a and Donald of Burlington were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Pritchard Mr Tommy Meyers Rose- town Sask formerly a staff member at Pickering College visited friends in town this Items for the Social and Per sonal column must reach the Era and Express office not later than 10 am each Wednesday Send them by mail or telephone or Mrs William Donaldson who has been a patient at York County hospital for the past three weeks is improving gradu ally Many visitors from Brad ford Aurora King City Mount Albert and the surrounding dis trict attended the annual spring tea of the York County Hospital Womens auxiliary on Friday Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion and sons were weekend guests of Mrs- A Young of London Mr Eric Jackson has re turned to work after convalesc ing at his home in Tecswater Mr Jackson was a patient at York County hospital He had been ill for the past two months Mr and Mrs Kenneth Beck ett and Mrs Marion Harrison all of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mrs Richard Beckett Members of the Newmarket Legion Ladies auxiliary made their regular visit to York I- i j v A i Most of the support for cancer research in Canada comes from voluntary contributions collect ed during the April Cancer cam paign by the Canadian Cancer Society birthday party there each month for residents of the home who are celebrating that month The annual Hunt club dance was held at the Fire- hall auditorium on Friday night Newmarket members of the club are Harry Donald Wright Nelson Shanks Donald Sedgwick Arthur Sheridan Bruce Shanks and Arthur Volkes Mrs J Morris and Mrs C Gilbert attended the of ficial opening of the new centre for the Canadian National Institute of the Blind on Monday Mr and Mrs James Gibson of were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs W Ernest Morton Mr and Mrs Walter Hall spent a week in Windsor the guests of Mr and Mrs Roy and family Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion at tended the MontiIon wedding at Holy Trinity Anglican church Hamilton on Saturday April 7 and the reception at the Arms Mrs returned to her home In North Bay af ter having spent the past week in town the guest of her sister Mrs Arthur During the week Mrs and Mrs visited St Catharines and Buffalo t News of the News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must he written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed proceeds are being used decorate the basement of the community Vl Si LSI t- 1 A r 1 jw built to bold perfect finest backing- ticking T r i Si r I MADBfKI the ffonto the everything Is of Marialh 1 -r- fit fc iv Highest standard of workman ship Is good at all times on materials from a or more Minimum length til inches finished lined or lined SATISFACTION GUARANTEED The annual meeting of Kim Grove Womens Institute was held on April at homo of Mrs Lloyd Fogg The election of officers for lite coming year was conducted by Mrs Ham ilton Pros Mrs Percy Brown first v ice- res Mrs Sheldon second vicepres Mrs Small wood seer Mrs Jack Hamilton Ireas Mrs directory Mrs Harris Mrs Bailey Mrs Comer district director Mrs Elmer Hamilton press Mrs Harris Mrs Pianist Mrs Lloyd au ditors Mrs Mrs Hid- dell Sunshine committee Mrs Comer Mrs Mrs Cronsberry Mrs K Hamilton Mrs The April meeting of the branch will bo held in homo of Mrs A Smith on Wednesday April pm Hull call Pay your fees The five conveners will give their report The annual election of officers will Ink place and also sale of plants Mrs A Smith will provide the program and will bo Mrs J Gamble and Mrs K Smith i L MvwJturota- VMS- ii A meeting of the branch wilt bo held at the home of Mrs on April motto Mako Members Rotter non-mom- Rail call Pay your fees Tho new of leers will bo elected Lunch commit tee to consist of Mrs P Mrs Irwin and vntmh branch its family banquet In brill on April served hot turkey dinner Reeve mil Mrs J Pollock were fiuestn and later presented colored films of their trip to Titian Okla where they tho Optimist Interna convention last year regular meeting of tho branch was held In the hull on April 10 Three new officers were elected Mrs Horner as assistant secretary treasurer Mrs Smith convenor of community activities and public relations and Mrs Ander son as press correspondent All tho other officers were returned as of lout The annual meetlnfl of the branch was held in Centre on Monday April It was passed that we put tf round-up- bags for the Mental Health In schools Volunteers to assist in collecting for the blind are urgently need ed Our motto If you sow a seed of kindness you will reap sheaf of joy was replied to by Miss Reports of standing committees were read Mrs Ross Stiles installed the now officers after which lunch was fiervel by Mrs Geo Ham ton Mrs Gordon Hamilton and Mrs May Officers elected Mrs A Pol lock proa Mrs Alder Mrs A first vice Mrs Gordon Hamilton second vice Mrs see Mrs A Pollock Mrs Pollard pianist Mrs M Connell assist pianist Mrs Gable and Mrs Mc- auditors Mrs Gable cards Mrs Huntley flowers Mrs citizenship and education Mrs J Porter com munity activities Mrs M Rye historical research Mrs Har per agriculture and industries Miss I homo economics and health directors Mrs Gor don Mrs White Mrs P Mrs A Pollock Mrs district director family have moved to Newmar ket Glad to report Mr Alfred Lewis is able to be out and around again and we wish him a speedy recovery Master Wayne Lewis spent the Easter holidays with his aunt and uncle Capt and Mrs Doidge of Allandale Mrs Cook accompanied Mr and Mrs Clayton to Mono Road on Sunday to visit Mr mother Mrs Quite a number of the com munity attended the surprise party held on Wednesday night at the home of Mr and Mrs El ton Armstrong on the occasion of their wedding anniver- I r j Im ft ttewboro entering life whom arc expected the you by your Doctor f The a ifiaict toot to follow To to yen wish la or inztozz the of the whom it it kneaded It be to the with the fr it ties to be wed to high I f A enters fid reliable for Mail Harvey Lanes Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS Main St Newmarket Phone 6 it WHERE YOU GET THE BEST FOR LESS T V i OUR BABY DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF LOVELY THINGS FROM A GRADE STORE IN WESTERN ONTARIO j Vi V a- J Dotty and front a ft First Quality Diaper ONE dresses regW SAVE M0HEY IN OUR BOrS SECTION 1IEKE NOW fl 3 Spaceman Robin Kidd OUR MEMS SMART AT ie m 7- StMkhad Hydro Booh Double Sole rcg Work Boots Safety Booh 1195 v- i Dal V- j Im li t- Rounded collars pearl buttoned in blue pink black white and J ii ft BY CORDON Fink white purple and PREWAR RUBBER ft 9Uryf Womens 89 N K