S lip to 5 HOUSE FOR SALE house mod ern kitchen large bathroom attached garage new roof and eaves casement windows oak floors aerial close to schools and shopping residential district Phone Newmar ket east side of- town- Immediate possession Phone Newmarket TIMOTHY St Solid brick modern kitchen bedrooms and finished attic modern bathroom extra toilet oil heated extras Income home Central Mrs Freeman Newmar ket HOU5E FOR RENT house four miles from TCewTnarket all conveniences Phone 20107 Queensville St HOUSE per month Immed iate possession Telephone Newmarket lw6 house miles north east of Mount Albert hydro water on tap Bus service week- Jv Percy Walker Mount Albert phone REAL ESTATE FOR SALE mi ft te- A SPACE FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE new on Main St for dentist chartered etc- so ft Well divide to suit tenant Reasonable rent Newmarket or Toronto LTD REALTOR ROOMS solid brick home hardwood floors throughout bathrooms fire places clothes closets in each bedroom hotwater heating with oil equipped with storms and screens garage lot situated close to main shopping schools churches reasonable down payment asked terms storey 3 bed rooms extra large kitchen and size living room dining room bath Upstairs would make an excellent apart ment Low down payment terms GIVES you possession of a solid brick home 1st floor consists of entrance beautiful living room fullsired room very mod em kitchen and summer kitchen 2nd floor beautiful large siz ed bedrooms bath 3rd floor would make an ideal bach elor apartment or housekeeping quarters for young married hot and cold water very attractive lot close to shopping Reasonable terms balance two storey home containing five bedrooms family size living room room large floor plenty of LOTS FOR SALE ON Penn Newmarket Apply by letter to Mr- Rose Angus PO ft iL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE L I i- CHARLES BOYD NEWMARKET DOWN rooms plus un finished upstairs large living room with stone fireplace lot piece modern hath- room- full basement oil furnace garage in basemen one block from Main street large modern kitchen with dinette Full price carries for monthly VALUE VALUE Vlir Lome Avenue 1 storey home with attached double garge separate threeroomed apartment with separate entrance Main home consists of modern kitchen with dinette one bed- room downstairs- Upstairs has two bedrooms and bath- Apartment consists of kitfihen and one has its own bathroom Apartment rents for approxim ately monthly oil heating electric stove ineJud igl In sale Asking price Possession June M1LLAHII AVENUE m one from Main Street school Downstairs has four rooms upstairs has three bedrooms and bathroom part so a s I May Full price terms AVENUE TUBE lined street room plus red brick home dining- room and separated by French doors huge modern kitchen has four large ierooms and bathrooms fill basement with oil furnace oak- floors excellent value Extras Include electric stove and deep freeze Asking price terms storey stucco I- home located on half acre Jund- lot about years old main floor lias with I replace kitcben two rxvirooms and modern upstairs has g bedroom oak full basement with furnace Wo be- this to be excellent value- Full price 12500 STREET DOWN brick storey home located on nicely shaded lot Main floor has three rooms and second floor has four rooms and bathroom New roof put on last year anI a new oil furnace Installed last fall This home can he made Into family homo sit a low carry- charge Dont miss seeing this i as It will carry Just like rent In equipped This home contain a five room apartment upstairs renting for home will itself lyyw down and terms bungalow kit chen builtin cupboards large living room two good size bedrooms fully insulated heavy wiring close to schools down Carry for a month A cheap home for someone SOLID brick bungalow piece bath large living room with fireplace mod- kitchen full size cel lar tank laundry tubs oil heated equipped with solid brick double garage- This is a fine home this bungalow now Reasonable down payment required Easy terms A beautiful new bunga low 3 large bedrooms with large clothes closets bath living room large modern kitchen hardwood floors oil bent equipped with storms and screens situated on a nice quiet street See now Terms ROOMS two storey home duplex rooms up A down kitchen is fully modern living room two bedrooms two baths oil heated equipped with storms Separate entrance to apartment This Is your chance to live rent free payment and terms ACRE of land bungalow tvo bedrooms kitchen large living room Tills home is in very good repair situated on main high way Good down payment- Terms SHARON GROOM bungalow bedrooms bath large modern kitchen living room healer modern oil heating attached This a borne Reason able down payment Terms ALEX LTD REALTOR Opposite Open until pm We have A Urge of two to Com In let us them with CHARLES BOYD REALTOR if St Newmarket Open til pm bungalow all conveniences oak floors spa cious shaded lawn central ROOM house nicely decorated all for- sd oil healing Jarre to Main Street small barn terms clapboard bungalow with ft Davis frontage floors all conveniences large and smalt fruits or will sell ft with bungalow for St Sutherland Ave Howard Road Bolton Ave etc CONTACT KEN PHONE JOSEPH Opposite the Bub Terminal REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE J A SONS Limited Realtors Ave Toronto MOUNT ALBERT 120 ACRES of land GO acres workable balance bush and pas ture Tins soil loam and would be suitable for market gardening room house and ham in the Zephyr dis trict miles from Toronto 34 miles from No- Highway A corner farm with frontages The full price is only 6500 with down for a quick sale to settle an estate Special price for cash ACRES of choice property acres workable 35 acres hush and pasture High ground for building purposes A good trout stream from which a pond could be made Maple elm and cedar large enough for timber miles from No Highway miles from Toronto Full price with terms Call or write ROY STEWART APARTMENT FOR RENT Mount Albert Phone THINKING OF SELLING WE have many Toronto clients wanting to buy in area Direct Toronto lino has in creased our inquiries from Tor onto agents and private parties- We guarantee full scale advertis ing campaign in Toronto and local papers Our present list ings are exhaustion with the busiest time of the year upon us List with one of the fastest growing companies in Ontario GORDON LTD REAL ESTATE BROKERS PHONES AURORA PA TORONTO EM OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO ACTION WITH RESULTS sVring CATALOGUE JUST out Mailed free Full bargains Hundreds of farms large and small suburban prop and businesses for sale terms- Write Canadas larg est farm agency Realtors J A and Sons Limited Eglinton Ave E Toronto- WE have several 3 and apartments for rent CHARLES BOYD REALTOR Main St Newmarket Open till pm ESTATE FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER ON South Shore of Lake on outskirts of KcawIcK acres suitable for subdivision modern on property Terms cash deposit with tender Property subject to year tenancy Tenders in of Morrison Solicitor Sut ton West by noon day Apr Sate to be STOUTT REAL ESTATE MODERN brick bungalow over looking town large bedrooms good sized modern kitchen tiled bathroom bright living room full dining room attach garage located on large lot Truly an excellent buy at with good terms ARK A ACRES of medium clay loam acres of hush balance workable seeded to grass excel lent water supply from ever- flowing well good location for a pond Full price with down AURORA LUXURY AT A MODEST large tiled kitchen with exhaust fan dine tie beau id living room tile bathroom air oil heating located on large lot in nicest part of town Pull inot with low down payment on one percent mortgage OUT OF TIIK ORDINARY 1 modern home on large lot This spacious house has lialh rooms large living room dining room good sized modern kit- oil heating Attached heat ed Ravage An excellent buy at with low down pay ment AN INKXPKNKlYti ROOM bungalow on nice lot large living room modernized kitchen tiled bath room full basement Tills neat home can be bought for a low down payment- also have several new NIL A bungalows with down payments from mid Immediate possess Inn GORDON STOUTT LTD PHONES NFWMAHKK1 LINK AH ACTION WITH SELLING YOUR HOME CONTACT KFN JOBErH Timothy Went Newmarket Opposite c4w3 PROPERTY FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE Groom stucco 2storey home in centre of new subdivision one acre of natural spring water on proper ty also town water sewers etc Only with very low down Mr J Koury Queen St Newmarket Ken Wiles Real Estate Ltd MORTGAGES MORTGAGES ARRANGED JOSEPH REALTOR 6 Timothy St Newmarket Phone PHILLIPS 111 Mam SI If the above householder will take this ad to the Theatre Newmarket by Monday night Apr together with Identifica tion This person will be admit ted as our theatre guest any one evening Monday through Friday MORTGAGE WANTED wanted on two homes in Newmarket about Write Era and box BUILDING FOR RENT ANYONE INTERESTED sale Building suitable for small factory in village of hi Ion This is a sturdily built house in main section of towii rented now has housed three families Water and hydro Owner desires to sell and Ibis property ean be purchased rea sonably Personal interviews referred Write Era and Express 310 Newmarket GARAGE FOR RENT Apply Queen St or phone Newmarket STORE FOR RENT STORK suitable for small busi ness or office Phone or Newmarket WANTED TO RENT CIVIL with two child ren or house Newmarket or Aurora Write Em and box APARTMENT FOR RE ROOM apartment with bath furnished Phone INK healed I rally newly decor- for couple children Plume Newmaikit and bath separate enhance water If Newmafkel 3 ROOM at Valley en I ranee water on heavy whine per mouth minutes from Nmvmarkei on bus line Phone Mount HEATED 4room selfcontained apartment central location Suite aide for business couple Phono Newma 3KEDROOMS small kitchen and bathroom Separate en trance Phone Spier Holland Landing phone 13GJ12 Newmarket BACHELOR apartment com pletely furnished bedroom kit chen and bathroom oil heat separate entrance Phone j lwl6 FURNISHED bodliving room studio couch and kitchenette in comfortable adult home Write full particulars to advertiser 2161 Queen St Toronto c2wl5 apt central oil heating electric stove and re frigerator Adults Apply 14 Joseph St or phone New market apartment heated rea sonable Phone Newmar ket ROOMS FOR RENT room centrally located Apply Main St or phone Newmarket BRIGHT homey bed sitting- mom with housekeeping central residential dis trict Phone Newmarket ARTICLES SALE LADYS black 8 Mans fawn spring overcoat new size 1042 Win- size almost new Half dozen sterling silver pattern carpet- sweeper SI Double damask hemstitched table a condition yards Newmarket cl CM ROM table matching chairs in Kood Phone civ1 AVAILABLE on rjiif Kin Krt2 ARTS GARAGE AMD RADIATOR SERVICE -r- rrArm Co phone rooms Phone Newmarket FURNISHED rooms Abstainers Phone 1 W Newmarket FURNISHED or rooms and Ap- St Phone ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Elm St or phone Newmarket AT KESWICK Room and board available All conveniences Phone Roches Point POARDERS WANTED TWO hoarders share room with twin beds good accommodation and laundry done Phono Newmarket COMFORTABLE room with hoard Men preferred Queen St or phone New market boarders reasonable Phono Newmarket 15Mw GENTLEMAN preferred near Home for Hie Phone Newmarket ROOMERS WANTED and board gentleman only If Phono fi07m ARTICLES FOR SALE COLEMAN space heater used tit runner public library quarters in condition See it at the new Park Ave New- market library hours or Era and Express 313 ANTIQUE with marble lop Phone or St NewmJijkct Iceuftd 1 it Norie refrigerator St or plume Newmarket suite and dresser suitable for summer cottage Phone Newmarket utter pin A cabinet a Pal both In son a Harold Wilkinson on of word minimum of Half when w of IS M for fln rtrt Wflflk of Mtt4 for aek anotMtiil IH for linn fur Km Blab 8i KUi suite complete double bed spring an mattress dresser and chest of drawers new condition Double bed spring and mattress Oil burner complete with length pipes on oil Newmarket a r is Art y KESWICK pfWr ifJtmt tt V M a BOYS 2pant suit rim in condition Cheap Phone Newmarket SINGLE bed with kitchen suite like new babys crib and in excellent condition Newmarket WALL display ease long high four shelves upper part drawers 2 cupboards Yates Jewellers Main St Newmarket t331 din fitAfei- Motv At i fe wasra moth hoist tears Bring altsratiftna Newmarket I VICTOR sound projector IS mm J cash Phone ket BABYS crib Shcofiy rocker tricycle dolls stroller two flannel suit boys grey coat both size es red suit size Phone Newmarket ALUMINUM carriage new Phone Newmarket after pm clwl AN oil heater gallon drum with tap and gallon oil can stow pipe all in condition Phone TO King PIECE chesterfield suite In pood condition Reasonable Phone Newmarket lamps Apply Main St Newmarket after pm refrigerator elec tric stove bedroom suites kitchen set table and chairs Cheap for sale Apply Lome Ave Newmarket- Ail by trained nan i SUNSHINE baby carriage in rood condition Phone Newmarket HEAVY duty Black and Decker skill saw plus an extra blade and extension cord Phone Newmarket electric heater size Morton Pots ford St New market SHANKS GO Eagle If the above householder will take this ad to the Theatre Newmarket Monday night Apr together with identifica tion This person will be admit ted as our theatre guest any one evening Monday through BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Free esti mates and installations Phone or apply Harold Ontario St Newmarket draperies SI or Inches long pair You may buy as many pairs as you wish Many different materials to choose Main St Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE imiVINO SCHOOL Appointment I HONK el WIN now Cleaning MaeDonald Window phone II Newmarket built kitchen cup- No construc tion counter chrome trim Price per running foot Includes top and bottom a d a Park ATTENTION Is lawmnower ready for spring LAWN Is ottering a tune- up and cleaning All work Five dellverv PHONE el wlS k -r- vour broken furniture and to the North End Furniture and Fix It Shop phone tea Newmarket vaaS FURS styled Custom or realty made Cleaning and at your own valuation Newmarket V i man jAvcpnenc with millcir able 0 ma a A3L for iqhf person ipprnved phone -ni- tttSJ tags to order Iron work if WAN kinds No tablets effective weeks supply weeks at Atkinsons and Rests Drug stores ARE you a Native Son Do you want a Canadian Flag New market Club forming Enquire box Holland Landing MERCHANDISE TORO POWER MOWERS Recoil starter models Reg ONLY SMITHS HARDWARE Main St Newmarket Phone wanted for a3t of I highway star jn to Mr sec No If above wiU take this ad to the Theatre Newmarket by Monday night Apr together with This person will be admit- as our theatre guest any one evening Monday through Friday T CLERK Stenographer expert preferred Apply Dr King York County Health Unit Newmarket WOMAN to do general house- cleaning one half every two weeks phone Newmarket after pm SALESMAN WANTED ARE you interested in a full time sales position with an reliable specialty Local territory avail able to saesrrixn iriS Aluminum doors and windows Awnings Venetian blinds shades drapery tracks Hook and bamboo ZEPHAIRE COMPANY Aurora PA between and Should have car and Fun assist and given Write fully phono number to Box London On for HARDWARE We deliver Phone WORK WANTED A CONGENIAL wivirv living In Shaven with a no wants a sin- eere capable elderly woman to live In one that a good home with city to do light Not hutch to per month A wonderful for a reliable woman Prefer pensioner Mrs Sharon phono Qtuvnsvillo for grocery store export not necessary State wages Write Era and box Ma man desires any type of work as caretaker and handyman service lias experience In kltch en work Albert Kes- wick 3wl6 PATRICK AND SMART block and stone contract- ln Phone and also Phone New- market CUSTOM built homes summer cottages erected anywhere par- ages chimneys all types of Consult us for free estimate and expert service Suburban Builders New market Phones Mount Albert or CUSTOM trenching depth up to ft Complete tank Job desired Reasonable rates Call Murray Baker New market PRACTICAL nursing Mr5 Kathleen Taylor phone New market FENCING FARM and rial concrete estimates Cedar Vy Company Mount HELP WANTED MALE POLICE CONSTABLE TOWN OF NEWMARKET APPLICATIONS will be by the undersigned for the position of Police Constable for the Town Newmarket Ap plicants must be between the ages of and at least 5 height two years school education Applications must be submitted on form supplied by the Chief Constable of the Town of Newmarket and quality with regulations adopted by the Town of Newmarket Council pertain Iur to the Police leoartment position offers pension and APPLICATIONS will be isi until noon Saturday April 28 must be marked Application for Police Depart- ment and addressed to Wesley Town of Newmarket Box New- market Ontario TRUCK driver permanent job delivering to farmers- fenced man with rural back ground preferred Phone Newma ScPERIENCED waitress M- wages days a week Phone Newmarket MARRIED man for marsh farm Wife or children to help during summer Good wages- Apply phone Bradford 30art4