v Plana are being made for the official opening of the Newmar ket public library arid the prob able date lit Saturday June The new building on Park Avenue is a credit to the town but Ue present white coating on the bricks caused by winter construction does not enhance the exterior The library board has been assured that the white color caused by the frost will be washed away before long v Congratulations to the man Smoke Rings for winning the junior C hockey champion of Ontario The sponsor of the team Mr Peter Gorman and Mr Herb Cain coach serve much credit along with Smoke Ring players They predicted a winning team long before the season started and there was no time during the reason when they needed to doubt their predictions Mr Gorman finds himself feuding with our sports editor is constantly reminding his readers of the large number of penalties in hockey these days We would like to point out that we do not consider that criticism of hockey in general personal criticism of Mr Gorman or of Mr Cain for that matter from the Files of i ay The Smoke Rings sponsor Is making a contribution to sports and a contribution to Ills com munity His hard work in the swimming pool effort is anoth er of his community contribu tions We suggest that anyone who takes on community res ponsibilities will bo criticized one way or another Criticism goes with public life and the way in which criticism is copied a factor which governs the success of ah individuals efforts in public life But the important news this week that the Smoke Rings won and we are sure that the good sports of Newmarket are proud of them including our sports editor The Newmarket town council broke a record for the year with three meetings this week One was Monday night another Tuesday night and there a meeting this afternoon to dis cuss further proposals concern ing the location of a new in dustry here It is the usual story Mem bers of council are having dif ficulty to find time to look after the town business and their own businesses or jobs as the case may be are suffer ing in the process 50 Years Ago April Mr Curtis a mail car rier of Newmarket has a black X- Minorca hen in his of which last weekend laid an egg weighing lb which he brought to the Era for shew hi the window It in around lengthwise and Li in circumference Whose are these A surprised when walking On his lawn a few days ago to y discover a set of false teeth apparently in good condition As It will cost real money to replace them the owner re- members on whose lawn he lost the teeth and will make himself he may receive them go on his way rejoicing The Rev Andrews Andrews with Ted and Joy spent a few days last week in WPontypooK Durham County Mr- Hiram Wolfe and Mr Lu ther Wolfe of New York spent last week with the and Mrs Meadows In town and Mrs Mrs Sullivan Mr If Peterson and Miss Peterson of Toronto spent Sunday with the and Mrs Andrews Miss Beryl Jackson and mother motored here from Montreal and spent Easter and Monday the guests Mr fftrj Boyd Miss of Niagara entertained a few friends her home Tuesday evening in honour of her sister Inlaw Mrs- Earl The Club held a last Friday the Veterans Hall Members and guests filled twelve tables Mrs Dr Boyd off the prize and Mr Brooks the mens Trinity church met at home of Mr Malt land on Tuesday evening Miss Gould gave an account of her work In as a nurse Mrs Wesley Brooks a missionary read v last demon the uses of Parsons store is ilng In Aurora this week arid Mrs nd hahy have been visitors fit the home of her parents Mr Mrs Morton f4ltt of was here one day last week to Mrs John J April Mr Smith school teacher at Musk and graduate of Newmarket High School spent holidays with his parents in East irtbur Get Ready to Plant Arbor Day is approaching Nut fruit or ilrnber trees planted on waste acres on your farm would in time draw from the elements and store up other values for you There are hun dreds and thousands of acres of land all over the country now practically unproductive that could by proper tree planting be made in time very profitable to the owners Pigeon Experiment On Good Friday afternoon two young men Messrs Win C Irv ine and came here from Toronto bringing with them two Homer pigeons They were vexy much inter ested in the carrierpigeon Idea and pleased to enlist the sympathies of Col Lloyd who is a great of the feath ered tribe The birds were let go opposite the Town Clerks office and we are pleased to learn that one of them reached safely making excellent despite a strong South- East young men Hi wellknown pigeon fanciers and breeders of the famous Homers They intend to try the experiment shortly and if can succeed in course the Col has promised his assistance in ex tending it to Orchard Beach the corning earning season The friends of School eroft presented with a set of on the eve of leaving for her new home at Acton Mr representing the P was in town and Introduced of our business by Mr Atkinson 41s and her mother returned to town after winter Missouri with Mr Hugh Mini roe By the picture postcards re ceived from John we Judge that he is greatly enjoying his trip through the Holy Land Mrs Kay Louisa Rob erts of Montreal spent Raster holidays with their aunt Mrs Carter at Main tt Era and Limited tar lit advance Single copies are each Member of Class A of Canada every Thursday two yearn for one yea Weekly Newspapew and the Audit Bureau circuiiiMis for and Second Class Post Office JOHN I Ottawa iiii i GEORGE ACINI Job 9 the THURSDAY THE NINETEENTH DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND WHY SHOULD THE TOWN BE IN THIRD PLACE ON A DEAL THE TOWN council is back in the development business and this week on Monday night a deal was made with in order to keep one local in dustry in town Limited manufacturers of radio and television aerials in a small way has plans for a larger plant and production in a big way The company had been offered land in Aurora and to keep the industry here the Newmarket council made its agreement with Mr subdivides The party receiving the most in concessions through the agreement is Tenetronics Coming out second best is Mr The town of Newmarket is third and last receives free land in an area where land prices are increasing day by day Mr pays for the land for the company but he is able to buy water from the town of Newmarket Today water is a commodity which has a fixed price when it is sold to homeowners but which is much more valuable to a because his investment is useless without it The town will receive from Mr Lenhardt to as a contribution towards a new sewage plant estimated construction costs i about 700000 But it will cost the taxpayers far more than that figure when interest is paid The town will pay for the in stallation of a culvert and completion of the roadway on the new section of Millard Avenue a responsibility which previously had been Mr The esti mated cost is It will take many years before the taxes on the proposed Tenetronics plant will pay for that item alone Councils decision to go ahead with the agreement it can be assumed was based on a desire to keep the industry in town Mayor and Councillor felt the price was too high The others were willing to pay the requested price possibly with the exception of Councillor Hands who declared later that he did not realize the agreement called for the town to pay for the road construction on Millard Avenue There is no reason why the town should be in third place in such a deal Mayor and Council lor Bel gin were right But the reason why the others voted in favor of the arrangement is quite understand able the only expression of public opinion says Get industry The Chamber of Commerce recommended that the agreement be implemented at once In their haste to make a popular move members of council voted for the third place position Council could have held over a decision for a day The fact is the council did hold a meeting the next night and a decision could have been made then Possibly the voters felt they were OUR SIDE OF THE STORY m m doing the right thing for Newmarket at the time but when they think it over they will realize that the tax- payers are paying a large subsidy on development when all things are taken into consideration ONE CONCESSION TWO FAVORS LAST YEAR this expressed the opinion that the year would tell the tale of Newmarket in this era of rapid development The town can pro ceed with cautious and logical development or it can be carried away on a wild course that will lead to finan cial troubles at the expense of the taxpayers and for the benefit of the developers Progress is considered to be a magic word but it has a hollow ring under cer tain circumstances We are not opposed to development We know full well that Newmarket can grow thou going into bankruptcy There is a policy adopted by the town council which if followed correctly will prevent chaotic conditions The members of council are well advised to be cautious in dealing with developers who are genuinely interested in making money We are in favor of them making money but not at the expense of the taxpayers And those taxpayers who stand to gain nothing from development are well advised to express their opinions on the subject just as the Chamber of Commerce has The town council will listen to a body of citizens like the Chamber of Commerce and it will listen to a body of citizens representing the average home owner We direct this advice to those citizens who are wage earners who will gain little or nothing from the towns development but who must pay the higher taxes caused by the wrong kind of development How can the town afford to give one concession in return for one favor even if it is to keep a local in dustry in town when the tax rate this year will be approximately mills on the dollar Rather it should be one concession for two favors or three favors or more A study of possible development in this area will show that the town council is in the favorable bar gaining position And what greater stimulus for a tight fisted policy on these matters than the prospects of a future tax increase of mills which could be possible through the following for a new sewage dis posal plant a minimum of 225000 for surface treating water at the reek possibly more for a reservoir and pumping station The total of is a million in easy terms Willi debentures over a period of years that menus paying off a total of a million and a half including interest That would be approximately more mills on he yearly lax rate not counting debentures for other work that may be required in the town by Harvey THE STRENGTH OF COMMUNISM IS ITS RELIGION Mi statement about I allure may leave the Impression that communist threat Is on the wane ilia statement may cost us One result will be to make Congress less likely to approve foreign aid program Ami the forces of freedom are not so strong in underdeveloped countries they can afford to lose support of any kind Ward be that India had not re reived American wheat during the famine communist governments would have been elected In some of the states of Southern India Why Sees Victory Without War a lengthy article fn News and World lists the I lie eow- have been also explains the tactics and weapons on which they base their hope of victory life after death- lint It takes the place of religion and lias the power of religion It answers what Crane calls the IHk Questions that all religions answer What man What is his destiny What Is duty What is the revard faithful has a ready answer to all these questions Man is a product of evolution His destiny is a communist world Ills duly Is to follow I he Party Line with devotion Ami tin proffered reward Is When once the world has been conquered by communism when then are no longer capital and wreckers tin faithful will enter world of jiuari pros perity arid progress In communism we face a fighting faith that has won thousands of converts from both Christianity and demo- iracyand ominously tor us their converts include a dispro portionate number of intellect uals Communist propaganda Is often false and seldom fair hut through It nil there runs one great and undeniable truth poverty Is no longer necessary We now have sufficient control over the of nature to raise whole populations above starvation period of probation The com munist youth take a vow of mid service to Hie Parly which closely resembles the Jesuit vows Now the Jesuits luvame a great force hi history They stopped the spread of autism and achieved what lias called lie counter refor mation hi the Church Hut they so powerful that the sovereigns of Spain Portugal and France the most Catholic countries in drove them out of their dominions Onethird of the world ready communist another large section of It aflame hatred against the Weal com munist parties at work In country in the free world Hie Soviet Union gaining on the United States In air power and Industrial capacity these are the facts presented They prove that the communist threat Is with us still but they am hot the source of Soviet strength- It easy for us lo say hit the communist faith Ik sheer dogma Hut anyone who lias studied the history of religion knows that a dogma need not he true to be effective The spread of religions has been largely One to vigor and with which they have been propagated fho strength of communism come from its religion ft of course on odd kind of Ion with in or must hot forced that the faith made its Bains as a result of propa ganda Men like ami Paine am converted men of their day to democracy nut fifty had no serious the defenders of monarchy had nothing better to offer the obvious absurdity the Might of Kings The In Hit of a decent life for all Is therefore Justi fied They are mistaken in attributing all evils of civil capitalism And off the capitalists will not produce the Hut ill some poor have succeeded in their standards under a liberal dem ocratic system he drawing power faith will tint diminish Mi sides Us falih communism a mighty In its The iuimminlat Party is a political party it is a Ions order lis nearest parallel hi fa com monly known a the a communist a a a regularly rocs wmrw of Intensive Sim In Marxism and a The communist order has all the advantages of the Jesuits and one more Christian doc trine has always recognized a division of authority between the spit hunt and the temporal The Jesuits like other Christ- inn orders have never aspired to rule slates Now the com religious order no such limitations openly proclaims Itself as the direction power In every phase of life In the communist coun tries It Is the real government of the most powerful military state in the world It commands the lives and fortune of ftthtnl of the human race but on to ft v WlJfUAtWttwKwillP rnlw tit tod I of wtt of statu i the servant not the master of the people the guarantee against infringemtnt on their right their agent and issues it net function toot rett on individual Jr S i i pa harm J and and Mr Lloyd town This combination of fanatical ami disciplined organise Is the explanation of com munist conquests A movement with such resources at Its com presents an enduring challenge to the whole free world s By Ginger NOW AND THEN IS THE WISEST MEN ANON the rushed up from ft of busted iron off the before vere to to bed on the second to last inn bat broken part oyer his head he exclaimed work- in in cahoots with that press think its the com- mcntcl Slim He aint got ail his editorials wrote for the deadline end he wants put the blame for the hold up oh the machinery T think it termites claimed the printer ex amining the piece of broken metal the advertising man picked up the broken part turned it said Obvi ously it is an pari of the working mechanism necess ary for proper I presume there will be a delay What does he mean Uncle asked Slim lie means that were behind the eight bail arid if we git the paper out we wont be paid That there puts a different light on it said We could take the type to the Corners Clarion Blast and get them to print the paper for us Slim suggested Never cried the boss who just then walked into the We could never ask the Blast by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches a favor They might want something hi return for it print hand if we have f to night and day to get this newspaper on the street Do we arid a overtime asked ingratel roared the boss Is it ml enough that I am pay you an hour as it made the custom- nm extended full length- Forgive mo mas- My spake before my hud time to catch up The trouble you print- dont know when you arc well said the boss tell him want- td the Were in for smother ihoie that pa the I was that the- darkest hour is just before the dawn- solution turn was the reply At that there was a the back door- there appeared welder to fix the with his equipment ress- welded up a clump onto the broken part had it fixed in a nun- ate and we were away Theres always a lot over around this place t The problem of bulk hauling and bulk cooling of milk whether it is admitted or not is making steady inroads on the milk markets of the prov ince It also has been a source of friction and bitterness It is our contention that it has been that way for no good reason and that the present situation is weakening the milk produc ers organizations and denying the shipper the full benefit of bulk cooling and hauling Milk producers organiza tions led in the early clays by the Toronto group have offi cially opposed the bulk haul ing of milk They had not in vestigated it at that time they didnt try to see what tremen dous benefit there could be in a better quality product They just opposed it This type of mentality soon became the leading method of dealing with fresh problems as they arose We attended the meeting dealing with this prob lem Monday night in Newmar ket The Ontario representa tive was there A letter from the dairy was received by many members But the first questions raised were Can he do this Is it legal Can he get away with this Now in our humble opinion this is not the point at all and the course this problem took in other parts of the province proves it In all the esses where dairies started trucking there has yet to be a man who would appear in front of the Milk Control to argue the case In all oases the bulk system was started and in some cases the produo- voted against it at went to the dealers on the way home and ordered coolers Why not face the issue difii and look at it way In spite of the present depressed state affairs agriculture the shipping of- fluid milk is attractive to enough fanners that they are willing to do it They know the value to themselves in dollars and cents and they will not give up this source of income because a more expensive machinery is needed to on Conse quently if enough people think like this the that we all stick together it happen will simply not work Any association that asks this of its members is ruling for a fall because it is asking for a type of self denial that it will not get The next problem is to stick together and get the best sible bargain in exchange for acceeding to the dairies Here is where the crux the matter is One might as well admit that solid is not possible by milting the reality of the it should be possible to get the best deal before tie- shippers put in the in their anxiety to first There sre are w fcfc m m si we yoea nut set v fc S wr caw a moot in i the afternoon but NORTH BAY PLANS Plan roade for North by the fefMrwtll the ratlrcpolU Quebec Mtnl they One major project In city TOUlUnUUloo dollar federal U wd but that city in rhfr out aalmb haul MM i- xrii