Newmarket Era and Express, 12 Apr 1956, p. 7

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ir ijJfflrtaVst machine with grain thrower attached in condition Alio year old gray good work Walter Oak Ridges LA Case starter lights power takeoff hy draulic pump good rubber Case starter and lights power takeoff new rubber John Deere A starter and lights power takeoff good rubber New live power takeoff Priced to clear Frank Allan and Son Bradford phone 203v i pit H Inch tread tractors in firstclass condition Bros phono U RENFREW Cream separate service Complete stock of parts 48hour service Bowl exchanged recondltionel Electric attachments makes Parts for Mg lotto Anker Gross electric CoOp Vega Lister Viking American Phone Moonstone fe Separator service Hillsdale and used Surie milking and pumps Alio used tube at to Surge am Service Oak Ridge or Richmond Hill FARM ITEMS Alfalfa and Timothy baled Percy Walker phone Mount Albert turnips and baled straw Chapman phone LORE barley cleaned and per bushel Winch HREE registered Hereford lis serviceable age Quantity red clover cleaned Ivan Bradford phone hay Bros hone 20917 Mount Albert r- Barley cleaned and Walter Proctor Phone Newmarket removed from for sanitary Telephone Colled or Toronto Em mm looted LIVESTOCK FOR SALE i vr weeks old Roy Ed- ivards Holt phone Mount Albert- heifers due Sep tember and November Bros Mount Albert phone PUREBRED Yorkshire Sgi from advanced registered stock Boars ready for service and gilts of all ages Ranging from Lowndes Keswick phone POULTRY FOR SALE fevJSO PULLETS In gtwl condition starting to lay Phone laying pullets Phone LEGHORN SABY CHICKS year old hens AND JUNE SPECIAL k ir feiaybld pullets old mixed 13 per latched from large chalk while eggs on our farm to specially mated- Canada accredited direct from ad 5 AND v Aurora WANTED a Any In or will call on re paid Oak Ridges or Jlye poultry want will right at led most FOR YOUR GARDEN WE again offer you the very best of Evergreens flowering shrubs roses shade and fruit trees also privet t and Chinese elm hedges for reasonable pric es Thorn- hill MA St phone FRED PENROSE 5 Second if the above will cake this ad to the Theatre Newmarket by Monday Apr together with identifica tion This person will be admit ted as our theatre guest any on evening Monday through Friday PETS 1 i I fish imported Plants tanks and sup Phone ewrrTirkct MISCELLANEOUS cash Sale at 12 noon Rex Smith clerk peg Johnson MUCOUS IK THROAT Pink Tablets for lose and throat for the dropping discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances- These are he same reliable pink tablets hat have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmarket Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket WELL tile 30 and late delivery Lome Baker con crete Products Newmarket p tf4 AllHerbal rheumatic tablets muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket SALE THURSDAY APRIL 12 Auc tion sale of herd of dairy cattle tractor farm machinery farm stock Implements hay grain furniture etc on lot 12 con Whitchurch Property of Less Sale at pm sharp Terms cash No reserve farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers FRIDAY APRIL Extensive auction sale being the complete dispersal of the Misty Hollow Farm herd consisting of head including fresh snringers heifers and herd sires with some of the cows grading very good and good with some testing over percent as well as produc tion will be sold at the VILLE LIVESTOCK PAVILION on No 20 miles of Toronto the property of of NOTE This of Ontarios outstanding dairy herds in milk fully accredited vaccinated O P tested Get vour catalogues Dont miss this snip Modern restaurant In the Sales Arena Sale starts at pm Sellers and Atkinson Auctioneers FRIDAY APRIL Auction sale of practically all new Im plements self prop combine M Harris No tractor New Holland machine beef cattle farm stock Implements hay rain etc on 2nd eon of township mile north of Elgin Mills slderoad Property of Powell Sale at sharp Terms cash no reserve Incase expired and proprietor quitting entirely Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneers SATURDAY APRIL Auction sale of hen of cattle Ford major tractor and plow team of horses farm im plements grain furniture on lot con on No highway west of village Property of Elmo Sale at pm sharp Terms cash No reserve farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers SATURDAY APRIL Cash sale of household furniture prop erty of Mrs Sut ton West commencing oclock Included chesterfield orator washing machine etc Reg Johnson auctioneer MONDAY APRIL Hi Auction sate of farm stock Implements and household furniture Ford tractor and plow new manure spreader grain Hereford and Shorthorn cattle full lino of machinery the prop of Mrs Gen Mcdcalf lot con North Twp 2 miles west of Sutton on base line Farm sold no reserve Sale at Terms cash Reg Johnson auctioneer one Sunderland TUESDAY APRIL Auction sale of farm stock head reg istered and grade cat tie implements AlHs Chalmers- tractor new VA Case tractor harvester rieW Geo White threshing machine No new new for age full line of power machinery milking machine the property of Edwin Ted lot con East will miles north I W of WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 Auc tion sale of grade cattle horses Implements and dairy equipment including 200 gal bulk cooler The property of Smith south side of highway one mile east of Bond Head Sale pm Terms cash- A auctioneer 2wl4 THURSDAY APRIL 10 Auc sale of farm stock imple ments household furniture Ford tractor and plow good full line of machinery Hereford cattle In excellent shape number of sows and chunks poultry etc the property of ski lot 20 con North Gwilllm- Two miles north of Kes wick on Rd Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Sale am Re Johnson auction eer phone Sunder land FRIDAY APRIL 20 Auction sale of head of registered and grade Hereford cattle and baby beef H tractor equip ment blower cutting box baled hay and straw arid household furniture at lot con Pick twp miles west of Clare- the property of Waiter Baker no reserve farm sold Terms cash Sale at pm Lloyd Turner clerk A Far mer auctioneer SATURDAY APRIL 21 Auc tion sale of household furniture and other effects on lot 21 con at Sale at pm Terms cash No re serve Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers Property of Lewis FRIDAY APRIL 27 Public auction sale at Davis Dr E the property of Dixon con- sitting of household furniture etc Sale pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket c2w5 SATURDAY APR Auction sale of farm implements hoss etc Ihe of James Mil ton lot con- East mile east and one mile south of Every- thing sold without reserve Sale sharp Terms cash Glover Clerk Kavanagh auctioneer phone Queens- TUESDAY May Extensive auction sale of head of reg istered and grade shorthorn cattle Palamino pony No tractor equipped nearly new MH- No GO com bine motor driven new only cut acres Case Bale elevator with hp motor nearly new power spreader large size good McD ferti lizer drill good Power mower 70 nearly new 2 rubbertired pips hay grain straw furniture Font 1ton pickup etc at lot Con miles south of King City of McQUARRIE Farm sold No reserve Terms cash NOTE cattle in extra good con dition Refreshments on the Mcrvln Wilson and Gordon clerks Sale Sellers and Atkinson OF FARM STOCK Implements Household Fund Property of WITALD ZAJACZKOWSKI Lot Con North miles north of Keswick on Road THURSDAY APRIL CAiilK Jersey cow pure bred years milking bred February cow bred Dec cow bred Nov Hereford cow bred Sept Hereford heifer years due time of sale cow years fresh cow years duo May Hereford heifer- years Hereford heifer 10 months steer months Hereford steer months PIGS Yorkshire sow years due time of sale Yorkshire sow years bred Dec Yorkshire sow years bred Dec Pure bred Yorkshire hog 2 yrs Yorkshire hog year old Shoals ready for market weighing lbs Chunks around lbs Pullets crossed Light Sussex and New Hampshire STRAW 150 Bales good dry straw IMPLEMENTS 1050 Ford tractor Ferguson plow Drill tractor hitch disc good con dition McCormickDeerlng Cultivator tooth tractor hitch mower ft good Dump rake ft nearly new Case pushbur loader In good shape Hay Tedder Set pig scales Electric hummer mill new Walking good Section diamond harrows No manure spread good Rubber tired wagon and rack- Set of sloop sleighs Rack toy half ton Wheelbarrow Electric motor 24 Line ft Line shaft boxing and pi step Loading shute on wheels- Poultry equipment brooders- Electric brooder 2 OH barr els with taps Lawn mower 2 gal White paint of other paint J Forks chains shovels etc FURNITURE Folding screen Electric stove Armchairs Kitchen table and 2 benches Egg crates Garden table Oak desk day bed coal stove Bed and Spring Dinette table Double beds spring and matt resses Dining room suite Lawn chairs Table and chairs 3 Dressers Glass china cabinet Coleman heater Farm Sold Sale at pm Terms cash No reserve Connell clerk Reg Johnson auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL Household effects of the late A COLE At 12 Cotter St Newmarket Heat wave range burners Annex oil burner installed St Carlson console radio Dining room suite Steel wardrobe chesterfield suite Kitchen table and chairs washing machine Electric iron Trl Lite lamp and quantity of small lamps Rocking chairs Steel couch Large mirror Wash stand Steel oil barrels Cupboard Quantity of dishes cooking uten sils Glasses and odd pieces Carpenter tools axes saws Garden seeder cultivator hoes forks scythe Quantity of lumber Scrap Iron Terms cash Time pm Smith Auctioneer TENDERS OF NORTH POLICE GARS TENDERS bo received by undersigned on or before Saturday April for delivery of a standard Moor sedan equipped with directional lights 2 windshield wipers air conditioner heate police siren flasher light pollcf stoplights heavy duty generator for radio equipment first- grade Goodyear tires and license Also quote on tradein for Pont lac sedan Hill Chief of Police Keswick TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDING- PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above received until 300 Thursday April 2G for the supply of and coke for the Federal Build throughout the Province of Ontario fa of tender with specifica tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores of Public Works and District Architect St Toronto Ont TENDERS will not be consider ed unless made on or according to the printed form supplied by the Department and in accord ance with conditions set forth therein THE Department reserves the right to demand from any suc cessful tenderer before award the order a security deposit In the form of a certified cheque drawn on a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quo- bee Savings Rank Act payable to the order of the Receiver Gener al of Canada equal to ten per cent of the amount of the tender In accordance with the Govern ment Contracts Regulations now In force or Rearer Bonds with unmatured coupons attached of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and Its constituent companies unconditionally guar anteed as to principal and Inter est by the Government of Can ada THE lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ROBERT FORTIER Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary Department of Public Works Ottawa March 10 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH TOWNSHIP TRUCK SEALED tenders plainly mark ed will be received by the under- signed on or before oclock noon Saturday April 1056 to deliver to township yards at one Standard ion truck -equipped- with direc tional lights air conditioned heater windshield wipers rear tires and spare tire to be first class fiply heavy duty color dark blue with Township of North to painted on doors FOR further information apply to Township offices tit LOWEST or any tender not necessarily accepted Rye Road Sup Keswick NEWMARKET HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY THE Nursery Ltd offering a discount to the mem bers only of the above society Orders will bo receive up to the first day of May Orders will not be received by phone Purchase price must accompany the orders Office hours from pm to pm except Sun- r Please Court St phone Newmarket BIRTHS The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Apr 1956 Page NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of CHARLES WRIGHT the Township of East in the County of Farmer Deceased CREDITORS of the abovenam ed deceased who died at the Vill age of Sharon in the County of York on or about the day of January are hereby noti fied pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the day of April after which date the assets of the Es tate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then nave notice DATED at Newmarket this day of March AD Clarence Joseph McDonald and Wright Execu tors their solicitors Stiver Vale and Newmarket TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR DUMP TRUCK SEALED tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned up to pm on Tuesday April 17th lor the supply of a ton special heavy duty dump truck fully equipped with a combination steel dump body 7 ft wide ft lone 18 deep with provision for side boards rear tiros all weather heavy duty front tires ply spare wheel and rim equipped with a ply tire speed DP axle heavy duty rear springs frame to he rein forced with fish plates heater defroster mirror flares clearance lights directional signals and reflect ors The colour preferred either dark green or blue and the tend- may submit a tender for either a six or eight cylinder thick THE township is offering the following truck as a tradeIn on the above truck a Ford heavy duty 3ton truck 158 equipped with a combination wooden dump box and hydraulic hoist heavy duty ply tires extra tire wheel and rim LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Chalmer Black Road Kettteby TENDER TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS will ho received by the undersigned to noon Thursday May 3rd For the collection and disposal of and other refuse in the following districts for the period stated OAK RIDGES AND WILCOX LAKE twice per week from June 1st to May 1157 LAKE twice per week from June 1st to September LAKE once a week from 1st to Sept 1056 TENDERS will state price in each area m DATED at the Township of Whitchurch this day of April 1 John Crawford Clerk MUSIC TEACHER Miss Marlon Eves teacher of piano and theory will open a studio in the village of Queens- on April For arrange- and further particulars phone Queensvlllo BIRTHS ANDREWS At York County hospital Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Stewart An drews Newmarket a daughter At York County pita I Friday April to Mr and Mrs Kenneth lira utile New market a daughter Helen Wan- chord and Herb are happy to announce the arrival of their son Paul Herbert on Thursday April 1056 at York County hos pital CORNER A I York County Thursday April to MM Mrs Corner a daughter At York County hos pital Tuesday April 10 to Mr and Mrs Frank R a son 1056 to Mr and Mrs Charlie Rlchvale a daughter York County Sunday April to Mr and Mrs Thomas Newmarket a son York County hospital Friday April 1056 to Mr and Mrs William R 1 a son GRANT At York County hos pital Sunday April 1056 to Mr and Mrs Hugh Grant New market a daughter HOUGH At York County hospi tal Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Albert Hough Keswick a son HODGINS A York County hos- Wednesday April 1056 to Mr and Mrs Joseph Keswick a son At York County hospital Friday April to Mr and Mrs Stanley 4 Bradford a daughter still born KING At York County hospi tal Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Clifford King Sutton a laughter LANG At York hosot- Monday April 1956 to Mr and Mrs Robert Lang Lloyd- town a son LINDSAY At York County Monday April to Mr- and Mrs Bruce Lindsay Newmarket a son At York County hospital Wednesday April 1056 to Mr and Mrs Wallace Oak Ridges a daugh ter NEIliERG At York County Thursday April to Mr and Mrs William Newmarket a son PRICE At York County hospi tal Saturday April to Mr and Mrs Robert Price Park a son At York County Monday April to Mr and Mrs Patrick Lang- staff a son At York County hos pital Sunday Aoril to Mr and Mrs William Sandle a daughter SCOTT At York County hospi tal Friday April to Mr and Mrs Cameron Scott Aurora a son At York hos- Tuesday to Mr and Mrs Robert Rlverdrivc Park a son At York hospi tal Monday April 0 to Mr and Mrs- Thys Maple a daughter Voxels At York County hospital Monday 0 to Mr and Mrs a daughter WALLACE At York County hospital Thursday April to Mr and Mrs Gordon Wallace R 1 a son DEATHS BARKER At York County hos pital Newmarket on Wed nesday March William Barker of Zephyr husband of Annie Taylor broth er of Charles of Oranevillc and Annie of California Service was held on Friday March Inter ment Mount Albert cemetery At her home on April 5 1056 Julia sister of Service was held on Tuesday April 10- Interment Virginia Ont DEATHS DEATHS BOWSER At St Michaels hos pital Toronto on March John W Bowser of Aurora Ont husband of Dorothy Smith and father of Jack In his year Service was held on Mon day April Interment Aurora cemetery BOYD At the home of her son 212 on Friday March Mary Louisa Hamilton wife of the late Will lam Royd late of Newmarket and Roches Point mother of Mrs M Hall of Mel ford Snsk Richard Dick and Ashley Sendee was held on Monday April Interment Christ Church cemetery JACKSONAt pital Toronto on Sunday April David W Jackson hus band of Auty and son of Mr and Mrs William Jackson and dear father of Kathrinc and dear brother of William Garv and Phyllis Sendee was held on Wednesday April Interment King cemetery KITCHEN At Barrio on Friday April Alzada Irene Coffey wife of Hairy Kitchen in her year mother of Ruth and dear sister of Susan Mrs Roy McLean and Mrs Cllston Win ter both of Barrio Richard Coffey Tennville and Henry Coffey Bradford Service was held on Monday April Inter ment Union cem etery LEPPARDAt Keswick on March Ida Mildred wife of the late in her year Serv ice was held on Monday April Interment in cem etery At hospital Toronto April Alfred Steel MaeDonald of Jef ferson husband of father of Mrs Robert Bournes grandfather of John Kenneth and Patricia Mary In Ills year Service was held bn Monday April Interment Aurora cemetery On Saturday April at Lodge Ella Cora In her year late of Dovercourt Rd formerly of King- Out daugh ter of Ihe late Isaac and Annie sister of Ida Mrs J and Hazel Mrs both of Toronto Aurora Wesley Maple and the late Herman Margaret Mrs Thompson Edgar Ernest Edith Mrs Ethel and Marie Service was held on Tues day April Interment cemetery At York County hospital Newmarket on Satur day April William son Rhindress of Holland Land ing father of Ruth Mrs Mac lean Tiverton Flossie Mrs- Cecil White Port Hope Nora of Orlllia also five grandchildren ami two sons predeceased was held on Tuesday April Interment Newmarket cemetery SHEPPARD At Rest Haven nursing home Aurora on Mon day April Frederick Jones Shcppard dear of Mrs A Violet and Mrs of Toronto and Stanley parti Newmarket Service was held on Wednesday April 11 Interment Aurora cemetery SMITH Suddenly at hospital on Thursday April A Ivan Smith husband of Leila Woodcock son of Mrs Florence Smith of Otta wa and brother of Mrs McCullouRh Edith Mrs Smith Evelyn Nelson of North Cay Burton Alfred of Sudbury and Lconu- of Sutton- Resting at the Clair Chapel of McDowell Brown Ltd St Clair Ave Toronto Service in thoX chapel am on Saturday Aprils Interment SMITH At oh Mary of wife of the late Fred A Smith years mother of Donald Madeleine deceased Isabel Verne Muriel Mrs Kii Jean Mrs Lome Shirley Mrs Gum- Ruth Mrs- son Service was held on April Interment cemetery SMITH On Sunday April 1056 Archie Smith of mark- Out husband of Grace Amh old and father of Mrs Squire- Greta and Mrs Thomson of Toronto Mrs Pat Murphy Dorothy Cecil of i and Donald of Aurora Service was held on Tuesday April 10 Interment THOMSON At her residence GO St Newmarket oh Friday April Mary Wes- ley of Longford and mother of Howard of sister of Mrs WiUiam Kate of Souris ba Rev- T Wesley of Brant- ford and Florida and Wesley of Toronto Service held on Monday pril St Andrews cemetery THOMPSON Entered Into rest early Saturday morning March 31 i056 at her home Prince Rupert Ave Toronto Anes Jane Tliompson daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Thompson sister of the late Joseph Thompson Ice was held on Tuesday April Interment King City WINKWORTH At Newmarket on Sunday April Mabel Milne wife of the late Wilt- lam and mother of Mrs Ada Rose Mrs Saunders Mrs Clarence Curtis Ivan and Mrs William Morrill Service was held this afternoon Interment cemetery At Sutton on Wed nesday March 2S Annie Elizabeth Wilson mother of Nellie Mrs Dean Annie Mrs Watson Hazel Stan and John Service was held on Saturday March Interment Stone Church cem etery Brock YOUNG- At Toronto on April Henrietta Lundy wife of the lite John Joseph Young of Simpson Ave and milliter of Mrs R Robinson Doris and Clare J C Young and dear mother of Joan and Marion was held on Saturday Interment Aurora cent- Service April MORE CLASSIFIEDS AGE II ON FOR EVERY MAIN NEWMARKET 7 1 Si rS f Ml i- A nung is a At York County hospital Sumlnv April to Mr and Mra Alan Crawley Oak Ridges a son t iV At Grace 1 Toronto Wednesday V r v iv 1 wnon ha ihc time for the printer the i r i a- CHECK v XA

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