ivtt S r and dub of Newmarket Mint ft annual fteatn toooday April ft to club and their friend Will attend Can Can at the Alexander theatre Toronto SWF APRIL CLARKES African Violets Centre toil OFF DAVIS EAST Se the lovely f Sf flowering plants including newly developed variolic Open to am m Sat d am ivnv f tight a By Caroline Ion aiSvirSi The newest bursary announced by the Business and Professional Womens club is de signed to help the forgotten Woman She is a woman a and P dub committee announced who realizes that she will be earning her living nil her life She real izes also that she has gone for fts her experience and train ing will take her She would like lake a degree or certifi cate that would open new oppor tunities for her This forgotten the and committee continued ha probably been supporting dependents and in any event Iva ttt tut not been gelling a large of ft I to save much Opening one mU free to first KV rt W 1 fc V fc A v ffl-K- vi lit fe VVr Tn I A WVltjB rf mtri WW a iwvtrtit fey For VMS liftss than before Mr il Latvia of Wei- linton St were to their wedding an niversary Mr Jarvis sud denly at hi of a heart at tack The had been mar- on March The funeral service was held on Saturday March 31 at Road- house and Rose funeral chapel Interment was in Newmarket cemetery- Born in Cambridge England years ago Mr came to Canada when he was two He farmed in the area where he met his wife the for mer Annie Chapman Turning to goods line he became a salesman until he retired five years ago For severat years he owned a general store at Holland Landing Besides his widow Mr Jarvis is survived by five daughters Mrs William Wads worth Mrs William and Mrs Wilfred all of Mrs Frank of Toronto and Mrs Allen of Vancouver three sons Ed ward Percy and Andrew 25 grandchildren and great grandchildren Sine rite likely to be between ordinary scholarships and bursaries are not available The bursary being offered is for for the univer sity year and the applicant must be a club member for at least show merit and prom ise and be accepted in an accred ited university Applications will be received up to June The successful ap plicant will be notified by Sep tember woman could make her bud get slrctch for the extra clothes and entertaining of a politician on the three dollars a week she has left over after she pays the household bills And if married women cant go into politics there is the dan ger of having a majority of spin sters in office Can you imagine a House of Commons full of Charlotte she asked The debate ended in a draw COOKING SCHOOL SPONSORED BY OES A cooking school will be held at the Newmarket town hall un der the auspices of Chapter 282 Order of the Eastern Star on Tuesday April 10 at pm Mrs Charles is general con vener More than 15 lucky prizes will be awarded at the school in cluding a food mixer radio electric clock and grocer ies Equipment for use by the Frigidaire dieticians will be pro vided through the courtesy of Newmarket Motors Ltd Child rens Is For Home And School Childrens reading was the NURSES SPONSOR BRIDGE AND EUCHRE The Soviet News Bulletin pub lished by the Russian Embassy in Ottawa has announced that a group of Russian women have accepted an invitation to visit Canada The invitation was made by the Canadian Congress of Wo men reported to be a Com munist organization to the Anti- Fascist committee of Soviet Wo men ATTEND Members of the Newmarket Art club attended a lecture and demonstration as guests of the Group of Artists on Tuesday March Mary a graduate of the War saw School of Fine Arts spoke on Appreciation of Miss who studied at art centres around the world and has paintings hung in the gal leries of many countries illus trated her original techniques in oil painting iheme of the March 27 meeting of the Alexander Home and School association The pro gram which featured a panel dis cussion entertainment by pupils of the school and a talk on the public library was under the di rection of Mrs Roy Mr A Hurst presided Mrs John program chairman in presenting her re port on the activities of the group to date thanked the teachers and parents for their cooperation and support Each time we have called on them for help we have received it Mrs said Members of the association Mr and Mrs Noble and Dr and Mrs D A Hutchinson donated a radio and a radio and record player to the school Mr Hugh Grant principal thanked Newmarket Social News story hour each Saturday morning Mrs Reginald Green Picker ing College librarian Mr S Elliott a member of the New market High School staff and I There is a Mr Grant formed the panel J prizes which discussed reading as a hobby Mrs A Cameron who was to have represented parents on the panel was unable to at tend because of illness Her place was taken by Mrs Nelson fan who chaired the panel The panel approached the topic by first deciding why reading important and what could be done to assist the poor reader improve his reading habits so that reading could become a pleasure After that they dis cussed what should be read what affects television radio and movies have on reading and The annual bridge and euchre party sponsored by the District Registered Nurses association will be held tonight April in the Newmarket Legion hall at It is open to the public Refreshments will be served the conclusion of the card party- large assortment of HOSPITAL GROUP PLANS SPRING TEA for their gifts and the finally what parents can do to association for providing encourage reading as a hobby for their children IS GUEST SPEAKER Mrs Marcus of the Jewish Mission will be the guest speaker on Friday Apr at pm at Victory Baptist church at a spe- missionary service A farcical debate was held re cently in Toronto under the sponsorship of the Council for Women in Public Af fairs It was resolved That more women should enter public life Many interesting arguments emerged in the debate The main reason why women dont and shouldnt go Into politics is husbands one supporter of the negative side argued More photogenic women at Ot tawa would relieve the monotony of the rows of balding men countered a member of the af firmative team Women are bet ter at spending money Practice makes perfect and women in politics would know where to find the bargains she added Who would rock the cradle if women started rushing off to Ot tawa asked one speaker who was defending the negative side of the debate Womens place is in the home gently rocking she said In reply her opponent said that more women in politics would mean an increase in pres tige for husbands But this is contrary to Biblical teaching anatomy physiology political economy and feminine psychology the first replied Besides she added what mar Dr and Mrs J A Ritchie and their two children June Alexis and Spencer have return ed home from their Easter holi days at Washington and Southern Ohio Items for the Social and Per sonal column must reach the Era and Express office not later than 10 am each Wednesday Send them by mail or telephone or Mr and Mrs Roy and children of Weston were Easter weekend guests of Mrs Spences mother Mrs Lillian Lynn Dr and Mrs G of Waterloo and Miss Elaine of Brantford were guests over the Easter weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs J A Mr and Mrs Ted Andrews and family of Toronto moved in to their new home on Lane last week Mr and Mrs William and family visited Mr and Mrs O of over the Easter weekend Miss of Toron to spent the Easter weekend with her parents Mr Clifford Pipher Stouff- was a guest on Easter Sun day at the home of his sister Mrs Haines Miss Ruth Aiken of and Miss Jean Aiken of Marie spent the Easter holidays with their parents Rev and slip covers for the teachers room Mr Grant was authorized by the association to buy a supply of film strips for use in the school Miss Mary Moffatt led in the The York County Hospital Womens auxiliary will hold annual spring tea in the New market firehall auditorium on Friday April Tea wilt be served from 3 to 5 pm There will be a sale of home baking and a delicatessen table well as a gift table Proceeds from the project will be used by the auxiliary to provide patients comforts at York County tal Mrs Noble moved a vote of thanks to those taking part in the program The meet ing closed with a social half- hour when refreshments were opening prayer Mrs If Of Mrs rare lire l J iSi V I r ml TV- PLAN r Which Is stores n r r V ti iL t rt OK Toaster 383 certificates r- JUti When you have accumulated the required amount of certificates you may redeem them for the available premium of your choice at Heres the opportunity of a lifetime to get quality premiums for your home Sparkling automatic popup toasters steam irons electric kettles these are only a few of the many valuable practical useful premiums available to you at substantial savings too J ft J 1 i 5rir 5V 4 HEINlOTSUP 3J Sai Mm r a st I J rtT 5l t Xrrs v STEftK ROASTS t v4ni and Mrs J Aiken Miss Jean Aiken attended the conven tion in Toronto this week Mr Ross Klinck of Victoria Square has moved to town and is making his home with his soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Lome Baker Mr and Mrs Bert Tait of spent Sunday in town the guests of Mr and Mrs Cephus Andrews Mr and Mrs James celebrated Easter with their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Ronald of Miss Koshel has return ed to Grace hospital Toronto where she is a nurseintraining after spending two weeks holi days with her parents Mr and Mrs Clarence Wil son of Windsor and Mr and Mrs Richard Heppe of Port Hope were guests over the Easter weekend of Mr and Mrs Ford Wilson and Mr and Mrs Ern est Kyte Mrs Robert Stevens of New Toronto spent the Easter week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Cephas Andrews Mr and Mrs Lome and family of Keswick were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs John and family Mr and Mrs Gordon Mr and Mrs Robert and Steven all of Toronto were guests on Sunday of Mr and Aubrey Watson and family Mr and Mrs J Cowieson and Jeff of Port Credit and Mr and Mrs C Dunn and Larry of were guests over the Easter weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Luke Lyons Mr and Mrs J Cruick- and family of Toronto spent the Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs F Bothwell Mr and Mrs spent the holiday weekend with their daughter and soninlaw Mrs Lyman Mr and daughter Carol Ann of Wood stock Visitors at the home of Mr Morton and Mr M Mor ton over the Easter weekend were Mr and Mrs Mabel Macrae Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pike and Mr and Mrs Morton Scarboro Mr and Mrs Oscar lender son spent the Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs val Misses Alice and Elsie Gib bons spent a couple of days with Mr and Mrs Charles Fulton St Catharines Mrs Barry Keeley represent ed the King George Home and School Association at the Ontario Home and School convention at the Royal York hotel Toronto on Tuesday April Miss L Marshall Brampton spent Easter with Miss Dora Rose was pianist Sixteen pupils members of grades six and seven perform ed several folk dances under the direction of Miss Ona A humorous reading was given by Wendy Mrs Horace librarian at the Newmarket Public Lib rary spoke of the service such a library can provide for the community She outlined the ac tivities of the juvenile section which soon will include a regu- Mrs Belfry Cane Mrs Fred and Mrs Kenneth LADIES MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Chris tian Baptist church will be held at the home of Herb Boyd Ontario St Thursday Apr at 230 pm I OBITUARY Well Known Citizen Frederick Johns Dies A well known resident of New- market A Frederick Johns St died at York Coun ty hospital on Wednesday March He was a public spirited citi zen and served the community in many ways He was well known as an election worker in New market He was born at Clinton in the son of the late Mr and Mrs Edwin Johns Mr Johns married Elizabeth in and moved to Newmar ket in Mr Johns taught public school for years retiring from that profession in Since then he has worked at the hospital for the past years He was a mem ber of the Trinity United church and an honorary elder He had been a member of Murphy Lodge of Clinton and the Liber al association His chief interest was in his home and church While in Clinton Mr Johns serv ed as a councillor for one year At the time of his death he was a fence viewer for St Georges Ward Newmarket Surviving are his wife two sons George Johns of Aurora and Kenneth A Johns of Weston a daughter Doris Mrs Harry Newmarket one sister Mrs Annie Seetey of Clinton and eight grandchildren The funeral service was con ducted by Rev J Aiken at the Chapel of and Rose on Friday March Pall bearers all nephews were Earl Lome and How ard Johns all of Clinton Alex Duncan of Rock wood and Rev Gordon Harris of Interment was in Newmarket cemetery Gina Lo CUSTOM DRESSMAKING WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY KING GEORGE HOTEL TIMOTHY PHONE Hi Former Teacher Everett Glover Dies A former school teacher in this district Everett Glover died recently in He had been livimj at Peterborough at Havens hoe he was ft retired draftsman of the Trent Valley Canal System retiring after years from the system in He was highly skilled amateur photographer His pho tos of the scenery in and around Peterborough as well us his still and portraits showed a tech nical excellence lie also was an expert penman and wrote many illuminated scrolls for the city and other in Peterborough Son of the late William Glover and Wilson he is survived by his wife the former Mary daughter Eleanor of Peterborough a son of Tor onto two sisters Miss Mabel Glover of and Mrs Gertrude and a brother Toronto Ho was educated in Newmar ket and was graduate of the Peterborough Normal School Despite expansion of Canadian manufacturing only percent of Canadian exports are fully or chiefly manufactured Roods while raw and partly manufactured goods make up CO percent exactly the same pro portions as in the per iod Adults too often will put on aow with coM than retire and call the Doctor Pneumonia sometimes attacks stalwarts Do not iry to be brave with few ue Follow the wellvstablihol juidaccrKsr a c balanced diet and drink plenty of sue If symptoms call while there is still time for treatment of the current illness of hazardous complications are indicated we will be happy to render the hac service in fillioj your Harvey Lanes PHARMACISTS Main St O I- i 1 DRAPERIES MADE FREE standard of workman ship Tills offer Is good at all times on from 149 a yard or more Minimum length il inches finished lined or un- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Canadas commercial airlines In averaged only one acci dent every revenue miles only one death every pay- Injyengejra or every small compact efficient backed by an 10day of full M selling for less of nny comparable brands The and eat MR Zeniths famous Crusade to the Cost of Heating By World Operates for about ft Mxck on tin available Ma Guarantee i If you are not if you do not find the 50OC or the of competitive makes tUin or more simply return for full refund Complete for with conduction cord stock earmold OneYear and Plan Time Payments if Also four other models to choose froml wow Next to Iff hJ5 AJI I