iT ffv 1 Phone 780 up to pmi HOUSE for sale or rent bungalow garage and garden in Holland Landing Possession May Phone New- TIMOTHY St Solid brick kitchen bedrooms and famished attic modern bathroom extra toilet oil heated extras home Central Mrs phone live room bungalow Kit- builtin cupboards inlaid on floor living room floors finished 2 large and closets on floors bathroom with cupboard sunroom full size basement House plastered and heated with forced oil heating Water on with electric pump built on large PHSHT flrsefC Lot Thompson Newmarket CHARLES BOYD REALTOR Main St Newmarket Phone home located next to a store and very close to school main floor has modern kitchen and one bedroom upstairs has three bedrooms kitchen and bathroom oil furnace- Excellent value Price terms stucco home located on 12 acre landscaped lot about old downstairs has large kitchen huge living ALEX DOAK LTD REALTOR storey and a half bedrooms family size with plenty of cupboards living room hot water sup- laundry tubs garage situ ated close to school and shopp ing Low cash down Taxes ssono COO LARGE modern storey a half home extra large kit chen plenty of modern cup boards and family size living room large bedrooms bath upstairs contains apartment with -kit- MORTGAGES ARRANGED JOSEPH REALTOR Timothy St Newmarket Phone FURNISHED rooms suitable for or 3 gentlemen central Phone 224r Newmarket HOUSE FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE brick J bungalow For full particulars phone Mount Albert HOUSE per month late possession- telephone Newmarket vTWO bedroom bungalow in Hoi land Landing builtin cupboards An kitchen furnace large garden Phone Newmarket house miles north- yeast of Mount Albert hydro water on tap Bus sendee week- Apply Percy Walker Mount Albert phone 1408 room with fireplace rooms bathroom upstairs large bedrooms oak We believe this home to be a good value full basement with furnace Price terms stove included room ana bedroom This apartment is selfcontained hot- water heating with oil alumin um storms This home practical ly carries itself Small down payment HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT HOLLAND Landing Possession May Groom bungalow rooms largo kitchen with cup- dining room and living room Garage and garden Newmarket OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT N ATTRACTIVE bright space in hew building on Main St ideal for lawyer dentist chartered etc approximately 2200 ft Well divide to suit tenant Reasonable rent Phone Newmarket or Toronto PASTURE WANTED wanted for ten cows with calves Stan Cain Sutton west BUILDINGS FOR SALE SMALL barn to Apply Mrs Burke Joseph St phone Newmarket FOR SaL ALUMINUM trailer with compact rooms fully lined lo cation Kincardine Lot included Has to be seen to tie appreciated For full information apply Ontario St East Newmarket or phone COTTAGE FOR RENT A ROOM cottage large newly decora ted water on tap sink car transportation available Hopkins north of Office specially in Holland Landing REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE me AREA MM of medium clay acres of bush balance CASH and unfin ished upstairs stucco 12storey home located 2 blocks from main street and schools large modern kitchen with dinette large living- room with stone fireplace modern bathroom full basement oil furnace Car- age in the basement lot Full price terms frame home located west side of town just off Park Avenue large bedrooms huge modern family sized oak floors garage an excellent home for a large family Full Price Easy terms 5ROOM clapboard bungalow overlooking the town large mod em kitchen modern bath room 2 large bright bedrooms full basement with oil furnace and laundry tubs now vacant for immediate possession Asking price terms DON MILLS ROAD clapboard bungalow located on paved highway 2mies from Newmarket miles from Toronto overlooking a ravine extra large kitchen with abund ance of cupboards large dining- room and bright spacious living- room oak floors large bedrooms modern bath room high divided basement furnace single garage in the basement and a large double garage beside the house pres sure system and cistern located on lot beautifully land scaped 14 miles the school Wo believe this to be one of the nicest homes in the Newmarket area Por suburban living this he beat Asking price Terms MOUNT ALBERT J ROOM storey square plan cement block home located on large lot large kitchen modern in every way dining room living room with hardwood floors large bedrooms upstairs modern bathroom oil furnace large verandah and barn at back of lot Would make an excellent tourist home or a rest home Full price 10000 terms Contact J Mount Albert For a large selection of homes acreages and farms in the Mount Albert Ux- and areas contact J McQuaid at Mount A SELEC TION OF AND BEDROOM HOMES FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN AND LET DISCUSS THEM WITH YOU CHARLES E BOYD REALTOR Main St Newmarket ANDREW Sheet acre warden soil with room clap- hoard bungalow all town facili ties central close to bus bungalow nice size kitchen large living room hardwood floors full size cellar bath equipped with aluminum storms and screens situated centrally to schools and 00 down Carries for about per month bungalow 2 family size bedrooms with spa cious clothes closets large mod ern kitchen living room 4piece bath oil heated This home is close to schools and shop ping Taxes 75 Low cash down Terms ROY 39 Millard the above householder will rake this ad to the Theatre Newmarket by Monday night Apr together with identifica tion This person will be admit ted as our theatre guest any one evening Monday through Friday STORE FOR RENT FURNISHED room for one per son all conveniences central facilities for breakfast Phone Newmarket or unfurnished rooms and heated Queen St Newmarket Phone rlwt4 ACCOMMODATION AVAIL STORE suitable for small busi ness or office Phone 1520 or Newmarket tfl2 WANTED TO RENT bungalow Re liable adults Write Era and Express box lvl4 URGENTLY needed Bachelor Apt or room Apt Furnished and self contained By single business man Good references Phone Newmarket TWO boarders willing to share room Phone 13o3R Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE TWIN beds panel metal com plete studio couch with slip covers chesterfield and odd chairs Singer drophead sewing machine mahogany night table childs deluxe doll carriage utility cabinet metal bridge set folding chairs and table Chests of drawers mailbox radio and record or chrome tables and odd chairs electric lamps I walnut folding chairs breakfast suite oak dres sers and double beds iron- in boards several rattan chairs ft fire screen Bookcase 150 niece sot of china section book case childs crib large size new end tables Several mirrors bevel etc Fred Hirst phone SINGLE man years of age wants to meet lady around his Own age Object matrimony included Write Era and Express box NO Slcndor Tablets are ef fective weeks supply weeks at Atkinsons and Bests Drug Stores MERCHANDISE USED vacuum cleaner guaranteed and complete with all parts phone Newmarket 10500 two storey house 2 bedrooms large family living room modern kitchen divided basement beater 4piece bath equip ped with storms and screens and onecar garage Reasonable cash down Terms BEDROOMS storey and a half living room large kitchen plenty of cup boards dining room hardwood floors equipped with laundry tubs tank storms garage Lot Taxes down payment Terms bungalow with family size bedrooms a new bright modern kitchen with plenty of built in cupboards Large living room dining room bath equipped with laun dry room built In garage mod ern oil heating Venetian blinds aluminum storms and screens valance boxes TV aerial elec tric stove and refrigerator low down payment or ROOM home contained on one floor furnace not nec essary or around Newmarket by adults Reference If neces sary Rv the end of June or be fore Will pay around per month Phone 1033r Newmar ket PIANO and stool baby carriage all in good condition Phone 1591 or apply Prospect St New market- ZENITH hearing aid in good condition Batteries and access ories- Very reasonable Phone Newmarket FURNISHED room in Newmar ket where part time day care would be given to little girl reasonable Write Era and Ex press box lw4 APARTMENT FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent Apply Bros Real Estate Char- lie Dots ford St New market white enamel cook- stove coil oil burner oil tank stand all con Burns coal or wood with out removing burner condition as good as new Reasonable for quick sale Apply lit Prospect St Newmarket phone VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows KJrsch drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and installations Phone or apply Harold Craddoek Ont ario St Newmarket t14 DON and Douglas of Firth Bids Made to measure suits sport coats slack- at Wests phone Newmarket Fridav April R for ALEX DOAK LTD REALTOR NEWMARKET Opposite Loblaws Open until pm BASEMENT apartment rooms and a separate en trance monthly Adults Phone Newmarket upstairs apartment and hath heated fully equipped kit chen Adults Apply Niagara St or phone 142 Newmarket selfcontained apart ment near Roman Catholic church and school available May Phone Newmarket IDEAL location Four room self contained apartment hath heated continuous side drive TV an tenna For information phone Newmarket electric washer latest model timer control push button range both perfect months used only Each SI 25 Phono Newmarket after pm FROST King Ice refrigerator white steel kitchen table like new size bed springs like new Reasonable Phone Newmark GIRLS check coat hat navy trim size rea sonable Phone Newmarket DRAPERY READY made draperies or inches long pair You may buy as many pairs as you wish Many different materials to choose from Main St Newmarket HARDWARE We deliver Phone 28 WORK WANTED MIDDLEAGED man with feu licence to wash cars and trucks for large fleet Full time -V- employment Hours from 4 pm to pm Apply in writing to Era and Express box 2wl3 LEWIS OLSON Queen If the above householder will tike this ad to the Theatre Newmarket by Monday night Apr together with identifica tion This person will be admit ted as our theatre guest any one evening Monday through F PROTESTANT teacher for No East one- room wellequipped school oil heated DUTIES to commence September APPLY stating age and salary expected Gar- new Wright scctreas RR2 Newmarket phone CLERK Stenographer expert- preferred Apply Dr King York County Health Unit Newmarket WANTED TO BUY CUSTOM trenching depth up to ft Complete septic tank job if desired Reasonable rates Call Murray Raker New market tfll PAINTING and paper hanging Bob Towns ley phone 3tlj New market- PAINTING and decorating Newmarket Services Co phone TRAVEL heavy duty elec tric stove burner warming oven good condition Phone days nights Newmar ket POWER sprayer gallon capacity mens bicycle Roth in excellent condition Phone PA Workable seeded to grass excel- Client water supply from over well good location for a pond buildings Just fair Asking 85000 cash will handle I OVERLOOKING TOWN 5iROOM bungalow large modern dtchen separate dining and liv ing room good size conditioned oil heat large and attached parage POVELY 3belroam bungalow tile 4 piece bathroom oil on Tandscapcd lot IIiIk home ittloH for per month and surprisingly priced at SI llhft low down payment FULL 2bedroom bungalow kitchen and living t- lull basement and An for the thrifty buyer Town payment can be urn OTATE BROKERS PA IMS bungalow insuMiric heating centre hall hardwood floors 4- un finished room many extras cord nil close to bus all town faculties garage down GROOM frame house modern kitchen all convenienc es oil heating large shaded lot large and small fruits central dose to bus rented monthly at down payment lots Street St Don Mills 4 off 1000 each all with terms KKN GROVES I HONK EVENINGS fllUNN REALTOR Opposite the Bus Terminal SELLING YOUR HOME CONTACT KKN GROVES PHONE KVKNINGS 455 JOSKill fi Timothy Street West Newmarket Opposite he Bus Terminal POUR room apartment equipped with electric stove and entrance near bus co phis store on farm of Car- nan Rose lot con Township Refer ences and abstainers Mo Albert 2wl4 I ROOM apartment self-contain- furnished children welcome Phone Newmarket apartment newly dec orated private entrance and bath builtin cupboards hot and cold water Immediate posses sion Phone Newmarket SPRING CATALOGUE JUST out Mailed free Full of bargains Hundreds of farms large and small suburban prop and businesses for sale Easy terms- Write Canadas larg est farm agency Realtors J A and Sons Limited Ave Toronto- GIRLS dress with crinoline size Girls coat set and jumper size All in good condition Phone Newmarket automatic dishwasher Universal cooler 2door refriger ator cubic foot deep freeze Estate 4burner oven propane stove Thor wash ing machine Thor mangle Nor I hern electric television with aerial on telephone pole All these appliances almost new John I lolton phone Aurora Pa LARGEST size childs tricycle In good condition Phone Newmarket elvl4 SMALL size refrigerator no objection to old model if in good running Reasonable Also table dropleaf and kitchen chairs Phone New a ket Iw to 7ROOM house around New market Write Era and Express box STRONG trunk in good Hon Reasonably priced Phone Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE DRESSMAKING costumes etc Phone 12D3 or Newmarket SEND your broken furniture and articles to the North End Furniture and Fix It Shop phone res Newmarket WINDOW cleaning Newmar ket Sendees Co Contracts In vited Storm window service Phone Newmarke KESWICK WELL DRILLING CO HOME AND INDUSTRIAL L BAKER QUEENSVILLE Pump and Cement Mixer rentals FENCING FARM residential and indust rial also concrete work Free estimates Cedar Valley Fence Company phone Mount Albert or GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trnns- AHantto Boat Lines ete Our information and sendee Is reliable Come In and talk over proposed trip with Chester west The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket Phone tf TRANS WANTED SATURDAYS only To Toronto and return arriving approx imately am returning Pm Phone Newmarket SEVERAL picture frames various sizes Phone New market apartment heated rea sonable Phone Newmar ket ROOM AND BOARD HOARD and room available Elm St or phone J ROOM AMD BOARD WANTED i ESTATE FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER ON South Shore of Lake on outskirts of Keswick acres suitable for subdivision modern house on Terms cash 100 deposit with lender Property subject to year tenancy Tenders to be In hands of W Morrison Solicitor Sut ton West by noon Satur day April Sale to he by May QPPQRTUNtTIES GENERAL STORE NOUTII of IOKONTO A lock stock and barrel for a willing worker Owner has been in business 1030 and is retiring Properly consists of storey with store full basement owners larue spacious over store ear apartment post office franchise pump lie eluded Special Income appro plus a rosslurn over of Knuerlesi dry goods hardware cash plus for stock will handle Pull price for Im mediate sale 20000 McMillan phone Aurora or Or- 4387 Toronto elwll married under to manage and owrate a new modern turkey farm near Newmarket Good salary permanent for responsible people with oppor tunity of grow with this enter prize Farm experience hut not turkey experience Apply with referenea to Box Aurora Ontario HOARDING for Utile I wo years reasonable Phone Newmarket ROOMS FOR RENT board optional Phone Newmarket bed and dresser Dior washlnR machine condition Apply 120 Pros pect St Newmarket TRADEIN chesterfield suites and to and Rose Newmar ket phones at and 70 machine electric rood condition 35 Phone 3711 Mount Albert FURS Restyled Custom or ready made Cleaning and Storage at your own valuation RILL 122 Millard Ave Newmarket Phone AERO Antenna service Quotations on Phone Newmarket or King 2rt2 CHILD dav care available fully clean Phone Newmarket WANT your radio repaired In a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket 1232 UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occa sional chairs rebuilt recovered in TRANSPQRTARIO AVAIL LEAVING Newmarket 7 am for Toronto ami Rloor re Phone Newmarket USED CARS l excellent con Phone Newmarket stove practically new ISO Newmarket electric Phone rooms Abstainers Phone w Newmarket room central hoard If Phone Newmarket a ROOMS furnished or tailed Phone Newmarket or apply Charles St coat and hat navy sle Mans single breast ed blue si ripe suit Chesterfield suite In pood con dition- Apply Andrew St Newmarket GIRLS coat Phone Newmarket saw complete with motor and stand new toaster never used Phone ISS or apply U Avenue Newmarket 1 NEWTON 77 Eagle the Householder will take this ad to the Theatre Newmarket by Monday night Apr It together with Identifica tion Hits person will bo admit ted as our neat re guest any one evening Monday through Friday INCOME tax consultant years with the assessing branch of the Income Tax Thomas Queens- phone Queensville evenings WINDOW cleaning storm window service Reasonable rates Phone Newmar ket CARPENTRY ALTERATIONS and kitchen cupboards Phone New market ClassIRcd Advertising Rates want f advertise Half price when advertisement la repeated on successive week ten percent discount If advertisement la within week f publication Coming three word minimum cents Haiti lor the week cent for each week Card of Thank Wedding and announcements SI far each Irsa cents paid within week of publication In for each insertion plus a for it within week of publication may phoned into or left at The on Main phone at The MLtVr Wood Store St Aurora at phone with any through the matt where name sender and la clearly Indicated- ARTS GARAGE AND RADIATOR SERVICE COMPLETE radiator service repairs body repairs gas etc No job too small Arts for service Cedar St plume Newmarket CUSTOM made drapery bed spreads iu slipcovers by the Silk and Linen Newmarket ROOFING All of estimates Phone Toronto St or write Era and Express 1953 MERCURY fully automatic like new throughout low mileage privately owned Bar- any fabric Apply Ken for quick sale Terms gent Muriel Ave Newmarket Phone Mapl ISO Newmarket SUPER Olilsmobile dramatic Excellent condition Also wheel trailer phone TV and Radio sales and service and Smith phone New- market At lnsleys INVISlUtK Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers llurn moth- holes tears your troubles also your alterations Newmarket WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of I all kinds Vincent Ridden Prop 14 WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified trained service man STEWART BEARS RADIO AND APPLIANCES Phone Newmarket HELP WANTED i no experience necessary Silver Sewing Centre 102 Main St Newmarket wanted days a Live in or out Duties not arduous Phone Si7m New market after pm intelligent heal thy girl to care for three lively vom and house while mother works in family business New Canadian welcome Year job and good salary to person Phone Sutton collect 7C- No EAST teacher for No one- room oil heat Duties to com mence September Apply age and salary expected- Kenneth Phone I7w wanted THREE teachers wanted for New itst cast of No highway PLEASE reply stating sal ary quali fications name of last inspector to Mr sec IG New- market Newmarket MACHINERY FOR SALE RENFREW Cream separator stock of parts 4Shour service Howl exchange Electric attachments all makes Parts for Anker J wss electric Vega Lister Massoy American Phono Moonstone ID service Hillsdale new McCormick Deer- tag fettittcr drill and horse rake also spreader steel for sale or exchange for cattle Stan Cain Sutton West ItP garden tractor with all Implements in first class McLean Ave Toronto 13 CARETAKER WANTED tor new rom lust east of No highway Please reply expected to Mr sec SS No tWUIimburv Newman DAY care for two from to U1 Phone Newmarket YEAR old McKee harvester with self wagon Mdl side rake Harvey elevator MIX SPREADER Rood as new No SPREADER rub- her 2 sprayers now for your spring needs now in stock Seed drills cultivators mowers ORDER a new for now our present supply is sold SEE the Mil 50 tractor P Rawluk Ph Newtnarket New Holland New Idea Mussey Harris Sales and Service lwlt sMMMMMMf Route available In Newmarket Over 1000 customers to serve Excel lent opportunity for man to Invest Earnings average per hour Apply In writing to Mr Granger St Koch Street Montreal JANITOR for general duties In eluding building and property at the Era and Express Mam fet Newmarket Write Era press Newmarket NEW and used Surge milking machines and pumps Also long tube units at to Surge Sale and Service Oak Ridges or Turner Richmond Hill trt4 FARM ITEMS RALES of good hay Gordon Roml Queensville GOO RALES mixed hay In barn If P Phone New market QUANTITY of baled alfalfa Stewart Bradford phone treated Phone market