Newmarket Era and Express, 5 Apr 1956, p. 2

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Readers will be wondering has happened to the rnVrket cam- The second phase of the campaign we are told will commence as soon as the cur rent Junior hockey finals are over pool is another- name for Mr Peter Gorman and s r Gorman is the sponsor of the Smoke Kings hockey team we have to wait tin HI the Smoke Rings win the champion ship By the way they are going now they should do it without milch difficulty Lost fall the swimming pool campaign successful as far it went Further work was postponed because of the Christmas season but percent of the job was done then recording to Mr Gorman this week the committee has 2S- in pledgee grants and cash As soon as the hockey sea- is over we will be at work again said Mr Gorman Then will be up to the people It through Mr Gormans en- and community spirit that the campaign progressed as far as it did the Files of A few weeks ago the Mrs Club of Newmarket con tributed another to the pool fund With a good boost this spring it expected that construction of the pool will bo done this summer fi ii irtdlh rural districts of North York v if Ginger A I A do not say that this is a commentary on human nature but an experiment we have been conducting with street vending newspaper boxes has J not been encouraging The boxes contain newspap ers for sale and we trust per sons to drop their money into the coin boxes A newspaper stand in the Edwin Lyon sub division is been operating suc cessfully On Eagle Street at the entrance to the Boyd sub division returns were less than percent for papers taken so the box was moved to Srigley Street The results there have not been much better Could it be that parents send small children to pick up the paper and the children forget to put the money in the box in order to buy a little candy in stead know the an swer But we do know that the honor system does not work very well The Newmarket Era The Express Herald Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription SCO for lv years tor one year In advance Single copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of f Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa NOW AMD THEN WISEST MEN ANON Junction I only in the north a from Cor there aint no roads They a but it is across she them kind of people JOHN Managing CAROLINE ION Hens Editor GEORdl line Junction is in County right next to There move ago join the two ctnts and make them into one- which he dont to the community which they are fortunate enough to live What do think we county Tst because they dont LAWRENCE RACINE THE EDITORIAL PAGE hut roads they think they should nt have to pay fer them said the reeve V Mighty of Slim commented THURSDAY THE DAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX and 50 Years Ago Mr and Mrs ft Green motored to Brant furd last week- end Mr Howard Allen Murray of Toronto was in town last Satur- day Mrs Albert and her son Lennox are visiting Mrs Maud Wilson Mrs H A Mulligan College is visiting in Tweed this week Mr Morton is visiting his sister Mrs Maud Wilson St Stuart of made a flying visit Mr Stokes Mr Jackson Mrs del and her daughter are Easter holidays in Toronto Charles is the Easter vacation with her daughter Mrs Howard Mr and Mrs Harvey Holt Toronto visited Mr and Mrs last weekend Miss Ada and Mr McCauley are spending part of the Easter season in Toronto Mr and Mrs P J Anderson will spend Easter week in Tor onto visiting their daughter Mrs C Watt Master Bruce will spend his Easter holidays with his mother Mrs more at Comfort Lodge Miss Irene West of Mac- Hall is spending her Easter vacation with her parents at Bradford Miss and her assistants entertained Mrs Mrs Howard Cane find Mrs for I afternoon tea on Tuesday Miss Beatrice of Toronto General Hospital spent the weekend with her parents and Mrs Howard Allen Murray of Toronto was in town last Sat- r j urday i3 wy April Mr Eves has purchased the business of Mr Walter and will take possession of the Huron St Storehouse on Monday Mr Eves has also engaged Mr Graham to take charge of his hogbuying bus- so that it will continue as usual The new firm of Cochenour Martin and Co will open their premises for business We hear tily hope that their largest an ticipations may be fully realiz ed The firm is composed of young men of good business ability and considerable exper ience They are putting in an ex fine stock to meet the demands of the growing trade of this section of the coun try and from the large announ cement in this issue of the Era the public may rest assured that they mean business Mr D McMillan who has been residing at Kirkfield for nearly two years returned to Newmarket this week He pur poses leaving on Saturday for the Pacific coast for the benefit of his health Mr and Mrs Marshall of Whitby spent over Sunday with their nephew Mr Stanley Scott Mrs Stevenson of Toronto returned home on Saturday after a couple of weeks visit at the Bowery Mr Powell of San Francisco brother in law of Alderman Smith was spending a few days in town this week Mr Edgar Willis got back from Parry Sound lumber camp on Saturday looking hale and hearty He reports having had a fine season Mr Porter of Toronto spent Monday night in town He owns the property at Orchard Beach just north of Dr Emory and will commence the erection of a new house there next week WHY DRIVE A CAR fc Thoughts of teenage gangs roaring down Yonge Street highway in their cars to do battle with their rivals make one consider selling the family car and choosing safer transportation by bus train or aircraft The weekend brawl between the gangs from Lake Wilcox and Oak Ridges suggests that the chances of survival on the public highways these days are slim The increasing number of automobiles ami the in creasing power of engines combined with the disregard for the safety of others is a great challenge to those who are frying to cut the accident rate by percent When you are out with the family for a pleasure drive do you watch for threatening movements of approaching traffic Do you think of the wrongway motorist who sped along the left lane of a duallane highway losing his own life and that of someone else who happened to be in his path Do you think of the drunks in charge of 200 horsepower speed wagons or others who simply dont know the rules of the road If you do you will be one of the most cautious persons behind the wheel of a car We know the police are doing their best but they cannot find all the offenders and when they do find offenders sometimes it is too late As for the hood lums who took part in that performance last weekend we cannot adequately express what we think should be done with them of the Japan External Trade Recovery Organization of Tokyo and Osaka It will provide product research and trade information on Japan for Canadian importers exporters industrialists and businessmen from to coast One or two Canadian industries have corny plained about competition here from Japan but we must remember that she is a better customer for our products than we are for hers tip to now Last year Canadian exports to Japan totalled while imports from Japan totalled There are other reasons why we should be interest ed in Japanese imports Japan is at present a demo cratic country trying to recover from the troubled past and raise the standard of living for its people under the system of government which we have If it fails to accomplish these things no doubt it will turn to com munism A citizen of Newmarket and friend of the Japanese Councillor A spoke on the subject at a meeting of the Aurora Rotary Club recently He said If we want to help Japan in its efforts we should give a little to attain much and help support their stan dard of living var Junction teyght against that who w T xhxt rrtt in V but aint Sometimes I it it a ervr The people on a jnttfthtm whs rtAun- you have to have a lot in Sid how it takers The year nto iltr vr riy that in cigars ana buy it CAPITAL CONSIDERS MERGER BIGGER TOWNS BIGGER DEBT FOR THE CIVIC fathers of Canadas cities and towns the boom of the fifties may be a matter of great pride but it is also creating headaches in the form of a much greater debt load according to figures reported by the Financial Post Newmarket no doubt can give evidence to bear out the fact that there are headaches New schools for the bumper crop of postwar children new roads and services for the new suburbs are among the factors which have made debt rise twice as fast as revenue in many towns In municipal debt totaled millions By the end of 1935 this burden of debt outstanding reached millions percent higher than three years earlier Current revenues meanwhile amounted to millions in at the end of total municipal income reached millions or percent more than in Over percent of the municipali ties indebtedness is funded debt debentures Bank loans make up the rest Schools public utilities and other expenditures each account for percent to percent of all funded debt while road building debt makes up the remaining 17 percent of the total ivr give A little bid to increase exports to Canada is being made by Japan That countrys first trade centre in this country was opened in Toronto recently under the PARKING SPACE DECREASES NEW BUILDINGS are taking up space in Newmar kets business section partly at the expense of parking areas As the number of motor cars increase parking area decreases and there is no apparent solution to the problem another factor that encourages the establish ment of a new shopping district in competition to Main Street SPRING SHOWING The Printed Word THIS IS THE time of year when the great Cana dian artistic revival occurs The song sparrow lately returned home to his familiar fence post practises to get his voice just right again The woods and the trees along The street stir as small musicians of varying talents sort themselves out and take their places in the orchestra These absorbed little fellows cannot read music and never heard of culture but they hurry about in preparation for another great season of outdoor concerts v- Meanwhile the scenery is being painted and hung up on boughs and branches In a revival of sculpture the outlines of trees and whole hillsides are being altered by leaves and grasses Bushes begin to look like some thing by Henry Moore or Barbara The stage directions seem to be a vast jumble but gradually things begin to assume some kind of order A new sky is brought on done in pastels Presently the literature of spring is being called out with Hi accuracy As it is modern the meaning is unclear but there seems to be a meaning Certainly there is a warmth of feel ing a deep and compelling emotion for this is the Canadian spring which needs no excuses as it once more its audience lioii to money tooffset trrrpocf5mt r that and it should be by the spring of solicitors are now he said What are the which want to do away with county our correspondent Some of them elements what want to away with county government are people who liva by Farmer The Top Six Inches know- It vhat Its all The second yotf know he sairf- llnrt change the person- and to said And shea the third might be in he a commissioner and oti to to sou also smoke for far commissioner ho rapport doners Its a tough grind in council said Slim Col Jr THE STORY W B Hartey m- A NOTE TO WESTERN COMMUNISTS r 1V i Ifcsl KW fj K SB rf V t fe4 Wrf ft lS 1J r i r I-r- Kl3 W ifeJ It w- ft v WS v ijit 4 feCr5rowIng pains for Sudbury have led to for of ihe town wfJi its Immediate neighbor to largest city Prize assessment await the This note Is addressed to you in the hope that the present day be on occasion on may be able to communi cate It has been useless to try discuss Party policy with is while you were convinced that the Stalinist version of events in the Union was true Now that the leaders the Soviet Union are saying I Stalins regime vas a terror and thai many of his policies were tragic blunders we have some common ground for discussion- can all ask ourselves how such things were possible You may be tempted to put the entire blame on Stalin for the blunders and Ihe whole 20year period of his ride That clearly what Khrushchev Company like you to do Hut Is that reasonable explanation Could a single Individual have kept the world communist move under his thumb and have inflicted sufferings on of Stalin did there was something wrong with the Institutional setup through which he was work Is it not clear by now that there Is something wrong with communist organization If there had been democracy In the Party and if there had not been the unquestioning ob edience to the Party line the other members the Parly could have forced Stalin to drop the worst of his policies as soon as their disastrous effects began to appear Indeed d there had been democracy in the Party it would haw been possible to get rid of plums await the Wtcome of the merger of Sudbury Copper Cliff and of Gatson arid Waters The new city into being include in lis borders some the mines in the international Nickel alone Being at The town itself Is bulging the warns You may not be ready to give up your belief in communism You may still believe that socialized economy i the sole and sufficient basis for a good society But certain minimum adjustments In your thinking seem to be Indicated by the logic of First of all it ought to be clear that the pronouncements of the Party are not necessarily absolute truth The statements that the Party leaders are now making about Stalin do not contain anything whatever that is new or surprising to people who have been willing to face the evidence presented by thousands of refugees from Stalinist tyranny During nil these years you have believed that all accusations were capitalist pro Now your own lead confirm the worst of them In the second place It seems that the events of those two terrible decades as now ad mitted by the Party lenders conclusively prove the fallow ing points A belief in communism will not prevent a man from becoming a blundering tyiant A party docs not become infallible by claiming to speak for the working class Getting rid of capi talists docs not solve indeed it docs not touch the problem of human depravity Substituting a socialized economic system for a capital ist one docs not automatically guarantee liberty justice or happiness The important thing for hu man happiness is not the form of economic organization but the political and moral order The important problem that muslbe solved is the problem of giving government the power to become tyrannical That problem has solved and so far in all the history of mankind it has been solved only by the machinery and morality of democracy amino in the Ukraine painted out that if the Soviet had had to submit its policy to a popular vote if there had been one newspaper in the whole country free to re port the deliberate starvation of the peasants policy could not have Wen continued Strange things are in the State of Michigan those days There is a strike going on ami there are trucks dumped and there is a real shortage of milk in the city of Detroit Reports reach ing us very sketchy most as if the local papers on this side of the bolder had de cided that this strike isnt news in this country From alt we can learn there are several in teresting features in this dis turbance The to establish a new price have been going on for some time and originally the strike was started or was threatened to in order to speed up proceedings Not very surprisingly this worked and at the first sign of the strike the distributors granted the cent per hundred in crease raising the price of milk to per hundred- But by that time tempers were rising and the strikers have taken things into their own hands they want instead Wo do not need to tell you where our sympathies lie in this mat tor The great indus trial and automobile state of Michigan with its workers on the guaranteed annual wage and with the booming economy can well afford to pay mow for its bottled milk Nor are they tin only ones who could do so The farmers probably in decided that their own association is too weak and too hesitating and are Hying to en force demands only too reason able as we well know wilt be to watch and our association would do well to make note of it bow organized labor is going to react to It After alt there state in the Union where organisations and strikes as much to the well Mug consumers organized go the trucks milk drivers will Michigan If labor is willing so with ih if frko milk then a new en will have arrived for all producers en or i farmer will Know to what extremes the Michigan dairy farmers had to be to to start dumping- his own milk An industrial worker on strike stops It creates hardship and loss of income and is painful to an extent that a farmer J probably does not appreciate Rut a farmer on strike stop working- He has to go working feeding his cattle and milking and then destroying the of his and fort in order to enforce some thing he considers ri We are sure that today there would be no complaint from the consumer or labor if milk sold for cents a quart We think milk for the fluid market should sell for a hundred We are not going to get because the rest of the dairy industry is in a depressed state and because we have sold our right to raise for the butter subsidy It Is inevitable that we should in the interest of dairy industry as a whole ask some questions that could be soul searching Would we be better off to do away with the subsidy and sweat out the butter surplus and then go after a higher price for every body That may mean pool tm all the milk hi the whole province argument to that this will give smaller for fluid Have a look at your net return for the whole year and see what It really Is It just could be that we are fooling ourselves Chamberlain for a defender of communism af ter witnessing Stalin made Mind obedience to the thir ty Line was a suited to days when Party was on illegal conspiracy dictatorship was when the wore admitted ly a minority It is now clear that in present circumstances the rcupureineut of obedience arid suppression of opposition parlies have no purpose except to maintain the dictatorship V i Finally would not this bo a good for you as Western to inform leaders of the Parly that know what goes on in Ihe Soviet Union and that the only way Soviet leaders can now convince the rest of the world that they are not and imperialists is give freedom to their citizens and to captive peoples A great deal more than your own personal future may de pend on how you answer a ir ir t5 iV i iil roi Mm m The state is the servant the master of the people the state is their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent in international SSjjit is believed to he the birth rate the I world and national issues it is not the function of the state to assume the the chart held by Anita and Glenna Sandcra i of thos which rest on VAi ic

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