f I- En and April IMC ip To Petition ment On Making Through Highway Anton resolutions endorsed vljy the King council at its last meeting one that the of highways be takeover and assume North Townline road 20 from the junction of and to highway as part of the department of road system given for the request its importance as one of the finest heavily traveled roads in an eastwest artery its location as an connecting link m a from Saroia to resulting in the extent of public travel as a direct route be- these two highways A resolution from the town Newmarket was endorsed which the department of to reallocate Barrie TV- channel because of corn- received on the IWence with the reception from the Buffalo station channels and resolution authorized the clerk to send a cheque Agricultural Fair A K Bennett TRAVEL BUREAU For Canadian v National Railways w Air Lines Steamships Real Estate Insurance S3 St South Aurora Evenings PA Tel PA Board for the sum of as the annual donation from council King Memorial library was given as the allocation to the organization- library also received a donation of Fir Protection Amounts paid for fire protec tion were to King City tor two calls on Dec 31 to Bradford for four calls 7625 to for attending fire Feb 26 to Aurora for two calls this year The fire protection costs to the township last year amounted to over Reeve Win Hodg son stated Other commitments were 23945 to York County as Kings share in January hospitalization 28 for destruction of foxes to for fees in connec tion with Holland Marsn drain age scheme to be charged back to the drainage organization Tenders Tenders are being advertised in four weekly newspapers for King township council calling for a truck and for liquid calcium for roads Tenders will be closed by April The township engineer will be asked to draw up specifications and submit tenders for two bridges in the Holland Marsh Frank Dragon brought a pe tition signed by Marsh land owners on lots to second concession in the Old Survey Council agreed to refer the mat ter of drainage to the township engineer and the township solici tor to prepare a bylaw for put ting it under municipal drainage in that area of the Marsh At Kingcrafts House King a business meeting held March with Mrs Barrett Partridge presiding New mem bers proposed are Mrs and Mrs Mrs Geo King City Mrs P Clark Au rora and Mrs Cram The under Mrs A Peter had an excellent dis play of work including attractive luggage tags book cover costume jewellery gloves and handbags The pottery group will start working on the pottery wheel the gift of Mr John Tory as soon as it is set up Mrs A E convener of noncompetitive displays and demonstrations by Kingcrafts at Schomberg June fair reported that the fair board will permit the sale of draw tickets and ad mission tickets in connection with Kingcrafts big sale of work on Sept at Maple hall Mrs reported on plans for the evening event of the sale when there will be an auction sale of miscellaneous ar ticles being collected also round and square dancing Kingcrafter are now forging ahead making handcraft articles for the sale Plans are now in progress to start landscaping the grounds around Kingcrafts House Well Known W Bowser fcv IJijo KING CITY FIREMENS DANCE FRIDAY APRIL 13 WELLS HALL J t SALLY LLOYD AND HER MUSICAL MATES Admission King Township ByLaws When King township council held its regular daytime session April 2 the business was closed at 330 pm an unusually early hour in comparison to most of its sessions In addition to the municipal dog bylaw council enacted a plumbing inspection bylaw which requires fixed in spection fees of newly installed units and alteration to plumbing The fee exclusive of building drains and building sewers is cents per unit There is a schedule of units per fixture Traps of different sizes are clas sified into a certain of The fee for inspecting building drains and building sewers is for plumbing al terations without additions of fixtures 200 The inspection regulations do not apply to re pairing or replacement of valve faucet or fixture or work in repairing a leak or forcing out a stopper- John Bowser of Aurora who as a boy left school at and rose to supervise the building of the Empire State Building and other major projects died at St Michaels hospital Toronto on Friday March after a brief illness He was On leaving school in Aurora his first job was as an appren tice in the CNR shops at Winni peg He left the railway alter two years to learn other aspects of the building trade Besides overseeing construction of the worlds tallest building Mr Bowser supervised the dem olition of the old Madison Square Gardens and construction on its site of the New York Life Insurance building tal ents took him as far away as Japan where he supervised con struction of some of the first earthquakeproof buildings in Tokyo and Yokohama During the Second World War he was called to the Toronto Shipbuilding Co to speed up con struction of naval vessels Among his other projects were construction of Eaton Hall farm residence of Lady Eaton conver sion of the Newmarket army camp into houses for wax veter ans and construction of many Serious Injur In Bad Car Accident Jim McDonald King City had his car demolished last Thurs day morning on St Vaughan township when a northbound truck passing a car hit the McDonald car crowding it off the highway The accident happened south of the Lutheran church Deputy chief constable Ernie said that the car over several times dropping into a five foot ditch and landed up side down ontop of a fence lie thought the vehicle might also have hit a tree The driver crawled out of the wreck with a bruised left cheek He also suf fered from shock Constable Bowen said he was surprised Mr McDonald was not killed Timothy Grew had nearly damage to his fathers car while he was driving to Aurora high school on the same Thursday morning His car and a light truck col I fried large factories in the area Mr Bowser returned to Aurora and purchased a hardware busi ness The building was badly damaged by fire in Si nee then Mr Bowser had it rebuilt His estate at the south end of Aurora was one of the of the district One of his favorite hobbies wan raising purebred Aberdeen Ang us cattle His herd was nation ally known taking prizes at the CNE the Royal Winter Fair and other shows He was managing director of the Aurora Building Co and took an active part in the business un til his recent illness His first wife the former Ada McMillan was killed in a motor accident in He later was married to the former Dorothy Smith of Aurora Besides his wife he leaves a son John by his first marriage a sister Mrs Fred Browning of Aurora and two brothers Ben jamin of Winnipeg and Charles of Hamilton Funeral service was held on Monday April in the Aurora United church Interment was in Aurora cemetery CJ v a- J7 V- ij i if J 7 y i fc L- i i kvJ ti r J Anyway your takeoff seems that quick This frisky new Chevrolet offers even higher V8 horsepower to make passing safer and all driving more fun The new Chevrolet has its own special brand of acceleration a lightninglike power punch that can save you precious seconds for safer passing And the brand name is TurboFire V8 You plant down your foot and out pours the power Power in the form of dynamitecharged action A gun flash surge of motion that seems to happen the very instant you will it And when you combine perfor mance like this with Chevrolets stability and sure footed cornering ability youve got a car that puts more safety and fun into anybodys driving Chevrolet brings you inherent qualities of agility and control that help you avoid trouble before it happens Youll see what we mean when you wheel one of these beauties out on the road Youve 20 new models to choose from with horsepower that ranges to a new top of in the Super TurboFire V8 an extracost option So come on in and let us lend you the key CI3UC Orpfee If it should work on the prin ciple first away first home Oak should have about four baseball lilies in itm To dale theyre only organization to give Indication there a season in the offing Six members of last years Oak baseball met last week for a general of main of the meet ing was to try to or ganize four minor and juven ile i in the North York Minor Baseball In a preliminary fctep to w the a of players will held at Hit Oak on Sat urday April All boys the ages of nine and Inlua- are asked to he sure and register rations accepted between am and noon For King General Levy In 56 A threemill increase in townships general tax brings the levy up to mills year the rate was mills Accounting tor the jump is an in the coun ty rate of mills from to King offset the elimination of the special Ontario governments grant handed out to ties last year More subsidy i3 being given to schools but the special municipal subsidy is out Added to the rate of for the general levy must be the which varies in the different school In some the rate is lower but in others considerable mills The extra takes can of the amount payable f lev by to the county this year This figure is greater con- is noted this year relief rate of 4 mills tribute to thai corporation las ease Add to the county in- The renei rate or 4 re crease the extra 2 mills needed mains the same as in King to cover the increase of township has budgeted for an on the requisition from the estimated which is an In the first nine months of 1955 income taxes paid by Can adian corporations totalled V million compared to 890 million in the same period of J ranged Light refreshments will WW be served SCOUTGUIDE MAS PLAN ACTIVITIES The ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary will meet in the scout hall on Tuesday April at pm A full attendance of mothers of scouts guides brown ies and cubs is requested as many important decisions must be made at this meeting A brief program has been ar- district high school board and one whole mill accounted for The other two mills arise from on increase in the township levy for municipal purposes from in to mills in This is divided in two ways A one mill increase will increase of over last year The township assessment in creased over last years figure and now stands at SKETCHING Mr R Chadwick Mr and pay for the over- expenditure in Mrs William Parsons and sons the road account occasioned Ron and John and Mr and Mrs by the damages of Hurricane Grant Sine members of the Hazel the other includes the Newmarket Art club spent the increase for fire protection Easter weekend in the Dorset costs also the additional expen diture required to finance the townships reassessment pro gram by the measured assess ment system The other mill is needed to district on a sketching trip Some of the paintings done in the Goose Lake and Paint Lake area will appear in the Art show this weekend April and at the town hall A fry i r fci y it r tf J i 1 fc L- i iw mi i VJ PLAIN WASHABLE AND 2 T fcV- TWOTONE NY poplins with sip front self collar and cuffs Kashi lining chocs from Navy Brown Dark Grey reinforced Gabar dines with contrasting front panels shot silk lined i i I dm i mi PUB SHRUNK COLOR I J v pii rlr v r aiEi S Xs It fA5 splosh fabrics spring colors Mint Long I N ft rAT SS I fc- 1- n I v- v f fl J is ovjv w vf J i T-WS- j m Vr i i tr- I 4i IK I Tl 1 t Full tut with extra strong stami knees for double wear Slits For fxfro 4i4 J3 Vr -v- MAIN V T i fc1cw